Pedagogue Blog

A Teacher’s Guide to Working With Paraprofessionals


In today’s diverse educational landscape, paraprofessionals play a crucial role in ensuring that students with disabilities receive the support and accommodations necessary for success. Paraprofessionals, often referred to as teacher aides or assistants, work closely with general and special education teachers to assist in classroom management and implementation of individualized educational plans (IEPs).

As a teacher, you may find yourself working alongside a paraprofessional in your classroom. Here’s a guide on how to create effective collaboration to benefit your students.

1. Establish Clear Expectations:

To build strong working relationships with paraprofessionals, it’s essential to establish clear expectations from the outset. Begin by holding an initial meeting to discuss roles and responsibilities. Outline the daily schedule, provide training materials, clarify communication methods, and outline any specific tasks that need attention. This will help promote efficiency and recognize the unique skills each professional brings to the table.

2. Develop Open Communication:

Open communication is critical for ensuring smooth collaboration between teachers and paraprofessionals. Foster open communication channels through regular meetings, email updates, and collaborative planning sessions. These opportunities allow both parties to share insights on student progress, suggest new ideas, and address any concerns.

3. Provide Professional Development Opportunities:

Paraprofessionals bring diverse skills and competencies to the classroom setting. To maximize their impact on student learning, provide access to ongoing professional development opportunities. Encourage paraprofessionals to attend workshops, conferences, or take additional courses relevant to their work in the classroom. A supportive learning environment empowers paraprofessionals to grow professionally while enhancing their skills.

4. Promote Collaborative Planning:

Successful implementation of IEPs requires teamwork among all stakeholders involved in a student’s education journey. Encourage collaborative planning that includes both general and special education teachers as well as paraprofessionals to ensure everyone is aligned in executing effective and engaging instruction. Joint planning sessions can help identify potential challenges, clarify responsibilities, and refine instructional strategies.

5. Foster Respect and Appreciation:

Paraprofessionals contribute immensely to creating inclusive classrooms and supporting students with diverse needs. Recognizing their efforts and contributions goes a long way in fostering a positive work environment. Regularly express your appreciation for their hard work, creativity, and dedication to students.

6. Monitor Progress and Adjust:

Collaboration between teachers and paraprofessionals is an ongoing process that requires monitoring and adjusting as needed. Continuously assess the effectiveness of your working relationship, address concerns, make adjustments when necessary, and be open to refining the partnership based on new information or changing needs.


By implementing these strategies, you can forge strong working relationships with paraprofessionals in your classroom that ultimately benefit the students you both serve. Effective collaboration between teachers and paraprofessionals provides the foundation for successful inclusive education experiences for all learners. Remember to communicate openly, appreciate their contributions, foster professional growth opportunities, and continuously refine your working relationship to promote student success.

Take a Virtual Field Trip to This STEM Fair Featuring 30 Amazing Middle School Students


Are you ready for an exciting adventure? Today, we invite you to join us on a virtual field trip to an extraordinary STEM Fair that showcases the brilliant talents and projects of 30 amazing middle school students! These young minds have spent months researching, developing, and perfecting their projects, so let’s dive in and explore their innovations!

The STEM Fair: A Showcase of Innovation

The STEM Fair is an annual event dedicated to encouraging middle school students to discover science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by inspiring them to think critically and solve real-world problems. With more than 30 students participating in this year’s event, it’s clear that the future is bright for these up-and-coming minds.

Exploring the Projects

Let’s take a look at some of the fascinating projects these students have developed over the past few months:

1. Solar-Powered Water Purification System

Anna, a 7th-grade student, has designed a cost-effective solar-powered water purification system that can remove harmful contaminants from water sources. Her innovative project aims to provide clean drinking water for communities in developing countries.

2. Motion-Sensor Wildlife Camera

Max, an 8th-grade student who loves exploring nature, has built a motion-sensor wildlife camera using affordable materials. This camera would allow researchers to monitor wildlife populations without disturbing their natural habitat or spending excessive resources.

