
A Welcome New K-12 Computer Science Framework


The world of education is rapidly changing, and one of the most exciting advancements in recent years has been the introduction of K-12 computer science framework. This new curriculum aims to teach children and young adults about computer science from an early age, increasing their awareness and understanding of technology as it becomes an increasingly important part of daily life.

Why a K-12 Computer Science Framework is Important:

In today’s digital age, mastering computer science skills has become crucial for all age groups. With technology constantly evolving, providing students with a strong foundation in computer science at the primary and secondary levels can ensure seamless adaptation to emerging trends and innovative industries. The implementation of a K-12 computer science framework will empower students to become global leaders in a rapidly expanding technology-driven world.

The Big Picture:

The ultimate goal of this new K-12 computer science framework is to create a comprehensive program encompassing key concepts and practices across all grade levels. This includes introducing essential computing concepts such as algorithms, data representation, programming languages, and software engineering. Combined with a more diverse set of learning methods, students will gain valuable experience through hands-on activities, collaborative projects, critical problem-solving exercises, and real-world application opportunities.

Benefits of the K-12 Computer Science Framework:

1. Early Exposure: By integrating computer science education at younger ages, children develop an increased affinity towards tech-related subjects, thereby fostering creativity, critical thinking, collaboration skills – all vital for success in modern workplaces.

2. Inclusivity & Diversity: Accessible computer science education will help bridge gender gaps and underrepresentation within tech sectors by ensuring equal opportunities for all students to explore their interests in computer-related fields.

3. Well-rounded Education: By incorporating computer science into existing disciplines such as math and science as well as integrating it with humanities, students receive a holistic education experience that prepares them for future pursuits.

Challenges and Strategies:

While implementing a K-12 computer science framework is a significant leap forward, it also presents several challenges. These include insufficient resources, lack of trained educators, and the need for ongoing professional development. To tackle these hurdles, coordinated efforts at local, state, and national levels should be undertaken to provide substantial investment in resources, training programs for teachers, and fostering partnerships with local tech companies for support and mentorship opportunities.


The adoption of the K-12 computer science framework marks an exciting milestone in modern education. By offering equal access to valuable computer science skills and knowledge, this initiative sets the stage for a brighter future led by well-equipped individuals who are integral players in the rapidly advancing technological world. As we extend a warm welcome to this new curriculum, let us work together to ensure its successful implementation and foster generations enriched with academic excellence and innovation.

Team Up With Your Teacher BFF to Tackle Coding in Your Classroom


As technology continues to shape our world, teaching coding skills has become a crucial part of contemporary education. By teaming up with your teacher BFF to incorporate coding into your classrooms, you can create a dynamic learning environment that benefits both students and educators. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and strategies for collaborating to teach coding effectively.

Why Team Up with your Teacher BFF?

1. Share Resources: Combining efforts with a fellow teacher allows you to share lesson plans, activities, and teaching materials. This will not only save you time and effort but will also lead to more well-rounded lesson plans that cater to different learning styles.

2. Support Each Other: Working together provides support and encouragement when tackling the challenges of teaching coding. Be it brainstorming ideas or troubleshooting problems; two minds are better than one.

3. Foster Creativity: A team-teaching partnership encourages creative thinking, leading to innovative ways of presenting coding concepts to students that can make lessons fun and engaging.

Strategies for Teaching Coding as a Team

1. Divide and Conquer: Play to each other’s strengths by dividing topics based on individual expertise. This way, students benefit from specialized instruction in various coding aspects while also enabling teachers to hone their own skills further.

2. Co-Teach When Appropriate: There may be times when both teachers can be present in the classroom and provide simultaneous instruction. Co-teaching allows students to observe two perspectives on the same topic, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

3. Collaborative Assessment: Develop assessment tools as a team that cater to multiple learning styles and let you monitor student progress effectively. These can include quizzes, projects, or even game-based assessments that test coding comprehension in an interactive manner.

4. Encourage Peer Teaching: Students learn better when they teach each other under proper guidance. Pair or group students and have them work together on coding tasks, with each member contributing to different aspects of the project.

