Christmas Games

Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness – Christmas Bulletin Board

The holiday season is a time of joy, giving, and communal spirit. As Christmas nears, the idea of spreading kindness becomes even more poignant. One way to promote and encourage this sentiment is through the “Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness” bulletin board. This interactive and visually engaging board serves as a daily reminder for students, staff, or community members to foster goodwill through small but significant actions.

Each day leading up to Christmas, the bulletin board showcases a different act of kindness. From writing a thank-you note to someone who has made a difference in your life to donating goods to a local shelter, the potential activities combine the festive theme with meaningful engagement. The beauty of the “Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness” initiative is its adaptability; it can be tailored to suit any environment, from schools and colleges to workplaces and neighborhoods.

As individuals participate in the day’s act of kindness, they can place a marker—such as a sticker or a pin—on the board, turning it into a collective visual representation of community spirit. This provides not only personal satisfaction but also encourages peer participation. It’s about creating a ripple effect; one good deed inspires another.

By Christmas Eve, the bulletin board would be filled with markers representing hundreds of acts of kindness—each one with its own story and impact. This serves as a heartwarming conclusion to the lead-up to Christmas Day and reinforces the true spirit of the holidays: generosity and kindness reaching beyond just gifts and commercialism.

For those looking to implement “Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness” in their community or organization, here are some suggested acts:

1. Write a heartfelt letter to a friend or family member.

2. Offer compliments to strangers.

3. Donate food or clothing items.

4. Leave positive notes in random places.

5. Volunteer time at a local charity.

6. Help someone with their chores or tasks.

7. Give away books you no longer need.

8. Pay for someone’s coffee or meal anonymously.

9. Make care packages for homeless shelters.

10. Share homemade treats with neighbors.

11. Spend time with people who might feel lonely during the holidays.

12. Recycle and encourage others to be environmentally conscious.

The “Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness” not only adds an extra layer of warmth to the festive season but also instills values that can last well into the New Year and beyond. It’s an initiative that reminds us all that while we celebrate in our own ways, we are part of something bigger—a community that cares and supports one another.

Whether used in schools to teach children about empathy and community service or in an office setting where coworkers can strengthen their bonds through shared acts of kindness, this bulletin board fosters connectivity on all levels.

The “Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness” bulletin board is more than just decoration; it’s a movement—a meaningful way to countdown to Christmas Day while building an atmosphere steeped in goodwill and compassion, exemplifying what this wonderful season is truly about.


Christmas 2024 Teaching Resources

As the yuletide season approaches, educators across the globe are gearing up to incorporate the festive cheer of Christmas into their lesson plans. Christmas-themed teaching resources are an excellent way to engage students, making learning during the holiday season both fun and effective. With the advent of 2024, there’s a fresh batch of innovative resources available to teachers looking to bring Christmas into their classrooms in new and exciting ways.

Interactive Digital Advent Calendars:

The traditional advent calendar gets a modern makeover, as interactive digital versions appear on educational software platforms. Teachers can customize these calendars with daily tasks, puzzles, or trivia that students can unlock, offering a mix of curriculum-based questions and festive-themed mini-games.

Virtual Reality Christmas Experiences:

Virtual reality (VR) is no longer just for video games; it’s found a place in education too. VR experiences can transport learners to the North Pole or historical reenactments of Christmas celebrations from different periods and cultures. This immersive technology is especially beneficial for visual and kinesthetic learners.

Christmas Around the World E-Books:

Cultural competence is an invaluable part of education, and e-books detailing festive traditions from around the world have become particularly popular. These resources often come with companion activities and questionnaires to test comprehension while broadening students’ understanding of global customs.

Augmented Reality (AR) Christmas Cards:

Encouraging creativity while integrating technology in the classroom, AR Christmas cards allow students to create physical cards that come to life using AR apps on tablets or smartphones. These programs might animate a drawing or play a video message when viewed through the app.

Sustainability-Themed Project Kits:

With an increased emphasis on environmental awareness, project kits that explore how to have a sustainable Christmas are gaining popularity. These kits provide guidelines and materials for upcycling decorations or running energy conservation workshops, linking STEM subjects with real-world applications.