3. Biodegradable Plant-Based Plastics

Hailey, a curious 6th-grader, has developed biodegradable plastic products made from plant materials. Her project aims at reducing the pollution created by single-use plastics, paving the way for environmentally friendly disposables.

4. Robot-Assisted Physical Therapy

Tyler’s creation – an ingenious robot-assisted physical therapy device – promises to revolutionize rehabilitation for patients with motor impairments. This 8th-grader’s device strives to make patient-specific treatments more accessible and effective.

And those are just a few examples! The fair features many more extraordinary projects that span various STEM disciplines, such as programming, environmental science, chemistry, and material sciences.

Wrap-Up: A Virtual Round of Applause

As we conclude our virtual field trip, let’s take a moment to admire the hard work and dedication of these middle school students. Their creativity and determination highlight the importance of supporting STEM education – fostering a promising future for generations to come.

Be sure to follow developments in the world of STEM and encourage the young minds around you to participate in similar fairs. Who knows? You might just be nurturing the next Einstein or Tesla!

I Tried Allbirds Shoes, and Here’s How They Held Up In the Classroom

As a teacher, I was on the hunt for a pair of shoes that could keep up with my busy days. I needed something comfortable, durable, and presentable; after researching and comparing various brands, I decided to test out Allbirds shoes in the classroom. So, was this woolen miracle shoe up to the task? Here’s my experience.

**Comfort: A Teacher’s Best Friend**

One of the main reasons I turned to Allbirds was their reputation for comfort. The soft merino wool upper, breathable fabric, and cushioned sole were exactly what I needed to survive the day on my feet. From endless pacing while teaching to supervising extracurricular activities, Allbirds supported me every step of the way.

The moisture-wicking capabilities and odor resistance of the Merino wool were lifesavers during those hot summer days and kept my feet feeling fresh throughout the school year.

**Durability: Up for The Challenge**

Teaching isn’t always an easy job – long hours on my feet and running around requires shoes that don’t fall apart easily. Thankfully, Allbirds proved their resilience in the face of heavy usage. The light soles remained grippy even after months of wear, and the materials survived spontaneous playground duty with ease.

Yes, there was an occasional scuff or loose thread along the way, but overall they held up impressively well considering their vigorous daily use. Plus, they are easy to clean – just toss them in a gentle wash cycle (removing insoles first) – and they’ll be as good as new!

**Style & Presentability: Professional Yet Stylish**

Maintaining a professional appearance is critical as a teacher, so my shoes couldn’t look overly casual or worn out. The sleek minimalist design of Allbirds made it possible to combine comfort with style effortlessly.

Considering the wide variety of available colors, I chose a neutral shade that would easily blend with my teaching wardrobe. The silhouette remained sophisticated enough for meetings with parents and administrators, while still looking stylish and modern.

**Conclusion: Allbirds – A Teacher’s Dream Shoe**

It’s not always easy to find that perfect balance between comfort, durability, and style when it comes to teaching footwear. However, Allbirds managed to hit all the right marks. They accompanied me throughout the school year, offering cloud-like comfort during long hours on my feet while maintaining presentability and durability.

If you’re a teacher searching for a versatile and comfortable pair of shoes fit for the classroom, look no further than Allbirds. These shoes won’t disappoint you in supporting you through your daily challenges in school.

Teachers Are Sharing the Things They’ll Never Do Again, and It’s a Hard Relate


Teaching can be an incredibly rewarding profession, but it also comes with its share of challenges. Educators often find themselves learning just as much as their students, and they continuously adapt their teaching strategies to improve the classroom experience. Recently, teachers have been sharing the things they’ll never do again in their career, and their stories provide a unique insight into the world of education.

1. Overloading Students with Homework

Many teachers have recognized the impact of excessive homework on students’ mental health and well-being and are moving away from this arduous practice. Teachers now focus on keeping workloads manageable and taking into consideration extracurricular activities students participate in after school.

