Professional Development

How to Prepare for a Teaching Interview Printable Teacher Resume and Portfolio Templates

Preparing for a teaching interview can be an exciting yet daunting task, as it is a significant step towards your dream job in education. In the competitive field of teaching, making a great impression during your interview is crucial. To help you stand out and showcase your qualifications effectively, Teach Starter offers invaluable resources, including printable teacher resume and portfolio templates.

A well-prepared resume and professional portfolio not only reflect your skills and experiences but also demonstrate your dedication and attention to detail to your potential employers. Here are some tips from Teach Starter’s blog on how you can prepare for a teaching interview:

1. Research the School: Understand the school’s values, curriculum, and any unique programs they offer. Familiarizing yourself with the school culture can help you tailor your responses to align with their expectations.

2. Practice Common Interview Questions: Be ready to discuss your teaching philosophy, classroom management strategies, and how you use assessments. Reflect on examples from your experience that illustrate your skills and adaptability.

3. Create a Professional Resume: Ensure that your resume is up-to-date, highlighting relevant experience, qualifications, and skills. Utilize Teach Starter’s printable resume templates to create a polished and professional look.

4. Develop a Portfolio: Build a comprehensive portfolio that showcases lesson plans, student work, certificates, and any other evidence of professional development or classroom success. Use Teach Starter’s printable portfolio templates to organize your materials effectively.

5. Prepare Your Own Questions: Show your interest in the role by preparing questions about the school’s community, professional development opportunities, or specific programs related to your area of expertise.

6. Dress Professionally: First impressions matter; dress appropriately for an educational setting to convey professionalism.

7. Follow Up: After the interview, send a thank-you note expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to interview and reiterating your interest in the position.

By utilizing these resources and tips from Teach Starter’s blog post on preparing for a teaching interview – which also includes both resume and portfolio templates available for print – you can enter your interview confidently knowing you are well-prepared to present yourself as the ideal candidate for any teaching position.

Need Summer School Resources? This Is the Best Deal We’ve Seen

As summer approaches, parents and educators alike begin looking into resources available for summer school programs. The importance of keeping students engaged in learning during long breaks cannot be overstated. With this in mind, we’re excited to introduce the best deal we’ve seen this year for summer school resources. Say goodbye to endless searching, and hello to accessible, high-quality materials perfect for enriching your child’s education during the warm summer months.

Introducing the Ultimate Summer School Resource Pack

This comprehensive package offers an incredible array of resources specifically designed for summer school programs or at-home learning. Covering a wide range of subjects and age groups, the Ultimate Summer School Resource Pack has everything you need to ensure that your child does not miss out on valuable learning time over the break.

What’s Included

The Ultimate Summer School Resource Pack features a variety of materials hand-selected by experienced educators to support quality instruction and student engagement during the summer months. The expansive resource library includes:

1. Lesson plans: Detailed guides for teaching various subjects are provided in an easy-to-follow format.

2. Interactive e-books: Engaging digital books with interactive features keep students interested while reinforcing critical reading skills.

3. Educational games: Fun, themed games allow students to practice math, reading, and problem-solving skills in a dynamic and engaging way.

4. Printable activities: Engaging worksheets that can be printed and completed by hand help reinforce key concepts in math, language arts, and science.

5. Video tutorials: Step-by-step guides on a range of topics ensure that students receive clear explanations and visual demonstrations of new concepts.

6. Assessments: Periodic evaluations enable you to monitor student progress and identify areas that require extra attention.

Why Is This Such an Unbeatable Deal?

Having these resources at your fingertips provides education continuity during the summer months while still allowing children to enjoy their break fully. The excellent quality and comprehensive nature of these resources make the Ultimate Summer School Resource Pack an incredible value. Not only do you receive a vast library of content to choose from, but the price point is unbeatable when compared to individual purchases.

Don’t let summer pass by without ensuring your child has access to top-notch educational resources. The Ultimate Summer School Resource Pack will keep them engaged, offer opportunities to explore new subjects, and help them return to school feeling prepared and confident. Don’t miss out on this fabulous deal!

