Apply or Nominate a Colleague for Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching


The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government specifically for K-12 science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teaching. Established in 1983, these awards identify outstanding teachers who have a deep understanding of their subject matter, engage students using effective methods, exhibit leadership in education, and serve as role models in the community.

Why You Should Nominate a Colleague:

PAEMST recognizes the extraordinary commitment and talent of outstanding educators who continuously shape our future generations. By nominating a colleague, you contribute to showcasing their hard work and dedication. In addition to receiving this prestigious accolade, awardees help set the standard for teaching excellence across the nation.

How to Nominate:

1. Determine Eligibility: Check if your fellow teacher(s) meet the eligibility criteria (e.g., they must teach at K-12 level at a public or private school within the United States).

2. Create an Account: Visit the PAEMST website at and register as a nominator.

3. Complete Nomination Form: Fill out the nomination form with relevant information about your nominee’s achievements and personal information (including their email address). Once submitted, your colleague will receive an email inviting them to complete an application.

4. Promote Recognition: Encourage other educators within your network to nominate deserving colleagues. Share information about PAEMST through social media, newsletters, and staff meetings to increase awareness and recognition of outstanding teachers.

For Teachers Who Wish to Apply:

1. Verify Eligibility: Make sure you fulfill all necessary criteria before applying.

2. Create an Account: Register as an applicant on the PAEMST website.

3. Complete Application Form: Provide detailed information on your teaching background, instructional strategies, leadership roles, professional development, and personal statement.

 4. Submit Supporting Materials: A video recording depicting you delivering a lesson in your classroom and samples of student work corresponding with that lesson are required to complete the application process.

5. Submit Your Application: Carefully review your application before submitting it for consideration.

Deadline and Selection Process:

Applications are generally due in May of each year. A state selection committee reviews all applications and selects two finalists in each subject area. These finalists are then reviewed by a national selection committee that determines awardees based on content mastery, innovative techniques, collaboration, and community involvement.

Awardee Benefits:

PAEMST winners receive a trip to Washington D.C., an award ceremony attended by top officials in education, a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation, and opportunities to join an elite network of teachers dedicated to advancing STEM education.


The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching offer a unique platform to recognize and honor the contributions of exceptional educators. If you believe your colleague or yourself embody the dedication and innovation necessary for this prestigious honor, do not hesitate to apply or nominate a deserving candidate today!

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