
Climate Change Education: Where to Start

Climate change is a pressing issue that affects the entire planet. It is imperative that we educate ourselves and future generations about this issue in order to drive change and find solutions. One valuable resource for climate change education is the website Teach Starter.

Teach Starter offers a comprehensive range of educational materials, articles, and lesson plans focused on climate change. Their article titled “Climate Change Education: Where to Start” provides an excellent starting point for educators and parents looking to introduce this topic to children.

The article begins by explaining the significance of climate change and the impact it has on the environment, ecosystems, and human lives. It emphasizes the importance of education in tackling this global challenge. The authors of the article discuss the benefits of incorporating climate change education into the curriculum, such as fostering critical thinking skills, encouraging environmental stewardship, and promoting sustainable practices.

Teach Starter provides a variety of resources and lesson ideas that can be used to teach children about climate change. These include engaging activities, informative videos, and thought-provoking discussion questions. By using these materials, educators can create engaging and interactive lessons that empower students to become informed global citizens.

The article also highlights the importance of engaging parents and the wider community in climate change education. Teach Starter offers suggestions on how to involve parents in these discussions and provides resources that can be shared with families to deepen their understanding of the issue.

In conclusion, teaching children about climate change is essential for building a sustainable future. Teach Starter’s article on “Climate Change Education: Where to Start” is a valuable resource for educators and parents seeking to introduce this topic to young learners. By utilizing their resources and ideas, we can equip the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact on the planet.

Growth Mindset Strategies to Help Your Students Grow as Learners

Education is not just about teaching children facts and figures. It’s about nurturing a love for learning and encouraging students to realise that intelligence and abilities can be developed with effort, persistence, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. This belief lies at the core of what is known as a “growth mindset.” Teachers can foster this mindset in their students through specific strategies, which ultimately help them become more resilient and successful learners.

Firstly, praise the process, not just the product. When you focus on effort, strategy, and progress rather than just the final result, students learn to value the work they put into achieving their goals. This means recognizing when they take on challenges, display perseverance, or show improvement.

Secondly, teachers can take time to teach about the brain and its ability to grow and change through learning. This knowledge empowers students with the understanding that their intellectual abilities are not fixed but can be developed through dedication and education.

Another strategy is to embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth. Encourage students to see mistakes as a normal part of learning. By doing so, they’ll come to view challenges as chances to get smarter rather than as threats to their intelligence.

Teachers should also encourage purposeful practice. While effort is vital, it’s directed effort that makes the most impact. Help students establish specific goals and practice strategies that address their needs so they feel they’re making progress.

Introducing self-reflection exercises is another way to instill a growth mindset. Allow students time to reflect on what they’ve learned from their experiences. This helps them recognize their developmental journey and connect it to the efforts they’ve made.

Lastly, model a growth mindset yourself. Teachers are role models; when you show curiosity, enthusiasm for learning new things, and resilience in facing your own challenges, you set an example for your students to follow.

By incorporating these strategies into teaching practices, educators can reshape how students think about learning and intelligence. When embraced by an entire school community – from administrators down to the youngest learners – these approaches can transform education into an enriching journey of continual growth.

In essence, promoting a growth mindset in the classroom equips learners with a set of attitudes and skills that have positive ramifications far beyond academic performance — it prepares them for life.

Sustainability Teaching Resources

In a world grappling with environmental challenges, sustainability education is crucial. It empowers students with the knowledge, skills, and values to confront complex ecological issues and participate in building a more sustainable future. Recognizing its importance, educators worldwide are seeking effective sustainability teaching resources to incorporate into their curricula.

Not merely confined to science classes, sustainability can permeate a range of subjects such as social studies, language arts, economics, and mathematics. Through interdisciplinary approaches, students can examine sustainability from multiple perspectives, understanding how it influences and is influenced by social systems, cultures, economies, and technology.

