3 Essential Tools to Foster Students’ Oracy Skills in the Early Grades

There are many ways for fostering students’ oracy skills in the early grades. These include providing them opportunities to read aloud and working on fluency as well as using technology to support oral reading.

One way to encourage students to read aloud is to have them read stories to one another. This can help develop fluency and vocabulary and provide a fun and enjoyable way for them to learn. Another way to help students improve their oracy skills is to give them exercises that require them to read out loud from a text. This can help them improve their pronunciation and fluency as well as their reading comprehension skills.

Technology can be a helpful tool for fostering students’ oracy skills. For example, they can use an app such as Dragon Dictation to record themselves reading aloud from a text.

This can help them improve their pronunciation and fluency as well as their reading comprehension skills. Additionally, students can use apps like VoiceThread to share reading-aloud assignments with classmates. This can help them practice their oracy skills in a safe and constructive environment.

There are several strategies that schools can use to improve students’ oral skills in the early grades. The first step is to create a culture of oral reading where students are encouraged to read for pleasure. Next, teachers should focus on effective fluency strategies such as reading aloud and prompting students with questions. Finally, interventions should be tailored to the individual student, focusing on specific weaknesses.

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