Christmas Literacy Challenges:

For language arts classes, Christmas provides a wealth of inspiration for storytelling exercises, poetry writing, and reading comprehension activities based on seasonal literature. Digital platforms offer daily prompts throughout December, which aim to keep students engaged with literacy tasks leading up to the holiday break.

Music Integration Apps:

Music is central to Christmas celebrations, and many teaching resources take advantage of this by incorporating carol analysis sessions or composition tools for students to create their own holiday tunes while learning about melody, rhythm, and harmony within music theory.

Mathematical Puzzles with a Festive Twist:

Math doesn’t need to be put aside during festivities; instead, it can be woven into themed puzzles and games that promote problem-solving under a seasonal guise. Think “Santa’s Sleigh Allocation Problems” or “Elves’ Present Packing Patterns.”

These are just a few examples among an array of creative resources designed to enhance education with both sparkle and substance this Christmas 2024. As education continues to evolve with technology and societal changes, holiday-themed resources provide an avenue for educators to maintain studentengagement while integrating critical thinking and cultural appreciation into their curriculum during this merry time of year.

The Joy of Christmas Door Decorations US

Christmas is a season that captivates the senses, thaws cold hearts, and ushers in an atmosphere of cheer unlike any other holiday. Among the many traditions, decorating our spaces is a collective ritual that unites communities, families, and friends in a shared experience of festivity and creativity. Among these decorations, one stands out for its symbolic welcome and its potential for creativity: the Christmas door decoration.

As the entryway to our homes and lives, the door during Christmas is more than a threshold—it’s a canvas for expressing joy and holiday spirit. The joy of Christmas door decorations lies not only in their visual appeal but also in what they represent—openness, invitation, and the celebration of togetherness.

From the classic evergreen wreath adorned with a bright red bow to more innovative displays featuring lights, ornaments, and characters from Christmas lore, there’s a vast spectrum of styles to embrace. Each decoration tells a story—a narrative made up of personal tastes, cultural backgrounds, or childhood memories—that’s warmly shared with every guest or passerby.

What makes door decorations during this season genuinely delightful is their inclusivity. Anyone can participate in this tradition; it doesn’t demand technical skills or extensive resources. With some imagination and basic supplies like ribbons, pinecones, baubles, and perhaps a glue gun or floral wire, one can craft an eye-catching arrangement. For many families, creating these door decorations becomes an annual project that everyone looks forward to—a precious opportunity to bond and create lasting memories.

Moreover, crafting these decorations has become more than just a personal pleasure; it’s evolved into community competitions where neighbors enthusiastically engage in friendly rivalry to see who can create the most extravagant or thematic door display. This amicable contest spreads joy throughout communities as they tour the neighborhood to view each other’s creations.

The joy also extends beyond aesthetics. It reflects on charity too; many use this opportunity to invite others for fundraising events or collect donations for those less fortunate. The heartwarming reality is that Christmas door decorations often act as harbingers of good will.

In conclusion, Christmas door decorations are much more than mere ornaments—they are emblems of warmth and happiness. They inspire creativity, foster social connections, exemplify generosity, and contribute significantly to the magical atmosphere that defines the holiday season. As we adorn our doors with care each year, we remember that each knot tied and every sparkle hung is a token of love—an invitation into our homes and hearts during this time of joyful giving.

Easy Holiday Crafts and Activities for Kids: Frosty, Santa, and More for Your Classroom!

The holiday season is a perfect time to engage children in a world of creativity and crafting. With themes around Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus, and an array of other festive elements, the classroom can transform into a workshop of imagination and merriment. Here are some fun and easy craft ideas to get the festivities started:

1. Handprint Santa Ornaments: All you need are some solid-colored round ornaments, paint, and little hands. Have the children dip their hands in white paint and grab the ornament like they’re holding a ball. Once dry, use other paints to add Santa’s belt, face, and hat on top of the handprint – creating a keepsake that parents will treasure.