Teachers Need Each Other Now More Than Ever

In recent times, the challenges and complexities faced by educators have grown significantly. Rapid advances in technology, the increasing diversity of student populations, and ever-changing curriculum standards are just a few of the countless demands placed on today’s teachers. Amidst these hurdles, and now more than ever, teacher collaboration is imperative for effective education.

The early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic quickly transformed face-to-face teaching into remote and online models that necessitated significant adaptations for both teachers and students. These unprecedented changes solidified the need for meaningful communication among teachers who reaped tremendous benefits from supporting one another through mutual encouragement, exchange of ideas, and resource sharing.

There are several vital aspects to teacher collaboration which demonstrate why teachers need each other now more than ever:

1. Sharing Best Practices: Different teachers have different strengths, experiences, and techniques that can be illuminating for their colleagues. By collaborating and sharing ideas, teachers can learn from each other’s successes – leading to better educational outcomes for their students.

2. Addressing Challenges: Schools often face significant individual obstacles. For instance, socio-economic disparities among student populations or inadequate resources to support specific programs or initiatives. Through collaborative efforts, schools may be able to pool resources or share strategies to surmount such barriers efficiently.

3. Professional Growth: Engaging in lively discussions with peers about pedagogy or content can improve a teacher’s understanding of trends in education. This fosters ongoing personal growth as educators continually strive to provide the best possible learning experiences for their students.

4. Emotional Support: Teaching can be a demanding profession with intense workloads and heightened emotional stress. Establishing camaraderie among staff members allows them to feel seen, heard, and valued. Socializing together outside of regular work hours helps build trust and healthy relationships among teams.

5. Feedback Exchange: By observing one another’s classrooms or sharing thoughts on lesson plans, teachers can benefit from constructive feedback that would otherwise be hard to access. This helps uncover blind spots in teaching, fosters growth for both the provider and receiver of feedback.

6. Curriculum Alignment: Collaborating with colleagues ensures that educators are on the same page within a school or district, thus unifying instructional approaches and establishing coherence across grade levels and subject areas.

In conclusion, teacher collaboration is not only an ethical responsibility for the well-being of students but also a necessity for the betterment of the teaching practice. Schools must prioritize fostering an environment where staff collaboration is encouraged and regularly implemented. As our world continues to evolve, teachers must endow each other with the tools and support necessary to remain united and resilient in facing the educational hurdles of today and tomorrow, thereby ensuring a positive impact on their students’ lives.

8 Things That Should Totally Count as Summer Professional Development

Summer is the ideal time for educators to recharge, relax, and reflect on their practice. However, the best teachers are always looking for opportunities to grow and learn more. With that in mind, here are eight unconventional activities that can be considered summer professional development.

1. Reading for Fun

Instead of sticking to the usual education-related books, broaden your horizons by reading a book outside your comfort zone or genre this summer. Getting engrossed in a good novel or diving into an interesting biography might help you discover new insights that could enrich your teaching style.

2. Attending Cultural Events

Exploring different cultures at local fairs and festivals can help teachers deepen their understanding of diversity and increase cultural sensitivity in the classroom. Such events often offer opportunities for interaction with people from various backgrounds.

3. Mastering a New Skill or Hobby

Challenge yourself by learning a new skill or picking up a new hobby during the break. Whether it’s playing an instrument, gardening, or painting, mastering a new skill can teach you valuable lessons about patience, perseverance, and creativity – all important aspects of being an effective educator.

4. Engaging in Volunteer Opportunities

Offering your time and skills to help others is not only personally rewarding but also professionally enriching. Volunteering at local non-profit organizations or participating in community projects can provide valuable experience and help develop your empathy and leadership skills.

5. Participating in Online Discussions or Social Media Groups

Join social media groups or online forums where educators worldwide share ideas, resources, and experiences related to education practices. Participate actively by engaging in discussions, asking questions, and sharing knowledge to cultivate an environment conducive to professional growth.

