Education Leadership

When Things Fall Apart: The Abuse of School-Board Power


The education system holds a pivotal role in the future of our society. It empowers young minds and influences the direction in which our society progresses. School boards play an essential part in overseeing this system, managing budgets, setting policies, and making decisions that directly impact students and teachers. However, when the power entrusted to these governing bodies is abused or mishandled, it can lead to detrimental consequences for education and our communities.

Playing Politics with Education

One of the primary ways power is abused within school boards is through political maneuvering. Elected officials may use their positions to impose a personal agenda, seeking to control the curriculum or resources accessible to staff and students. Such actions can alter educational standards and create unequitable learning opportunities within schools.

Financial Mismanagement

School boards are responsible for managing substantial budgets dedicated to providing quality education for students. The abuse of this power might involve misappropriating funds or allocating them improperly. Embezzlement, nepotism, and unfair hiring practices can result from such malfeasance, with potential long-term financial ramifications for both individual schools and districts at large.

Lack of Transparency

Another problematic aspect of school-board power abuse lies in a lack of transparency in decision-making. When school boards act behind closed doors without input from stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and students, they undermine trust and accountability. This secrecy not only hampers community engagement but also leaves room for undetected corruption within the board.

Retaliation against Whistleblowers

In many instances where school-board power is abused, those who speak out against it face retaliation. Teachers, administrators, or parents who become outspoken about policy violations or ethical concerns might face dismissal or other adverse consequences for their opposition. This intimidation tactic discourages accountability while fostering a culture of fear that ultimately harms the education system.


The abuse of school-board power has lasting negative effects on the quality, equity, and transparency of our education system. When elected officials prioritize their personal agendas or succumb to corruption over the greater good of schools and communities, they undermine the foundation of society. It is essential to recognize the signs of power abuse within governing bodies and work together as a community to ensure a fair and just educational environment for all students.

Gerry Brooks Is an Educator First, Viral Internet Sensation Second

In the world of education, there are many champions that go above and beyond to inspire and empower their students. One such educator is Gerry Brooks, a school principal from Kentucky who has recently gained recognition as a viral internet sensation. Although his newfound fame has catapulted him into the limelight, it is essential to remember that, at his core, Brooks is an educator first and foremost.

Gerry Brooks’ career in education began over two decades ago, where he diligently honed his skills as an elementary teacher before transitioning into administration roles. As a principal, Brooks consistently focused on creating a nurturing and inclusive environment for both students and staff, prioritizing transparency and communication within the educational community.

It was not until 2016 that Gerry Brooks became an internet sensation with his lighthearted take on the life of educators. His humorous videos, which often revolve around the everyday challenges faced by teachers and administrators alike, have resonated with millions of viewers worldwide. His YouTube channel now boasts over 200 thousand subscribers who eagerly anticipate each new release.

However, Brooks’ online popularity should not overshadow his dedication to education. The roots of his inspiring work lie primarily in creating positive change within schools—championing equity for all students and making educational environments more engaging and enjoyable to learn in.

Despite the humorous undertones found in his videos, there are thought-provoking messages that encourage other educators to prioritize self-care alongside their critical role in shaping young minds. By fostering a healthy work-life balance and nurturing relationships within the educational community, Gerry Brooks hopes to inspire others to persevere through difficult times and remain passionate about their work as educators.

As his fame continues to grow, one thing remains indisputable—Gerry Brooks’ dedication to his profession has not subsided. He continues to prioritize education above all else by traveling across the country as a keynote speaker at educational conferences and events. It is through this ongoing commitment that Brooks maintains his stature as an influential figure in the world of teaching, while his viral internet success only serves to enhance the spread of his message.

In conclusion, Gerry Brooks has become a beacon of hope and motivation for educators worldwide due to his exemplary dedication to the field. He remains committed to making a positive impact on the lives of students and teachers alike, embodying the best qualities of a successful educator. As a viral internet sensation, he has managed to use this platform not for personal gain but rather as a means to share vital lessons about compassion, patience, and empathy in education.

