
National Simultaneous Storytime for Upper Years Students

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is an annual event organized by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). It aims to promote literacy and encourage a love for reading among school students. With each passing year, the event gains more popularity and participation from schools across the country. In this article, we will focus on how NSS benefits upper years students and the activities they can engage in during this time.

NSS aims to engage all students, regardless of their age or reading level. While it primarily targets younger students, there are resources and activities specifically designed for upper years students as well. This ensures that students from different age groups can participate together and share the joy of reading.

One of the primary benefits of NSS for upper years students is the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. Since NSS is a nationwide event, older students can take on the responsibility of organizing and coordinating activities for their peers. This includes selecting and reading the designated book, creating related resources, and facilitating discussions or group activities. By taking the lead, upper years students can enhance their communication skills and learn how to work collaboratively with their classmates.

NSS also helps in fostering a sense of community and belonging among upper years students. By participating in a unified reading experience along with other schools across the country, students feel a sense of connection and camaraderie. This can be especially important for older students who may be transitioning to high school soon, as NSS provides a platform for them to connect with students from different schools and backgrounds.

During NSS, upper years students can explore various activities to enhance their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. For instance, they can engage in group discussions where they analyze the themes and messages of the chosen book. They can also participate in creative writing exercises inspired by the story, allowing them to express their thoughts and ideas through written work. Additionally, upper years students can collaborate on projects such as creating book trailers or designing posters to promote reading within their school.

In conclusion, National Simultaneous Storytime is not only a valuable event for younger students but also offers many benefits to upper years students. By actively participating in NSS, upper years students can develop leadership skills, foster a sense of community, and engage in activities that enhance their reading comprehension and critical thinking abilities. So, let’s embrace this wonderful event and make reading a joyful experience for upper years students nationwide!

11 Ways to Celebrate Student Success


Student success is a significant aspect of educational institutions. Recognizing and celebrating student achievements not only boosts their self-esteem but also motivates them to continue striving for excellence. In this article, we will explore 11 creative ways to celebrate student success and create a positive learning environment.

1. Academic Awards Ceremony:

Organize an annual academic awards ceremony to acknowledge students’ outstanding achievements. This formal event allows students, parents, and teachers to celebrate the hard work and dedication that leads to academic success. Present certificates, trophies, or medals to honor the students’ accomplishments.

2. Wall of Fame:

Create a designated Wall of Fame to showcase student achievements prominently. This can include academic accomplishments, extracurricular achievements, and community contributions. Displaying their achievements serves as a constant reminder of their successes and inspires other students to strive for excellence.

3. Personalized Certificates:

Recognize each student’s achievements by providing personalized certificates that highlight their specific accomplishments. Whether it’s academic excellence, leadership skills, or artistic talent, these certificates showcase the unique strengths of each student and foster a sense of pride and recognition.

4. Student Spotlight:

Weekly or monthly student spotlights offer an opportunity to celebrate individual successes. Feature one student or a group of students and highlight their achievements, goals, and contributions to the classroom or school community. This recognition encourages others to excel and motivates them to strive for their own success.

5. Class Celebrations:

Celebrate as a class for achieving specific milestones or reaching academic goals. Plan fun activities, such as a pizza party, movie day, or a field trip, to reward the students’ hard work. This not only acknowledges their accomplishments but also creates a sense of camaraderie within the class.

6. Celebratory Bulletin Boards:

Decorate bulletin boards with student accomplishments, such as exceptional test scores, creative projects, or improved grades. This visual display demonstrates the importance of hard work and dedication and inspires other students to aim high.

7. Positive Notes or Emails:

Surprise students with personalized positive notes or emails to acknowledge their efforts and accomplishments. Teachers can highlight specific areas of improvement or commend students for their excellent work. This gesture of recognition boosts students’ confidence and encourages them to continue striving for success.

8. Student-Led Assembly:

Collaborate with students to organize a special assembly dedicated to celebrating student success. From musical performances to speeches, this student-led event creates a platform where students can showcase their talents and achievements.

9. Peer Recognition:

Encourage students to recognize and appreciate each other’s successes through peer recognition programs. This can include secret student ballots, virtual applause, or positive feedback sessions. Celebrating each other’s accomplishments fosters a supportive and encouraging classroom environment.

10. Parent Engagement:

Involve parents in celebrating their child’s success by organizing parent-teacher conferences or showcasing student work during open house events. By actively involving parents in celebrating student achievements, you create a strong support system that promotes ongoing success.

