Gifted & Talented Education

Gifted and Talented

The world is filled with a plethora of unique individuals, each possessing a diverse range of skills and talents. Among these people is a special group referred to as “gifted and talented.” These individuals exhibit exceptional potential in various areas, including academics, creative arts, and leadership. This article delves into the different aspects of giftedness and talent, the significance of nurturing such abilities, and methods to promote their growth.

Understanding Giftedness and Talent

Giftedness refers to innate intellectual potential, marked by remarkable cognitive abilities. The distinction between giftedness and talent lies in their development. While gifted individuals possess inherent intellectual ability, talented individuals excel in specific domains through a combination of innate ability, passion, and hard work.

Identifying Gifted and Talented Individuals

It is essential to identify gifted and talented individuals early in their lives to maximize their potential. Some common traits often found among these individuals include above-average intelligence; creativity; exceptional problem-solving skills; unusual focus or determination; heightened sensitivity and emotional intensity; advanced linguistic skills; or out-of-the-box thinking.

Challenges Faced by Gifted Individuals

Despite their extraordinary abilities, gifted individuals face unique challenges. These challenges include perfectionism; difficulty fitting in with peers due to varying interests or intellectual ability; underachievement due to lack of stimulation or challenge; asynchronous development (uneven intellectual, emotional, and social growth); or misdiagnosis of learning disabilities due to their unique traits.

Importance of Nurturing Giftedness and Talent

Nurturing giftedness and talent is crucial for several reasons:

1. Maximizing potential: Providing appropriate support allows these individuals to develop advanced skills that may contribute significantly to society.

2. Self-confidence: When encouraged effectively, gifted individuals build confidence in their abilities.

3. Emotional well-being: By understanding their unique needs, parents, teachers, and counselors can help gifted individuals navigate difficult emotions or social situations.

Strategies to Support Gifted and Talented Individuals

To promote the growth of gifted and talented individuals, various strategies can be adopted:

1. Differentiated instruction: Tailor education to match the learner’s level, ensuring they are sufficiently challenged and engaged.

2. Encourage creativity: Foster a learning environment that values originality, encourages experimentation, and allows for creativeexpression.

3. Enrichment programs: Participate in extracurricular activities or advanced courses tailored for gifted individuals.

4. Social support: Create opportunities for interaction with like-minded peers.

In conclusion, giftedness and talent represent a significant human potential that must be nurtured to bring out the best in these extraordinary individuals. By providing tailored support systems that cater to their unique needs, we can encourage their growth and raise generations of innovators who contribute significantly to the betterment of society.

Enrichment Activities for Gifted Children: Stimulating Creativity and Expanding Knowledge


Gifted children possess exceptional talents and abilities that often go beyond the boundaries of age-appropriate knowledge and skill. Providing proper enrichment activities is crucial for nurturing these special qualities and guiding these children toward the realization of their full potential.

In this article, we will explore various enrichment activities that are specifically tailored to foster gifted children’s gifts and abilities. With these activities, parents and educators can play a vital role in ensuring that these children grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Additionally, we will offer some helpful tips to ensure success in these pursuits.

1. Extracurricular Clubs and Competitions

Joining clubs that cater to specific interests can provide an engaging environment for gifted children to pursue their passions. For example, math clubs, science clubs, debate teams, or robotics clubs can expose children to new ideas and challenges. Competitions such as spelling bees or math Olympiads allow gifted students to showcase their abilities while simultaneously encouraging improvement through healthy competition.

2. Online Courses and Educational Apps

The internet offers a wide array of online courses specifically designed for gifted learners at various platforms like Khan Academy or Coursera. These courses allow students to explore subjects beyond their grade level with more depth and at their own pace. Various educational apps also cater to advanced learners, offering complex problem-solving challenges, engaging simulations, or interactive lessons.

3. Creative Writing

Encourage gifted children to develop their writing skills through creative writing projects like short stories or poetry. This creative outlet enables them to express emotions while honing critical thinking abilities through storytelling techniques. Creative writing can help enrich vocabulary, improve grammar skills, and enhance lateral thinking.

4. Visual Arts Programs

Art programs can cater to individual interests such as painting, sculpture, photography, or digital art. These activities foster creativity and help gifted children express themselves visually while sharpening their observation and problem-solving skills.