Several organizations offer comprehensive teaching materials designed to foster sustainability. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides lesson plans and activities that stimulate discussions about climate change, waste management, and natural resource conservation. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) offers curriculum guides for different age groups that touch on biodiversity and conservation efforts.

Project-based learning is another method that brings sustainability education to life. Projects like school gardens teach children about plant biology, nutrition, and the importance of local food systems. Similarly, initiatives like recycling drives or energy-saving campaigns integrate math skills as students track data related to their project’s impact.

Digital platforms also offer interactive tools for students to engage with sustainability topics deeply. Websites such as Green Education Foundation have an array of resources on sustainable water use, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly transportation which include virtual labs and simulations.

To ensure these resources resonate with students personally and underscore individual responsibility towards sustainability:

1. Educators should tailor activities that reflect local environmental issues.

2. Lessons must be age-appropriate but challenge students to think critically.

3. Including community service components where possible can enhance real-world connections.

4. Finally, collaboration with external environmental organizations can provide access to expert knowledge and additional resources.

Equipping educators with an arsenal of well-structured resources will better prepare our youth for the challenges of tomorrow by instilling a durable consciousness toward global stewardship today. As educational paradigms shift towards greater awareness of our planet’s fragility and finite resources, integrating sustainability into teaching becomes not just an option but an imperative part of shaping responsible global citizens.

10 Excellent Earth Day Classroom Activities and Resources

Earth Day, celebrated on April 22 each year, is an excellent opportunity to educate and engage students about environmental issues and sustainability. It’s a day for teachers to inspire their students to care for their planet and to integrate eco-friendly practices into their everyday lives. Here are ten outstanding activities and resources that can be used in the classroom to commemorate Earth Day:

1. Recycling Workshop: Educate students on the importance of recycling by setting up a workshop where they can learn which materials can be recycled and how the recycling process works. Follow up with a creative session where students make art from recycled objects.

2. Local Cleanup: Organize a local cleanup day where students help clean a park, beach, or school grounds. This practical activity not only helps the environment but also instills a sense of community service.

3. Seed Planting Project: Buy some seeds and have students plant them in small pots to take home. This hands-on experience teaches the basics of gardening and the importance of plants to the Earth’s ecosystem.

4. Nature Walk: Take students on a nature walk to observe local flora and fauna. Have them document their findings and discuss how each organism plays a role in the environment.

5. Energy Conservation Lesson: Plan a lesson around energy conservation, showing how saving energy reduces carbon footprint. Students can learn about alternative sources of energy like solar or wind power.

6. Upcycling Challenge: Challenge your class to bring in old items from home that they no longer use and brainstorm ways these items can be repurposed or “upcycled” into something new.

7. Eco-Friendly Products Research: Assign students to research eco-friendly products and write reports or give presentations comparing them to conventional versions regarding environmental impact.

8. Classroom Energy Audit: Conduct an energy audit of your classroom with your students, checking for ways energy is being used efficiently or wasted, and develop strategies for improvement.

9. Environmental Guest Speaker: Invite an environmental scientist, activist, or educator to speak to your class about current environmentalchallenges and ways the next generation can contribute positively.

10. Citizen Science Projects: Engage students with citizen science projects that allow them to contribute data on local wildlife, weather patterns, or plant growth to larger scientific studies.

Integrating these activities into your Earth Day celebration not only makes learning fun but also encourages lifelong habits of environmental stewardship among students.

Periodic Table of Education Acronyms

The Education sector is rich with acronyms that educators, students, and parents encounter on a regular basis. To better understand these terms, envisioning them as a Periodic Table of Education Acronyms can be beneficial. In this table, each acronym represents an element fundamental to the educational system.

Here are some of the key acronyms you might find on this imaginary periodic table:

1. STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – This term signifies an education grouping focused on these hard sciences essential for innovation and technological development.

2. IEP: Individualized Education Program – A critical component for special education services in public schools, outlining the tailored educational plan for students with disabilities.

3. ESL: English as a Second Language – A program for students whose primary language is not English to help them achieve proficiency.

4. SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test – A standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States.

5. ACT: American College Testing – Another standardized test used for college admissions in the U.S., similar to SAT but with different emphases.

6. GED: General Educational Development – A suite of four subject tests which, when passed, provide certification that the test taker has United States or Canadian high school-level academic skills.

7. AP: Advanced Placement – College-level courses and exams offered in high school that can grant students college credit and advanced placement in college courses upon successful completion.

8. PD: Professional Development – Ongoing training and education for teachers to enhance their professional knowledge and skills.

9. ELL: English Language Learner – A student who is learning the English language in addition to their native language.

10. IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – A federal law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation, governing how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services.

11. NAEP: National Assessment of Educational Progress – The largest nationally representative assessment of what America’s students know and can do in various subject areas.

12. RTI: Response to Intervention – A multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs.

13. LMS: Learning Management System – Software applications for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of educational courses or training programs.

14. SEL: Social-Emotional Learning – The process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to manage emotions, set goals, show empathy for others, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

This Periodic Table of Education Acronyms serves as a powerful tool for decoding common educational jargon that stakeholders encounter regularly within the educational landscape. Understanding these terms is crucial for participating effectively in discussions about educational policy, pedagogy, curriculum design, and student needs.

45 Sustainable Practices for the Environmentally Friendly Classroom

Sustainable practices are increasingly important in educational environments, where they can serve as a practical model for students and help reduce a school’s environmental footprint. Here are 45 sustainable practices suitable for creating an environmentally friendly classroom:

1.Implement paperless communication by using electronic mail or classroom apps.

2.Encourage digital assignments and grading to save paper.

3.Introduce a recycling program within the classroom.

4.Use recycled paper products when printing is necessary.

5.Install energy-efficient LED lighting.

6.Make use of natural light whenever possible.

7.Equip the classroom with recycling bins for paper, plastic, and metal.

8.Have a compost bin for organic waste.

9.Encourage the use of reusable water bottles instead of single-use plastics.

10.Conduct classroom activities that teach students about sustainability.

11.Create a classroom garden to learn about plant life and local ecosystems.

12.Use non-toxic, green cleaning products for the classroom.

13.Promote walking, biking, carpooling, or public transit for school commuting.

14.Organize eco-friendly projects like park clean-ups or tree plantings.

15.Decrease energy use by turning off lights and unplugging devices when not in use.

16.Set up a classroom library to reduce the need for new book purchases.

17.Use both sides of the paper before recycling it.

18.Choose refillable pens and pencils to reduce waste.

19.Adopt a plant-based day once a week for snacks or meals shared in class.

20.Utilize electronic textbooks or resources to decrease paper usage.

21.Create an eco-code that the class follows to engage in sustainable practices daily.

22.Source supplies locally to reduce carbon footprint from transportation.

23.Cultivate an awareness of water conservation within the classroom setting.

24.Celebrate Earth Day with special projects or lessons on environmental stewardship.

25.Use eco-friendly materials for art and craft projects.

26.Involve students in regular energy audits of the classroom environment.

27.Establish a second-hand uniform exchange program to reuse clothing items.

28.Set printers to double-sided printing as default to save on paper usage.

29.Use timers or motion sensors on electronics to ensure they are only on when needed.

30.Encourage thoughtful consumerism by discussing the impact of products used in class.

31.Engage in citizen science projects that allow students to contribute data on local environmental conditions.