11. Social Media Shoutouts:

Utilize social media platforms to celebrate student success. Share photos, accomplishments, and inspiring stories to showcase the achievements of your students. This not only motivates the students but also engages the wider community in applauding their accomplishments.


Recognizing and celebrating student success plays a crucial role in fostering a positive and motivating learning environment. By implementing these 11 creative ways to celebrate student achievements, educators can inspire their students to reach for their goals, cultivate a sense of pride, and build a strong foundation for lifelong success. Let’s embrace the power of celebration and create a generation of confident learners.

Positive Feedback for Students (with Examples)

Positive feedback plays a crucial role in the educational process, serving not only as a tool for reaffirming students’ efforts and abilities but also as a foundational pillar for fostering an encouraging classroom atmosphere. By acknowledging students’ accomplishments and the progress they make, educators can encourage continual growth and inspire greater motivation within their students. The act of giving positive feedback is not just about offering praise; it’s about promoting a sense of ability and helping students to recognize their own potential.

Effective positive feedback follows certain criteria—it should be specific, timely, sincere, and constructive. This ensures that students understand what they did well and feel encouraged to continue in the same vein. Let’s consider some practical examples:

Example 1:

Instead of saying “Good job,” which is vague, a teacher could say, “I’m really impressed with how you’ve organized your essay. Your clear thesis statement and the way you’ve supported it with strong evidence show a deep understanding of the topic.”

Example 2:

After a successful group project presentation, a teacher might provide feedback by saying, “Your teamwork during the project was outstanding. Each member brought valuable contributions and the way you seamlessly integrated those ideas into your presentation was impressive.”

Example 3:

When a student makes significant improvement in math, rather than giving generic praise, a teacher might comment, “I noticed you’ve been working hard on your multiplication skills. The improvement in your accuracy and speed is remarkable—isn’t hard work paying off?”

Example 4:

Upon observing a student helping another classmate, an educator could acknowledge this act with feedback like, “Your willingness to help Jason with his science project demonstrates your leadership skills and kindness. This kind of cooperation is exactly what makes our classroom community strong.”

In each example, notice that the feedback is detailed and praises specific actions or skills. Furthermore, these comments offer encouragement while reinforcing behaviors or skills that are beneficial for students’ academic or personal development.

Positive feedback has several benefits. It helps build self-confidence in students by letting them know that their efforts are noticed. It can also strengthen the teacher-student relationship as it shows that the educator is paying attention to each student’s individual progress. Another powerful aspect of positive feedback is its ability to increase intrinsic motivation; when students understand that they have the capability to succeed, they are often more motivated to engage in learning.

To sum up, providing positive feedback to students should be strategic—it must recognize specific achievements or improvements and be delivered in an authentic manner. For educators looking to advance their teaching practices or for those seeking ways to enhance student engagement and performance, mastering the art of giving positive feedback can be one of the most effective approaches.

30 Things Today’s Students Will Never Understand

1. Using a card catalog at the library to find a book.

2. Dial-up internet and the sound it made when connecting.

3. Not knowing an answer to a question and having to look it up in an encyclopedia.

4. The joy of finding a hidden gem at a video rental store.

5. The frustration of waiting for your favorite song to play on the radio.

6. Passing handwritten notes during class instead of texting.

7. The challenge of trying to meet up with friends without a cell phone.

8. Navigating using paper maps and printed directions.

9. Figuring out your class schedule without online registration systems.

10. Watching television on a tube TV with limited channels and no DVR or streaming services.

11. Rewinding VHS tapes after watching a movie.

12. Waiting for film photos to be developed before seeing them.

13. Waiting for information from your teacher via physical handouts or in-person instructions.

14. Downloading music one.mp3 file at a time using Napster or Limewire.

15. The limitations of physical resources like newspapers, magazines, and books for research projects.

16. Experiencing the Y2K panic firsthand.

17. Solving math problems without online tools or smartphone apps.

18. Using payphones to make calls when away from home.

19. Chatting on instant messenger programs like AIM and MSN Messenger.

20. Sharing multiple landline phones among family members at home.

21. Playing retro video game consoles, such as Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) or Sega Genesis, where graphics and gameplay were simpler compared to today’s games.

22. Making mixtapes on cassette tapes by recording songs off the radio or burning CDs from a computer.

23. Watching floppy disks become obsolete only to be replaced by CDs, DVDs, and now USB drives.

24. Reading physical textbooks and carrying heavy backpacks to school.

25. Listening to Walkmans and Discmans instead of smartphones with streaming music.

26. Feeling the anticipation of waiting for a new episode of your favorite show to air on TV each week.

27. Using word processors like WordPerfect or early versions of Microsoft Word on bulky desktop computers.

28. The novelty of having a home computer as a new and rare addition to the household.

29. Understanding the cultural impact of 90s television shows like “Friends,” “Seinfeld,” and “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.”