2017 Classroom Upgrade Giveaway: Enhancing Education for a Brighter Future


The 2017 Classroom Upgrade Giveaway was an exciting event aimed at improving educational experiences for students around the country. With technology playing an increasingly pivotal role in today’s classroom settings, it is crucial to equip schools with up-to-date tools and resources. The giveaway promoted digital inclusion and helped bring modern educational techniques to classrooms in need.

A Generous Donation:

The 2017 Classroom Upgrade Giveaway received an overwhelming amount of support from various organizations and generous donors who believe in the importance of investing in education. These sponsors provided state-of-the-art technology equipment and educational resources that went directly to deserving classrooms across the nation.

Participating Schools:

Numerous schools from every corner of the country took part in this invigorating event, showcasing their commitment to providing quality education for their students. It became a platform for schools to share challenges faced in incorporating technology-based learning and fostered a sense of community among participating institutions.

The Event Highlights:

The giveaway consisted of several stages, where schools could submit applications showcasing their need for upgraded technology and innovative learning techniques. A panel of experts reviewed these applications, assessing each based on the school’s needs, creative ideas, and communal engagement. After thoughtful consideration, the chosen schools were announced during a grand virtual ceremony filled with anticipation and excitement.

Impacts on Classrooms:

The winning schools received a complete classroom makeover with cutting-edge tools and resources, including interactive smart boards, high-speed internet connectivity, laptops or tablets for each student, and other relevant tools necessary to enhance their learning experience. Teachers also had access to professional development opportunities to help integrate technology into their lesson plans effectively.

A Brighter Future Ahead:

The 2017 Classroom Upgrade Giveaway made a significant impact by bridging the digital divide in selected classrooms. With increased access to technology, students have better resources to prepare them for the challenges of the modern world. Moreover, teachers are now better equipped to handle 21st-century educational needs, resulting in more engaged students and improved academic performance.


The 2017 Classroom Upgrade Giveaway serves as an inspirational reminder of how we can come together as a society to create positive change in the realm of education. By equipping classrooms with the necessary tools and providing professional development for educators, this event has paved the way for brighter futures for countless students across the nation.

10 Skills Great Principals Have That You’ll Never See on a Resume

Great principals play a crucial role in the successful functioning of schools. Their leadership is vital in creating a suitable learning environment and fostering growth among students and teachers alike. While resumes can list qualifications and experience, there are a whole host of other skills these leaders possess that you won’t find written down. The following are ten lesser-known skills that make great principals stand out.

1. Empathy: Principals must have the ability to connect with their faculty, staff, parents, and students on an emotional level to understand their perspectives better. By putting themselves in others’ shoes, they can create a supportive school environment where everyone feels valued.

2. Decision-making intuition: Great principals can quickly assess situations and make sound decisions even under pressure or with limited information available. Their gut-feelings often prove to be accurate and efficient solutions to issues they face.

3. Conflict resolution: School administrators must navigate disagreements between staff members, parents, and even students at times. Excellent interpersonal skills help them resolve issues while ensuring all parties feel heard and respected.

4. Adaptability: The world of education is ever-evolving, with new technologies, teaching methods, and government regulations emerging regularly. A great principal can adapt to these changes without sacrificing quality of education or their school’s overall goals.

5. Humility: A successful principal understands that they don’t have all the answers and values the collective wisdom of their team members. They’re not afraid to ask for help or admit when they’re wrong, fostering an atmosphere of trust and collaboration within their school community.

6. Resilience: Leading a school can be challenging work filled with setbacks along the way. Exceptional principals persevere through difficulties without losing sight of the bigger picture – providing high-quality education for every student under their care.

7. Creative problem-solving: Effective leaders can see challenges as opportunities by thinking outside the box. They inspire and motivate faculty to join them in devising innovative solutions that transform those obstacles into opportunities for growth and learning.

8. Focus on the whole child: The best principals prioritize students’ well-being by promoting a school culture that attends not just to academic achievement but also emotional, physical, and social wellness.

