Gifted & Talented Education

Tired Teacher Giveaway – Win a $250 Target Gift Card

Are you a teacher who is tired of endless lesson plans and grading papers all through the night? If the answer is yes, this giveaway is perfect for you! In appreciation of all the hard work that educators do on a daily basis, we are hosting the Tired Teacher Giveaway. Participate for a chance to win a $250 Target gift card!

Teaching is a noble profession that requires dedication and patience. Despite challenges, teachers continue to educate and inspire our future generations. To give back to these unsung heroes and provide some relief from the stresses of the job, we are offering an exciting opportunity for self-care or classroom supplies shopping.

How can you enter the Tired Teacher Giveaway? The process is simple – follow these three easy steps:

1. Sign up: Visit our official website or social media channels to find the entry form. Fill out your details, including your name, email address, school name, and position held.

2. Share: Help us spread the word about this exciting giveaway by sharing it with your network and fellow educators. The more people who know about it, the more teachers have a chance to be appreciated for their efforts.

3. Stay connected: Keep an eye on your email inbox as well as our website and social media pages for updates on the giveaway’s progress and winner selection.

The deadline for entries is swiftly approaching, so hurry up and submit your information today! With our simple process, you could be just steps away from winning a $250 Target gift card that can be used for much-needed personal relaxation or enriching classroom supply investments.

Let’s make sure your tireless efforts as an educator do not go unnoticed. Participate in our Tired Teacher Giveaway now – you deserve it! Good luck!

Strategic thinking for more able pupils


Strategic thinking is the ability to see the big picture, identify goals, and develop a plan to achieve those goals. For more able pupils, honing their strategic thinking skills is a crucial factor in realizing their full potential. This article will explore the importance of strategic thinking for more able pupils, as well as effective methods educators can use to develop these skills within their students.

The Importance of Strategic Thinking for More Able Pupils

More able pupils often possess advanced cognitive abilities and a strong capacity for learning. However, without strategic thinking skills, they may struggle to effectively apply their knowledge in problem-solving situations, leading to underachievement or disengagement from academic pursuits. By fostering strategic thinking for more able students, educators can help them better utilize their intellectual abilities and enhance their overall academic performance.

Methods for Developing Strategic Thinking in More Able Pupils

1.Encourage Critical Reflection: Facilitate an environment where students regularly reflect on their learning. By providing timely feedback and prompting students to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, teachers can encourage more able pupils to become more self-aware strategists.

2.Teach Problem-Solving Skills: Introduce complex problems that require creative and critical thought processes. Encourage more-able students to approach these challenges by breaking them down into manageable steps and evaluating possible solutions.

3.Incorporate Cooperative Learning: Group work can lead more able pupils to develop valuable strategic thinking skills as they work with peers to achieve common goals through sharing ideas, negotiating roles, and evaluating progress collaboratively.

4.Use Real-Life Scenarios: Providing opportunities for students to connect their learning with real-life situations can motivate them to employ strategic thinking by identifying goals and designing plans in response to complicated issues.

5.Promote Time Management: Encourage more able students to develop effective strategies to manage their time by setting priorities, breaking down tasks, and establishing benchmarks to monitor progress.

6.Offer Mentorship Programs: Pairing students with accomplished mentors can be an effective way for more able pupils to nurture strategic thinking through observation, reflection, and advice.

7.Foster a Growth Mindset: Promote the idea that strategic thinking skills can be developed over time – not just an inborn trait for certain individuals. Encourage students to take on challenges, learn from setbacks, and continuously improve.


Developing strategic thinking skills in more able students is essential to unlocking their full potential. By incorporating a variety of teaching strategies that nurture these abilities and provide ample opportunities for practice and reflection, educators can help more able pupils become more effective thinkers and learners. In doing so, these students will be better equipped for long-term academic success and meaningful contributions to the world around them.

Celebrating Educators with Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Grab


Teachers play a significant role in shaping our future and positively impacting the lives of students. To show our gratitude for their hard work and dedication, it’s essential to celebrate them during Teacher Apprecation Week. One fantastic way to do this is by organizing a Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Grab. This event allows people to express their admiration through donations while giving teachers an opportunity to receive their favorite gift cards.

Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Grab: The Basics

A Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Grab is an event where community members, parents, and fellow educators can acknowledge the impact that teachers have had on their lives or the lives of their children by gifting them these versatile tokens of appreciation. From coffee shops to technology stores, gift cards offer something for everyone, allowing teachers to choose what they would like and making this celebration both meaningful and personal.