2. Ignoring Classroom Creativity

Teachers have realized the importance of fostering creativity in the classroom. They now actively encourage imaginative thinking, problem-solving, and group work rather than sticking to traditional lectures. This approach helps develop dynamic learning environments where students can thrive.

3. Being Too Strict on Classroom Rules

While rules play an essential role in maintaining order within a classroom, some teachers have discovered that being overly strict can hinder learning and student-teacher relationships. Adopting a more flexible approach to discipline and working collaboratively with students to address issues has proven more effective for many educators.

4. Using a One-Size-Fits-All Teaching Approach

Every student learns differently, so it’s crucial to embrace varied teaching methods to cater to diverse learning needs. Teachers are now moving away from standard teaching styles to ensure each student can engage with material effectively.

5. Failing to Communicate with Parents

Establishing open communication channels between parents and teachers is vital for student success throughout the academic year. Educators have realized that neglecting this connection can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities for collaboration in supporting a child’s educational journey.

6. Not Allocating Personal Time and Self-Care

Teaching is a demanding job, but it’s crucial for educators to strike a balance between their professional responsibilities and personal lives. Many teachers have learned the hard way that neglecting self-care and personal time can lead to burnout and reduced effectiveness in the classroom.

7. Resisting Technology in the Classroom

In an increasingly digital world, teachers are embracing technology’s benefits within their classrooms. Reluctance to utilize educational tools and platforms can impede effective learning, and teachers now focus on staying up-to-date with ongoing technological advancements.


Teachers continuously learn from their experiences, refining their approaches to ensure students receive the best education possible. The realizations shared by these educators prove that adaptation, flexibility, and self-reflection are essential for success in the teaching profession. Their stories serve as a reminder of the challenges inherent in education and provide useful insights for current and future teachers alike.

10 Rules of the Classroom According to Oprah

Oprah Winfrey, renowned media mogul and philanthropist, has long been a source of inspiration for people all around the world. Beyond her success in television and business, she is also an advocate for education and self-improvement. With this in mind, let’s take a look at 10 rules for the classroom according to Oprah Winfrey:

1. Respect one another: Oprah encourages students and teachers alike to treat each other with respect as it fosters a positive learning environment where everyone feels supported and valued.

2. Embrace curiosity: Embracing curiosity can lead to intellectual growth and innovation. Oprah believes that fostering a sense of wonder allows students to explore their passions and ultimately develop a love for learning.

3. Listen actively: Active listening means engaging fully with what someone is saying, asking follow-up questions, and staying focused on the speaker. This skill allows students to better understand course material and fosters stronger relationships with their peers and teachers.

4. Be present: Being present means putting aside distractions, such as phones or laptops unless needed for classwork. By focusing on the task at hand, students can absorb information more effectively.

5. Take responsibility: Students are responsible for their own actions and decisions inside the classroom. Mistakes are inevitable but owning them and learning from them demonstrates maturity and growth.

6. Communicate openly: Open communication between all parties in the classroom is essential for effective collaboration, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.

7. Practice empathy: Being empathetic means understanding the feelings of others without judgment or criticism. Encouraging empathy in the classroom leads to increased cooperation among students and provides each person with emotional support.

8. Remain adaptable: An optimal learning environment requires graduates who can cope with uncertainty by remaining flexible in their approach to new challenges.

9. Set goals: Goal-setting is important for personal growth both inside and outside of the classroom. Students should be encouraged to develop short and long-term goals that align with their interests and aspirations.

10. Stay positive: Maintaining a positive outlook leads to an upbeat atmosphere that promotes collaboration and productivity. Oprah believes that staying optimistic helps create a more fulfilling and enjoyable learning experience for everyone involved.

In conclusion, by adhering to these ten classroom rules proposed by Oprah Winfrey, both students and teachers can foster an atmosphere that not only promotes academic success but also encourages personal growth, mutual respect, and strong relationships. By following these guidelines, Oprah’s vision of self-improvement and inspiration can become a reality in classrooms around the world.

