Health & Wellness

Free Posters to Help Teens Make Better Choices? Yes Please!

In a world full of constant distractions and temptations, teenagers face their fair share of challenges when it comes to decision-making. From academic stress to peer pressure, it’s no wonder that it can often feel overwhelming for them to navigate the various choices they have to make. That’s where free, easy-to-access resources such as posters can play an invaluable role in guiding teens towards making better choices.

Designed with colorful graphics and impactful messages, these posters can be displayed in classrooms, hallways, or at home – providing a constant visual reminder of the importance of making smart decisions. Let’s explore some of the ways that these posters can positively influence the choices made by teenagers.

1. Encourage Positive Thinking and Mindfulness

Posters with uplifting quotes and images foster an environment of positivity and optimism that can help teenagers become more mindful of their choices. This awareness enables them to be more conscious of their actions and ultimately make better decisions that benefit both themselves and those around them.

2. Promote Healthy Relationships

In adolescence, forming healthy relationships is crucial to social development. Posters that showcase positive traits like empathy, kindness, and respect serve as reminders for the importance of treating others well. These messages help teens recognize the qualities they should seek in their friendships and relationships, leading to better connections with others.

3. Inspire Academic Success

Motivational posters that highlight academic achievements or provide study tips can keep students focused on their educational goals. By showcasing successful study habits and emphasizing the value of resilience, these materials inspire teenagers to persevere in the face of challenges in their academic journey.

4. Advocate for Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and addressing this in posters can help break stigma surrounding mental health issues among teenagers. Providing support resources or promoting self-care habits helps raise awareness about mental wellbeing, encouraging teens to seek help when they need it or support their peers.

5. Support Healthy Lifestyles

Encouraging a healthy lifestyle is essential to the overall well-being of teenagers. Posters that promote nutritious eating habits, exercise, and proper sleep patterns help teens understand the connection between their lifestyle choices and their physical and mental health.

In conclusion, providing free posters with powerful imagery and thought-provoking messages can effectively steer teenagers towards making wise, healthier choices in various aspects of their lives. By addressing topics such as positive thinking, healthy relationships, academics, mental health, and personal well-being, these posters serve as constant visual reminders that inspire teens to strive for success while prioritizing their well-being.

17 Things That Will Make 2017 Your Most Organized Year Yet


As we head into 2017, many of us will be making resolutions and setting goals for the new year. One of the most common goals is to become more organized. With the right tools and strategies, you can transform your life into a well-oiled machine. Here are 17 things that will help you make 2017 your most organized year yet.

1. Create a daily routine

Having a daily routine can help you establish good habits, save time, and achieve more throughout the year.

2. Learn to prioritize

Understand the importance of prioritizing tasks and focus on completing high-priority tasks first.

3. Use planners or apps

Invest in either a physical planner or use an app on your smartphone to keep track of appointments, reminders, and deadlines.

4. Implement the “one-touch” rule

Don’t leave items out of place – put them back where they belong right after you use them.

5. Cut down on clutter

Regularly declutter your living and working spaces to avoid unnecessary stress caused by disorganization.

6. Set short-term and long-term goals

Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for yourself throughout the year.

7. Break tasks into smaller steps

Divide larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps to tackle one step at a time.

8. Utilize the power of lists

Create lists for groceries, chores, errands, and more to help you stay on top of all your day-to-day tasks.

9. Organize your digital life

Clean up files on your computer or smartphone regularly to free up storage space, improve efficiency, and reduce stress.

10. Designate specific areas for specific items

Ensure that every item in your home or workspace has a designated spot to keep track of everything easily.

11. Plan your weekly meals

Planning your meals in advance can save you time and money while encouraging healthier eating habits.

12. Organize your finances

Use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to track your expenses and savings, ensuring financial stability throughout the year.

13. Set designated “maintenance days”

Choose a specific day each week or month to address tasks such as cleaning, organizing, or updating files and documents.

14. Create an “inbox” system

Establish an inbox for physical items like mail and an email folder for digital messages to review and process regularly.

15. Use time management techniques

Incorporate methods like the Pomodoro Technique to better manage your time and increase productivity.

16. Develop routines for household chores

Develop consistent routines for household chores to maintain a clean and organized living space.

17. Learn to delegate tasks

Know when to ask for help or delegate tasks to others, enabling you to focus on more important tasks without burning out.


With these 17 organizing tips in place, 2017 can be your most organized and productive year yet. By adopting new habits, utilizing helpful tools, and developing efficient routines, you’ll be on the path to achieving all of your goals while enjoying the benefits of a well-organized life.