30. Experiencing life before social media, where interactions were face-to-face or through written letters.

Today’s students may find it hard to fathom some of these experiences, but this list serves as a reminder of how far technology and society have come in just a few short decades.

Why Teachers and Schools Should Be Encouraging Students to Vote

Introduction: The Importance of Political Awareness

In today’s challenging political climate, it is more important than ever to educate and instill the value of voting and civic engagement in the young generation. Teachers and schools play a crucial role in shaping the minds of future voters, making them responsible for encouraging students to vote.

1. Knowledge is Power

Teachers have the opportunity to integrate current events, political processes, and historical context into their curriculum. By discussing these topics, students can gain valuable knowledge about politics, the right to vote, and their influence as citizens. This information empowers them to make informed decisions when casting their ballots.

2. Promoting Civility and Discourse

Encouraging students to vote also allows for healthy debates and conversations within the classroom that foster critical thinking skills. Teachers can model civil discourse by having respectful discussions on controversial topics, showing students how to engage in meaningful debates.

3. Social Responsibility

Schools can create a sense of social responsibility among students by emphasizing the importance of voting. Voting is not just a right but a responsibility for every citizen. Teaching students about issues affecting their community helps them understand that their vote matters in shaping local and national policies.

4. Encouraging Active Citizenship

Educational institutions should provide extracurricular activities related to civic engagement like volunteering opportunities, mock elections, or debate clubs. Such activities encourage student participation in democratic processes while strengthening their sense of belonging in society.

5. Building Future Leaders

By encouraging students to vote, teachers help build future leaders who are aware of their rights and can make decisions that affect society positively. Voting habits developed early in life often continue into adulthood, increasing civic engagement overall.

6. Addressing Voter Apathy

Young people often feel disconnected from politics due to lack of representation or understanding of complex issues. By cultivating conversations about political issues in the classroom, teachers provide clarity and a sense of relevance. This engagement has the potential to counter voter apathy among younger generations.

Conclusion: A Stronger Democracy

Teachers and schools have a unique opportunity to shape the values and priorities of future voters. It is their duty to promote civic engagement, emphasize the importance of voting, and provide students with the tools they need to make informed decisions in a democracy. By actively encouraging students to vote, educators help create a stronger, more inclusive society for all citizens.

Free Posters to Celebrate Making Memories in Your Classroom


Creating lasting memories for students is a top priority for educators, and there’s no better way to celebrate the educational journey than by decorating the classroom environment with inspiring and motivational elements. One fantastic and cost-effective way to enhance this experience is by utilizing free posters that promote collaboration, creativity, and achievement.

In today’s article, we’ll explore various sources where you can find free, high-quality posters to brighten up your classroom walls and convey valuable messages that inspire students to make memories they’ll cherish forever.

1. WeAreTeachers:

WeAreTeachers is an excellent online resource that offers an extensive collection of free printable classroom posters covering various subjects such as reading, writing, math, science, and social-emotional development. Every poster on their website features attractive designs and significant educational quotes or tips to engage students and encourage best practices in the classroom.


2. SimpleK12:

SimpleK12’s Resource Library has a variety of free downloadable classroom posters that help teachers foster teamwork, creativity, critical thinking, and a growth mindset among students. Their posters cater to both young learners as well as older students, making them a great addition to any classroom setting regardless of the grade level.


3. Edutopia:

Edutopia offers a series of visually stunning posters that not only celebrate learning but also serve as a constant reminder of essential social skills for students. From conflict resolution strategies to tips for respectful conversations, these free downloadable posters will add value to your classroom environment by promoting positive behavior.


4. Canva:

If you’re seeking customizable options, Canva’s user-friendly platform allows you to create your own personalized classroom posters using their vast array of templates – all for free. With Canva, you can develop unique, eye-catching posters that incorporate your preferred quotes, images, and colors while perfectly aligning with the classroom’s theme or message.


5. TeachJunkie:

TeachJunkie is another source where you can find numerous free classroom posters covering a broad range of subjects and themes. With illustrations that promote various positive messages for students, these posters will serve as friendly reminders about the significance of education and life skills.



