
What if I Get COVID-19 While Teaching? Your Questions, Answered


As COVID-19 continues to affect communities around the world, teachers play a critical role in empowering and educating young minds. As a teacher, you might have questions and concerns about contracting COVID-19 during your day-to-day tasks. We’ve put together a helpful guide to answer some common questions and provide advice on what to do in the unfortunate event of a positive diagnosis.

Question 1: If I test positive for COVID-19, how should I inform my school?


Immediately contact your school’s administration or designated COVID-19 liaison to inform them of your positive test result. Be prepared to provide details on when you received the test and any recent close contacts you may have had.

Question 2: What steps should I take during my isolation period?


Follow the medical guidelines for isolation, which typically include staying home for at least ten days, limiting exposure to others in your household, and monitoring your symptoms closely. Stay in regular contact with your healthcare provider and keep your school informed of any changes in your condition.

Question 3: How should I manage my class during my absence?


Coordinate with your school’s administration, substitutes, and colleagues to ensure continuity for your students. Share lesson plans and relevant resources with those covering for you. Utilize online tools such as video conferencing or learning management systems, if available.

Question 4: How can I support my students emotionally during this time?


Acknowledge the emotional impact that COVID-19 may have on students by providing them with age-appropriate information about the situation. Encourage open communication and check in with students regularly to address their concerns, offering reassurance when appropriate.

Question 5: When can I return to work after recovering from COVID-19?


You can return to work after meeting the CDC guidelines for ending isolation, which typically include being fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications, an improvement of symptoms, and passage of at least ten days since the onset of symptoms. Consult with your healthcare provider and follow your school’s policy before returning to work.

Question 6: How can I protect myself from contracting COVID-19 in the future?


Continue practicing recommended safety measures such as wearing a mask, maintaining physical distance from others, washing hands regularly, disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and staying informed about vaccination updates and any changes in guidelines.


As a teacher, you play a vital role in nurturing the next generation. Protecting yourself and your students during these challenging times is crucial. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance from colleagues or your school’s administration if you’re experiencing difficulties or concerns related to COVID-19. By working together, we can create a safe environment for all educators and students alike.

Why The Pandemic’s Crunch on Women Has Hit Teaching Particularly Hard

The events of 2020 led to unprecedented challenges across the globe, but one demographic has been disproportionately affected compared to others – women. The pandemic’s effects have been widespread, but few professions have felt the strain quite like the teaching profession. In this article, we will explore why the pandemic’s crunch on women has hit teaching particularly hard.

1. The majority of teachers are women

Teaching is a female-dominated profession, with about 77% of public-school teachers in the United States identifying as women, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. As schools shifted to remote learning or parceled in-person setups due to pandemic restrictions, these changes disproportionately impacted female educators.

2. Unpaid caregiving responsibilities

During the pandemic, many schools around the world switched to remote learning, forcing many parents to guide their children through virtual education from home. This often fell on women who had to balance their professional responsibilities with those of primary caregivers for young children and elderly family members, leading to increased stress and burnout.

3. Juggling remote teaching alongside childcare

With many childcare facilities either closed or operating at reduced capacities, teachers with young children had no choice but to adjust their work schedules and educate their students remotely while simultaneously providing care for their own children. This proved an excruciatingly difficult task and contributed significantly to feelings of stress and exhaustion among female educators.

4. Unequal distribution of labor at home

Research has shown that women often carry out a greater share of household chores, particularly during the pandemic, which exacerbated already busy schedules even further for female teachers. Dealing with remote teaching while handling a larger portion of domestic duties meant less time for self-care and relaxation.

5. Concerns about job security and pay disparities

With schools grappling with budget cuts during the pandemic, many teachers faced concerns about job security and fears of potential layoffs. Women in teaching positions were already grappling with pay disparities before the pandemic, and these fears added another layer of anxiety to an already taxing situation.

6. Mental health challenges

The weight of these compounded responsibilities combined with the emotional toll the pandemic took on educators led many female teachers to experience negative mental health effects. A study conducted by the RAND Corporation found that about 25% of teachers reported symptoms of anxiety or depression between March and June 2020.

7. Lack of support and understanding from school administrations

Despite their enormous workload, many female teachers felt unsupported or undervalued by their school administrations as they navigated teaching during a global pandemic. Some educators reported feeling as though their professional experiences and personal challenges were diminished or ignored.

In conclusion, women in the teaching profession have faced unique and intense hardships during the pandemic, with many struggling to balance work, home, family care, mental health, and job security concerns. Addressing these issues through policy change and workplace support will be essential for ensuring a more equitable future for female educators.