9. Active listening: Effective communication skills are essential to great leadership. Giving full attention to others while engaging in thoughtful conversations allows principals to foster genuine connections with their staff, students, and parent community.

10. Passion for lifelong learning: A desire for continuous self-improvement is a hallmark of outstanding principals. By pursuing professional development and staying curious, they set a powerful example for all members of their school community to follow.

In conclusion, successful school principals possess an array of essential skills that may not be listed on their resumes but significantly contribute to their school’s success. It takes more than education and experience to make a great principal; it takes the heart, passion, and dedication that truly inspire lasting positive change.

5 Marketing Strategies for Schools in the Age of School Choice

In the age of school choice, competition among educational institutions is on the rise. Parents and students are no longer limited to their neighborhood school and can select the best-fit environment for their needs. To stay competitive and attract new enrollments, schools must adopt effective marketing strategies. This article highlights five effective marketing techniques that schools can employ to boost their appeal in the age of school choice.

1. Develop a strong online presence

A robust online presence is crucial for reaching prospective parents and students in the digital age. A user-friendly website that showcases your school’s strengths, achievements, and unique offerings will help you stand out. Be sure to include testimonials, success stories, and engaging multimedia content like videos and images. Keep your website updated with timely information on upcoming events, news, and announcements.

Additionally, make use of social media platforms to share updates, interact with followers, and showcase your community engagement. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer opportunities to connect with stakeholders in both personal and professional contexts.

2. Host open house events

Attract potential families by hosting open house events where they can experience your school’s atmosphere first-hand. During these events, highlight your institution’s strong points through guided tours, classroom observations showcasing unique teaching methods, or engaging presentations by faculty members. Providing opportunities for face-to-face interaction allows your school’s warmth and dedication to resonate with prospective parents.

3. Emphasize unique programs and opportunities

In a competitive landscape, it’s essential to distinguish your school from the rest by promoting distinct programs or opportunities available exclusively to your students. For example, if your institution boasts strong STEM programs or has an exceptional arts curriculum, make sure to highlight this information in promotional materials.

By differentiating yourself through unique offerings, you can showcase how your specific programs align with the goals and values of potential enrollees.

4. Develop partnerships with the local community

Forge strategic alliances with local businesses, community organizations, and media outlets to broaden your school’s reach. By cultivating relationships with key stakeholders, schools can piggyback off their marketing efforts and engage in mutually beneficial promotional initiatives. These collaborative efforts can result in sponsorships, co-hosted events, or joint publicity efforts that serve to elevate your school’s reputation and public recognition.

5. Collect and showcase data on student success

Highlighting measurable outcomes is an essential marketing instrument. Gather data on student performance, achievements, graduation rates, college placements, or scholarships earned to demonstrate the value of your institution. Present this data through infographics, statistics on the website’s homepage, or eye-catching brochures. By showcasing proven success stories and quantifiable results, your school can build trust and credibility among potential families.

In conclusion, the age of school choice has ushered in an era of competition among educational institutions. To stand out from the crowd, schools must adopt a multi-pronged approach that combines digital marketing strategies with traditional outreach methods. By implementing these five strategies – developing a strong online presence, hosting open house events, emphasizing unique programs and opportunities, forging partnerships with local communities, and showcasing data-driven success stories – schools can enhance their appeal to families seeking the perfect fit for their children’s education.

Principal Helpline: How to Learn Taking Criticism Less Personally


In virtually every aspect of life, we face criticism. Whether it’s in the workplace, in education, or within personal relationships, criticism can be valuable for growth and learning. However, taking criticism too personally can hinder that progress and lead to resentment or feeling inadequate. In this article, we explore strategies to help you process criticism more constructively and learn how to not take it personally.

1. Recognize the constructive nature of criticism

The first step to handle criticism in a healthier manner is recognizing that its purpose is often to help you improve in some way – most criticisms arise from a desire for both you and your work to perform better. By reframing negative feedback as an opportunity for growth rather than a personal attack, you can better manage your emotions and take steps towards self-improvement.