Transforming your classroom environment can be an enjoyable and cost-effective endeavor when utilizing free resources like the ones listed above. By choosing thought-provoking and attractive posters, you can create a vibrant space where students are excited to learn, interact, and foster unforgettable memories in your classroom. Happy decorating!

Free Poster: Here’s Why Audiobooks Work


Audiobooks have gained significant popularity in recent years, offering a convenient and enjoyable way to consume literature. With the rise of streaming platforms and the growing trend for multitasking, it is no wonder that people are increasingly opting for audiobooks as their preferred method of indulging in books. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at why audiobooks work so well and how they are changing the landscape of reading.

1. Catering to Different Learning Styles

One of the primary reasons audiobooks are successful is that they cater to a wide range of learning styles. While traditional reading appeals to visual learners, audiobooks open up literature to auditory learners who might find it difficult or less engaging to consume written material.

2. Greater Accessibility

Audiobooks provide increased accessibility for individuals with dyslexia, vision impairments, or other challenges that make reading traditional print books difficult or impossible. By offering content through audio narration, these individuals can enjoy literature without barriers.

3. Convenience and Multitasking

In the fast-paced world we live in today, people often struggle to find time to sit down and read a physical book. Audiobooks eliminate this issue by allowing listeners to consume content while commuting, exercising, cleaning, or participating in other activities where it might be challenging or inconvenient to hold a book.

4. Expanding Vocabulary and Language Skills

Listening to audiobook narrations exposes listeners to a wider range of words and phrases than they might encounter through casual conversation or even their own reading habits. As a result, audiobooks can help improve vocabulary and language skills for both native speakers and those who are learning a new language.

5. Captivating Storytelling

Audiobook narrators bring stories to life with their expressive voices and theatrical skillsets, creating a truly immersive experience for listeners. This captivating storytelling enhances the appeal of audiobooks, making them an enjoyable and often more engaging alternative to traditional print books.

6. Improved Memory Retention

Research has shown that combining auditory and visual cues can improve memory retention. Audiobook listeners often create mental images while listening to a story, which helps to accentuate important points and further consolidate the material in their memory.


The increasing popularity of audiobooks is a testament to their effectiveness in capturing the attention of readers and making literature more accessible. By catering to different learning styles, offering improved accessibility, promoting multitasking, enhancing language skills, and delivering captivating storytelling experiences, audiobooks are revolutionizing the way we consume literature. So go ahead and give audiobooks a try – you might just find that they are the perfect fit for your reading needs!

12 Ways to Teach Problem Solving to the Helicopter Parent Generation


Helicopter parenting, a term coined in the early 1990s, refers to parents who are extremely involved in their children’s lives, often attempting to make decisions for them and shielding them from challenges. As a result, children of helicopter parents may struggle with problem-solving skills as they have not been given the opportunity to face obstacles and learn from their experiences. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to understand how they can teach problem-solving skills without hovering over their children’s lives. Here are 12 ways by which you can achieve this:

1. Encourage Independent Play:

Give your child some time each day for unstructured play without parental guidance. This allows them to explore their imagination, make decisions on their own, and develop critical thinking skills.

2. Introduce Problem-Solving Games:

Incorporate educational games or puzzles that require critical thinking and strategizing. This will help sharpen their problem-solving skills in a fun and interactive way.

3. Foster Open Communication:

Establish open communication with your child by asking open-ended questions about their feelings, ideas, or experiences.

4. Teach Collaborative Problem Solving:

Help your child understand the importance of working together with others to solve problems. Engage them in group activities where they must cooperate with peers or siblings to complete a task or resolve a conflict.

5. Discuss Real-Life Scenarios:

Use real-life examples of problems faced by people or characters in stories; ask your child how they would go about finding solutions.

6. Model Problem Solving Skills:

Let your child see you tackling problems by brainstorming ideas, weighing pros and cons, and making decisions based on rational thinking.

7. Offer Choices:

Encourage decision-making by offering them choices within boundaries. This gives them a sense of autonomy while still maintaining parental control over important life decisions.

8. Allow Mistakes:

Don’t be afraid to let your child make mistakes. They learn from experiencing failure, and it helps build resilience and problem-solving skills.

9. Develop Emotional Intelligence:

Teach your child to recognize and manage their emotions as it will help them understand how their feelings can influence their decision-making.

10. Encourage Goal Setting:

Guide your child to set achievable goals and help them to identify the steps required to achieve those goals.

11. Focus on Process, Not Results:

Emphasize the importance of trying new things, learning from mistakes, and improving their skills, rather than just focusing on the outcome.

