7 Surprising Resources for Teachers at the Public Library

As a teacher, finding new and engaging resources to enhance your teaching methods can be quite challenging. However, many overlook the vast resources public libraries have to offer. Here are seven surprising resources for teachers at the public library, guaranteed to enrich your students’ learning experience.

1. STEAM Kits

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) kits are excellent resources for hands-on learning that promote creativity and critical thinking in students. Public libraries often provide a variety of these kits with subjects ranging from robotics to geology. These kits can be borrowed and used in classroom activities, making them an invaluable resource.

2. Educational Films and Documentaries

Public libraries frequently house an assortment of educational films and documentaries that can support your teaching process. Covering various subjects like history, geography, or science, these films give you a great way to engage visual learners in your classroom.

3. Online Educational Platforms

Many public libraries offer free access to various online educational platforms such as tutor.com or Lynda.com that can support your lesson planning and student learning. Libraries provide resources such as access codes or library cards to use these platforms without any cost. Connectivity with other in-library services can also be beneficial.

4. Book Clubs and Author Visits

Some public libraries organize regular book clubs and author visits that can introduce your students to new literature and provide opportunities for discussions around reading material. Encourage your students to join these clubs as a way of developing their reading comprehension skills while fostering a love for literature.

5. Escape Rooms for Teens

Several public libraries design escape room activities specially tailored for teens that focus on popular subjects like Harry Potter or Marvel characters while also providing problem-solving experiences to help develop their intellectual capabilities.

6. Special Educator Events

Many public libraries acknowledge the valuable role of educators in the community by hosting programs and events designed exclusively for teachers. These events may revolve around professional development, curriculum resources, or workshops on integrating technology in the classroom. Keep an eye on your local library’s event calendar to take advantage of such opportunities.

7. 3D Printing Resources

More and more public libraries are investing in 3D printers, offering teachers and students a chance to experience this modern technology. The printers can be used to create educational tools in various fields, from science to art, giving you a cutting-edge resource for enhancing learning.

Explore your local public library today to discover a wealth of resources available for an improved teaching experience. Not only will these resources contribute to a more engaging classroom environment, but they promote valuable lifelong connections that could forever impact your students’ educational journeys.

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