2. Frosty’s Snow Globes: Using clear plastic cups, craft foam, glitter, and small figurines (like mini snowmen or trees), kids can create their own winter wonderlands. Secure the figurine to the inside of the cup lid with glue. Fill the cup with just enough water (and glitter for snow), then put the lid on tightly. Flip it over, and voila – a homemade snow globe!

3. Reindeer Antler Headbands: Construction paper or brown foam can easily be cut into antler shapes and glued onto a paper headband strip. Add googly eyes and red pompoms to fashion a playful Rudolph-inspired headpiece.

4. Gingerbread People Paper Chains: Cut out gingerbread people shapes from brown construction paper in chains by folding the paper accordion-style before cutting. Let kids decorate with white paint pens or markers for ‘icing’ and add details like eyes, buttons, etc.

5. Pinecone Christmas Trees: Starting with pinecones as the base, have kids paint green over them; once dried they can decorate them using small pompoms or sequins as ornaments and a yellow one on top as a star.

6. Santa’s Workshop Cardboard Creation: Provide boxes of various sizes along with paint, fabric scraps, cotton balls for snow, and other decorative items so that children can construct a miniature version of Santa’s workshop.

7. Elf Yourself Portraits: Take photos of each student’s face beforehand then print them out. Kids cut out their faces and glue them onto prepared elf bodies drawn on paper or cardstock before decorating with crayons or markers.

8. Cookie Cutter Stamping: Holiday-themed cookie cutters make great stamps for decorating cards or wrapping paper. Just dip into washable paint and stamp away!

9. Cotton Ball Snowman Craft: With just paper, cotton balls, glue, and some accessories like felt remnants (for scarves) or buttons (for coats), kids can assemble adorable snowmen scenes that look fluffily real.

10. New Year’s Eve Countdown Chains: Have students cut strips of colorful construction paper to create chains they can tear off one by one as New Year approaches.

These crafts not only embellish your classroom with holiday cheer but also help develop fine motor skills, encourage teamwork, and inspire creativity among your students during this magical time of year!

How to Stop Tattling in the Classroom: Expert Teacher Tips

The holidays are a time for giving, and what better way to showcase your creativity than with a handmade Christmas Explosion Box? This delightful surprise box opens up to reveal multiple layers of decorative squares, each more enchanting than the last. Here’s how you can craft your own festive explosion box using various square templates.

 Materials Needed:

– Cardstock in Christmas colors (red, green, gold, etc.)

– Decorative paper (with holiday motifs)

– Scissors and/or a craft knife

– Ruler

– Glue or double-sided tape

– Embellishments (stickers, ribbons, sequins, etc.)


1. Base Layer Squares:

– Begin with four large squares of cardstock for the base layer. These should be sized equally.

– Score each square in half diagonally and fold to create strong creases.

– Unfold and glue these squares together at their edges so they reconnect as a larger square when opened.

2. Second Layer Squares:

– Cut four slightly smaller squares from different colored cardstock.

– Decorate these with stamped images, stickers, or by gluing on holiday-themed paper cutouts.

– Fold and attach to the base layer on each side so they open out when the main square is unfolded.

3. Decorative Middle Layer:

– Use patterned paper to craft this layer. Cut four squares that are smaller than the second layer.

– Consider adding photos or personalized messages on this layer.

– Attach them in a similar fashion to the prior layers ensuring smooth opening.

4. Central Square Surprise:

– Create a small gift box or central feature that will be revealed upon opening all layers.

– Embellish this central square with glitter, bows, or any preferred decoration.

5. Lid Creation:

– Measure and cut a piece of cardstock that can form a lid over your explosion box. It should have flaps that can be folded down and tucked over the sides of the base layers.

6. Final Touches:

– Finish off your explosion box by attaching ribbons or twine that will hold the box closed.

– You may also add additional decorations such as bells or holly sprigs to the lid for extra festive flair.

Creating an explosion box is all about layering elements and personal touches. Choose colors that resonate with traditional Christmas hues or mix it up with unconventional palettes for a modern twist. With every opened layer revealing another aspect of your artistic flare, an explosion box is sure to bring joy and wonder to anyone receiving it this holiday season.