Planning the Event:

Here are some helpful tips for organizing a successful Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Grab:

1. Collaborate with other parents, schools and community members early on to plan your event.

2. Choose a specific time, place, and method for collection of gift cards (e.g., in-person drop-off or online collection).

3. Promote your event – Use social media platforms, school newsletters, community pages and local newspapers to spread the word.

4. Offer suggestions for popular gift card options (such as department stores, restaurants, bookshops or online retailers) while still encouraging personalization.

5. Collect all donations before your chosen deadline and store them securely until distribution.

Distribution Day:

Once all the gift cards are collected, they can be distributed to the deserving teachers in various ways:

1. Host an assembly or staff meeting where teachers are called up one by one to select a gift card at random.

2. Set up a “Gift Card Grab” station during lunch or another break where teachers can pick up their gift cards and enjoy selecting their prize.

3. Organize a school-wide celebration, incorporating the gift card grab alongside other activities honoring teachers.

Additional Ideas:

1. Ask students or parents to write thank-you notes to accompany each gift card for an extra touch of appreciation.

2. Combine various gifts cards into themed baskets, such as “Dinner & Movie Night”, “Classroom Essentials,” or “Spa & Relaxation.”

3. Add a “donation thermometer” to track your progress leading up to the event and inspire more support for this initiative.


The Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Grab is a fantastic way for communities to come together in celebrating educators and the valuable work they do. Not only will teachers feel appreciated, but they will also have the opportunity to treat themselves with the donations they receive. Remember, showing gratitude for our teachers has lasting effects on both them and their students alike – let’s make sure they know just how much they mean to us!

Articles – Gifted and Talented


Gifted and talented individuals possess an extraordinary level of intellectual or creative potential, often exceeding the average in one or several areas. These exceptional minds can be found in every culture and across all socio-economic backgrounds. This article will delve into the importance of identifying and nurturing gifted and talented individuals, examining different types of giftedness, discussing common challenges faced, and providing some recommendations on how to support them effectively.

Types of Giftedness:

It is essential to recognize that giftedness is not a one-size-fits-all concept. There are multiple forms of giftedness, each requiring specific kinds of support to ensure optimal personal growth and success. Some common types of giftedness include:

1.Intellectual: Exceptional cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills.

2.Creative: Innovative thinking and unique perspectives in artistic or inventive pursuits.

3.Leadership: Ability to guide, inspire, and influence others effectively.

4.Psychomotor: Superior physical coordination, movements, or athletic abilities.

Challenges Faced by Gifted Individuals:

Despite their exceptional abilities, gifted and talented individuals often face a plethora of challenges that can hinder their potential if not addressed properly. Some common hurdles include:

1.Boredom: When not adequately challenged, gifted students may lose interest in their education due to a lack of stimulation.

2.Social Isolation: Gifted children may struggle to fit in with their peers as their interests differ significantly from the norm.

3.Emotional Sensitivity: Many gifted individuals experience heightened emotional sensitivity due to their intensified cognitive processes.

4.Perfectionism: A constant pursuit of perfection can lead to increased stress levels and burnout.

Supporting Gifted and Talented Individuals:

To nurture the potential of gifted individuals, it is crucial to provide comprehensive support that addresses their unique needs. Here are some recommendations on effectively supporting them:

1.Early Identification: Identifying gifted and talented individuals at an early age can help provide appropriate resources and opportunities right from the start.

2.Personalized Education: Tailoring educational approaches to match the individual’s strengths, needs, and interests is essential for their growth.

3.Social Integration: Encouraging social interaction with peers of similar abilities can help gifted individuals build emotional resilience and a sense of belonging.

4.Emotional Support: Providing access to mental health professionals familiar with gifted concerns can assist in navigating unique emotional challenges.


The gifted and talented population holds immense potential, enriching society through their extraordinary abilities. To ensure they reach their full potential, it is essential to recognize and address the unique needs and challenges they face by providing comprehensive support—investing in the success of these individuals positively impacts our communities and future generations.


Gifted and Talented: Primary Enrichment for Young Minds

In today’s competitive world, nurturing and challenging the abilities of young gifted and talented children is crucial. Primary enrichment programs designed to foster their unique talents ensure that these students receive the support they need to reach their full potential. This article will delve into the importance of primary enrichment programs for gifted and talented students and outline various strategies education systems can adopt to cater to their needs.