What Are My Healthcare Options If I Retire Early


Retirement is a significant milestone in anyone’s life, bringing with it the promise of relaxation, pursuing hobbies, and enjoying the fruits of years of labor. However, retiring early can present unique challenges, particularly when it comes to healthcare coverage. This article will delve into the various healthcare options available to those considering or planning an early retirement.

1. COBRA – Continuing Coverage from Your Former Employer

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) allows individuals who leave their job to continue receiving health insurance coverage from their former employer for a limited period, usually up to 18 months. While COBRA coverage can be expensive due to higher premiums, this option ensures no disruption in your healthcare and gives you time to explore other alternatives.

2. Spouse’s Health Insurance Plan

If your spouse is still employed and has health benefits, you may be able to join their insurance plan. This option provides you with coverage under your spouse’s employer-sponsored plan and can often be a more affordable alternative to COBRA or individual plans.

3. Individual Health Insurance Marketplace

Created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Health Insurance Marketplace offers various health insurance plans from private insurers. These plans are categorized into four tiers based on coverage level: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. They also include essential health benefits such as outpatient care, prescription drugs, maternity services, and mental health services.

4. Short-Term Health Insurance Plans

Short-term health insurance plans can provide temporary coverage for individuals transitioning between jobs or waiting for Medicare eligibility. Although these plans are more affordable than traditional insurance options, they often have limited benefits and may not cover pre-existing conditions.

5. Health Savings Account (HSA)

An HSA allows you to save pre-tax dollars for medical expenses incurred by you or your dependents now or in the future, including during retirement. If you have a high-deductible health plan (HDHP), an HSA can help offset out-of-pocket costs.

6. Medicare

Although Medicare is primarily intended for individuals aged 65 and older, early retirees with specific disabilities or medical conditions may qualify for coverage before reaching the standard eligibility age. To determine if you are eligible for Medicare before age 65, visit the official Medicare website or contact your local Social Security office.

7. Medicaid

If your income is below certain levels upon early retirement, you may qualify for Medicaid, which provides healthcare coverage for low-income individuals and families. Eligibility and benefits vary by state, so it is essential to research your specific state’s requirements and coverage.


When planning an early retirement, it’s crucial to consider your healthcare options carefully. Exploring alternatives like COBRA, spousal coverage, the Health Insurance Marketplace, short-term plans, HSAs, Medicare, and Medicaid can ensure that you maintain access to essential healthcare services during this exciting new phase of your life. Ultimately, being proactive about securing appropriate health insurance coverage can help provide peace of mind as you enjoy the benefits of early retirement.

Teachers, Stop Being Available 24/7


The teaching profession can be immensely rewarding as well as incredibly demanding. In today’s rapidly evolving information age, teachers are often expected to be available for their students virtually around the clock. While dedication to students’ needs is commendable, it is crucial for teachers not to lose sight of the negative repercussions that being available 24/7 can have on both their well-being and professional effectiveness.

1. Importance of Work-Life Balance for Teachers

Teaching isn’t just about delivering lecture materials – it also involves grading papers, preparing lessons, and providing guidance to students on an individual basis. Consequently, many teachers find themselves staying late or constantly checking their emails without considering the need for personal rest and relaxation. Establishing a healthy work-life balance is essential not only for mental health but also for long-term job performance and satisfaction.

2. Setting Boundaries with Communication Channels

One way to prevent yourself from being available to students all the time is by setting clear boundaries when it comes to communication channels. In order to do this, establish designated methods—such as email or a dedicated messaging platform—for reaching you outside of school hours. Moreover, consider setting a strict schedule for answering non-urgent student queries; this will let you manage your time while showing your commitment to addressing student concerns.

3. Prioritizing Self-Care

Frequently sacrificing personal time for instructional duties could lead to burnout – a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive stress. Self-care is essential not only in maintaining your mental health but also in enhancing your ability to perform consistently at work. Set aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation and ensure that your evenings or weekends aren’t entirely engulfed by work.

4. Harnessing Technology For Balanced Availability

Instead of being constantly accessible, utilize various online tools to create a consistent yet manageable level of availability. This includes online forums, project management software, and educational platforms that keep students engaged in their studies while freeing you up from the constant barrage of questions and tasks.

5. Collaboration and Support Networks

Lean on your professional community—your colleagues and administrators—for support and advice. Sharing tasks, ideas, and strategies with fellow teachers can help reduce the pressure to be available 24/7. Importantly, a functioning school support network can facilitate a sustainable environment where healthy work-life balance is acknowledged and prioritized.