17 Christmas Crafts and Activities for the Classroom

The holiday season is a magical time for both teachers and students, and integrating Christmas crafts and activities into classroom learning can be a delightful way to foster creativity and celebrate the festive spirit. Here are 17 Christmas crafts and activities that are sure to spark joy in the classroom.

1. Handmade Christmas Cards: Encourage your students to create personalized Christmas cards for their loved ones using colored paper, markers, glitter, and other decorative items.

2. Paper Snowflakes: With just paper and scissors, students can cut out intricate snowflake designs. It’s a simple way to decorate the classroom and develop fine motor skills.

3. DIY Christmas Ornaments: Using materials like felt, wood slices or clear plastic baubles, kids can make their own ornaments to take home or decorate the classroom tree.

4. Cookie Decorating: Bring in some plain sugar cookies and let the kids decorate them with icing, sprinkles, and candy pieces. Not only is it fun, but it’s also a yummy treat!

5. Gingerbread Houses: Working with either pre-made kits or graham crackers and icing, students can build and decorate gingerbread houses, which promotes teamwork if done in groups.

6. Holiday Math Games: Incorporate festive themes into math problems or create games like ‘Christmas Bingo’ with math equations as clues.

7. Christmas Collages: Children collect holiday-themed images from old magazines or printed materials to create collages on paper or cardboard.

8. Reindeer Antlers: Students can craft antlers out of headbands and pipe cleaners or cardboard, then wear them for a day to spread holiday cheer throughout the school.

9. Wreath Making: Teach children how to twist green construction paper or tissue paper into wreaths and adorn them with red bows or holly berries crafted from paper.

10. Christmas Stories Writing Prompts: Inspire creative writing by giving students prompts related to Christmas for them to write short stories or poems about.

11. Salt Dough Decorations: Make salt dough in class that children can mold into various shapes like stars, trees, or angels, then paint after baking.

12. Festive Sensory bins: Fill bins with items like fake snow, jingle bells, pinecones, and ornaments so younger students can explore with their senses.

13. “Pin the Nose on Rudolph” Game: A fun twist on the classic game that gets kids up and moving around while promoting coordination skills.

14. Santa’s Workshop Role Play: Set up a section of the classroom where kids can pretend they’re elves helping out in Santa’s workshop by wrapping presents (empty boxes) or crafting toys (made from lego or other materials).

15. Holiday Music Sing-along: Learn songs related to different winter holidays around the world for a multicultural celebration of music.

16. Advent Calendar Countdowns: Create individual advent calendars filled with small treats or tasks that countdown days until school breaks for the holidays.

17. Cultural Holiday Presentations: Have students research how Christmas is celebrated in different countries and present their findings to the class, thereby enhancing cultural understanding and presentation skills.

Pop Up Christmas Card Template – Santa Stuck in Chimney

With the holiday season around the corner, creating your own Christmas cards can be a fun DIY project that adds a personal touch to your greetings. A pop-up Christmas card featuring Santa stuck in the chimney is not only amusing but will surely bring a smile to anyone who receives it. Here’s how you can create this delightful piece of holiday cheer.

Materials Needed:

– Red cardstock (for the card base)

– White, black, and red paper (for Santa)

– Gray or brown paper (for the chimney)

– Scissors

– Glue

– Ruler

– Pencil

– Optional: cotton or white pompoms (for the snow effect)


1. Create the Card Base:

Take a piece of red cardstock and cut it into a rectangle that measures 10 inches by 7 inches. Fold it in half to form a 5-inch by 7-inch card.

2. Construct the Pop-Up Mechanism:

Cut two strips of paper about 1 inch wide and 4 inches long. Fold these strips into an ‘M’ shape with equal widths, which will act as springs for your pop-up.

3. Make the Chimney:

Cut out a chimney shape from the gray or brown paper with dimensions that fit within the open card and attach it to one of the ‘M’ shaped springs using glue. Then adhere the base of the spring to the lower portion of the open card’s center, so it pops up when opened.

