Tips for Supporting Your English Language Learners in Remote Learning


The shift to remote learning has been both a challenge and an opportunity for educators across the globe. This change is particularly crucial for English Language Learners (ELLs) and educators who must find innovative ways to support language acquisition and learning in a digital environment. To effectively support your ELL students, consider incorporating the following tips and strategies.

1. Provide clear instructions

Keep instructions simple, clear, and brief. Use step-by-step explanations with visuals, like flowcharts or diagrams, to eliminate confusion. It’s also helpful to check for understanding by asking students to paraphrase or repeat their understanding of the task.

2. Incorporate multimedia resources

Embrace the use of videos, audio recordings, and interactive presentations to bring content to life and engage your ELL students in multiple ways that cater to diverse learning preferences.

3. Encourage collaborative learning

Promote social interaction among students through breakout rooms, group chats, and forums. These activities not only foster a sense of community but can also help break down language barriers as students learn from one another.

4. Offer additional support materials

Ensure that ELLs have access to supplementary materials like vocabulary lists, examples of sentences in proper context, and grammar explanations. This extra support can go a long way in helping students grasp complex concepts during remote instruction.

5. Provide regular feedback

Provide constructive feedback frequently to help ELL students track their progress and address any concerns promptly. Also, maintain an open dialogue with them about course content and learning goals through video calls or online messaging systems.

6. Use scaffolding techniques

Break down tasks and activities into smaller, more manageable steps to make them easier for students—especially for those who are still mastering English proficiency. Scaffolding techniques will make content more accessible and foster gradual independence as learners acquire new skills.

7. Cater instruction to individual needs

Personalize learning by offering a variety of activities and assignments that cater to different proficiency levels and learning styles. Assign differentiated tasks to ensure that each student is adequately challenged and supported in their development.


Remote learning can be a challenging experience for many students, especially English Language Learners. As an educator in this unique situation, it is vital to adjust your teaching strategies to ensure your students succeed while learning remotely. By incorporating these tips into your teaching approach, you can better support ELLs’ language development process and foster ongoing engagement in the virtual classroom.

Transform Your ELL Classroom with a Free ‘Change Your Words’ Bulletin Board Kit


In today’s diverse educational landscape, teachers must continuously search for new resources to enhance their English language learner (ELL) classrooms. One exceptional tool is the free “Change Your Words” Bulletin Board Kit, designed specifically to foster an inclusive and engaging environment for ELL students. This article will explore the benefits this kit offers and demonstrate how you can seamlessly incorporate it into your classroom.

What is the “Change Your Words” Bulletin Board Kit?

The “Change Your Words” Bulletin Board Kit is a comprehensive, downloadable resource that presents a creative way to inspire and engage students in your ELL classroom. The kit focuses on transforming negative language into positive affirmations through visually appealing displays that encourage constructive self-talk. By integrating this powerful learning tool, you can foster an inclusive, supportive, and motivating environment tailored to meet the unique needs of your ELL students.

Benefits of the “Change Your Words” Bulletin Board Kit:

1. Encourages positive self-talk: The kit promotes positivity by showcasing revised statements that replace negative language with uplifting words or phrases.

2. Enhances vocabulary acquisition: As students learn new English words, they simultaneously develop their vocabulary through exposure to positive affirmations.

3. Fosters inclusivity: The visually appealing displays complement diverse classroom settings by promoting an inclusive atmosphere where all students feel valued.

4. Boosts motivation and engagement: When surrounded by uplifting affirmations, ELL students are likely to experience a heightened sense of motivation, enhancing their overall classroom engagement.

How To Incorporate the “Change Your Words” Bulletin Board Kit into Your Classroom:

Step 1: Download and print the kit from the designated website.

Step 2: Cut out the individual pieces according to their shapes and sizes.

Step 3: Arrange the cut-out elements on your bulletin board in a visually engaging manner – consider grouping related phrases together, pairing contrasting statements, or creating a unique design using creative borders and backgrounds.

Step 4: Discuss with your students the impact of positive self-talk on their learning experience and encourage them to practice using uplifting language both in and outside the classroom.

Step 5: Routinely update and adapt the bulletin board to maintain students’ interest, allowing it to evolve as your students’ language skills grow.