5. Academic Enrichment Programs

Summer camps, after-school programs, and weekend workshops offer opportunities for gifted students to delve deeper into specific subjects beyond their regular curriculum. These programs can provide hands-on experiences, enabling children to explore topics like coding, foreign languages, or scientific experimentation.

6. Engage in Volunteer Work

Volunteering can offer unique personal growth experiences while fulfilling a sense of responsibility toward the community. Working with others strengthens social and leadership skills, empathy, and provides opportunities to apply their talents in a meaningful way.

7. Mentoring

Connecting gifted children with like-minded peers or professionals in their field of interest can create valuable relationships that aid intellectual development, such as engaging in challenging discussions or collaborating on projects outside their typical academic scope.


Enriching the lives of gifted children comes down to providing them with stimulating opportunities tailored to their abilities. By offering these activities, parents and educators support the continuous growth and development of gifted children while ensuring that they reach their full potential. Remember to provide the necessary guidance, encouragement, and resources for success in these endeavors!

G&T Coordinator: The Inspirational Resources You Need


A Gifted and Talented (G&T) Coordinator plays a critical role in identifying and nurturing the potential of gifted students. Through their dedication, they ensure these students receive the personalized attention they deserve and the resources they need to thrive. If you are a G&T coordinator or aspire to become one, access to inspirational resources is vital for promoting growth and success in your gifted students. In this article, we will explore some of these essential resources.

1. National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC):

The NAGC is a prominent organization that advocates for the needs of gifted children. Their website provides a treasure trove of resources, including articles, webinars, and research on best practices in gifted education. As a G&T coordinator, it’s essential to stay updated on industry trends and connect with fellow professionals through organizations like NAGC.


2. Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page:

Hoagies’ is a well-known online resource hub for anything related to gifted education. Its comprehensive library features articles on various topics such as identification, programming options, social-emotional support, and advocacy. It also offers links to numerous other websites for even more valuable information.


3. Gifted Guru:

Created by teacher and author Lisa Van Gemert, Gifted Guru offers practical advice for educators and parents of gifted students. The website features informative articles, teaching strategies, printable resources, and recommended reading lists that can be useful tools for G&T coordinators.


4. Davidson Institute:

The Davidson Institute advocates for profoundly gifted students by providing them with scholarships, educational programs, and opportunities to excel academically. As a G&T coordinator, you can explore the institute’s vast library of articles and resources on topics like curriculum, assessment, and early college options.


5. Byrdseed:

Byrdseed, created by Ian Byrd, is a resource-rich website for educators of gifted students. It offers a blend of articles, videos, and presentations on topics such as differentiation, creativity, and complex thinking strategies. It also includes ready-to-use activities and projects that can enrich your G&T programs.



Being an effective G&T coordinator requires dedication and a constant pursuit of knowledge. Leveraging these inspirational resources will not only help you enhance your skills as a coordinator but also empower your gifted students to achieve their full potential. Stay informed, stay inspired, and continue to make a difference in the lives of your gifted and talented students.

G&T Provision


Gifted and talented (G&T) provision has become a crucial aspect of modern education, providing tailored support and resources to nurture the exceptional skills and abilities of children who demonstrate a significantly higher level of aptitude compared to their peers. This article aims to explore the growing importance of G&T provision within the educational system and its impact on both students and teachers.

What is G&T Provision?

Gifted and talented provision refers to the specialized teaching practices, learning programs, and resources designed specifically for students who have displayed exceptional abilities in one or more areas, such as academics, arts, sports, or other disciplines. The purpose of G&T provision is to help these students reach their full potential by offering advanced learning opportunities that challenge them to think critically and develop their skills further.

The Need for G&T Provision:

As society becomes increasingly knowledge-based, the need for innovative problem-solvers and creative thinkers continues to grow. By identifying gifted students early on and providing them with the essential support they require, schools can help create a generation of future leaders that excel in various fields. Furthermore, supporting gifted students prevents them from disengaging with their education due to boredom or lack of challenging content.

Benefits of G&T Provision:

1.Personalized Learning: Tailored teaching methods and curriculum allow gifted students to learn at their own pace and delve further into subjects they are passionate about, ensuring a more engaging educational experience.

2.Enhanced Academic Performance: Providing appropriate challenges enables these students to achieve higher levels of academic success, which can improve school rankings and reputation.