6. Visiting Local Museums and Attractions

Spend some time visiting local museums, historical sites, art galleries, science centers, or even zoos this summer. These attractions can provide a wealth of content and inspiration for lesson planning, as well as opportunities to explore learning from a different perspective.

7. Watching Educational Movies or Documentaries

Enjoy your downtime by watching educational movies or documentaries related to your subject area or the field of education in general. As you watch, think about how you might be able to incorporate elements from the content into your lessons for student engagement and enrichment.

8. Journaling and Reflecting on Teaching Experiences

Take some time to write down and reflect on memorable teaching moments and experiences from the past academic year. Consider what worked well, what didn’t, and how you can improve upon it in the future. This reflective practice helps foster self-awareness and continual growth as an educator.

In conclusion, summer professional development doesn’t have to be limited to attending traditional workshops or conferences. Embracing new experiences, developing skills outside of the classroom, and learning from fellow educators can all contribute to your growth as a teacher and enrich your teaching practice.

As a Michigan Educator, You Could Save on Insurance


Being an educator is a noble profession, and in Michigan, there are many benefits that come with it. One such advantage is the opportunity to save on various types of insurance policies. From auto and home to life and disability insurance, there are numerous discounts and savings programs available for Michigan educators.

Auto Insurance Discounts:

If you’re a Michigan educator, you’ll be pleased to know that several insurance companies offer unique auto insurance discounts tailored to your profession. As an educator, you’re usually regarded as a lower-risk driver compared to other professionals. As a result, you can enjoy sizable savings on your auto insurance rates. When shopping for car insurance, inquire about available discounts or special offers for Michigan educators.

Home Insurance Savings:

Home is where the heart is, and as a Michigan educator, you can save on your home insurance policy as well. Most major insurance carriers understand that educators contribute greatly to the community and therefore extend discounts on their homeowners’ insurance premiums. Make sure to shop around for home insurance quotes and ask specifically about educator’s discounts.

Life Insurance Benefits:

Life insurance plays a crucial role in safeguarding your family’s financial security. Many life insurance providers offer special benefits or unique policies tailored to the needs of educators in Michigan. These policies may include advantageous rates or additional policy features exclusive to educators.

Disability Insurance Advantages:

As an educator in Michigan, the possibility of suffering from a long-term disability should not be overlooked; therefore, disability insurance should be considered seriously. Fortunately, disability insurance providers in the state recognize the value of providing reliable coverage for this professional group. Educators may qualify for specialized policies at discounted premiums or with additional benefits tailored specifically to their profession.

Professional Liability Coverage:

As an educator, it’s essential not only to protect yourself personally but also professionally. Many companies offer professional liability coverage designed specifically for teachers and educators in Michigan. This coverage can provide the necessary protection against potential legal issues arising from your day-to-day duties as a professional educator.


Michigan educators have several opportunities to save on various insurance policies, ranging from auto and home to life and disability coverage. Don’t miss out on these savings – take the time to research your options, ask for specific educator discounts, and compare quotes before choosing your ideal insurance policy. Remember, as a Michigan educator, you play a critical role in shaping the future of the young minds in your community, and you deserve to be rewarded with affordable insurance options tailored to your needs.

What if I Get COVID-19 While Teaching? Your Questions, Answered


As COVID-19 continues to affect communities around the world, teachers play a critical role in empowering and educating young minds. As a teacher, you might have questions and concerns about contracting COVID-19 during your day-to-day tasks. We’ve put together a helpful guide to answer some common questions and provide advice on what to do in the unfortunate event of a positive diagnosis.

Question 1: If I test positive for COVID-19, how should I inform my school?


Immediately contact your school’s administration or designated COVID-19 liaison to inform them of your positive test result. Be prepared to provide details on when you received the test and any recent close contacts you may have had.

Question 2: What steps should I take during my isolation period?


Follow the medical guidelines for isolation, which typically include staying home for at least ten days, limiting exposure to others in your household, and monitoring your symptoms closely. Stay in regular contact with your healthcare provider and keep your school informed of any changes in your condition.