4. Create Santa’s Legs:

Using white and black paper, cut two sets of legs to look like Santa’s boots and pants. Remember to make them proportional so they look like they’re dangling down from the top edge of the chimney.

5. Attach Santa’s Legs:

Glue Santa’s legs onto the top of your chimney pop-up, ensuring that when the card is closed, his legs are hidden inside.

6. Add Decorative Details:

Use cut-outs or drawing to add bricks or textures to your chimney. If you have pompoms or cotton, you can glue them around the chimney base for a snowy effect.

7. Final Touches:

Write your message on the bottom part of the card or anywhere else you see fit.

Your pop-up Christmas card with Santa stuck in the chimney is now ready to spread joy and laughter during this festive season!

Holiday Code Cracker: Middle Years – Whole Class Christmas Game

The festive season is a time of joy, giving, and spirited activities, which often manifests in the form of games that both entertain and bring together children and adults alike. One such merry engagement for the middle years is the Holiday Code Cracker—a whole class Christmas game that doubles as a captivating educational tool.

The Holiday Code Cracker game is ideal for students in their middle years, provided it captures the magical balance between fun and learning. Crafted to enchant and educate, this Christmas-themed challenge offers a brilliant way to keep the class engaged during the holiday season.

The essence of the game lies within its name; it’s all about cracking codes. Set up in the form of puzzles or riddles, each code leads to another, creating a chain of enigmatic challenges that require teamwork, critical thinking, and creativity to solve. Cue the holiday music and festive decor, and you’ve got yourself an enthralling classroom universe where every child is an eager participant.

One noteworthy feature of the Holiday Code Cracker game is its adaptability—teachers can tweak puzzles to best suit their classroom’s age group and curriculum needs. Math sequences might lead to historical facts which then unravel into science queries; it’s an interdisciplinary rollercoaster that manages to consolidate learning objectives with holiday cheer.

To implement this game in class, the teacher sets up different stations, each housing a unique code or puzzle. As students solve one puzzle, they receive a clue leading them to their next actionable task or puzzle station. This clue-driven treasure hunt format ensures students remain motivated as they feel the immediate reward of solving each step.

Moreover, teachers can intersperse physical activities or creative tasks like drawing or acting between more academically focused puzzles. Such inclusion ensures that children with varied interests have an opportunity to shine, making it inclusive and encouraging diverse forms of intelligence.

An exciting aspect could be involving cryptograms or substitution ciphers where students decipher messages hidden within Christmas-themed sentences or songs. These activities do not only liven up spelling and vocab lessons but also contribute to enhancing pattern recognition skills in young minds.

As students navigate through these challenges, they also learn the value of collaboration. The game is designed for collective participation; hence it naturally fosters a camaraderie among classmates that resonates with the spirit of Christmas—unity and collective happiness.

When all codes are cracked, a final grand puzzle could culminate in a secret Santa gift exchange or perhaps unveil a surprise Christmas treat from the teacher—a cherry on top to this already stimulating activity.


The Holiday Code Cracker game provides an exceptional balance between educational content and seasonal festivity, making it a cherished annual affair anticipated by both students and teachers. Its strength lies in its mix of intellectual rigor and yuletide fun—a combination that promises not only laughter-filled classrooms but also strengthened skills veiled within the guise of merriment. As school bells jingle with holiday tunes, this game can become another treasured memory for many middle-year learners—in its challenging twists lie countless memories made, lessons learned, and holidays happily celebrated.

Christmas Color By Number – Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures

The festive season of Christmas is not just a time for merrymaking but also a wonderful opportunity to blend learning with fun activities. One such delightful union is seen in the Christmas Color by Number – Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures. This innovative idea is designed to excite both educators and students alike, marrying the joy of coloring with the foundational concept of number recognition and sequencing.

Mystery pictures using hundreds charts have gained considerable popularity in classrooms across various age groups. They serve a dual purpose: reinforcing numerical literacy and promoting fine motor skills through coloring. When these are themed around Christmas, they instantly become more engaging for children who are already buoyed by the holiday spirit.