3.Improved Social Skills: Proper G&T programs offer opportunities for gifted children to interact with like-minded peers, fostering social growth and helping them build lasting friendships.

4.Increased Motivation: Encountering stimulating material in an supportive environment motivates gifted students to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.

Strategies for Implementing G&T Provision:

1.Early Identification: Regular assessments, teacher observations, and parental input can help identify gifted students in the early stages of their education, enabling them to receive the necessary support as soon as possible.

2.Professional Development: Training teachers about the needs of gifted learners and equipping them with strategies to engage and challenge these students is essential for effective G&T provision.

3.Collaborative Learning: Creating opportunities for students to collaborate on advanced projects or work in peer mentorship roles can further promote skill development and a sense of community among learners.

4.Providing Access to Resources: Ensuring that gifted students have access to specialized resources, such as enrichment programs, academic competitions, and advanced placement courses, can significantly enhance their learning experience.


The need for quality G&T provision is undeniable in today’s competitive educational landscape. By recognizing the importance of nurturing exceptional talent and providing targeted support and resources for gifted students, schools can help cultivate a generation of leaders that will contribute significantly to society’s progress. Investing in G&T provision benefits not only the students themselves but the education system as a whole.

24 Loot Bags and Goody Bags for Kids’ Occasions

Planning a kids’ party or special occasion is always an exciting venture. One of the highlights of these events is the distribution of loot bags and goody bags that bring even more joy to little guests. Having a variety of options to choose from ensures that you have the perfect bag for each occasion. Here are 24 loot bag and goody bag ideas to add extra flair to your next kids’ celebration.

1.Themed Loot Bags: These bags are customized according to the theme of the party, from superheroes, princesses, or favorite television characters. Let your child’s imagination run wild!

2.DIY Craft Bags: Unleash some creativity in child by gifting small craft kits filled with crayons, coloring pages, and stickers to create their own masterpieces.

3.Candy-filled Sacks: Make every kid’s dream come true with a selection of sweet treats in a personalized candy sack.

4.Pool Party Packs: Send your young guests home with sunglasses, sunblock, beach balls, and other pool essentials they can utilize over the summer.

5.Pirate Treasure Chests: Fill these up with gold coins and other bounty for swashbuckling adventures on the high seas.

6.Art Supplies: Encourage their inner artists by including paint sets, sketchbooks, or colored pencils.

7.Science Experiment Kits: Encourage learning through play by providing beginner science experiment sets.

8.Gardening Packs: Help teach children about nature and growth by putting together gardening packs that include seeds, pots, and gardening gloves.

9.Movie Night Bundles: Combine popcorn, candies and age-appropriate DVD movies for a fun family movie night experience.

10.Reusable Canvas Tote Bags: Personalize eco-friendly canvas bags full of surprises while encouraging sustainable habits.

11.Travel Activity Packs: Keep children entertained on road trips by providing activity books, puzzles, and portable games.

12.Sports Package: Inspire an active lifestyle with soccer balls, basketballs, and other sports equipment.

13.Tea Party Sets: Organize a complete tea party with matching cups, saucers, and tea bags.

14.Superhero Capes and Masks: Allow your young guest to dress up as their favorite superhero characters with capes and masks.

15.Animal Plushies: Pair animal-themed parties with cute and cuddly plushies to take home as charming keepsakes.

16.Dress-up Accessory Kits: Let their imaginations run wild by providing hair accessories, sunglasses, or costume jewelry for dress-up fun.

17.Eco-friendly Packs: Include reusable straws, reusable snack bags, and seed packets to teach children about the environment.

18.Board Game Bags: Give age-appropriate board games to encourage socialization and healthy competition.

19.Book Sets: Hand out sets of books from popular children series to encourage reading and adventure-seeking among kids.

20.Unicorn Magic Bags: Fill these magical bags with unicorn-themed goodies like toys, stickers, and glitter pens.

21.Dinosaur Explorer Packs: Pair dinosaur fossil digs or roaring dinosaur toys in themed bags for a prehistoric adventure.

22.Mini Musical Instruments: Include miniature guitars, harmonicas, or tambourines for the musically inclined child.

23.Pajama Party Kits: Present fuzzy socks, sleep masks, and sweet bedtime snacks in a bundle for the perfect slumber party experience.