32.Monitor air quality indoors with plants that clean the air naturally, such as spider plants and bamboo palms

33.Encourage sustainable transport options for field trips, such as chartering buses instead of individual cars

34.Investigate alternative energy sources like solar panels if feasible for hands-on learning and school energy needs

35.Practice sustainable waste management by teaching students how to properly discard items that cannot be recycled or composted,

36.Encourage participation in international sustainability programs like Eco-Schools or the Green Schools Alliance

37.Use rechargeable batteries for school devices to minimize toxic waste,

38.Instruct students on sustainable food choices by explaining food miles and the benefits of seasonal eating

39.Create art from upcycled materials rather than buying new resources

40.Maintain equipment properly to extend its lifespan rather than replacing it frequently

41.Choose equipment that is durable and repairable

42.Support “meatless Mondays” or other initiatives aimed at reducing meat consumption,

43.Foster relationships with local farms or community gardens to source produce for any food-related lessons

44.Introduce mindfulness and meditation practices that encourage a connection with nature

45.Participate in local, national, or global conversations and actions around sustainability efforts

Implementing these sustainable practices can lead schools towards a greener future while also providing invaluable lessons for students


Classroom Job Application Template

Classroom Job Application

Name: ________________________________________

Age: ___________________  Grade: ___________________

Date: ___________________________________________

Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Classroom Job Title] that has been advertised in our class. I believe that taking on this role will not only help me develop new skills but also contribute to our classroom community. Below, I have outlined my qualifications for this position:

Why I Am Interested in This Job:

(Provide a brief description of your motivation for applying and how you think it will benefit you and the classroom.)




Skills and Qualities I Can Bring to This Job:

(List any relevant skills or qualities you possess that make you a good fit for the job. This can include things like organization, leadership, time management, creativity, or reliability.)

1. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________________

Previous Experience Related to This Job:

(If applicable, mention any previous roles or responsibilities you have undertaken in the classroom or outside that show your capability for this job.)




A Specific Idea I Have for This Role:

(Share one idea or initiative you would like to implement if you get this job, demonstrating your innovation and commitment.)




Please consider my application for the [Classroom Job Title]. I am eager to contribute positively to our class and learn new things along the way. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

8 Fun Effective Lesson Closures

Lesson closures are a vital aspect of the teaching process, providing a summary and a smooth transition away from a specific topic or subject. They reinforce key information, enable students to reflect on what they’ve learned, offer opportunities for assessment, and help teachers to identify any areas that may need more attention. Here are eight fun and effective lesson closure activities that can enhance the learning experience:

1. Exit Tickets – An exit ticket is a quick prompt given to students at the end of a lesson. They can answer a question, summarize what they’ve learned, or pose a question of their own. This strategy not only gives teachers an understanding of student comprehension but also lets students reflect on their learning.

2. Three-Word Summaries – Ask students to boil down the day’s lesson into just three words. This encourages them to distil the essence of the lesson and focus on the core elements. It’s both challenging and engaging for them to pick just three words that encapsulate everything they learned.

3. Classroom Jeopardy – A game of jeopardy using questions based on the day’s lesson can be an exciting way to review material. Students can compete in teams, fostering a friendly competitive atmosphere while reinforcing their knowledge.

4. Concept Maps – Have students create concept maps linking together ideas from the lesson in visual form. This can be particularly effective for visual learners and helps in identifying connections between concepts.

5. Snowball Discussions – Students write down something they’ve learned on a piece of paper, crumple it up, and then throw it across the room like a snowball fight. Afterward, each student picks up a “snowball” and reads aloud what is written.

6. Learning Logs – Encourage students to keep learning logs where they regularly write reflections on what they have learned. At the end of a lesson, give them time to write about what stood out to them and why.

7. Two Stars and a Wish – Students share two things they understood or liked about the lesson (“stars”) and one thing they wish they could learn more about or found confusing (“wish”). This method promotes positive feedback while subtly identifying gaps in understanding.

8. The Hot Seat – In this activity, one student sits in the “hot seat” and answers rapid-fire questions from their classmates about the lesson topic for 30 seconds or so before another student takes over.

Incorporating these fun and varied lesson closures will ensure students leave each class with a clear sense of accomplishment and retention of the material learnt while providing invaluable insights for teachers into their students’ learning processes.

Teach Starter Teaching Resources

Teach Starter is a cornerstone in the educational industry, offering an array of teaching resources that cater to the diverse needs of educators worldwide. Founded on the principle of saving time and enriching classroom environments, Teach Starter grants teachers access to a wealth of high-quality, engaging, and curriculum-aligned materials.