12. Seek Professional Assistance if Necessary:

If you’re struggling to teach problem-solving skills or notice that your child is not developing these abilities, consider seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist specializing in child development and parenting.


Teaching problem-solving skills to children of helicopter parents is essential for their success in academics, social life, and future careers. By incorporating the strategies mentioned above into your parenting style, you can help your children become more independent and capable problem solvers without compromising on the support they need from you as a parent.

How to Start an Esports Club at Your School

With the rapid growth of esports, many schools across the globe are now considering launching their own esports clubs. If you’re passionate about gaming and want to share your love for competitive gaming with your peers, starting an esports club at school can be hugely rewarding. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to successfully establish an esports club at your school.

1. Do Your Research

Before diving in, do some research on the esports industry and learn about various games played in popular competitive leagues such as League of Legends, Fortnite, CS:GO, and more. Understand the format of competitions and check whether there are existing esports clubs or leagues in your area that your school could participate in.

2. Gather Support

Talk to friends and classmates who have similar interests in gaming to gauge their level of interest in participating. Try to create a diverse group with a mix of different skill levels and backgrounds, united by their passion for gaming.

3. Draft a Mission Statement

Your mission statement should outline the purpose and objectives of your club. This might include promoting sportsmanship, resolving conflicts through dialogues, improving problem-solving skills, or fostering teamwork and collaboration.

4. Obtain Approval from School Administrators

It’s essential to get official approval from your school administrators before proceeding further. Prepare a proposal that elaborates on your club’s mission statement, goals, how it would benefit students and the school community as a whole, potential costs involved, along with any other relevant information.

5. Establish Club Structure

Once you have the green light from your school administrators, create a leadership team comprising president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, etc., who will be responsible for managing various aspects like finances, communication, activities planning etc.

6. Develop a Schedule

Choose regular meeting days and times that work best for all club members and reserve appropriate locations within your school campus where you can host club meetings or practice sessions (such as computer labs or rooms equipped with gaming systems).

7. Fundraising and Sponsorships

To cover the equipment, competition costs, jerseys, and other club-related expenses, you’ll need to raise funds. Consider hosting fundraising events or reaching out to local businesses for sponsorships.

8. Plan Activities and Events

Your club’s success depends on the variety of activities organized and the opportunities provided for students to excel in esports. Plan regular practice sessions, internal competitions, workshops, coaching sessions with experienced players, and participation in local or online tournaments.

9. Connect with Other Schools and Organizations

Establish connections with other esports clubs at schools or colleges in your area by joining online forums or social media groups. This will help you stay updated on upcoming competitions as well as establishing potential partnerships to grow your club.

10. Promote Your Club

Spread the word about your esports club through school announcements, posters, and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Encourage all interested students to join and create an inclusive environment to attract more members.

By following these steps diligently, you’ll be en route to successfully forming a thriving esports club at your school that nurtures young gamers’ passion and skills while promoting camaraderie among peers. Embrace this exciting journey as you champion the rise of an esports culture at your school!

Here are five fun (and friendly) ways to prank your students without causing any harm or distress:

1. The “Pop Quiz” Prank

Announce a surprise pop quiz to your students as soon as they enter the classroom. Provide them with realistic-looking questionnaires filled with either impossible questions or amusingly trivial ones. Enjoy the puzzled expressions on their faces before revealing it was just a prank – and watch the relief flood in!

2. The Mysterious Sticky Note

Before class starts, place colorful sticky notes containing absurd instructions or questions under the desks of your students. During class, encourage them to search for a “special message.” When they find the nonsensical note, their reactions will be priceless.

3. The Chair Swap

Discreetly swap out a durable-looking chair for a wobbly one before class begins. Make sure to choose a seat that won’t pose any risk of injury but is certain to produce a minor jolt when sat upon by an unsuspecting student. This harmless prank could easily become an amusing anecdote among classmates.

4. The Mispronunciation Game

Pretend to consistently mispronounce one student’s name during roll call or questions throughout the day – even if you’ve been getting it right all year long! Casually correct yourself each time the student points it out but continue with your feigned blunder until they catch on to the joke.

5. The Phantom Technology Glitch

Project an important presentation on-screen but take care that it appears to “glitch” randomly with comical images and silly phrases. Pretend to be frustrated by the technical difficulties, while your students chuckle at the bizarre turn of events.

Remember to be sensitive and considerate when planning these fun pranks. Make sure they will not offend or cause discomfort to any of your students and keep it light-hearted and entertaining. By focusing on creating happy memories, you’ll ultimately contribute to a healthier, stress-free learning environment.