24.Cooking and Baking Supplies: Encourage culinary exploration with child-friendly food molds, cookie cutters, and apron sets.

With these 24 creative loot bag ideas for kids’ special occasions, you’ll find an option that suits every theme or simply adds a little extra excitement to your party planning.

Gifted and Talented: Secondary Enrichment


Gifted and talented students possess a unique set of academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs. These students, often demonstrating abilities beyond their grade level or age group, require special educational considerations to ensure they reach their full potential. To address these needs, many schools offer enrichment programs specifically designed for gifted and talented students in secondary education.

Understanding Giftedness and Talent

Estimates suggest that gifted and talented students make up roughly 6% of the school-aged population. Despite the common misconception that these terms refer only to exceptional intellectual abilities, giftedness can encompass a wide range of aptitudes including creativity, leadership skills, and artistic talent.

Enrichment Programs for Secondary Education

Secondary enrichment programs for gifted and talented students focus on providing tailored learning experiences aimed at nurturing their advanced abilities while simultaneously addressing their unique social and emotional needs. Such programs include:

1) Subject-Specific Enrichment: Focusing on areas of strength or interest, such as mathematics, science or languages, gifted learners are exposed to complex concepts at an accelerated pace through advanced coursework or specialized courses.

2) Integrated Learning Programs: These programs employ an interdisciplinary approach by combining multiple subjects into a single course or project-based curriculum which challenges students to solve real-world problems using diverse skill sets.

3) Problem-Based Learning: Gifted learners benefit greatly from real-life problem-solving activities that encourage critical thinking skills and provide opportunities for creative expression.

4) Mentorships and Internships: Pairing secondary students with experienced professionals in their fields of interest allows them to gain first-hand experience and knowledge about potential career paths while also developing valuable networking connections for future opportunities.

5) Extracurricular Activities: Opportunities to participate in clubs, competitions, and community service projects related to their areas of interest can provide gifted learners with additional outlets for personal growth and development outside of the classroom setting.

Benefits of Enrichment Programs

Enrichment programs play a vital role in the overall socio-emotional development and academic advancement of gifted learners. Some benefits include:

1) Meeting Academic Needs: Comprehensive enrichment programs provide differentiated instruction, allowing students to work at their own pace, explore their interests, and set personal learning goals.

2) Developing Soft Skills: Enrichment programs foster collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership skills that help gifted learners adapt to various social situations and excel in life beyond the classroom.

3) Preventing Underachievement: By keeping gifted learners engaged, enrichment programs help prevent feelings of boredom or disinterest in school that could lead to underachievement or drop-out rates among this population.

4) Social and Emotional Support: Through group activities and connections with like-minded peers, enrichment programs provide a support system for gifted learners as they navigate the unique challenges of adolescence.

5) Enhancing College Readiness: Participation in enrichment programs for gifted students may also improve college admission prospects as universities increasingly seek out well-rounded applicants who possess not only academic aptitude but also extracurricular achievements and strong character traits.


As we continue to better understand the diverse needs of gifted and talented youth, it is essential that secondary education institutions prioritize implementing effective enrichment programs. Through these tailored learning experiences, schools can nurture the exceptional abilities of gifted learners while ensuring they receive the necessary support to flourish academically, socially, and emotionally.

Teaching gifted children with Asperger syndrome: practical advice

Asperger syndrome is a neurological condition that falls within the autism spectrum. Children with this condition exhibit various social, sensory, and behavioral challenges. They may struggle to interact with their peers, be overwhelmed by stimuli, and follow rigid routines. Gifted children with Asperger syndrome possess exceptional talents, but as educators, we must ensure that they thrive academically and socially. Here are some practical tips to help effectively teach gifted children with Asperger syndrome.

1. Understand Their Needs

Before tackling any teaching strategies, you must first familiarize yourself with the needs of children with Asperger syndrome. Conduct thorough research on the subject and consult educational psychologists and other professionals on best practices for teaching gifted children with this condition.

2. Build Trusting Relationships

Students with Asperger syndrome may become anxious when faced with new or unfamiliar situations. Establish a genuine relationship by consistently providing a safe and supportive learning environment. Assure them that their thoughts, feelings, and opinions are valued and respected.