Our Recommended Cleaning Protocols for the New Year

As the New Year approaches, it is an opportune time to reimagine our cleaning routines and adopt improved protocols to maintain a healthy and pristine living environment. Curated below are our top recommended cleaning protocols that will help you keep your home spick and span all year round.

1. Establish a Routine

A well-structured routine helps set expectations and creates good habits that are easy to stick to. Incorporate daily, weekly, and monthly tasks into your schedule.

2. Prioritize Personal Hygiene

Frequent handwashing, sanitizing high-touch surfaces, and limiting outside items brought into the house can significantly reduce the spread of germs in your home.

3. Declutter and Organize

Take advantage of the New Year to declutter your living space and establish proper storage solutions. An organized home simplifies cleaning and creates a more inviting atmosphere.

4. Clean Top-to-Bottom

When cleaning a room, start with the high surfaces, like ceiling fans, shelves, or air vents to avoid spreading dust onto freshly cleaned lower surfaces.

5. Care for Your Floors

Different types of flooring may require specific care. Vacuum carpets regularly; sweep hard floors often, then follow up with appropriate cleaners such as mops or steam cleaners.

6. Maintain Kitchen Cleanliness

Besides washing dishes after use, sanitize countertops, cutting boards, sponges, and other kitchenware regularly. Don’t forget to clean appliances such as ovens and fridges on a scheduled basis.

7. Keep Bathrooms Germ-Free

Toilets should be cleaned weekly with a disinfectant cleaner. Scrub shower walls and tubs regularly to prevent buildup of soap scum and grime. Don’t overlook the importance of mold treatment or prevention.

8. Implement Green Cleaning Practices

Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products can minimize exposure to toxic chemicals while reducing environmental pollution.

9. Allot Time for Deep Cleaning

Plan to conduct a thorough deep-cleaning exercise at least once every few months to target areas that may have been overlooked in the regular cleaning routine.

10. Customize and Adapt

Adjust your cleaning protocols according to your household’s specific needs, catering to allergies, pets, or other unique living circumstances.

By embracing these recommended cleaning protocols, you can effectively transform your home into a cleaner, healthier, and more organized space. Cheers to a tidier New Year!

Coronavirus and Remote Learning: An Impossible Option for Many

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been profound and far-reaching, affecting almost every aspect of our lives. One area that has experienced significant upheaval is education. As schools around the world closed their doors, educators and students alike were forced to adapt to remote learning. This quick shift to online education was necessary to slow down the virus’s spread but has presented numerous challenges, particularly for vulnerable populations who may not have had access to the necessary resources for remote learning.

Several factors contribute to making remote learning an impossible option for many students:

1. Digital Divide

One hurdle faced by many students, particularly those in developing countries or low-income households, is limited or no access to devices such as computers, smartphones, or tablets. This digital divide puts these students at a significant disadvantage compared to their peers with easy access to technology. Without a reliable device, students cannot participate in online classes, complete assignments, or communicate with teachers and classmates.

2. Unreliable Internet Access

Even when students have access to devices, they may not have reliable internet access. In some areas, internet connectivity remains a challenge due to infrastructure limitations. For households with multiple children or members working from home simultaneously, bandwidth constraints might also hinder effective remote learning.

3. Lack of Technical Support and Training

Remote learning requires a certain level of digital literacy which both teachers and students must quickly familiarize themselves with. Many families lack technical support and training resources necessary to navigate the myriad of digital platforms now integral in online education.

4. Distractions and Home Environment

Many parents are struggling to balance work-from-home responsibilities while simultaneously supporting their children’s remote schooling efforts. In households lacking dedicated study spaces where students can work in peace without distractions, it can be difficult for them to focus on their schoolwork.

5. Special Education Needs

Students with special educational needs are disproportionately affected by the shift to remote learning. Online classes may not cater to their specific learning requirements, and they can lose access to crucial in-person support services normally offered at schools.

6. The Impact on Mental Health

The pandemic is taking a significant toll on students’ mental health, intensifying feelings of isolation, anxiety, and fear. The sudden disruption of routines and reduced in-person interaction with teachers and classmates can exacerbate emotional and psychological distress for many students.

While remote learning has made it possible for many students to continue their education during a global pandemic, it remains an inaccessible or impractical option for far too many. To achieve equitable education for everyone, it is of utmost importance that governments, schools, communities, and businesses collaborate to address these challenges facing vulnerable populations. Ultimately, the race toward remote learning will only be deemed successful when every child has a fair chance at quality education—even from a distance.