Help! My Principal Is Coming To Observe Me and I Feel Like I’m Under the Microscope


Educators around the globe often feel a sense of anxiety when they find out that their principal will be coming to observe their classroom. This feeling of being under the microscope is all too familiar for most teachers, especially those who are new or have had issues in the past. However, it’s important to recognize that classroom observations don’t have to be a nerve-wracking experience. Instead, use this opportunity to showcase your teaching skills, improve your instructional techniques, and foster a positive relationship with your principal. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies to help you navigate this experience with confidence.

1. Be prepared

One of the best ways to ease your anxiety is to be ready for the observation. Make sure you have a detailed and well-organized lesson plan, along with any necessary resources and materials. Familiarize yourself with the content you will be teaching, practice your delivery, and anticipate possible questions or challenges from students.

2. Maintain a professional attitude

It’s crucial that you remain professional throughout the observation process. Dress appropriately, be punctual, and treat your principal with respect and courtesy. Remember that their presence in your classroom is an opportunity to observe not only your teaching skills but also your ability to interact effectively with students and colleagues.

3. Treat it as a learning opportunity

Instead of viewing classroom observation as an evaluation or critique, consider it as an opportunity for professional growth. Embrace any feedback given by your principal—whether positive or constructive—as valuable insights that can help you improve and enhance your teaching methods. Show that you’re willing to learn from the experience by asking questions or seeking clarification if needed.

4. Don’t change everything

Some teachers make the mistake of completely overhauling their usual routines or trying out entirely new strategies during an observation. It’s generally best to stick with your usual classroom management techniques and teaching style, as these will likely be more effective and authentic. Your principal wants to see you in your natural environment, doing what you do best.

5. Engage your students

Demonstrate your ability to foster a positive, inclusive, and engaging learning atmosphere by actively involving your students throughout the lesson. Use clear instructions and challenging questions to elicit thoughtful responses, facilitate group work or collaborative activities, and incorporate various teaching strategies to keep the learning environment stimulating for all students.

6. Highlight your strengths

While it’s essential to maintain a balanced and well-rounded approach to teaching, don’t be afraid to showcase your unique strengths as an educator. Whether you’re adept at integrating technology into the classroom or have a particular knack for creating stimulating discussions, highlight these skills during the observation.

7. Reflect on the experience

Once the observation is complete, take some time for self-reflection. Consider what went well during the lesson and identify any areas where you could improve. Use this information to set goals for continued professional growth, whether independently or in partnership with your principal or other colleagues.


Though classroom observation can feel daunting at first, it doesn’t have to be an anxiety-inducing ordeal. By preparing thoroughly, maintaining a professional demeanor, embracing the experience as an opportunity to learn and grow, engaging your students, and showcasing your strengths as an educator, you’ll navigate through this process confidently. Remember that every teacher has room for improvement; embrace this opportunity with an open mind and a positive attitude.

Our Favorite Videos for Teaching Kids About Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa


As we approach the holiday season, it is important to teach our children about the diverse traditions and celebrations of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. We have gathered our favorite educational videos that will help kids learn about the history, customs, and spirit of these holidays. These videos are both informative and engaging, making them a perfect addition to your holiday lesson plan.

1. Christmas: “Story of Christmas” by StoryBots

The “Story of Christmas” by StoryBots captures the essence of this joyful holiday with fun animations and catchy tunes. This short video explains the history behind the celebration of Christmas while teaching kids about the traditions associated with it. From Santa Claus to decorations and gifts, this video has it all.


2. Hanukkah: “The Story of Hanukkah” by PBS Kids

PBS Kids presents “The Story of Hanukkah,” a delightful educational video that will engage your little ones while teaching them about this Jewish holiday. Featuring adorable cartoon characters and a simple yet informative narrative, this video explains the story of the Maccabees and how the miracle of the oil lamps inspired this Festival of Lights.