2. Separate yourself from your work

It’s essential to distinguish between yourself as an individual and the subject of the critique. Criticism of your work is often not synonymous with a criticism of your personal character or capabilities. When receiving negative feedback, remind yourself that it’s targeted at specific aspects of your work that require improvement and not as a judgment on your inherent worth.

3. Pause before reacting

It’s natural to feel defensive when facing negative feedback, especially when it appears harsh or unfounded. Before responding immediately with anger or explanations, take some time to process what has been said. Giving yourself space helps you assess whether the criticism is valid and allows you to craft a considered response calmly.

4. Engage in active listening

When receiving criticism, make an effort to truly understand and absorb what the other person is saying instead of merely focusing on how it makes you feel. By listening carefully to their concerns and advice, you may find valuable insights that enable you to grow both personally and professionally.

5. Ask for clarification

If the criticism seems vague or misdirected, ask for more specific information to better understand the other person’s concerns. This not only helps you address the issue effectively but also opens a line of communication, facilitating a more positive and constructive conversation.

6. Use “I” statements

When responding to criticism, using “I” statements rather than “you” statements can help to clearly articulate your feelings while avoiding blame or accusations. For example, say “I felt disheartened by your feedback” instead of “You made me feel bad.”

7. Reframe negative emotions

Negative emotions attached to receiving criticism may stem from feeling vulnerable or exposed. Acknowledge and accept that these feelings are part of the process, and reframe them as an opportunity for growth, resilience, and self-awareness.

8. Reflect on previous experiences

Think back on previous instances when you received constructive criticism, focusing on how you dealt with it at the time. Reflecting on past experiences helps you identify patterns in your reactions and develop healthier responses in the future.


Learning to take criticism less personally is a skill that requires practice and patience. By employing strategies like reframing negative feedback as an opportunity for growth, engaging in active listening, and asking for clarification, you can become more effective at handling critique. Remember that people are often critiquing your work rather than you as an individual – keep this distinction in mind and use it as motivation for improvement. As you continue working on this skill, consider seeking out opportunities to receive constructive feedback from trusted sources; this practice will not only aid personal growth but create a stronger foundation for resilience and emotional well-being.

Don’t Negotiate Your Teachers’ Union Contract Before You Read This

The education sector is constantly evolving, and keeping up with these changes becomes crucial for teachers to ensure the best possible learning environment for students. One key aspect that helps maintain a stable and secured workplace for educators is the negotiation of their union contract. This process can seem daunting, but being informed and prepared can make a significant difference. In this article, we will discuss the essentials that you need to know before stepping into negotiations with your teachers’ union contract.

1. Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

Before entering the negotiation room, it’s essential to understand your rights and responsibilities as an educator. Familiarize yourself with labor laws in your state, as well as your district’s policies and procedures. Research previous contracts to learn from past experiences and ensure a better understanding of the negotiation process.

2. Identify Your Priorities

In preparation for negotiations, it’s crucial to identify the priorities of your colleagues and determine what changes or improvements need to be made in the union contract. These can include fair compensation packages, improved working conditions, manageable workloads, professional development opportunities, or better health care benefits.

3. Build Solidarity among Members

Before negotiations begin, open communication among union members plays a vital role in forming a united front as a collective bargaining unit. Attend meetings or create forums where members can share concerns, suggestions, and updates about their needs within the workplace. Create sub-committees to tackle specific issues and allow broader participation from all member levels.

4. Engage in Research and Fact-Finding

Entering negotiations well-informed is essential for success. So gather data on comparable salaries, benefits, working conditions, case studies from other districts, as well as industry-standard ratios of teacher-to-student numbers to back up your demands with concrete evidence.

5. Develop a Negotiation Strategy

Formulate a clear plan before beginning negotiations with management. In addition to setting a timeline and milestones, consider developing a backup plan in the event that management is unwilling to meet your requests. Understand that negotiations involve compromise, so be prepared to offer alternatives if your initial proposals do not garner the desired results.