Imagine a blank hundreds chart, each cell containing a number from 1 to 100. Alongside is a list of colors, each assigned to a range of numbers. Children dive into the activity by coloring each cell according to the color key provided. As they fill in the cells, a hidden picture begins to emerge. These pictures are often related to Christmas motifs such as Santa Claus, Christmas trees, stockings, or reindeer, bringing a hearty dose of holiday cheer into the classroom.

This coloring activity is not just fun but educational. It reinforces number recognition as kids need to identify numbers correctly to follow the color code. It also helps in understanding sequencing and patterns as they color one cell after another in series.

Teachers adore these activities because they are versatile learning tools that can be adapted for different learning levels and objectives. For younger children, they are an excellent way to practice counting and color recognition. For older students, complexity can be added by incorporating mathematical operations that lead to the discovery of the correct number to color.

Moreover, these mystery pictures promote concentration and attention-to-detail – essential skills for academic success in all subjects. Concentration is naturally improved as students become absorbed in revealing the mystery image.

Christmas Color By Number – Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures are fantastic for holiday classroom parties or even as take-home assignments during winter breaks. They are indeed an educational gift that keeps on giving – providing enjoyment while supporting important educational milestones.

Parents too find value in these charts; they make wonderful tools for quiet time activities at home during the holidays. It’s an excellent way for families to bond over an educational pursuit that doesn’t feel like homework.

In conclusion, Christmas Color By Number – Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures are more than just a simple pastime; they’re an ingenious integration of fun and learning catered towards enhancing cognitive abilities during one of the most joyous times of the year. This creative approach toward education allows children to immerse themselves in the magic of Christmas while simultaneously sharpening their academic skills, proving that learning can indeed be an enjoyable journey – especially when it’s decked out in festive colors.

Christmas Colour By Number – Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures Activity

As the festive season approaches, educators and parents are always on the lookout for engaging activities to get children excited about the holiday while also incorporating educational elements. The Christmas Colour By Number – Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures Activity is a perfect blend of fun and learning. It’s an excellent way to combine math skills with artistic creativity.

So, what is a Hundreds Chart Mystery Picture activity? Simply put, it’s a color-by-number activity where each number corresponds to a color. When children fill in the chart according to these guidelines, a mystery picture emerges. These pictures are often themed, and in this case, it’s all about Christmas.

This activity is particularly valuable for several reasons:

1. Numbers Practice: Children practice number recognition and sequencing as they navigate through the hundreds chart.

2. Fine Motor Skills: Coloring within the lines helps improve hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

3. Patience and Focus: It takes time to complete these pictures, which can help children develop their concentration skills.

4. Math Skills: Counting, addition, and even patterns can be incorporated into more advanced versions of these activities.

5. Holiday Fun: The Christmas theme brings an element of excitement that can increase engagement.

To carry out this activity effectively:

– Print out hundreds chart mystery pictures with faint numbers on them.

– Provide children with a color key — for example, 1 might be red, 2 might be green, etc., correlating with festive colors.

– Explain how to match numbers with colors before starting.

As kids begin coloring each section, a joyous picture begins to reveal itself — perhaps it’s Santa Claus, a Christmas tree filled with decorations or a jolly snowman. Such an exciting reveal keeps morale high and encourages kids to see the task through to the end.

Moreover, adding an aspect of surprise keeps children motivated; they will eagerly color section by section just to figure out what the hidden image is. For teachers in classrooms or parents at home, it could be a festive competition or a peaceful solo activity.

It’s worth mentioning that there’re digital options for this activity as well now — interactive online charts where colors fill in with clicks instead of pencils or crayons. This can be especially useful for virtual learning environments or simply as an alternative for those who prefer digital activities.

In conclusion, the Christmas Colour By Number – Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures Activity is more than just an artistic endeavor; it’s a multidimensional educational tool that encapsulates holiday spirit while promoting important developmental skills among children. It brings joy not just through its Christmas theme but through the sense of accomplishment kids feel when they unearth the hidden images themselves.