3. Kwanzaa: “Seven Days of Kwanzaa” by Kids Learning Tube

“Seven Days of Kwanzaa” by Kids Learning Tube is a fun, animated music video that breaks down each day of Kwanzaa in an easy-to-understand way. Through catchy lyrics, vibrant visuals, and touching stories, children will learn about all seven principles celebrated during Kwanzaa and why each one is significant to African-American culture.


4. Christmas and Hanukkah: “Comparing Christmas and Hanukkah” by ChargerUPI

“Comparing Christmas and Hanukkah” by ChargerUPI showcases the similarities and differences between these two festive holidays. This informative video allows children to appreciate the common themes of love, family, and giving shared by both celebrations while valuing their unique traditions.


5. Holidays Around the World: “Holiday Celebrations Around the World for Kids” by Kid World Citizen

For those who want to expose their kids to various holiday celebrations beyond Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, “Holiday Celebrations Around the World for Kids” by Kid World Citizen makes for an engaging watch. This captivating video teaches children about different holidays celebrated worldwide, fostering a sense of diversity and appreciation for different cultures.



These educational videos will provide your children with an excellent introduction to the rich customs and histories of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. As your kids learn about these holidays through entertaining animations and captivating stories, they will develop a broader understanding of the world around them and a greater appreciation for diverse cultures and practices. Happy holidays!

When Physical Activity Matters as Much as Minecraft


Video games, like Minecraft, offer an escape from reality and provide a platform for users to sharpen their creativity and cognitive skills. However, physical activity is equally essential for mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This article explores the importance of maintaining a balance between playing Minecraft and engaging in regular exercises.

The Growing Popularity of Minecraft

Minecraft has gained massive popularity over the years, becoming a staple in gaming culture. With its blocky graphics and seemingly infinite exploration possibilities, it engages millions of players worldwide. The game promotes creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills – rewarding players for their ingenuity.

The flip side of this digital pastime is that excessive screen time can lead to sedentary lifestyles – reducing the time spent on physical activities.

Physical Activity: A Silent Necessity

While Minecraft offers an entertaining and engaging way to spend free time, health experts have identified the parallel importance of physical activity in maintaining overall wellness. Regular exercise aids in weight management, increases muscle strength and endurance, improves cardiovascular health, regulates mood and even boosts the immune system.

The American Heart Association emphasizes that children should participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day to lay the foundation for a healthy future.

Finding a Balance: Integrating Physical Activity Into The Minecraft World

1. Set a Schedule: Establishing a timetable that evenly distributes time between gaming and exercise will help create a stable rhythm in daily life.

2. Incorporate Physical Activities as Breaks: To break up long gaming sessions, intersperse short bursts of physical activities like stretching or jumping jacks during intervals.

3. Go Geocaching: Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game using digital devices’ GPS capabilities. This activity shares similarities with Minecraft’s exploration aspect while encouraging physical exertion.

4. Use Exergames: Engage with exergames (video games incorporating physical exercises) to invite a fun and active gaming experience.

5. Encourage Group Activities Outside: While Minecraft is a social game where friends can play together, encouraging outdoor group activities like biking, hiking, or team sports will promote camaraderie and active lifestyles.


Minecraft provides engaging experiences that challenge our cognitive skills; nevertheless, physical activity remains crucial for holistic well-being. Finding the perfect balance between the two will improve health and happiness in both the real and digital worlds.

Teacher Summer Photos That Prove We Know How To Take a Break


As the school year comes to a close, teachers everywhere are preparing for well-deserved summer breaks. For these dedicated individuals, rejuvenation and relaxation are essential in making sure they’re ready to return to school in the fall, armed with newfound energy and enthusiasm. To celebrate the end of the school year, we’ve collected 31 teacher summer photos showcasing the various ways educators unwind and recharge during their break. These snapshots prove that teachers know how to make the most of their time off.