COVID Metrics Are Rising: Schools Are Going Back Anyway

As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, communities face difficult decisions concerning public health and the reopening of schools. Despite increasing COVID metrics, officials are pressing forward with plans to resume in-person education.

In some areas, schools have already opened their doors to students after months of remote learning and lockdowns. As expected, several challenges have arisen from this decision. First and foremost, schools struggle with balancing students’ educational needs against health and safety concerns amidst rising COVID cases.

One way educational institutions are attempting to manage this delicate situation is by adopting a hybrid approach, wherein students alternate between in-person and remote learning. This method is designed to reduce the number of students on campus at any given time, thereby limiting the potential for virus transmission.

Some critics argue that reopening schools could potentially exacerbate the pandemic by contributing to increased community spread. They cite examples of schools where outbreaks have occurred shortly after reopening. Furthermore, concerns have been raised about inadequate testing and contract tracing resources in many locations.

Despite these concerns, proponents of reopening argue that the risks associated with remote learning outweigh those posed by the pandemic. Alongside academic setbacks, students have experienced social isolation and heightened mental health issues as they navigate remote education. Many parents also struggle with balancing work responsibilities and supervising their children’s online lessons.

To minimize potential harm in reopened schools, various precautionary measures have been implemented on campuses nationwide. Mandatory mask-wearing, frequent hand-washing, staggered scheduling and socially-distanced seating arrangements all form part of the new normal for in-person learning.

Even with these precautions in place, uncertainty persists—as does anxiety among parents, teachers, and students. Vaccinations hold promise for a return to a semblance of pre-pandemic normalcy; however, until vaccine distribution reaches sufficient levels of coverage, school personnel must constantly weigh the costs and benefits of their decisions concerning in-person learning.

In conclusion, as COVID metrics continue to rise, educational systems maintain their commitment to finding ways to balance public health concerns with the essential task of educating future generations. The long-term effects of these decisions remain to be seen; however, they are motivated by a collective desire to adapt and persevere through these unprecedented times.

Cleaning vs. Disinfecting vs. Sanitizing in Schools: A Crucial Distinction


As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining safe and healthy environments has become a top priority, particularly in schools. In an effort to minimize the spread of viruses and bacteria, it is essential to understand the differences between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing. This article will explore these distinctions and provide insights into their specific roles in promoting a safe learning environment during these challenging times.

Cleaning: Removing Dirt and Debris

Cleaning is a process that involves removing dirt, dust, and debris from surfaces using water, soap, and mechanical action. The primary objective of cleaning is to remove visible dirt and reduce the overall amount of germs on surfaces. While cleaning does not kill all germs, it can help lower their numbers and decrease their ability to spread diseases.

Disinfecting: Killing Germs on Surfaces

Disinfecting involves using chemicals specifically designed to kill germs on surfaces or objects. Disinfectants can destroy pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, or viruses like COVID-19 when used correctly. It is important to note that disinfecting does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs; rather, it kills them by disrupting their structure or function. Thus, disinfection should be carried out after cleaning for optimal efficacy.

Sanitizing: Reducing Germs to Safe Levels

Sanitizing refers to reducing the number of germs on a surface to levels considered safe by public health standards. In some cases, sanitizing methods may involve both cleaning and disinfecting procedures. For instance, a solution containing both detergents and disinfectants could be used to achieve a thorough clean followed by a reduction of germs.

The Importance of Combined Efforts in Schools

Maintaining stringent cleanliness standards in schools is essential to protect students, faculty, and staff from illnesses and infections. Implementing a combination of cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing methods can help minimize the risk of disease transmission.

Tasked with ensuring cleanliness in common areas (such as classrooms, restrooms, and cafeterias) as well as individual learning materials and supplies, school administrators should establish a consistent schedule for various cleaning tasks.

For instance, cleaning should be conducted on a daily basis to eliminate dirt and debris while more frequent disinfection should be applied to high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, desks, and tables. Finally, sanitizing should be performed after each use on items such as shared toys or communal devices like classroom tablets.


Understanding the distinctions between cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing is crucial in maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for students. By incorporating these methods in tandem with each other in schools, administrators can effectively limit the spread of germs and protect the well-being of all individuals on campus.

How Schools Are Preparing for Possible Coronavirus Outbreaks

As the pandemic continues to unfold, education systems across the globe are taking necessary precautions to ensure the safety of their students and staff. Schools are implementing comprehensive strategies to maintain a healthy environment and minimize the risk of Covid-19 outbreaks. Here’s an overview of how schools are currently preparing for potential Coronavirus outbreaks.