5. Establish Regular Exchanges and Updates: To ensure a cohesive approach, maintain open communication channels with your teacher BFF throughout the teaching process. Discuss lesson plans, challenges faced, and any adjustments that need to be made.

In Conclusion:

Teaming up with your teacher BFF to teach coding in your classroom can have significant advantages for both students and educators. Collaboration allows you to share resources and support each other while fostering creativity in developing engaging lesson plans. By using strategies such as dividing responsibilities, co-teaching, collaborative assessments, peer teaching, and maintaining regular communication, you’ll be able to tackle coding education effectively and create a successful learning environment for your students.

5 Ways Coding and Robotics Build a Growth Mindset in Your Students


The world of technology is constantly evolving, and with it, the need for coding and robotics skills is becoming increasingly important. Educators are realizing the importance of incorporating these subjects into their curriculums to better prepare students for the future. One of the many benefits of teaching coding and robotics is the development of a growth mindset in your students. In this article, we will explore five ways in which coding and robotics can help build a growth mindset in your students.

1. Embracing Challenges:

Coding and robotics present students with numerous challenges, from learning new programming languages to understanding complex technical concepts. Having to confront these difficulties head-on instills a resilient attitude in students. They learn to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than seeing them as insurmountable obstacles.

2. Encouraging Persistence:

As with any skill, becoming proficient in coding and robotics requires persistence and dedication. Students working through coding exercises or building robots are bound to encounter setbacks and failures. By persevering through their struggles, they develop not only their technical skills but also a growth mindset that reinforces persistence in the face of adversity.

3. Developing Problem-Solving Skills:

Both coding and robotics involve tackling real-world problems, allowing students to experience firsthand the importance of problem-solving skills. The process of troubleshooting issues within their code or fixing malfunctions in a robotic system hones their analytical abilities while also fostering a mentality that focuses on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

4. Fostering Collaboration:

Collaborative work environments have become more prominent than ever, making teamwork an invaluable skill for today’s students to learn early on. In coding and robotics classrooms, students often work together on projects where they share ideas, give feedback, and brainstorm solutions. This cooperative learning environment helps cultivate a growth mindset by highlighting the importance of communication, open-mindedness, and learning from others.

5. Emphasizing the Importance of Continued Learning:

The constantly changing landscape of technology ensures that there will always be new coding languages, robotics advancements, and technical knowledge to discover. By immersing students in this ever-growing field, they develop a mindset that embraces lifelong learning and adaptability. This allows them not only to stay ahead in their careers but also to continually grow as individuals.


Incorporating coding and robotics into students’ education has countless benefits, not only for their future careers but also for personal growth. By challenging students to embrace new skills, persist through difficulties, collaborate with each other, and continuously seek out new knowledge, educators can help foster a growth mindset that will serve them well throughout their lives.

6 Easy & Fun Coding Projects From Our Friends at BrainPOP

It’s no secret that coding has become an essential skill in today’s digital age. It can help you build useful tools, express your creativity and even open up new career opportunities. But where do you start? Well, our friends at BrainPOP have come up with 6 easy and fun coding projects that can kickstart your programming journey. So, let’s dive right in!

1. Code Your Own Story

Combine your love for storytelling with coding! Using a platform like Scratch or Blockly, create an interactive story where the viewers get to make choices influencing the storyline. Develop characters, design backgrounds, and utilize programming concepts to bring your imaginative tale to life.

2. Build a Virtual Pet

Remember the joy of having a Tamagotchi? Recreate that experience by designing a virtual pet that users can feed, play with and care for. This project will teach you about variables, conditionals and user input while providing endless entertainment.

3. Math Quiz Game

Ready for some math-tastic excitement? Create a simple quiz game that challenges players with random math problems. Adjust the difficulty level using varied operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) and a range of numbers.

4. Pong-style Game

Throw it back to the retro gaming era by building your own Pong-style game! Learn about coding logic, collision detection and graphics as you create a game screen, paddle movement and ball physics.

5. Adventure Maze Game

Design an adventure maze game where players need to navigate through obstacles to reach the goal. Add various challenges like locked doors requiring keys and hidden paths. This project will help you harness control structures such as loops and conditional statements.