Question 3: How should I manage my class during my absence?


Coordinate with your school’s administration, substitutes, and colleagues to ensure continuity for your students. Share lesson plans and relevant resources with those covering for you. Utilize online tools such as video conferencing or learning management systems, if available.

Question 4: How can I support my students emotionally during this time?


Acknowledge the emotional impact that COVID-19 may have on students by providing them with age-appropriate information about the situation. Encourage open communication and check in with students regularly to address their concerns, offering reassurance when appropriate.

Question 5: When can I return to work after recovering from COVID-19?


You can return to work after meeting the CDC guidelines for ending isolation, which typically include being fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications, an improvement of symptoms, and passage of at least ten days since the onset of symptoms. Consult with your healthcare provider and follow your school’s policy before returning to work.

Question 6: How can I protect myself from contracting COVID-19 in the future?


Continue practicing recommended safety measures such as wearing a mask, maintaining physical distance from others, washing hands regularly, disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and staying informed about vaccination updates and any changes in guidelines.


As a teacher, you play a vital role in nurturing the next generation. Protecting yourself and your students during these challenging times is crucial. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance from colleagues or your school’s administration if you’re experiencing difficulties or concerns related to COVID-19. By working together, we can create a safe environment for all educators and students alike.

Say Goodbye to Boring Yearbook Photos: 10 Ideas to Use Instead

Tired of seeing the same, generic portraits in the yearbook every year? It’s time to switch things up and make your yearbook photos memorable and unique. Your school yearbook should reflect the creative, diverse students it represents. Whether you’re part of a yearbook committee or simply want to supply stunning photos for your school, we’ve got you covered. Here are some fun and innovative ideas that can serve as an inspiration for your yearbook photo transformations.

1. Themed attire: Encourage students to dress up according to their favorite characters from books, movies, or TV shows. This will spotlight their interests, while also injecting some fun into photo day.

2. Candid captures: Instead of posed shots, try snapping candid moments throughout the school year. This will provide more natural, authentic expressions that truly reflect students’ personalities.

3. Quote companions: Have students hold a chalkboard or small sign displaying their favorite inspirational quote. This adds an intellectual touch while showcasing individuality.

4. Spirit gear: Embrace your school’s spirit by photographing students in their sports uniforms or club attire. This showcases their involvement in extracurricular activities and pride for their school.

5. Costume couture: Let students unleash their creativity by wearing costumes that reflect their hobbies, goals, or aspirations. Future astronauts, veterinarians, or artists can proudly display their passion through their attire.

6. Pet pals: Invite students to bring their pets along for yearbook photos and make it a furry friend edition! This adds a heartwarming touch while showcasing the love they have for their animal friends.

7. Group pictures: Break away from individual photos and capture students with their friend groups instead. This can create lasting memories of the bonds they’ve developed throughout the years.

8. Environment immersion: Take photos of students in settings that complement their interests. A dancer can be photographed in a ballet studio, while an athlete can pose on the field. By connecting the student with their environment, these photos tell a deeper story.

9. Color explosion: Provide props such as colored smoke bombs or vibrant backdrops for students to engage with during photo shoots. This creates eye-catching, dynamic images that are far from boring.

10. Silhouette style: Experiment with lighting techniques to create silhouettes of students. This offers an artistic and mysterious twist on traditional portraits while still showcasing their individuality.

These ten ideas can rejuvenate your school yearbook and capture the essence of each student in a captivating manner. Embrace creativity and say goodbye to those monotonous, cookie-cutter yearbook photos!

CPD for Support Staff


Continual Professional Development (CPD) is an essential aspect of career growth and personal development for professionals across various sectors. Support staff, such as administrative assistants, receptionists, and office managers, play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations within organizations. This article highlights the importance of CPD for support staff and provides an overview of common CPD activities and resources that can help enhance their skills and enrich their careers.

