Education Leadership

10 Things Principals Can Do To Support Tired Teachers Right Now


Teaching is a highly demanding profession, and with the ongoing pandemic, increased workloads, and the daily challenges that come with shaping young minds, educators are feeling more tired and overwhelmed than ever. As a principal, it’s vital to recognize these challenges and support teachers in order to maintain a positive school environment. Here are ten things principals can do to support tired teachers right now:

1. Offer words of appreciation:

A simple ‘thank you’ or acknowledgement of a job well done goes a long way in making teachers feel valued and appreciated for their hard work.

2. Create a wellness program:

Establishing an in-school wellness program can ensure that teachers have access to resources promoting relaxation and stress relief, such as yoga classes, breathing exercises, or workshops on mindfulness.

3. Provide opportunities for professional development:

Offering teachers opportunities for growth through professional development workshops or courses is not only beneficial for expanding knowledge but can also indirectly instill motivation and help alleviate fatigue.

4. Allocate time for self-care:

Arrange staff schedules in such a way that allows time for mental health breaks, personal appointments, exercise, or even just moments of silence during the day to provide much-needed relief for overwhelmed educators.

5. Facilitate open communication:

Encourage regular check-ins with staff members where they can discuss their concerns or challenges without fear of judgment. This fosters positive relationships within the faculty and allows problems to be addressed before they escalate.

6. Reevaluate workload distribution:

Distribute workload fairly among staff members by routinely evaluating lesson planning, assignments, and other administrative tasks; this ensures that no teacher is unfairly burdened with additional responsibilities.

7. Encourage collaboration:

Foster an environment where teachers can brainstorm together on solutions to everyday challenges they may face in the classroom or school environment. Sometimes two heads are better than one when it comes to finding solutions.

8. Provide access to counseling services:

Having access to mental health counseling within the school can be instrumental in supporting struggling teachers. Setting up an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which connects faculty with resources beyond school walls, can also help address more complex issues.

9. Prioritize work-life balance:

Recognize that teachers are more effective in their roles when they feel rejuvenated;  encourage them to take time off and leave work at work as much as possible.

10. Incorporate appreciation events:

Organize staff appreciation events such as staff breakfasts, lunches, or holiday parties to show gratitude and boost morale among your teaching staff.


By implementing these ten strategies, principals can provide crucial support for their tired teachers, leading to increased job satisfaction, better overall school performance, and improved student learning outcomes. Remember, if you take care of the faculty, the faculty will take care of the school.

1Start Here! A Comprehensive Guide to School Improvement Planning


A vibrant and successful educational institution requires a well-structured, comprehensive, and efficient school improvement plan. This plan serves as a blueprint for advancing the academic achievements and growth of students in collaboration with their parents, teachers, and administrators. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to kick-start your school improvement planning journey.

Step 1: Assess the Current Situation

Begin with an in-depth analysis of the existing state of your school. Identify strengths and weaknesses by reviewing academic performance data, obtaining feedback from students, parents, and staff members. Establishing a clear understanding of the present scenario will help in setting practical and achievable targets.

Step 2: Define Your Vision and Goals

Once you have assessed the present situation, develop a clear vision for your school’s future. Consider short-term goals (1-3 years) and long-term goals (5-10 years), ensuring that they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). Create action plans with deadlines to accomplish these goals.

Step 3: Involve Stakeholders

Involve all stakeholders: students, teachers, parents, administration staff, and other community members in the planning process. This promotes transparency in decision making and ensures that everybody’s needs are considered. A united front enhances commitment towards achieving the set targets.

Step 4: Allocate Resources

Resource allocation plays an essential role in implementing your school improvement plan efficiently. Assess financial requirements for infrastructure development projects or educational technology investments. Take into account faculty training programs or support services for enhanced student learning experiences.

Step 5: Develop Your School Improvement Plan

Combine all information gathered so far to create a comprehensive document outlining objectives, action plans with timeframes for completion, resource requirements, and expected outcomes. Make sure your plan aligns with national or state-level educational standards or guidelines.

Step 6: Implement the Plan

Set your improvement plan in motion by starting with high-priority initiatives. Ensure that individuals accountable for implementing different aspects of the plan receive the necessary resources and support to succeed. Communicate progress with all stakeholders regularly and maintain a transparent atmosphere.

Step 7: Monitor Progress and Evaluate Results

Monitor the implementation of your school improvement plan closely and evaluate outcomes frequently using quantitative and qualitative data sources. Adjust your strategy accordingly to remediate any gaps or roadblocks faced during the process.

Step 8: Reflect, Learn, and Improve

At the end of each academic year, organize discussions with stakeholders to assess your improvement plan’s success and evaluate any areas requiring further improvement. Incorporate lessons learned into updated versions of the strategy to allow for continuous development.


Creating an effective school improvement plan requires careful consideration, stakeholder involvement, resource optimization, and a commitment to change. By following this comprehensive guide, you will be well-equipped to tackle challenges in your educational institution’s path towards becoming an exemplary establishment dedicated to providing superior learning experiences for students.

A Report Card for the Teacher: 5 Tips for Getting Feedback From Students


As educators, we strive to create learning environments that foster growth and understanding. However, it is essential to remember that teaching is a two-way street, with students playing a vital role in the educational process. Students can provide valuable insight into what works well in the classroom and what doesn’t – if only we know how to ask. In this article, we will discuss five tips for getting feedback from students to improve and enhance our teaching methods.

1. Create a Safe and Anonymous Environment:

Receiving honest feedback from students can be challenging due to possible fear of negative consequences or backlash. To overcome this hurdle, create an environment where students can provide input without fear of retribution or judgment. Anonymity plays a crucial role here – make use of anonymous online surveys or suggestion boxes where students can express their thoughts comfortably.

2. Be Open-minded and Non-judgmental:

When seeking feedback from students, approach the conversation with an open mind. Avoid getting defensive or taking critiques personally. Instead, view the feedback as helpful information that allows you to grow and develop as an educator. Demonstrating consideration and appreciation towards your students’ varied perspectives will build rapport and promote open communication in the future.

3. Utilize Multiple Feedback Channels:

Different students may feel comfortable providing feedback through various channels – that’s why diversifying your feedback collection methods is essential. For instance, consider incorporating surveys, one-on-one discussions, focus groups, exit slips, or open forum Q&A sessions into your routine. This multi-pronged approach ensures that you gather diverse opinions and valuable insights from as many students as possible.

4. Ask Specific Questions:

Vague questions lead to vague answers – when seeking student feedback, be precise about what you want to know. Instead of asking general questions like “How did you like this lesson?”, try specific queries like “What did you find most challenging about the assignment, and how could it be improved?” By framing questions effectively, you increase the likelihood of receiving actionable information that can lead to genuine improvements.

5. Reflect and Implement Changes:

Gathering feedback is essential, but it’s only the first step in the process. Take the time to thoughtfully reflect on the input received, identify patterns, and determine which suggestions are worth implementing. Additionally, communicate with your students about any changes stemming from their feedback – this transparency not only validates their opinions but helps build trust and fosters a stronger teacher-student relationship.


Asking for feedback may feel intimidating or even humbling at times, but doing so provides a unique opportunity to grow as an educator. By creating open channels for communication and fostering a safe environment for honest conversations, we can embrace our students’ insights and use their feedback to drive continuous improvement in our teaching methodologies.