1. Beach Getaways

What better way to kick off summer than by dipping your toes in the sand and soaking up some Vitamin D? For many teachers, the beach serves as an ideal destination for their much-needed downtime. Our collection includes photos of teachers enjoying everything from sunbathing on loungers to taking part in beach volleyball games, and even trying their hand at surfing.

2. Adventure Trips

Some educators opt to spend their summer breaks embarking on thrilling escapades. Hiking mountain trails, zip-lining through forests, or navigating whitewater rapids can satisfy that adrenaline itch before they return to the classroom. Our compilation features several daring teachers capturing these exhilarating moments.

3. Cultural Experiences

The summer break provides an excellent opportunity for teachers to expand their horizons by immersing themselves in new cultures and exploring unfamiliar lands. In our collection, we find numerous teachers venturing out to learn about different customs, sample local cuisine, or explore historical sites across the globe.

4. Family Fun

For many educators, quality time with loved ones is an invaluable way to unwind during their time away from school. We’ve gathered pictures of teachers having a blast with their families while visiting amusement parks or enjoying backyard barbecues filled with laughter and love.

5. Fitness Frenzy

Keen on staying active during their summer break, some teachers take advantage of the time off to focus on personal fitness goals. Our array of photos showcases educators participating in yoga sessions, cycling through scenic routes, and even training for marathons.

6. Creative Pursuits

Just as important as physical rest, mental relaxation is essential for teachers during their summer break. Many choose to engage in artistic hobbies like painting or photography, while others indulge their inner bookworms by diving into literary masterpieces. Our collection highlights this wide range of teacher creativity.

7. Meditation Retreats

With increasing interest in mindfulness and mental wellness, some teachers opt for meditation retreats to help them find inner peace and recharge their batteries away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. We have included photos capturing serene moments of contemplation and self-reflection that offer a rejuvenating break.


Our collection of 31 teacher summer photos showcases the diverse ways educators make the most of their time off. Whether it’s basking in the sun, experiencing new adventures, or pursuing creative outlets, these snapshots demonstrate that teachers truly know how to take a well-earned break. As they rest and recharge over the summer months, they’ll be ready to return to school refreshed and enthusiastic come fall.

10 Share-Worthy Obama Quotes for Teachers

Teaching is one of the noblest professions, and former President Barack Obama has often emphasized the importance of educators in shaping future generations. Here are 10 share-worthy quotes from Obama that can inspire and motivate teachers in their mission to make a difference in their students’ lives.

1. “The best education is one where students feel valued for their thoughts, validated by their creativity, and empowered by the knowledge that they can do anything.”

2. “In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a prerequisite.”

3. “Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the fates, and I do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an equal measure of happiness over these past two decades. But I do know that we all had a good education.”

4. “If you think education is expensive, wait until you see how much ignorance costs in the 21st century.”

5. “The role of the teacher remains the highest calling of a free people. To the teacher America entrusts her most precious resource, her children; and asks that they be prepared… to face the rigors of individual participation in a democratic society.”

6. “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

7. “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope; you will fill yourself with hope.”

8. “Education doesn’t just make us smarter; it makes us whole.”

9. “We need to recognize that the true currency of our time isn’t money, but attention. With attention comes the ability to educate, persuade, and influence – to make a difference in the lives of others.”

10. “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

As teachers, you have the power to instill hope, ignite curiosity, and inspire life-long learning in your students. Remember these powerful words from President Obama as you continue to guide and shape the leaders of tomorrow.

We Shouldn’t Judge How Students in Poverty Spend Money. Here’s Why.


The challenges that students in poverty face are immense, and sadly, their struggles are often misunderstood. One aspect that attracts attention is how they choose to spend their money. People often scrutinize their expenditures, questioning the validity of their financial decisions. This article aims to explain why we shouldn’t judge how students in poverty spend money and why understanding their choices is crucial.

The Trap of Stereotypes

Stereotypes associated with people living in poverty often contribute to misguided judgments on their spending habits. The media and popular culture perpetuate these harmful assumptions, leading some to believe that poor financial decisions are the root cause of a person’s financial state. However, this overlooks numerous systemic factors influencing poverty such as access to education, availability of job opportunities, and systemic discrimination.