Understanding Giftedness in Children

Gifted and talented children exhibit exceptional cognitive abilities, outperforming their peers across various domains such as mathematics, language arts, and science. They are characteristically self-motivated, curious, creative, and adaptable learners who thrive when exposed to new challenges. Identifying these children early on is critical, as it enables educators to provide enriching experiences that cater to their particular strengths and needs.

The Role of Primary Enrichment Programs

Primary enrichment programs offer targeted activities designed to stimulate intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development in gifted children. These initiatives recognize the unique talents of individual students by providing a plethora of opportunities for exploration and growth beyond standard curricula. Some key benefits of primary enrichment programs include:

1.Enhanced Academic Achievement: Through an individualized approach, these programs allow talented students to delve deeper into subjects that interest them while also fostering the development of new skills in other areas.

2.Emotional Support: Gifted children often experience heightened emotions, making it crucial for them to receive ongoing guidance from educators who understand their needs.

3.Social Development: Nurturing gifted children within an inclusive learning environment allows them to better connect with like-minded individuals while developing essential social skills.

4.Promoting Creativity: Primary enrichment programs encourage creativity by providing diverse activities that stimulate imagination and foster innovation.

Strategies for Implementing Primary Enrichment Programs

1.Differentiation: Modify lessons based on student interests, learning preferences, and readiness levels to ensure that all students receive appropriate intellectual challenges and meaningful educational experiences.

2.Curriculum Compacting: Streamline the regular curriculum for gifted learners by identifying and eliminating unnecessary repetition, allowing them to spend more time on activities that extend their knowledge and skills.

3.Independent Study: Provide opportunities for students to pursue self-directed projects that align with their interests and capabilities.

4.Group Activities: Create opportunities for collaboration among gifted students, allowing them to work on tasks that require higher-order thinking skills and challenge their abilities.

5.Mentorship Programs: Pair gifted children with mentors who have similar talents or interests, fostering a supportive relationship where they can exchange ideas and insights.

In conclusion, primary enrichment programs play a pivotal role in supporting the growth of gifted and talented children. By offering targeted academic experiences and fostering critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, and social skills, these initiatives empower our brightest young minds to achieve their full potential. By recognizing the unique needs of gifted learners early on, educators can help mold these students into future leaders who will chart the course for innovation and progress in our world.

Win a Michaels Gift Card for Holiday Shopping!

The festive season is upon us, and what better way to kick-start your holiday shopping than by winning a Michaels gift card! Michaels, known as the ultimate destination for all things arts and crafts, offers a wide range of products for every creative soul. From home décor and baking supplies to knitting materials and scrapbooking essentials, you can find everything you need for your DIY projects at Michaels.

Enter our competition today for a chance to win the perfect gift for your loved ones or a treat for yourself during the holiday season!

Why Shop at Michaels

Michaels is not just an arts and crafts store; it’s an inspiring world full of possibilities. Here are some reasons why winning a Michaels gift card should be at the top of your holiday wishlist:

1. Endless Options: With thousands of products available, you’ll never run out of ideas or options for your creative projects. Plus, Michaels constantly introduces new items that keep up with the latest trends.

2. Gifts for Everyone: A Michaels gift card caters to all age groups and interests. Discover unique presents like personalized photo frames, DIY candle kits, or custom jewelry made by you!

3. Customization & Personalization: Make your gifts extra special by personalizing them at Michaels. Their custom framing and engraving services allow you to create one-of-a-kind items that friends and family will cherish forever.

4. Budget-Friendly Shopping: With frequent sales, coupons, and discounts available throughout their stores, your money goes further when shopping at Michaels.

How To Enter

Entering the Win a Michaels Gift Card competition is easy! Simply follow these steps:

1. Visit our competition website [website URL].

2. Fill out the required personal details on the entry form.

3. Agree to our terms and conditions.

4. Hit “Submit” once you’ve completed the form.

The deadline for entries is December 22nd, so don’t miss your chance to win big this holiday season!

Winner Announcement

The lucky winner of the Michaels gift card will be chosen through a random draw and announced on December 24th, just in time for last-minute Christmas shopping! The winner will be notified by email and will receive their digital gift card shortly afterward.

It’s time to unleash your creativity and make this holiday season magical with Michaels. Enter the competition today, and good luck!

2017 Teacher Appreciation Giveaway Gift Basket and Gift Card

Every year, schools and communities across the country celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, a special time dedicated to acknowledging the hard work and dedication of our educators. In 2017, a unique event was organized to celebrate this week by giving away gift baskets and gift cards to teachers as a small token of gratitude for their tireless efforts in shaping the future.