While it is essential to be accessible for students, teachers must recognize the limits of their endurance and energy. The benefits of a balanced lifestyle extend far beyond personal well-being; it also allows you to become a more effective educator, role model, and mentor for your students. By setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, harnessing technology, and relying on peer support networks, you can create sustainable habits that will ensure long-lasting success in your teaching career.

13 Ways to Boost Your Immune System When the Whole School Is Sick


It’s that time of the year when illness can spread like wildfire in schools. Germs are everywhere, and your immune system is working overtime to protect you from infectious diseases. But don’t panic! There are several ways to bolster your immune system and prevent sickness from setting in. Here are 13 tips to help you maintain a robust immune system when everyone around you seems to be under the weather.

1. Prioritize sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of good quality sleep each night, as this is when your body repairs itself and produces essential infection-fighting cells.

2. Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water promotes the efficient elimination of toxins and supports healthy digestion. Staying hydrated also helps in maintaining optimal function of your immune system.

3. Eat a balanced diet

A well-rounded diet full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients ensures that your immune system has all the necessary tools to fight off infections.

4. Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity strengthens your body’s ability to combat disease by boosting immunity and reducing inflammation. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

5. Reduce stress

Chronic stress can weaken your immune system by increasing cortisol levels, which reduce immunity-boosting white blood cell production. Practice mindfulness techniques or take up yoga to manage stress more effectively.

6. Wash hands frequently

Frequent hand-washing with soap and warm water is one of the simplest yet most effective strategies for reducing germ transmission and staying healthy amid outbreaks at school.

7. Avoid close contact with sick individuals

Limit close contact with those who are sick, especially if they exhibit symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or fever.

8. Drink green tea

Green tea is packed with antioxidants that help strengthen your immune system and protect against illness. Sip on a cup or two each day to reap its benefits.

9. Take probiotics

Your gut plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy immune system. Taking a daily probiotic supplement can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut, leading to a stronger defense against pathogens.

10. Stay updated on vaccinations

Ensure that you are up to date on all necessary vaccinations, as these can prevent many infectious diseases and keep your immune system strong.

11. Practice good hygiene

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, avoid touching your face too often, and sanitize objects you come into contact with regularly, like cell phones and laptops.

12. Boost Vitamin D levels

Vitamin D is crucial for proper immune function; therefore, ensuring sufficient levels either through sunlight exposure or supplementation can improve your body’s ability to fight off infections.

13. Maintain a healthy weight

Excess body fat, particularly around the waist, disrupts hormonal balance and can depress the immune system. A healthy weight supports optimal immune function while minimizing the risk of chronic diseases.


By implementing these 13 tips in your daily life, you’ll be better equipped to fend off infections and enjoy excellent health during cold and flu season at school. Remember that a proactive approach is key – taking care of your body now can save you weeks of battling illness later on.

The Perfect Pooch for Busy Teachers: Finding the Right Furry Friend

As a passionate educator, you work long hours but still desire the companionship of a furry friend. Choosing the right dog to suit your busy lifestyle as a teacher can be challenging, but with some research and consideration, it’s possible to find the perfect breed.
When searching for your ideal canine companion, here are some key factors to think about:

1. Breed Characteristics

Some dog breeds are more suitable for individuals who work long hours. The following characteristics will help you identify the kind of dog which will cope well with your schedule:

– Low energy levels

– Independent nature

– Low maintenance requirements

Breeds like Greyhounds, Chihuahuas, and Basenjis possess these qualities and can adjust better to a teacher’s schedule.

2. Size Matters

Smaller breeds often adapt better to apartment living and require less space than larger breeds. They can also be easier to manage after a long day at work. Consider breeds such as Boston Terriers, Pugs, or French Bulldogs.

3. Adopting an Older Dog

Older dogs typically have lower energy levels than puppies and are more likely to be house-trained already. Adopting an older dog from a shelter is not only rewarding but may fit better into your routine as a teacher.

4. Professional Help

If your heart is set on a specific breed that may require extra attention or exercise, consider hiring a professional dog walker or enlisting the help of neighbors or friends to take care of your pup while you’re at work.

5. Managing Your Free Time

As with any pet owner, allocating quality time for your furry friend when you’re not working is essential for building trust and maintaining their wellbeing. Always strive to set aside dedicated time for walks, playtime, grooming, and training; even if it means adjusting your weekend schedules or morning routines.

6. Doggy Daycare Options

Look into local doggy daycare services in your area. These establishments provide supervised environments for your pup to play and socialize with other dogs while you’re at work.

7. Building a Support Network

Your friends, neighbors, and family members can be invaluable resources when it comes to caring for your dog when you’re at work. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them and develop a plan to share the responsibility of taking care of your pet.