6. Weather App

Ever wanted your very own weather forecast? Design a web-based weather app using APIs (Application Programming Interface) to fetch real-time data from popular weather websites! Learn the basics of API usage and JavaScript, while keeping yourself updated on the weather changes.

These 6 coding projects are just scratching the surface of the world of programming. But, with our pals at BrainPOP providing excellent resources and support, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a coding whiz! Don’t shy away from challenges, as every coding task helps you build critical thinking and problem-solving skills. So, take a leap into the exciting realm of programming with these engaging projects, and let your creativity run wild!

Coding Apps, Tools, and Resources That I Would Use If I Were Still in the Classroom

Back in 2001, when I started as a teacher, the technology boom was in its nascent stage. I remember toting a large bag filled with papers home most nights and going to sleep drowning under a vast sea of student homework that needed grading. My classroom was even worse, cluttered with books, manipulatives, globes, maps, and learning stations that left little room for anything else. However, as I write this in 2018, things have changed dramatically. Today’s teachers have edtech in their corners.

Digital teaching and learning tools have streamlined education processes and provide learning experiences that stretch far beyond the materials that were available for me back in 2001. When I was a teacher, the idea of teaching K-12 students to code was thought of as a waste of time. Who in their right mind would spend valuable instructional time on something that is not going to be assessed on the next big standardized test? Doing so probably would have gotten you a stern warning from your principal.

Nowadays, we fully understand the benefit of teaching students to code. Not only is it projected to be a coveted skill in the coming decades, but it also teaches students computational and problem-solving skills, which transfer to all academic subjects. Instead of teaching students to code on rudimentary computers with slow processing speeds, today we use computers with laser fast processing speeds. Also, coding apps can teach students how to code in step by step manner, without the aid of teachers. If I were still in the classroom today, I’d use these coding apps, tools, and resources:

codeSpark Academy: CodeSpark Academy is ideal for the younger set of children who want to begin their coding early. Kids will build up their skills using mini-games, challenges, and even caring for virtual pets. They will love the bright colors and illustration that allows them to start mastering these concepts.

Scratch: MIT has a free open network that allows students to create and share their coding work with others around the globe. They can create stories, games, and animations to help them share their vision with others using Scratch.

Gimkit – Gimkit is a browser-based tool that simulates a game show that requires students to compete against one another in a controlled classroom environment. Excellent performance is rewarded with coins that students can use in-game to buy utilities to improve their score. Students can compete in teams or against one another, connecting via game codes on any Internet-enabled device. KitCollab mode allows students to submit their questions before the game begins.

Learn to Code with El Chavo– For ages five through eight, Learn to Code with El Chavo is an interactive game to educate young ones about the world of coding. While developing critical-thinking skills and spatial reasoning, they develop knowledge about the logic behind computer coding. Computer coding and programming can be a hard concept to teach from a book or through a presentation. When learning through a game, children become their own teacher; they become self-reliant, but they can get assistance when needed. As a parent or teacher, you can learn alongside them as well.

Minecraft: Education Edition– This version of Minecraft will help you learn. Whether computer science, wilderness conservation, chemistry, coding, math, STEM topics, and more, you can learn educational topics the fun way. If you love Minecraft, you will surely love this version.

Tynker: This website is designed to teach children the rudiments of programming. It is a computing platform that aims to teach computational learning and programming skills in a fun way. Tynker is like Scratch from MIT. The platform is entirely browser-based, and it was written in Open Web standards which include, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 but not Flash.

Daisy the Dinosaur: Do you want to get your youngest students started early with coding? Daisy, the Dinosaur, is quickly becoming a favorite among elementary students with her drag and drop interface that makes basic animation simple.

Tommy the Turtle: This educational game introduces your kids the basics of coding. The app has an interface that is easily operable by kids of all ages. It uses commands, sequences, and loops to make “Tommy the Turtle” move, dance, and sing on the screen. There are also “Tommy the Turtle” challenges that kids can solve to test themselves.

Did we miss any?