Incorporating the “Change Your Words” Bulletin Board Kit into your ELL classroom is a simple yet effective way to foster an inclusive, engaging, and supportive environment. By nurturing positive self-talk and promoting interactive learning, you will create an atmosphere where ELL students can thrive as they develop their language skills. Download the free kit today and witness the transformative impact it can have on your classroom.

Scaffolding Writing Instruction for English-Language Learners


Teaching English as a second language encompasses various skills, one of the most crucial being writing. For English-language learners (ELLs), developing a strong foundation in writing is essential to both academic and professional success. Scaffolding writing instruction offers a systematic and supportive approach that helps ELLs gradually develop their writing skills. This article explores the concept of scaffolding, its importance, and practical strategies for scaffolding writing instruction in the classroom.

The Concept of Scaffolding

Scaffolding refers to the educational practice of providing guidance and support to students as they develop new skills, gradually reducing that support as they become more proficient. In the context of teaching writing to ELLs, scaffolding can help students build on their existing language skills while promoting independence in learning.

Importance of Scaffolding for ELLs

1. Reduces anxiety: Scaffolding reduces feelings of anxiety when faced with a seemingly difficult task by offering step-by-step guidance and feedback.

2. Boosts motivation: When students successfully complete various stages of a task, they feel more confident and motivated to tackle more complex tasks.

3. Encourages active learning: Scaffolded activities require ELLs to engage actively in the learning process, resulting in enhanced language development.

4. Supports differentiated instruction: The individualized nature of scaffolding makes it adaptable to suit different proficiency levels and learning styles among ELLs.

Strategies for Scaffolding Writing Instruction

1. Pre-writing support: Assist students in brainstorming ideas, creating outlines, or using graphic organizers to arrange their thoughts before starting the actual writing process.

2. Modeling: Provide model texts that demonstrate effective writing strategies or walk through examples to highlight particular goals.

3. Collaborative/group activities: Encourage students to work collaboratively on writing exercises, facilitating peer feedback and learning from one another.

4. Sentence starters or writing frames: Provide sentence starters or writing frames that students can build upon to draft their work. This helps them focus on specific language features and structural elements.

5. Feedback and revision: Regularly check students’ progress and provide constructive feedback on areas such as grammar, vocabulary, and coherence. Encourage revisions to develop their self-editing skills.

6. Gradual release of responsibility: As students become more proficient in their writing skills, slowly withdraw support while encouraging independent practice.


Scaffolding writing instruction for English-language learners is a powerful approach that fosters language development, promotes learner autonomy, and boosts confidence. By incorporating the strategies mentioned above, teachers can ensure that ELLs are well-equipped to excel in their writing endeavors, ultimately bridging the gap between language learning and academic success.

FREE Google Form: Communication Survey for ELL Families – Enhancing Communication and Collaboration


Effective communication is crucial in the education sector, especially for teachers and administration. It involves understanding the needs of students and parents from different backgrounds to ensure a supportive educational environment. With the increasing number of English Language Learners (ELL) families in schools, facilitating smooth communication becomes an essential aspect to bridge the gap between language barriers. One such innovative technology that can help schools achieve this goal is the FREE Google Form: Communication Survey for ELL families.

Understanding ELL Families:

English Language Learners are students whose first language is not English, and they often require assistance, resources, and support to become proficient in the English language. ELL families are those where one or both parents/guardians mainly speak a language other than English at home. Understanding their communication preferences and cultural aspects is important for effective collaboration between schools and families.

What Is The Google Form: Communication Survey For ELL Families?

The Google Form: Communication Survey for ELL families is a free, user-friendly tool designed to assist educators in gathering important information about communication preferences of ELL parents or guardians. This tool helps schools understand how best to communicate with these families by analyzing their preferences concerning language, mode of communication, translation services, and other culturally sensitive context.

Benefits of Using The Google Form: Communication Survey For ELL Families

1. Bridge The Language Barrier: This survey helps educators identify if an interpreter or translator is needed for meetings or written communications with ELL families.

2. Tailor Communication Strategies: By knowing the preferred mode of communication (such as phone calls, emails, or text messages) for each family, educators can develop personalized strategies that ensure efficient and effective collaboration.