In conclusion, owning a dog as a busy teacher is not impossible if you have realistic expectations, make responsible choices, and use available resources wisely. By factoring in breed characteristics, size, age, and seeking help from your community, you can make the dream of having a furry companion a reality despite your long hours as an educator.

Forget “Back to Normal”—It’s Time to Rebound

As countries around the world gradually emerge from the chaos and devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are yearning for a return to “normal.” However, with widespread changes in various aspects of society, it’s vital that we recognize that going back is not an option. Instead, it’s time to embrace the chance to rebound and shape a more resilient and adaptive future.

The global pandemic illuminated various weaknesses in our social, economic, and political systems. We’ve now seen firsthand how fragile our healthcare infrastructure can be and how inequitable access to essential services has affected numerous marginalized communities.

By simply returning to our pre-pandemic ways, we risk perpetuating these problems and leaving ourselves vulnerable to future crises.
So, how can we rebound effectively? Here are some key strategies for creating a brighter post-pandemic world:

1. Prioritize mental health:

The emotional toll of the pandemic cannot be overstated. People from all walks of life have experienced stress, anxiety, job loss, and bereavement. As we transition out of this period, it’s crucial that we focus on providing mental health resources and support systems for those in need.

2. Rethink work culture:

Working from home became a necessity for many employees worldwide during the pandemic. This shift has opened up new possibilities for remote work opportunities and reimagined work-life balance. In our rebound phase, employers must consider flexible working arrangements that accommodate varying lifestyles and contribute to employee wellbeing.

3. Invest in education:

COVID-19 disrupted learning globally, leaving millions of children with limited or no access to education. Moving forward, governments must invest in improving educational infrastructure—both online and offline—and address disparities in digital access among students.

4. Strengthen healthcare systems:

The pandemic exposed gaps in public health systems worldwide. A robust rebound should include measures such as increasing healthcare funding, investing in medical research, and ensuring equal access to essential services across different communities.

5. Address climate change:

One surprising outcome of the pandemic was a temporary reduction in pollution levels due to decreased human activity. However, as life gets back on track, so too will our carbon emissions. To prevent worsening environmental crises, we must work towards building sustainable and environmentally-conscious societies.

6. Promote social justice:

COVID-19 disproportionately affected marginalized communities and highlighted social inequalities. Building a resilient future requires us to address systemic oppressions and champion policies that promote justice and inclusivity.

In conclusion, our focus should not be on returning to familiar ways but striving for a future that’s adaptable, resilient, and just. As we rebound from the pandemic, we have an invaluable opportunity to work together—across borders, sectors, and cultures—to create a world that’s better for all.

20+ Teacher Power Foods to Keep You Going

As a teacher, you are constantly on the move and need to stay energized throughout the day. Choosing the right power foods can give you an extra boost in energy and help maintain focus and attention in the classroom. To keep your body functioning at its best, try incorporating these 20+ teacher power foods into your diet.

1. Almonds: High in protein and healthy fats, almonds are a great mid-day snack.

2. Apples: Rich in fiber and antioxidants, apples are a delicious and portable snack choice.

3. Avocado: Great for heart health, avocados provide healthy fats and can be added to salads or sandwiches.

4. Bananas: Packed with potassium and natural sugars, bananas are an excellent pick-me-up during busy days.

5. Blueberries: These little powerhouses are packed with antioxidants and fiber.

6. Brown Rice: A complex carbohydrate that provides sustained energy throughout the day.

7. Carrots: Vitamin-rich and a good source of fiber, carrots make an excellent addition to any meal or snack.

8. Chia Seeds: Add some chia seeds to your breakfast or smoothie for an added boost of omega-3 fatty acids.

9. Dark Chocolate: A square or two can help improve focus and mood while satisfying cravings.

10. Edamame: A protein-packed legume that can be enjoyed as a snack or added to salads & stir-fries.

11. Goji Berries: Considered a superfood, goji berries offer immune system support and overall vitality.

12. Greek Yogurt: Offering high-quality protein for lasting energy, Greek yogurt also promotes gut health with probiotics.

13. Green Tea: A natural source of caffeine and antioxidants, green tea can enhance focus without causing jitters.

14. Hummus: A nutritionally dense option made from chickpeas that pairs well with fresh veggies.

15. Kale: This leafy green is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, making it perfect for your daily salad.

16. Oats: Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal for a filling breakfast rich in fiber and energy-boosting carbohydrates.

17. Pumpkin Seeds: Another healthy snack choice, pumpkin seeds provide beneficial fats and magnesium.

18. Quinoa: A versatile, protein-rich grain that can be prepared as a side dish or added to salads and wraps.

19. Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, eating salmon regularly supports brain health and attention.

