28 Interventions to Teach Learners to Work Effectively in a Group Setting

Are you looking for interventions to teach students to work effectively in a group setting? If so, keep reading.

1. Provide sufficient chances to respond (i.e., enthusiastic students need many chances to contribute).

2. Give the student a predetermined signal if they begin to talk beyond what is required or at unacceptable times.

3. Show the student that they may be trying too hard to fit in and that they should relax, talk less, and talk at appropriate times.

4. Give the student many chances for social and academic success.

5. Make the appropriate adjustments in their surroundings (e.g., lessen peer pressure, academic failure, teasing, etc.) to prevent the student from experiencing stress, frustration, or anger.

6. Provide visibility to and from the student. The teacher and the student should be able to see each other. Make eye contact possible at all times.

7. Talk regularly with the student to lessen their need to talk beyond what is required or at unacceptable times.

8. Assess the appropriateness of the social situation concerning the student’s capacity and ability to function successfully.

9. Praise the student for raising their hand to be recognized.

10. Teach the student to recognize when to speak, to know how much to say, and to make appropriate remarks (e.g., brief remarks, remarks within the context of the situation, remarks that are a follow-up to what has just been said, etc.).

11. Get the student to work in small groups in which they would have frequent chances to speak. As the student learns to wait longer for their turn to speak, slowly increase the size of the group.

12. Make sure that the student’s feelings are considered when it is appropriate to deal with his/her unacceptable remarks (i.e., use remarks that do not diminish the student’s enthusiasm for participation).

13. Urge the student to model the behavior of successful peers.

14. Facilitate learning activities (e.g., school bulletin board, class project, bake sale, etc.) in which students work together for a common goal rather than individual success or recognition. Emphasize that bigger accomplishments are realized through group effort rather than by individual effort.

15. Provide directions, explanations, and instructions concisely to lessen the student’s need to ask questions.

16. Get the student to practice waiting for short periods for their turn to speak. As the student shows success, slowly increase the duration of time required for reinforcement.

17. Show the student the reasons why talking beyond what is required and at unacceptable times is unacceptable (e.g., is impolite, interrupts others, etc.).

18. Try to give equal attention to all students in the classroom.

19. Make the student aware of the number of times they talk beyond what is required and at unacceptable times.

20. Compose group constructs that urge students to work together for group success.

21. Show the student why they have been asked not to talk.

22. Get the student to take part in small group learning activities (e.g., free time, math, reading, etc.) to lessen the level of auditory and visual stimuli in the group. As the student can function successfully, slowly increase the size of the group.

23. Assist the student in improving concentration skills (e.g., listening to the speaker, taking notes, preparing remarks in advance, making remarks in an appropriate context, etc.

24. Get the student to question any directions, explanations, or instructions they do not understand.

25. Consider using a classroom management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

26. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

27. Consider using Alexa to help the student learn to behave appropriately. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

28. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

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