The Importance of CPD for Support Staff

CPD enables support staff to stay updated with the latest industry trends, knowledge, and skills needed to effectively carry out their roles. Engaging in CPD activities helps support staff:

1. Maintain competence: CPD ensures that support staff remain competent and up-to-date with advancements in technology, processes, and best practices relevant to their roles.

2. Enhance employability: Investing in CPD boosts employability and creates opportunities for career advancement.

3. Increase job satisfaction: Building new skills and improving current ones leads to greater job satisfaction, as employees feel more confident in their abilities to perform their duties efficiently.

4. Achieve professional recognition: Participation in formal or informal CPD activities can result in industry qualifications or certifications that may be positively recognized by employers.

Types of CPD Activities for Support Staff

Support staff can engage in various forms of CPD activities depending on their interests, needs, and career goals. Some examples include:

1. Training courses: Enrolling in relevant training courses that focus on specific skill sets or domain knowledge helps support staff become more proficient in their roles.

2. Online learning: Online learning platforms offer a wealth of resources for support staff to access at any time, allowing them to learn at their own pace.

3. Workshops/seminars: Attending workshops or seminars covering various topics relevant to support professionals facilitates networking opportunities while gaining expert insights.

4. Professional memberships: Joining professional associations or industry-related groups broadens an individual’s professional network and access to resources, sector news, and events.

5. Reading materials: Regularly reading industry publications, blogs, and newsletters can provide support staff with valuable insights and knowledge.

6. Mentoring or coaching: Receiving guidance from experienced professionals in the form of mentoring or coaching sessions can be highly beneficial for personal and career development.

How Organizations Can Support CPD for Their Support Staff

Organizations play a pivotal role in fostering a culture that encourages CPD for support staff. Here are some ways organizations can facilitate CPD opportunities:

1. Provide a clear CPD policy: Develop a transparent CPD policy that outlines the organization’s expectations and commitment towards supporting employees’ learning and development needs.

2. In-house training: Offer regular in-house training sessions covering various topics relevant to support staff roles.

3. Financial assistance: Contribute financially towards enrollment fees for external CPD courses, workshops, or seminars that align with employees’ growth plans.

4. Allocate time for CPD activities: Encourage a healthy work-life balance by facilitating flexible working hours or providing time off specifically designated for engaging in CPD activities.

5. Recognize achievements: Acknowledging employees’ CPD achievements, such as receiving certificates or completing specific courses, helps foster a positive environment that values growth and development.


Continual Professional Development is vital for every professional, including support staff who often work behind the scenes to ensure organizations function smoothly. Investing in their development not only benefits the individuals but also contributes to the organization’s overall success. By understanding the importance of CPD, support staff can actively seek opportunities to further their careers while organizations can create supportive environments that nurture growth and lifelong learning.

inspiration – Teaching On Ice | Teaching Expertise


Teaching On Ice (TOI) is an innovative educational program that is inspiring students and educators alike. This groundbreaking initiative combines experienced teaching expertise with the incredible power of inspiration to transform the lives of its participants. In this article, we will explore how TOI is revolutionizing the educational experience, providing unique opportunities for learning, and embracing the spirit of inspiration.

The Power of Inspiration:

Inspiration can be defined as a sudden burst of insight or enthusiasm, often triggered by an external source. It has the potential to motivate people to achieve their dreams, overcome obstacles, and redefine their expectations. In the field of education, an inspired student is more likely to engage with their studies, advance their learning, and achieve excellence in their chosen field. For educators, finding creative ways to inspire students is a critical aspect of teaching expertise.

Teaching On Ice: What It Is and How It Works:

Teaching On Ice is a unique program that provides educational experiences in a truly inspiring setting – the Polar Regions. Students and educators join together on an expedition aboard an icebreaker vessel to explore some of the most remote and fragile environments on Earth. The journey includes workshops on art, science, history, and culture led by skilled professionals who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and skills.

TOI aims to provide unparalleled opportunities for participants to connect with the natural world, learn from experienced educators and researchers, and engage with indigenous communities in the region. These immersive experiences serve as powerful sources of inspiration for both students and teachers alike.