20. Spinach: Packed with iron and fiber, spinach provides essential nutrients to keep you going strong all day long.

21. Sweet Potatoes: A slow-digesting carbohydrate that offers lasting energy while satisfying hunger.

Incorporating these teacher power foods into your daily routine will help you stay energized, focused, and ready to meet the demands of your busy schedule. Get creative in the kitchen and try new recipes featuring these ingredients to keep your meals exciting and nutritious. Your body (and your students!) will thank you.

Teaching With an Autoimmune Disorder or Chronic Condition: Balancing Work and Health

Living with an autoimmune disorder or chronic condition presents unique challenges for people in the workforce. For teachers, these challenges can be particularly daunting due to the energy and flexibility required to guide and engage with students daily. This article will explore strategies for managing an autoimmune disorder or chronic condition while continuing to excel in the teaching profession.

1. Prioritize self-care and symptom management

The first step in balancing work and health is focusing on self-care. Teachers should ensure they receive appropriate medical care, take medications as prescribed, and maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep. It is crucial to recognize one’s limits and avoid overworking while still delivering quality education.

2. Develop a support system

A strong support network is essential for managing stress and maintaining mental well-being—a crucial aspect of dealing with a chronic condition. Teachers should consider seeking out support groups, leaning on family and friends, or even confiding in colleagues who may share similar experiences.

3. Foster effective communication

It is essential for teachers to communicate openly with school administrators about their autoimmune disorder or chronic condition, including any necessary accommodations that may need to be made. This transparency will foster an understanding environment where teachers receive support rather than facing unnecessary job-related stress.

4. Embrace flexible teaching methods

In today’s era of technology-driven education, it is easier than ever to adopt versatile teaching methods that allow for changes in energy levels without compromising educational quality. This could include greater use of digital technologies like online assignments or video lectures, incorporating different activities into lessons (e.g., group discussions), or even finding ways to teach from home if needed.

5. Prepare backup plans

Having backup plans for flare-ups or sudden setbacks will alleviate anxiety and enable teachers to continue providing quality education despite their health challenges. This could include pre-recorded lessons, pre-prepared substitute teacher materials, or lesson topics that require less physical exertion.

6. Advocate for accommodations

It is important for teachers to know their rights when it comes to workplace accommodations and to advocate for what they need. This may include reasonable accommodations such as flextime, adjustments to teaching schedules, or physical adaptations in the classroom.

By implementing these strategies and taking an active role in managing both work and health, teachers living with autoimmune disorders or chronic conditions can continue to excel in the classroom while addressing their unique needs. Supporting oneself while being dedicated to nurturing the growth of students is possible with thoughtful planning, open communication, and an unwavering commitment to self-care.

10 Ideas to Encourage Fitness and Healthy Eating in Tweens and Teens

The difficult transition of children growing into teenagers is an essential period for parents to develop their habits and instill values that will last for a lifetime. One of the best ways to ensure a positive lifestyle for young people is to encourage an appreciation for fitness and healthy eating. Here are ten ideas for promoting these important aspects of well-being among tweens and teens:

1. Set a good example: Parents should lead by example in incorporating healthy eating, regular exercise, and other fitness-oriented activities into daily routines.

2. Encourage participation in sports: Signing tweens or teens up for sports teams not only encourages physical activity but can help instill team-building skills and connect with other health-minded peers.

3. Make healthy meals the norm: Creating meal plans that feature nutrient-dense foods ensures there are always healthy choices available at home.

4. Cook together: Involve your children in meal planning, shopping, and cooking, educating them about the importance of fresh ingredients, proper nutrition, and portion sizes.

5. Keep snacks interesting: Swap out junk food options with nutritious alternatives such as nuts, yogurt, or fruit to keep them engaged without sacrificing their health.

6. Limit screen time: Limiting the time spent on electronic devices can help promote engaging in more physical activities like playing outside or joining group sports.

7. Educate them on what their body needs: Teach your children about macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats to help them make informed decisions about food consumption.

8. Set achievable goals: Create personal age-appropriate goals that allow your children to track their progress and instill a sense of accomplishment while focusing on fitness and wellness.

9. Schedule family activities that promote exercise: Hiking, biking trips, or participating in group fitness classes together strengthens family bonds while promoting healthy habits.

10. Encourage sleep as part of a healthy lifestyle: Ensure your tweens and teens understand the importance of a regular sleep schedule and its connection to overall wellness, cognitive function, and physical performance.

By embracing these ideas, parents can create a supportive and inspiring environment that encourages their tweens and teens to engage in fitness activities and maintain a healthy diet, ultimately setting them up for long-term success.