The resources available through Teach Starter span a wide range of subjects including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and the arts. Whether educators are looking for comprehensive lesson plans, vibrant classroom decoratives, or interactive activities that will engage students’ interests and foster understanding, Teach Starter is an invaluable tool.

One of the key benefits of using Teach Starter is the way it simplifies lesson preparation. With an extensive library at their fingertips, educators can find and download materials within minutes. This streamlines the planning process, allowing for more time that can be invested in direct student interaction and personalized teaching.

Additionally, Teach Starter continuously updates its repository with fresh content tailored to current educational trends and pedagogical research. The platform also encourages a collaborative environment where educators can share insights and discuss effective strategies to enhance their teaching practices.

Inclusion and accessibility are at the heart of Teach Starter’s mission. The platform ensures that materials cater not only to different learning levels but also to various learning styles and abilities. This emphasis on differentiation demonstrates Teach Starter’s commitment to education equality — ensuring that every student has access to resources that resonate with them personally.

Moreover, Teach Starter extends its support beyond the classroom by providing teacher well-being resources aimed at professional development and personal growth. These resources are designed to help educators maintain a healthy work-life balance which in turn contributes positively to their teaching effectiveness.

In conclusion, Teach Starter empowers teachers by offering comprehensive resources that not only save time but also enhance educational delivery. By integrating Teach Starter into their daily routine, educators can elevate their teaching methods and make learning a more dynamic, inclusive, and enjoyable experience for all students.

Environmental Activities for Students in a Sustainability Classroom

Sustainability and environmental awareness are crucial components of modern education. Teachers around the world are incorporating eco-friendly practices and sustainability lessons into their curricula to educate the next generation about the importance of caring for our planet. The website Teach Starter offers a variety of environmental activities that can help students understand sustainability concepts.

One key factor in nurturing an environmentally conscious mindset is making learning fun and engaging. Teach Starter suggests several activities designed to educate students about the environment through interactive and hands-on experiences:

1.Recycling Systems: Implementing classroom recycling systems teaches students how to sort and manage waste. A hands-on approach helps them understand the importance of reducing landfill contributions.

2.Energy-Saving Competitions: Competing to save energy can encourage students to turn off lights and electronic devices when not in use. These competitions foster a sense of responsibility towards energy consumption.

3.Garden-Based Learning: Creating a classroom garden can be an excellent way for students to learn about plant life cycles, food production, and the importance of biodiversity.

4.Water Conservation: Teaching children about water conservation through activities like measuring water usage helps them comprehend the significance of preserving this vital resource.

5.Nature Walks and Observations: Taking students on nature walks and encouraging them to observe local ecosystems broadens their awareness of the natural environment and its inhabitants.

6.Upcycled Art Projects: Using discarded materials to create art is not only a creative endeavor but also instructs students on the value of repurposing items that would otherwise be considered waste.

7.Climate Change Discussions: Engaging students in discussions about climate change and its effects fosters critical thinking about global environmental issues.

8.Eco-Friendly Product Research: Assigning projects that involve researching eco-friendly products teaches students about sustainable consumer choices.

Each of these activities can be tailored to suit different age groups and learning objectives, making them versatile tools for educators who wish to incorporate environmental lessons into their teaching practice.

To support teachers in this mission, Teach Starter provides lesson plans, worksheets, posters, and other resources aligning with environmental themes—all designed with sustainability education in mind. By using these resources, teachers can equip their students with knowledge and skills that will empower them to make positive environmental choices both now and in the future.

In conclusion, Teach Starter’s blog post on “Environmental Activities for Students in a Sustainability Classroom” showcases innovative methods to integrate environmental education into school curriculums effectively. These activities serve as starting points for educators to inspire young minds towards sustainability—a mission that gets increasingly critical as we face global environmental challenges head-on.