3. Create Structured Learning Environments

Children with Asperger syndrome thrive in structured environments where expectations are clear and routines are established. Develop a daily schedule outlining subjects and times for breaks, ensuring all activities run predictably.

4. Utilize Visual Supports

Gifted children with Asperger syndrome often have trouble organizing information in their heads but excel when provided visual support systems such as charts, calendars, reminder cards, or social stories.

5. Adapt Teaching Strategies

Use differential instruction techniques to cater to individual learning styles and modify your teaching method when necessary. For example, if a student has difficulty understanding abstract concepts or metaphors in literature lessons, provide concrete examples and explanations instead.

6. Encourage Strengths

Identify each child’s unique talents or abilities, then create opportunities for them to further develop these strengths both inside and outside the classroom.

7. Teach Social Skills

Some students with Asperger syndrome struggle with social skills, which may hamper their ability to form meaningful relationships. Provide consistent, specific feedback targeting areas they may need help in and integrate group activities that encourage teamwork and communication.

8. Foster Emotional Regulation

Guide students in recognizing and managing their emotions. Teach relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or other calming strategies that can be implemented in times of stress or frustration.

9. Partner with Parents

Collaborate with parents to ensure that strategies and resources that work well in the classroom are also being practiced at home, promoting consistency for the child’s learning experience.

10. Encourage Inclusion

Promote an inclusive environment by educating all students about Asperger syndrome, their strengths and differences, and how to interact respectfully and empathetically with classmates who have it.

In conclusion, effectively teaching gifted children with Asperger syndrome requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt to their needs. Utilizing these practical tips can help create an educational atmosphere where they flourish academically and socially.

Gifted and talented – classroom strategies


Gifted and talented students possess a unique set of qualities, abilities, and aptitudes that set them apart from their peers. While their intellect and creativity can lead to exceptional achievements, these students also benefit from well-targeted classroom strategies that encourage their growth and development while addressing their distinct learning needs.

In this article, we will discuss various approaches teachers can use to support gifted and talented students in the classroom setting. These strategies include: differentiation, compacting the curriculum, providing opportunities for independent exploration, promoting critical thinking, encouraging creativity, and fostering collaboration.

1. Differentiation

Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet each student’s learning needs. For gifted students, this means offering content at an appropriate level of challenge and complexity. Teachers can differentiate through content, process, product, and environment.

– Content differentiation: Provide materials at a higher reading or concept level to deepen understanding of the subject matter.

– Process differentiation: Allow gifted students to work on complex tasks with multiple problem-solving steps.

– Product differentiation: Offer opportunities for using advanced formats or presentation tools when completing assignments.

– Environment differentiation: Allow gifted learners to work in alternative settings or provide access to technology or resources they may not have at home.

2. Compacting the Curriculum

Compacting the curriculum involves gathering all grade-level expectations for a particular subject (or unit) that are already known by the student and creating a more challenging course of study. This allows gifted students to explore topics in depth beyond standard expectations or to learn new content while avoiding unnecessary repetition of material.

3. Independent Exploration

Provide gifted learners with opportunities for independent exploration of topics they are passionate about or excel in. This could include research projects on specific topics or subjects outside of class time or allowing them time in class to work on self-directed projects.

4. Promoting Critical Thinking

Encourage gifted and talented students to engage in critical thinking activities, such as analyzing texts and information, evaluating evidence, and synthesizing ideas. Activities that develop critical thinking skills include debates, brainstorming sessions, and thought experiments.

5. Encouraging Creativity

Gifted and talented students often have a strong propensity for creativity. Provide ample opportunities for these students to express themselves creatively through projects such as creative writing, visual arts, or music compositions. Additionally, encourage the use of “out of the box” thinking during problem-solving activities.

6. Fostering Collaboration

Collaboration is essential for gifted learners’ social-emotional development and helps them build essential interpersonal skills. Provide opportunities for cooperative learning where gifted students can work together on team projects or in small group discussions – both with other gifted students and an inclusive mix of abilities.


By incorporating these strategies in the classroom, teachers can provide a more engaging, challenging, and supportive environment for gifted and talented students. These practices not only enhance gifted students’ educational experiences but also contribute to their overall well-being and academic success.

