Assisting the assistants: CPD for teaching assistants


Teaching assistants play a vital role in the education system, offering valuable support to both teachers and students. Recognizing the importance of their role, it is essential to ensure that teaching assistants continue to develop their skills and expertise. One way to achieve this is through Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This article will explore the benefits of CPD for teaching assistants and provide some practical strategies for implementing this in schools.

The Importance of Continuing Professional Development:

CPD helps teaching assistants stay up-to-date with the latest educational trends, research, and best practices. Regular participation in CPD activities ensures that they can effectively support teachers and positively impact students’ learning experiences. Furthermore, CPD benefits teaching assistants by:

1. Enhancing their skills and knowledge in specific subject areas.

2. Promoting self-reflection and personal growth.

3. Expanding their professional network.

4. Improving job satisfaction and career progression opportunities.

Strategies to Support CPD for Teaching Assistants:

1. Workshop Attendance: Encourage teaching assistants to attend relevant workshops hosted by experienced educators or other professionals in the field of education. This will provide them with the opportunity to develop new skills or strengthen existing ones.

2. In-house Training: Organize periodic in-house training sessions for teaching assistants in specific areas like classroom management, curriculum planning, or special educational needs support.

3. Mentoring: Assign an experienced educator as a mentor to each teaching assistant. This will enable them to learn from one another through observation, feedback, and guidance on best practices.

4. Online Courses: Encourage teaching assistants to enroll in online courses that focus on essential skills within their roles, such as communication techniques or creating a more inclusive learning environment.

5. Professional Learning Networks (PLNs): Facilitate connections between teaching assistants and professionals in the education sector to create supportive networks that encourage collaboration, sharing of resources, and opportunities for informal learning.

6. Goal Setting and Reflection: Assist teaching assistants in setting professional development goals, and provide time for them to reflect on their progress periodically. This will help them become more self-aware of their skills and growth areas.


Investing in the CPD of teaching assistants significantly contributes to a successful educational environment. By providing ongoing support, guidance, and opportunities for professional growth, schools can ensure that they are building a strong team of highly skilled individuals equipped to meet the varied needs of their students. Thus, assisting the assistants is crucial in fostering a positive learning experience for all within the classroom.

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