29 Hacks to Help Kids That Only Focus When You Are In Their Proximity

Are you looking for hacks to help kids that only focus when you are in their proximity? If so, keep reading.

1. Stand in the proximity of the student when delivering oral questions and instructions .

2. Show oral questions and instructions concisely.

3. Train the student to listen for crucial information when being given instructions or receiving information from a distance (e.g., write down main points, ideas, step-by-step instructions; etc.).

4. Get the student’s hearing reviewed if it has not been recently reviewed.

5. Train the student to ask for clarification if they do not understand information presented orally.

6. Urge the student to ask for clarification of any directions, explanations, and instructions before starting a task to enable comprehension.

7. Train the student to write down oral instructions and mark each one off as it is finished.

8. Select a peer, paraprofessional, friend, etc., to signal the student when they need to keep attention (e.g., the person can touch the student on the arm when it is time to listen).

9. Let logical consequences happen due to the student’s failure to follow oral instructions or pay attention to the information presented in public places.

10. Get the student to orally repeat directions, explanations, and instructions after they have been given to enable retention.

11. Inform the student that instructions will only be given once and that you will not remind them to follow the instructions.

12. Minimize distracting stimuli in their surroundings (e.g., make sure the classroom is quiet, lessen movement in the classroom, etc.).

13. Create task rules (e.g., listen carefully, wait until all oral instructions have been given, ask questions about things that you do not understand, begin the task only when you are sure about what you are to do, make sure you have all the learning materials appropriate, etc.).

14. Train the student to keep attention to the source of information by keeping eye contact, keeping hands free from other learning materials, and reducing other distractions.

15. Make sure the student is attending before delivering directions, explanations, or instructions (e.g., keeping eye contact, hands free of other learning materials, looking at the task, etc.).

16. Train the student to ask people to repeat portions of a conversation they were unable to follow.

17. Plan essential learning activities , tasks, and meetings at times when the student is most likely to keep attention (e.g., one hour after medication, 45 minutes after lunch, first thing in the morning, etc.).

18. Show directions, explanations, or instructions as simply and clearly as possible (e.g., “Get your book. Turn to page 29. Do problems 1 through 5.”).

19. Take into account the student’s age and experience before expecting them to be successful in learning activities that require listening.

20. Urge the student to create an understanding of the consequences of their behavior by writing down or talking through problems that may happen due to their failure to keep attention (e.g., not focusing on instructions may cause misinterpretation of a task that could lead to a lower grade and losing a place on the soccer team).

21. Urge the parents to take advantage of dinner and other family-gathering times for their child to converse and practice keeping attention.

22. Train the student to carry a notepad with them at all times and write information down to help them remember.

23. Teach and practice active listening skills. Urge the student to listen to what another person is saying and respond based on information received.

24. Reward the student (e.g., a break, visit briefly with a peer, etc.) for keeping eye contact and listening for a specific length of time.

25. Ascertain if the student heard a direction by having them repeat it.

26. Teach and practice information-gathering skills (e.g., listen carefully, write down essential points, ask for clarification, wait until all information is presented before starting a task, etc.).

27. Teach the student instruction-following skills (e.g., listen carefully, write down essential points, etc.).

28. Teach the student listening skills: • Separate working. • Clear desk of nonessential learning materials. • Attend to the source of information. • Jot down essential points. • Ask for clarification. • Wait until all instructions are received before beginning.

29. Consider using assistive technology designed to help students to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to concentrate. Click here to view list of assistive technology apps that we recommend.

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