6. Strengthen Your Negotiation Skills

Negotiating can be tough, so it’s essential to sharpen your skills by attending workshops, seminars, or training programs specifically designed for union contract negotiations. Also, consider engaging experienced negotiators or a labor relations consultant who can offer guidance and insight throughout the process.

7. Communicate Progress with Union Membership

Regularly update your members on the progress of negotiation talks while ensuring transparency from both sides. This boosts morale and demonstrates that progress is being made.

8. Prepare for Contingencies

It’s always wise to have contingency plans before entering negotiations. These plans ensure that you are ready and able to take action in case an impasse arises or negotiations reach a standstill. Remember, it’s crucial to remain resolute in making decisions that benefit the collective membership.

In conclusion, taking the time to prepare for your teachers’ union contract negotiations is essential for securing favorable outcomes that benefit all educators involved. Keep these crucial tips in mind as you engage in this important process of advocating for improvements and change within your educational community.

A School that Gives Students a Big Leadership Voice


Education is not only about acquiring knowledge; it is also about nurturing the skills and creativity that empower students to excel in their chosen fields. The modern world demands innovative strategies to prepare students for leadership roles, and one educational institute stands out in this regard: a school that gives students a big leadership voice.

The Vision

This progressive school believes that the future belongs to those who can wield a creative and collaborative mindset. By providing students with a platform to express themselves, learn, grow, and lead, the institution nurtures their abilities for self-management, resilience and adaptability.

Student-Centered Leadership

The school’s core mission emphasizes the importance of building a community of learners and fostering an environment where students can drive their education. To achieve this, the institution creates endless opportunities for student involvement and collaborative decision-making. Students are encouraged to participate in discussions on critical issues like curriculum development, school policy changes, and social projects. This strong sense of shared ownership shapes students into responsible individuals who genuinely care about their learning environment.

Developing Communication Skills

To enable meaningful engagement, the school pays meticulous attention to their students’ communication skills. From debating clubs and public speaking seminars on campus to interactions with leaders from different industries at external events – these diverse platforms groom students into confident speakers who are adept at putting forth their thoughts eloquently.

Mentorship Programs

Mentorship plays a central role in this unique education model. Senior students – often elected as student body representatives – take up leadership positions where they guide younger peers through various growth-oriented processes. As mentors, they pass along invaluable life experiences while instilling a spirit of camaraderie that transcends classroom boundaries.

Learning from Real-World Experiences

One of the key features of this school’s vision is exposing students to real-world situations through field trips, internships, community engagement, and volunteer work. This hands-on learning approach allows them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations, thereby building confidence and a deeper understanding of the issues discussed in class.

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Environment

With diverse representation from all walks of life, this school prioritizes inclusivity in its policies. Special focus is on incorporating gender-neutral language and observing cultural sensitivities to ensure that everyone feels welcome. The school supports anti-bullying programs and promotes open dialogue to create an atmosphere of trust where students feel comfortable sharing ideas.


A school that gives students a big leadership voice molds young minds into compassionate, thoughtful, and innovative individuals who are equipped with the skills required to thrive in the ever-evolving global landscape. By prioritizing students’ involvement in governance, collaborative decision-making, mentorship, communication, and real-world experiences, this institution ensures that students are not just passive recipients of knowledge – they are active agents of positive change.

Principal Hotline: Is Work-Life Balance Even Possible?

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance can feel like an impossible challenge for many professionals. The traditional 9-to-5 workday is increasingly fluid and demanding, and the added pressures of technology have made it difficult for many people to “switch off” when they leave the office. This is especially true for school principals, who bear enormous responsibilities and often wear multiple hats as the educational leaders of their institutions.

But is it really possible to maintain a balance between work and personal life as a principal? Let’s explore some strategies that can help you navigate this issue without sacrificing your career or well-being.