Articles – Gifted and Talented


In today’s ever-evolving world, the importance of recognizing and nurturing gifted and talented individuals cannot be understated. These exceptional individuals possess unique abilities that, when adequately honed, can contribute significantly to various fields and ultimately propel society forward. This article delves into understanding the concept of giftedness and talent, explores the challenges these individuals face, and highlights strategies for cultivating their potential.

Understanding Giftedness and Talent

Giftedness encompasses an innate potential for exceptional achievement in one or more domains based on a person’s cognitive functioning. It includes different subsets such as intellectual giftedness, creative giftedness, and artistic giftedness.

Talent, on the other hand, refers to an individual’s exceptional capacities in specific domains such as music, sports, or arts. It denotes an innate aptitude that can be developed through practice.

While both terms might seem synonymous, they cater to different spheres of human potential. Collectively, they help create a vital context that encompasses people who have extraordinary capabilities that set them apart from their peers.

Challenges Faced by Gifted and Talented Individuals

These uniquely capable people often face numerous hurdles throughout their lives due to misperceptions and inadequate support systems. Some common challenges are:

1. Inaccurate Identification: Lack of adequate testing techniques or overlooking early signs can lead to misidentification of gifted or talented children. Consequently, they may not receive the appropriate resources to foster their abilities.

2. Underachievement: Due to unchallenging curricula or insufficient stimulation in traditional educational settings, gifted or talented individuals might lose motivation in their pursuits or resort to underachievement.

3. Social Isolation: The disparity between cognitive capacities can make it difficult for these individuals to connect with their age peers on both emotional and intellectual levels.

4. Perfectionism: Due to the high expectations surrounding their abilities, gifted or talented people might develop unhealthy perfectionism, leading to an aversion to taking risks or facing failure.

Strategies for Nurturing Gifted and Talented Individuals

1. Early Identification: By accurately identifying extraordinary individuals through psychological testing, parent and teacher observations or participation in specialized programs, these children can receive suitable resources and guidance.

2. Differentiated Curriculum: Providing individualized learning opportunities that cater to their unique needs can help support and engage them intellectually. It is crucial to provide challenging tasks, encourage critical thinking, and foster a love for learning.

3. Social Support: Encouraging participation in social activities with like-minded peers, such as clubs or mentorship programs, can foster emotional well-being and promote a sense of belonging.

4. Emotional Guidance: It is essential to address the emotional needs of gifted and talented individuals by acknowledging their struggles, validating their feelings, and providing necessary support.

5. Parental Involvement: Parents should remain engaged in their children’s education and collaborate actively with educators to ensure that their child receives the resources they need to flourish.


Gifted and talented individuals stand as beacons of excellence within various domains due to their incredible potential. Recognizing their unique abilities at an early age while providing ample opportunities for growth will help unleash their full potential. As a society, it is our responsibility to ensure that we invest in these extraordinary minds so that they may contribute significantly towards improving our world in the best way possible.

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About Lakeshore Learning

Lakeshore Learning is a leading retailer of top-notch educational products designed to inspire learning in children of all ages. Their product range includes engaging hands-on materials, furnishings, and classroom essentials. Over the years, Lakeshore has gained the trust and loyalty of educators and parents alike by offering high-quality materials that support both children’s education and development.

How to Win the $300 Lakeshore Gift Card

Participating in this exciting opportunity is easy and straightforward. Follow these simple steps:

1. Visit the official contest website or social media pages hosting the giveaway.

2. Fill out the online entry form with your complete contact information, including your full name, mailing address, email address, and phone number.

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4. Submit your entry before the deadline stated on the contest website.

Selection & Announcement of Winners

Once all entries have been received by the deadline, a random drawing will take place to select the lucky winner of the $300 Lakeshore gift card. The winner will receive an email or phone call notifying them of their prize. Remember to keep an eye on your inbox or phone for any updates!

Additional Information & Tips

– You must be 18 years or older and a legal resident of the United States (or other eligible regions specified in the giveaway terms) to participate.

– Only one entry is allowed per person – no multiple entries are permitted.

– Be sure to enter as soon as possible to guarantee your chance at winning this valuable prize.

– Share the contest with your fellow educators, friends, and family members who may also benefit from this excellent opportunity.


The chance to win a $300 Lakeshore gift card is a fantastic opportunity for educators and parents to get their hands on high-quality educational materials and resources for their children or students. Don’t miss out on this exceptional offer – submit your entry today and good luck!