The 2017 Teacher Appreciation Giveaway Gift Basket and Gift Card event aimed to show appreciation for teachers who often go above and beyond for their students. The giveaway not only raised awareness about the importance of appreciating educators but also provided them with resources to help enrich their classrooms.

The gift baskets offered during the 2017 event were thoughtfully curated, including a diverse assortment of items handpicked with teachers in mind. The baskets contained classroom essentials such as stationery supplies, planning materials, stickers, and motivational posters. Additionally, they featured surprises like spa vouchers and gourmet treats, creating an exciting mix that catered to both professional and personal needs.

Meanwhile, the accompanying gift cards came in various denominations and were redeemable at popular educational stores or online platforms. These versatile gift cards enabled teachers to pick out essential supplies or splurge on an item they had always wanted for their classrooms.

An essential element of the giveaway was promoting community involvement. Local businesses and individuals were encouraged to donate or sponsor baskets and gift cards, fostering a sense of unity in support of education. Additionally, students and parents took part by nominating deserving teachers who had made a significant impact on their educational journey.

Through social media campaigns, word-of-mouth endorsements, and advertisements in local newspapers, news about the 2017 Teacher Appreciation Giveaway Gift Basket and Gift Card spread far and wide. As a result of these efforts, hundreds of educators across the country received well-deserved recognition for their hard work and commitment to their students.

In conclusion, the 2017 Teacher Appreciation Giveaway Gift Basket and Gift Card initiative was a resounding success. It allowed communities to come together to express gratitude for teachers while providing them with valuable resources. The event served as a shining example of the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the people who dedicate themselves to nurturing young minds.

Help! My AP Expects Me to Motivate My Student With… Gift Cards?

In today’s education system, motivating students to put in their best effort and excel in their studies is a challenge faced by all educators. In search of a solution, many schools and universities are turning to unconventional incentives such as gift cards for campus stores or local businesses. Is the practice of rewarding kids with gift cards a genuine solution to inspire learning? Let’s delve into the pros and cons of this idea.

The Benefits

1. Immediate Gratification: In an age where students are used to receiving instant feedback, gift cards can provide a powerful incentive for good performance. With the ability to obtain something they desire right away, the motivation to perform well is enhanced.

2. Customizable Rewards: Gift cards come in various denominations from numerous retail outlets or online platforms. This allows the teachers or administrators to tailor their rewards for each student, ensuring a fair system and avoiding any potential bias.

3. Boosting Self-Esteem: Receiving a gift card could contribute positively to a student’s self-esteem, reinforcing the idea that effort begets achievement. This positive reinforcement can fuel further progress in learning.

4. Engaging Reluctant Learners: For students who struggle academically or show signs of disinterest in traditional education methods, gift cards could be used as an effective tool for boosting overall engagement and interest.

The Drawbacks

1. External vs Internal Motivation: While gift cards may offer an initial boost of external motivation, it may not necessarily cultivate internal motivation – such as curiosity, love for learning, persistence – that is needed in the long run to help students develop lifelong learning habits.

2. Moral Hazards: The use of material incentives might stir up negative emotions such as envy or jealousy among students who don’t receive these rewards. Furthermore, it can also encourage dishonest behaviour such as cheating just to win these prizes.

3. Sustainability: Gift cards can be expensive for the education system, putting a strain on already strapped resources. Moreover, it potentially fosters an unhealthy dependence on external rewards amongst students.

4. Potential Legal and Ethical Issues: There are potential legal and ethical factors that schools must consider when implementing reward systems, such as ensuring fairness and non-discrimination in student treatment, as well as being mindful of potential conflicts of interest.


The use of gift cards as a method to motivate students is still a growing and debated topic. While it has its benefits, it also has drawbacks that may not lead to effective or long-term motivation. Therefore, it’s crucial for institutions to weigh the pros and cons carefully before adopting the practice. It would be prudent to explore other ways of inspiring learning by incorporating different teaching methods and focusing on nurturing internal motivation in order to equip students with the skills required for lifelong success.

Help! My Colleagues Rejected My Homemade Food Gift, and I’m Offended


It’s a common gesture to share your love for food by gifting your homemade delicacies to your colleagues, family, or friends. You spend hours in the kitchen perfecting a recipe and carefully packing the results, thinking it will bring joy to those who receive it. But what if they reject your heartfelt gift? It can feel overwhelmingly offensive, and you may find yourself questioning your culinary skills or their intentions.