3. Empower Families: By engaging ELL families with appropriate communication channels and translation services, schools empower them to participate actively in their children’s education.

4. Inclusivity: This survey promotes diversity and fosters a sense of inclusivity by acknowledging the different cultural backgrounds and linguistic needs of ELL families.

5. Easy Access: The Google Form is free, customizable, shareable, and can be accessed from any device with internet access, making it highly accessible for teachers, staff members, and parents alike.

How To Use The Google Form: Communication Survey For ELL Families

1. Create your own version of the Google Form by making a copy from the original template.

2. Customize the form’s questions and design as needed.

3. Share the form with your colleagues for any additional feedback or input.

4. Prepare a distribution list of ELL families in your school community.

5. Send the form via email or shareable link to ELL families.

6. Collect responses and analyze them to create tailored communication strategies for each family.

7. Update and review the Communication Survey periodically to ensure optimum communication efforts are maintained.


The FREE Google Form: Communication Survey for ELL Families is an invaluable resource in fostering understanding, empathy, and collaboration between schools and diverse communities. By recognizing their communication needs and providing appropriate language support, schools can help create an inclusive environment where every student has an equal opportunity to thrive.

7 Things English Language Learners Wish Their Teachers Knew

Learning a new language is an exciting, yet challenging endeavor. For English language learners (ELLs), the experience can be profoundly shaped by the approach and understanding of their teachers. Here are seven things ELLs wish their teachers knew to help them succeed in the classroom.

1. Patience is key – Learning a language takes time, and ELLs may struggle with grammar concepts or vocabulary words that native speakers take for granted. Teachers should remember to be patient with their students and offer ample opportunities for practice and reinforcement.

2. Encouragement makes a difference – Encouraging words from a teacher can have a significant impact on a student’s confidence and motivation. ELLs appreciate when their efforts are acknowledged, even if they don’t always get everything right.

3. Exposure to authentic language is crucial – ELLs benefit from listening to and engaging with native speakers using authentic language as much as possible. Integrating videos, podcasts, or guest speakers into lessons can help students improve their listening skills and pronunciation.

4. Group work fosters communication skills – ELLs need opportunities to practice speaking English in a supportive environment. Encouraging group activities can help students learn from each other, improving their communication skills and fostering a sense of belonging in the classroom.

5. Scaffolding helps build skills step-by-step – Teachers should provide materials and resources that cater to different proficiency levels within the class. Breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps helps ELLs build language skills at their own pace while avoiding unnecessary frustration.

6. The importance of cultural sensitivity – Recognizing and embracing cultural differences can support ELLs’ learning journey by making them feel valued and understood. Teachers should aim to incorporate diverse perspectives in lesson plans, classroom discussions, and projects.

7. Flexibility is essential – Teaching ELLs effectively requires flexibility in lesson planning, pacing, and assessment. Teachers should be willing to adjust their approach based on student needs and progress, offering extra support, guidance, or resources as needed.

Understanding these points can make all the difference for English language learners. By fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment, teachers can help ELLs achieve success on their journey toward English proficiency.

EU project CATAPULT offers opportunities for Internationalisation, profiling and lifelong learning for LSP, L2, MFL and CLIL teachers

One of the results of the CATAPULT Project (Computer-Assisted Training And Platforms to Upskill Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) Teachers) is LinguaCoP, a Community of Practice platform.

With its resource bank, blogs and forum Linguacop supports knowledge development and practice sharing by language, LSP and CLIL teachers.

It also hosts ‘LinguaClick’  to support (freelance) LSP, but also L2 and MFL professionals to offer their services, also internationally. View this short presentation video to see what this online Community of Practice has to offer.

Furthermore the project also offers a free online course (MOOC, released on October 12, 2020) based on the project’s LSP competence framework.

It supports LSP teachers wanting to update their teaching skills and those language teachers interested in developing competences specific for LSP teaching. Watch this video to get a sneak peek at what course participants can expect.  Those interested can register here

For more details about these and other project developments see the online version of the latest Newsletter

Project website: Twitter: @ProjectCatapult

From Ton Koenraad on behalf of Catapult partner TELLConsult