Financial Choices Are Often Not Choices at All

Students in poverty are faced with incredibly difficult decisions when it comes to spending their limited resources. Often, they must choose between paying for immediate necessities or striving to achieve long-term goals like saving for education. Thus, what may seem like a frivolous purchase to an outsider could be a difficult decision made out of dire necessity.

Moreover, the cost of living in many areas has skyrocketed while wages have stagnated for many low-income workers. This creates situations where students living in poverty have no choice but to allocate their limited funds towards essentials such as rent and groceries.

Access to Information and Education

Students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds may lack adequate access to financial literacy education and resources, making it challenging for them to make informed decisions about money management. In contrast, students with more resources can benefit from guidance and advice from parents or other role models who have experience managing finances successfully.

Mental Health Considerations

The constant stress and anxiety surrounding economic instability can take a toll on students’ mental health. Sometimes impulsive purchases or decisions to indulge in a small luxury can provide temporary relief from the overwhelming weight of their financial situation. It is essential to recognize the factors driving these choices and the mental health consequences of living in poverty rather than hastily judging their decisions.

Addressing Systemic Issues

Instead of scrutinizing and judging how students in poverty spend money, a more productive approach is advocating for policy changes and initiatives that curb economic inequality. These include improving access to education, affordable housing, expanding job opportunities, offering mental health services, and providing dedicated financial literacy programs.


It’s crucial that we stop judging students in poverty based on their spending habits. Not only is it disrespectful and counterproductive, it also distracts us from focusing on addressing the systemic problems that fuel poverty. By showing empathy for the specific challenges students in poverty face, we can work towards fostering greater understanding and creating better opportunities for everyone.

5 Ways Coding and Robotics Build a Growth Mindset in Your Students


The world of technology is constantly evolving, and with it, the need for coding and robotics skills is becoming increasingly important. Educators are realizing the importance of incorporating these subjects into their curriculums to better prepare students for the future. One of the many benefits of teaching coding and robotics is the development of a growth mindset in your students. In this article, we will explore five ways in which coding and robotics can help build a growth mindset in your students.

1. Embracing Challenges:

Coding and robotics present students with numerous challenges, from learning new programming languages to understanding complex technical concepts. Having to confront these difficulties head-on instills a resilient attitude in students. They learn to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than seeing them as insurmountable obstacles.

2. Encouraging Persistence:

As with any skill, becoming proficient in coding and robotics requires persistence and dedication. Students working through coding exercises or building robots are bound to encounter setbacks and failures. By persevering through their struggles, they develop not only their technical skills but also a growth mindset that reinforces persistence in the face of adversity.

3. Developing Problem-Solving Skills:

Both coding and robotics involve tackling real-world problems, allowing students to experience firsthand the importance of problem-solving skills. The process of troubleshooting issues within their code or fixing malfunctions in a robotic system hones their analytical abilities while also fostering a mentality that focuses on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

4. Fostering Collaboration:

Collaborative work environments have become more prominent than ever, making teamwork an invaluable skill for today’s students to learn early on. In coding and robotics classrooms, students often work together on projects where they share ideas, give feedback, and brainstorm solutions. This cooperative learning environment helps cultivate a growth mindset by highlighting the importance of communication, open-mindedness, and learning from others.

5. Emphasizing the Importance of Continued Learning:

The constantly changing landscape of technology ensures that there will always be new coding languages, robotics advancements, and technical knowledge to discover. By immersing students in this ever-growing field, they develop a mindset that embraces lifelong learning and adaptability. This allows them not only to stay ahead in their careers but also to continually grow as individuals.


Incorporating coding and robotics into students’ education has countless benefits, not only for their future careers but also for personal growth. By challenging students to embrace new skills, persist through difficulties, collaborate with each other, and continuously seek out new knowledge, educators can help foster a growth mindset that will serve them well throughout their lives.

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