1. Set Boundaries

The first step in establishing a work-life balance is setting boundaries between your professional and personal time. As a principal, you may need to be accessible outside of regular school hours for emergencies or to respond to urgent situations. However, try to designate specific times when you’ll be unavailable except for critical matters. It’s essential to communicate these boundaries with your staff so that they know what to expect and respect your personal time.

2. Prioritize Self-Care

With countless tasks and responsibilities as a school principal, it’s crucial not to lose sight of self-care as part of your daily routine. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that rejuvenate your energy levels. Prioritizing self-care will help you combat burnout and stay resilient in the face of challenges.

3. Delegate Responsibilities

It can be tempting for principals to take on every responsibility that comes their way – but it’s essential to recognize that nobody can do everything by themselves. Delegate tasks whenever possible and empower your team members to take ownership of specific duties. This not only helps lighten your workload but also fosters a culture of trust and collaboration within your school community.

4. Utilize Technology Wisely

While technology has undoubtedly made it harder to disconnect from work, it can also be a valuable ally in finding this balance. Optimize your use of digital tools to streamline your daily tasks, automate processes, and improve time management. Just remember that technology is a double-edged sword – make sure not to spend every waking moment glued to your devices.

5. Foster a Support Network

Having a robust support network – both professionally and personally – is vital when striving for work-life balance. Engage with other principals and administrators through networking events or online forums to share experiences, strategies, and advice regarding common challenges. Seek support from friends, family, and loved ones to help maintain a balanced perspective on life.

Ultimately, achieving work-life balance as a principal comes down to being proactive, setting realistic expectations, and practicing self-awareness. While it may not always be easy or straightforward, it’s worth the effort as it not only benefits your well-being but also translates into better leadership for your school community.

A Millennial Administrator’s Case for a Relaxed Professional Dress Code

In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, it is essential to consider the role of professional dress codes, especially from the perspective of a millennial administrator. As new generations enter the workforce, it is crucial to adapt to their progressive views and innovative approaches to various aspects of corporate life. This article argues that adopting a more relaxed dress code can not only benefit employees but also the overall productivity and success of a company.

One factor that warrants more flexibility in professional attire is the dramatic shift in work-life balance. Millennials are notorious for prioritizing this balance above all else. With an increasing number of businesses accommodating remote work and flexible schedules, employees are expected to transition seamlessly between their professional and personal lives. A more relaxed dress code can help facilitate this process by blurring the line between work and leisure, ultimately improving employee satisfaction and well-being.

In addition, companies seeking to attract top talent must consider how they can stand out from their competitors. A relaxed dress code can act as an enticing perk for potential employees, particularly millennials. Millennials crave self-expression and are known for bending traditional norms. By embracing a more casual dress code, employers will signal that they are open to change and innovation, factors essential for attracting and retaining young talent.

Relaxed dress codes can also promote creativity and collaboration within the workplace. Strict professional attire tends to reinforce hierarchy and accentuate differences between coworkers. By adopting a more casual environment, employees may feel more comfortable contributing ideas, engaging with coworkers across various levels, and fostering a sense of community. Furthermore, when employees are allowed to wear clothes that reflect their personalities, creativity is encouraged which can contribute to improved problem-solving skills and inspired solutions.

Moreover, let’s not forget the financial benefits of relaxing dress codes. The cost of maintaining a professional wardrobe can be quite significant, particularly for young professionals who are just starting their careers or those with student loans. By allowing employees to dress more casually, companies empower their workforce to allocate their funds towards other life expenses.

Of course, relaxing professional dress codes does not mean the elimination of standards altogether. Instead, it calls for a shift in focus from traditional dress codes, encouraging employees to dress in a manner that communicates professionalism and respect for their environment, yet remains comfortable and expressive.

In conclusion, it is essential for millennial administrators and decision-makers to acknowledge the changing landscape within the modern workforce. Adapting a more relaxed professional dress code not only enhances employee satisfaction but also bolsters creativity, collaboration, and overall company success. As new generations continue to shape the corporate world, it is essential for businesses to remain adaptable and embrace changes that resonate with current and future employees.