Understanding Reasons for Rejection:

Before you jump to any negative conclusions, it’s essential to understand that there could be several reasons why your colleagues might have rejected your homemade food gift:

1. Dietary restrictions: Some people have specific dietary preferences or requirements due to health issues, allergies, or personal choices. They may abstain from consuming certain foods that you were unaware of when preparing the gift.

2. Food safety concerns: With the increasing prevalence of foodborne illnesses, some individuals may be cautious about consuming homemade food made outside of their control.

3. Personal tastes: While you might consider your creation to be delectable, others may not share the same opinion on taste.

Dealing with Rejection:

Rejection is never easy to handle, especially when it involves something close to your heart. Here are some tips on how to cope with the feeling of offense and move forward positively:

1. Seek supportive feedback: Approach a close friend or colleague who was honest about their decision not to accept your gift, and ask them for constructive criticism. This will help you understand their perspective and improve in case there was an issue with the dish itself.

2. Learn from experience: Take this rejection as an opportunity to step up your game in the kitchen. There’s always room for growth and development when it comes to cooking skills and understanding people’s tastes.

3. Do not let it affect relationships: It’s crucial to not let your feelings of offense impact your relationship with your colleagues. It is possible they turned down your gift for reasons unrelated to you or your cooking skills.

4. Find alternatives: If you still wish to show your appreciation, consider non-food-related gifts that cater to people’s interests or are universally appreciated, such as plants, stationery, or gift cards.

5. Remember: it’s the thought that counts: Ultimately, it’s essential to remember that it’s not the actual gift but the thought behind it that truly matters. Keep in mind that just because they did not accept the food gift doesn’t mean they didn’t appreciate the sentiment.


Gift-giving can be an emotional rollercoaster, and having your homemade food gift rejected can undoubtedly feel offensive. However, don’t let it discourage you from expressing yourself through your culinary creations. Understand the reasons behind their decision and take this experience as an opportunity for growth and learning. Remember, what matters most is the intention behind your gift, and there will always be another opportunity to share your culinary delights.

Help! A Student Gave Me a Live Animal as a Gift. Can I Give It Back?


It’s not uncommon for teachers to receive gifts from their students as tokens of gratitude and appreciation. These gifts usually come in the form of chocolates, flowers, or handmade crafts. However, when a well-meaning student presents you with a live animal, the emotions can range from shock to confusion. Your first question might be, “Can I give it back?” In this article, we’ll explore the delicate situations that arise when students give live animals as gifts and provide guidance on how to handle such instances.

Understanding the Rationale

Before deciding whether or not to give the live animal back, it’s essential to understand why your student chose such an unconventional gift. They may have thought the pet would bring joy to your life or serve as an instructive classroom tool. Alternatively, they could have simply misinterpreted your interests or needs. In any case, approach the situation with empathy and consider the rationale behind their decision.

Evaluating Your Ability to Care for the Animal

Next, consider if you’re capable of caring for the animal appropriately. This assessment covers various aspects such as time, financial resources, existing pets compatibility, and your living environment. Do thorough research on the animal species to gauge its specific needs and challenges before making your decision.

Ethical Considerations

Another crucial factor in this decision is whether returning the animal would be ethical. Sometimes giving an animal back may cause greater harm by potentially exposing it to neglectful care or abandonment. In such cases, it’s necessary to weigh personal inconvenience against doing what’s right for the animal’s welfare.

Communicating with Your Student

If you determine that returning the animal is the best course of action, speak with your student privately and sensitively convey your reasons. Show gratitude for their thoughtful gesture but explain that you’re unable to care for the pet optimally. Encourage them to talk to their parent or guardian about it, as they should also be involved in the conversation.

Finding a Suitable Alternative

In case returning the animal is either not feasible or would be detrimental to its welfare, search for other alternatives. For example, you could find a loving permanent home through your network of friends, colleagues, or social media platforms. Alternatively, explore local animal shelters and rescues that may help rehome the pet responsibly.

Preventing Future Instances

To avoid future incidents of receiving unexpected live animals as gifts, communicate your guidelines for accepting gifts clearly and respectfully to your students. Set boundaries by discussing a list of appropriate gift options and acknowledging that while you appreciate their generosity, live animals come with significant responsibility and care requirements that may not suit every recipient.


When a student gives you a live animal as a gift, it’s essential to handle the situation delicately. Consider factors like understanding the student’s rationale, evaluating your ability to care for the pet, ethical implications, and communicating your decision sensitively. Whichever path you choose to take – giving the animal back or finding it another home – ensure your decision prioritizes the animal’s welfare and includes an open dialogue with your student.