1. Strengthening Hygiene Measures

Schools are emphasizing the importance of personal hygiene, such as handwashing, sanitizing, and using face masks when required by local authorities. Hand sanitizer stations have been installed throughout school facilities, along with signage reminding students and staff to regularly wash their hands or use sanitizers.

2. Social Distancing Measures

To minimize close contact between individuals, schools are redesigning their classrooms, common spaces, and schedules. Desks are spaced apart, and some institutions have installed plastic barriers or dividers between seating areas. Depending on local requirements, schools may also operate on alternating schedules or implement staggered start times to limit the number of people on campus at any given time.

3. Enhanced Communication

Schools are keeping parents and guardians well-informed about Covid-19 policies through regular communication via newsletters, emails, and social media platforms. These updates often include information about symptom monitoring, quarantine guidelines if exposed to someone with COVID-19, and what steps the school is taking to ensure the wellbeing of all community members.

4. Remote Learning Capabilities

With the possibility of future coronavirus outbreaks on the horizon, schools have dedicated resources to enhance their remote learning capabilities. This includes investing in technology infrastructure, such as high-speed internet access and devices for students who may need them at home. Teachers have expanded their digital skillset by engaging in professional development programs focused on online teaching strategies.

5. Monitoring Health and Temperature Checks

Many schools have introduced daily temperature checks for both students and staff before entering school buildings as an extra layer of precaution. Additionally, schools emphasize the importance of staying home when feeling ill, even if symptoms are mild.

6. Collaboration with Health Authorities

School administrations are actively collaborating with local public health departments to stay informed on the latest guidelines, as well as to develop customized response plans in case of a COVID-19 outbreak. This partnership enables schools to make well-informed decisions as the situation continues to evolve.

As the world navigates through the coronavirus pandemic, schools remain committed to providing safe learning environments for their students and staff members. By following best practices and adapting as needed, educational institutions demonstrate their resilience and determination to overcome unprecedented challenges.

School Lunch Problems—Can Things Get Back to Normal?


The school lunch is an essential component of a student’s life, providing the necessary nutrition and energy for them to learn and grow during their formative years. However, in recent times, school lunch problems have become a growing concern. Can things return to normal amid increasing challenges?

Causes of School Lunch Problems

1. Budget constraints: With limited funds allocated for school lunches, schools struggle to provide nutritious meals while balancing costs. As a result, cheaper and less healthy options are often used, which compromises the well-being of students.

2. COVID-19 pandemic: The pandemic forced schools to adjust in various ways, including meal distribution. Schools had to adopt new methods like remote learning and drive-through meal pickup, which resulted in logistical challenges and additional strain on resources.

3. Supply chain disruptions: Fluctuating food prices and supply chain interruptions have made it challenging for schools to maintain consistent menus. These disruptions can lead to unwanted substitutions or even skipped meals.

4. Nutritional concerns: Due to the increased prevalence of childhood obesity and diabetes, there is increased pressure on schools to serve nutritious meals that cater to individual dietary needs. This requires additional planning and resources that some schools may not have.

Working Towards Solutions

1. Increased funding: Providing adequate funds for school lunches would be the most effective solution for quality improvements. Ensuring that all students have access to fresh and nutritious meals should be a priority for educational budgets.

2. Community partnerships: Working with local farmers and community-based organizations can help schools secure fresher ingredients at lower costs, thereby supporting local economies while improving the quality of school meals.

3. Better menu planning: Investing in better menu planning tools and resources like nutritionists can help schools create more varied, tasty, and nutritionally balanced meals, catering to different dietary needs.

4. Advocacy and awareness: Educating students and parents about the importance of nutritious meals can encourage healthier choices and foster increased demand for better food in schools. This can put pressure on school administrations to prioritize and improve their lunch programs.


Although there have been significant challenges surrounding school lunches, many solutions exist to bring things back to normal. By addressing funding gaps, collaborating with communities, improving menu planning, and advocating for better nutrition, we can ensure students have access to high-quality meals that improve both their physical and mental well-being during their school years.

Help! Half My Class is Out with COVID


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to educators worldwide. As schools try their best to adapt and maintain a safe learning environment, cases are still on the rise, leaving many teachers wondering how to effectively manage classes when half or more of their students are out due to illness or quarantine requirements. This article will discuss the challenges faced by such teachers and provide insight into navigating the hybrid mix of in-person and remote learning.

The Challenges of a COVID-stricken Classroom

1. Maintaining Cohesiveness

One of the primary issues faced by teachers with a partially remote class is maintaining a cohesive learning environment. With students in different locations and perhaps even working at different paces, it can be difficult to bring everyone together for group discussions and collaborative work. Teachers also need to manage time effectively, ensuring that remote students are given adequate attention during lessons.