Inspiring Through Teaching Expertise:

The success of TOI’s mission hinges on its ability to effectively integrate teaching expertise into its programming. The program achieves this by coordinating a team of highly qualified instructors who possess unrivaled expertise in their respective fields.

These professionals are not only dedicated educators but also deeply committed to fostering passion, curiosity, and inspiration in their students. By providing hands-on workshops, engaging discussions, and experiential learning, TOI instructors create an unforgettable and transformative educational experience.

Taking Inspiration Back Home:

Upon returning from their journeys, TOI participants are encouraged to share their experiences with family, friends, and local communities. This helps to broaden the impact of the program, inspiring others to foster a deeper appreciation for the importance of environmental stewardship and the interconnectedness of our global community.

The Future of Teaching On Ice:

As the world continues to grapple with pressing environmental challenges and the need for innovative educational approaches becomes ever more apparent, Teaching On Ice represents a shining example of what can be achieved through the combined powers of teaching expertise and inspiration.

By continuing to offer life-changing experiences that inspire future generations of students and educators, TOI will undoubtedly contribute to the evolution of education, helping to create a world in which people are more connected to their environment, knowledgeable about the diverse cultures around them, and equipped with the skills needed to make positive changes in our world.

Online learning for teachers


The landscape of education has changed drastically in recent years, and online learning has emerged as a powerful tool for teachers to explore new avenues of teaching. As more and more educators navigate this digital domain, it is essential to understand the opportunities and challenges it presents. In this article, we will delve into the world of online learning for teachers, how it’s transforming education, and key components for successful implementation.

The Rise of Online Learning:

Online learning technology has evolved dramatically over the past decade. With advancements such as high-speed internet access, video conferencing tools, and Learning Management Systems (LMS), the educational experience is now being extended beyond traditional classroom boundaries. This shift in instructional delivery has allowed teachers to reach a broader audience and offer more personalized learning experiences.

Benefits for Teachers:

1. Flexibility: Teaching online offers unprecedented flexibility in terms of scheduling and management of time. Teachers can choose when they work and how they deliver course content, giving them greater freedom to balance work-life demands.

2. Access to Resources: Digital platforms provide access to vast repositories of information, allowing teachers to augment their classroom materials with multimedia resources tailored to students’ individual needs.

3. Professional Development: In addition to enhancing their digital literacy skills, teaching online allows educators to engage with other teaching professionals globally and expand their professional networks.

4. Increased Reach: With distance no longer a barrier to education, teachers have an opportunity to impact students from various socioeconomic backgrounds and locations worldwide.

Challenges Faced by Teachers:

1. Technological Fluency: The transition from traditional teaching methods to digitally mediated instruction can be overwhelming for less tech-savvy educators who must adopt new tools and technology rapidly.

2. Student Engagement: Keeping students engaged in a virtual environment can be challenging due to distractions or lack of face-to-face interaction.

3. Assessment & Evaluation: Assessing student progress may require different approaches than traditional methods, necessitating a diversification of assessment strategies.

4. Cybersecurity & Privacy: Teachers must be well-versed in managing student data securely and adhering to privacy regulations specific to an online environment.

Keys to Success in Online Teaching:

1. Establish Clear Expectations: Online courses should have clearly defined goals and objectives that guide the instructional design process.

2. Promote Interaction: Encourage student participation by using interactive tools such as polls, discussion forums, and group projects.

3. Foster a Sense of Community: Create a positive classroom atmosphere by building rapport with students and promoting open communication.

4. Continuous Professional Development: Investing in ongoing professional development to stay updated on best practices and new developments in online education is essential for ensuring positive outcomes for both teachers and students.


As the landscape of education continues to evolve, online learning proves to be an increasingly valuable asset for educators. By embracing the opportunities it provides, while mitigating challenges, teachers can fully leverage the potential of this digital revolution to create impactful and engaging learning experiences for their students.