2. Ensuring Equity

Another challenge lies in ensuring that all students have equal access to resources and opportunities for learning, regardless of their physical presence in the classroom. For some, this might involve providing additional support for remote students who may struggle with technology or have limited access to educational materials.

3. Keeping Engagement Levels High

Effective learning requires engaged participants, and this can be especially difficult when half your class is learning remotely. Teachers must find ways to keep both in-person and remote students interested and motivated, leveraging the strengths of each group, while addressing their unique needs.

Strategies for Managing Hybrid Classes

1. Foster Clear Communication

Clear communication is crucial for managing a hybrid class successfully. Teachers should regularly update students on any changes in the course schedule and expectations and make sure they understand how to access all required resources.

2. Implement Blended Learning Models

Blended learning models combine face-to-face instruction with online activities, offering flexibility for students who are unable to attend class in person. Teachers can use various digital platforms to deliver content, facilitate collaboration and assess learning.

3. Utilize Collaboration Tools

Using collaboration tools like Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom can help bridge the gap between in-person and remote students. These platforms offer features like file sharing, assignment submission, real-time communication, and video conferencing to support collaborative learning.

4. Encourage Peer-to-Peer Interaction

To foster a sense of community and minimize feelings of isolation for remote students, teachers can create opportunities for peer-to-peer interaction. Assigning group projects or hosting virtual discussion boards can encourage this type of interaction.

5. Adopt Flipped Classroom Methodologies

Flipped classroom methodologies involve having students engage with course content before attending live sessions, allowing class time to be dedicated to discussions, problem-solving, and individualized support.


Navigating a classroom where half the students are out with COVID may seem daunting initially; however, employing strong communication strategies, leveraging technology for blended learning models and involving both remote and in-person students can help provide effective learning experiences for all. The key is adapting teaching methods while maintaining high levels of engagement and ensuring equity for every student. Ultimately, the resilience of educators will continue to shape the future of education during these uncertain times.

Planning for Teaching During COVID-19, as Told By Disney GIFs

As educators across the world continue to grapple with the challenges brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s essential to find ways to adapt, evolve, and bring some humor to the reality of teaching during these uncertain times. To help illustrate the various stages and emotions we face while acclimating to this new-normal, we’ve turned to our beloved Disney characters, whose GIFs perfectly capture each experience. So let’s dive in and explore planning for teaching during COVID-19, all as told by Disney GIFs.

1. Assessing the Situation – Cinderella’s Mice

![Cinderella Mice](

Just like Cinderella’s hardworking mice friends led by Jaq and Gus, teachers kicked off the endeavor of remote learning by assessing their situations. They took stock of their resources, skills, and students’ requirements to develop a strong plan for managing distance learning.

2. 1.Embracing Technology – Wreck It Ralph

![Wreck It Ralph](

In a world filled with ever-changing technology platforms, teachers bravely transitioned from physical classrooms to digital spaces. Much like Wreck It Ralph venturing through the virtual landscape in his quest to save Vanellope, teachers explored new tools like Zoom and Google Classroom, taking these platforms head-on.

3. Juggling Multiple Roles – Mrs. Potts

![Mrs. Potts](

Teachers played multiple roles during remote learning – being instructors, caregivers, and cheerleaders all at once! Just as Mrs. Potts managed countless tasks to keep the enchanted castle functioning, teachers juggled curriculum planning with stimulating, engaging, and providing emotional support for their students.

4. Adapting Lessons – Ariel


Translating lessons from the classroom to online platforms was no small task. Like Ariel discovering the human world, teachers dove into creating a remote learning experience that captured students’ attention while maintaining educational value.

5. Overcoming Challenges – Dory


Setbacks and technical difficulties were inevitable hazards of virtual learning, but teachers embodied Dory’s resilient spirit and motto, “Just Keep Swimming.” Despite everything, they continuously improved their teaching methods and adapted to unforeseen challenges.

  1. Celebrating Victories – The Incredibles

![The Incredibles](

Finally, as remote learning progressed and led to unique successes in education, teachers deserved to celebrate their achievements! Just like the Parr family striking their superhero poses in triumph, educators had every reason to be proud of their incredible efforts during these unprecedented times.

While we continue fighting against COVID-19 and reshaping education in its wake, let us revel in our resilience as educators through lighthearted moments and Disney GIFs that speak to our shared experiences. Together, we will overcome these hurdles and ensure the best possible education for our students.