Higher Education EdTech

How I Use Instagram in High School Language Arts


As a high school language arts teacher, it is important to always look for ways to engage students in their learning and connect it to the world around them. One platform that has surprisingly proven effective in achieving this is Instagram. What started as a simple photo-sharing app has now become a useful tool that I often incorporate into my language arts curriculum. In this article, I will discuss how I use Instagram in high school language arts, its benefits, and some tips on how you can do the same.

Creating Classroom Community:

Firstly, Instagram helps build a sense of community among students. By setting up a private account solely for my language arts class, I am able to encourage student interaction by posting pictures, quotes, and daily writing prompts. Students are encouraged to follow the account on their own devices and engage in meaningful conversations through comments. Not only does this promote classroom bonding, but it also brings literature and writing into their daily lives outside of school hours.

Visual Presentations:

Instagram’s core concept revolves around visual content, which aids language learning. For example, when reading novels or plays together as a class, we create visual storyboards together on Instagram. Students collaborate on visually summarizing different scenes and themes using images that they find online or illustrate themselves. This helps reinforce their understanding of plot development and theme analysis in an interactive way.

Incorporating Poetry:

Poetry is an essential component of language arts curriculum; however, students often find it intimidating. To break this barrier down, I use Instagram as a medium for students to share their brief poetic expressions—also known as “insta-poems.” Insta-poems are short messages written with aesthetic visuals that make them more accessible and appealing than traditional poetry formats. By encouraging students to write insta-poems related to our course materials or current events, they build confidence with language and poetry while also gaining an appreciation for poetry outside of the classroom setting.

Connecting with Authors:

Through Instagram, we can directly connect with authors of the books we read in class. By following their accounts or using their hashtags, students can keep up with an author’s work, engage in Q&A sessions, and see where an author draws inspiration. This generation of authors is often active on Instagram and even shares exclusive content related to their books. Gaining insights into the lives of authors enriches students’ understanding and appreciation of literature.

Reflections and Tips:

Using Instagram in a high school language arts class has proven to be highly beneficial in promoting engagement, building community, and providing a contemporary approach to traditional curricular content. If you decide to incorporate Instagram into your own language arts class, be sure to adhere to your school’s social media policy and maintain privacy for all students by utilizing a private account just for classroom use. Additionally, be creative and open-minded when adapting lessons or assignments for Instagram – think outside the box!

In conclusion, incorporating Instagram as a teaching tool in high school language arts not only helps foster engagement with course material but also allows students to see how literature connects to the wider world. Integrate this visually-driven platform into your language arts class, and see how it takes student engagement and learning to a new level.

It’s Time To Rethink Using These 3 Classic Books in High School English


High school English classes have long been a breeding ground for debate on the relevance and value of the books assigned. While certain works of literature have remained timeless and hold significant merit, there are a few that no longer resonate with today’s students. It’s time to reconsider the inclusion of these three classic books in high school English curriculums.

1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” is an iconic novel, often considered essential reading due to its themes of racial injustice and moral growth. However, some argue that it merely centers around outdated or superficial portrayals of people of color and complex societal issues. Moreover, the story is primarily told through the eyes of a white protagonist, limiting the representation and narrative perspective.

Alternative: Rather than relying solely on this text, educators could introduce other novels exploring racial injustice from diverse perspectives. For instance, Angie Thomas’s “The Hate U Give” offers an authentic portrayal of racism through the eyes of an African American teenager.

2. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye” has been lauded for its striking depiction of teenage angst and disillusionment. However, many students now find the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, unrelatable and even irritating due to his privileged background and lack of emotional maturity.

Alternative: In place of this novel, teachers might consider assigning Stephen Chbosky’s “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” This coming-of-age story similarly confronts mental health issues and teenage struggles but with more relatable characters and a modern setting.

3. Lord of the Flies by William Golding

“Lord of the Flies” by William Golding addresses themes such as human nature and the inherent evil present within society. However, this male-centric novel might not engage all students due to its lack of diversity and character development. Furthermore, the story’s grim portrayal of humanity can be disheartening for young readers.

Alternative: A more suitable alternative might be Octavia Butler’s “Parable of the Sower.” This dystopian novel also delves into human nature and societal issues, while incorporating more diverse perspectives and fostering constructive discussions on community-building and cooperation.


While these classic novels have served as staples in high school English courses for decades, it is crucial to reevaluate their relevance to contemporary students. Giving a platform to more diverse and relatable works will not only spark engagement but also better prepare young minds to navigate our rapidly changing world.

Best Scholarship Opportunities for Future Teachers

Education is the foundation of a thriving society, and it’s a noble profession that countless passionate individuals pursue each year. Aspiring teachers often require financial aid to complete their academic journey, and scholarships provide a source of assistance without incurring any debt. This article highlights the best scholarship opportunities for future teachers pursuing their dreams.

1. Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant

The TEACH Grant supports students committed to teaching in low-income areas or schools with a high percentage of students from low-income families. Available through the U.S. Department of Education, this grant offers up to $4,000 per academic year. To be eligible, students must work in an underserved area for at least four years within eight years of completing their studies.

2. Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is a need-based grant program that supports undergraduates seeking degrees in diverse fields, including education. Eligible students may receive up to $6,495 per academic year. Applicants must demonstrate financial need using their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) information.

3. P.E.O. STAR Scholarship

The P.E.O. STAR Scholarship aims to support high school senior women pursuing post-secondary education in various fields, including teaching. The organization awards recipients with a one-time, non-renewable scholarship of $2,500 based on academic success, leadership skills, community service involvement, and future potential.

4. Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF)

Cultivating diversity in education is essential to our evolving society. The HSF aims to empower Latino students by offering merit-based scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000. Eligible applicants must have at least 3.0 GPAs and maintain full-time enrollment in accredited U.S. colleges or universities.

5. The Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship

This scholarship is available for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a career in education. Recognizing outstanding potential, the scholarship grants $1,000 to a student majoring in elementary or secondary education. Applicants must provide an essay highlighting their professional aspirations.

6. Nancy Larson Foundation College Scholarship

Aimed at supporting future elementary educators, the Nancy Larson Foundation offers a $1,000 scholarship to deserving undergraduate students. Candidates must demonstrate a commitment to teaching and submit an essay outlining their educational goals.

7. James Madison Graduate Fellowship

Graduate students pursuing a master’s degree in American history or civics can apply for this prestigious fellowship. Each year, the James Madison Foundation awards participants up to $24,000 over two academic years.

These are just a few of the many scholarship opportunities available for aspiring teachers seeking financial assistance. As you navigate your educational journey, consider researching and applying for various programs that align with your career objectives and passion for teaching. With hard work, dedication, and financial support, your dream of becoming a teacher can become a reality.

M-level Degrees for Teachers: What to Expect


As the world of education evolves, so does the need for advanced professional development for teachers. M-level degrees, also known as Master’s degrees, offer educators the opportunity to expand their knowledge and enhance their teaching practices. By pursuing an M-level degree, teachers can expect to achieve a higher level of expertise in their chosen field and experience numerous growth opportunities.

Understanding M-level degrees

M-level degrees are postgraduate programs designed to provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in a specific subject area. They typically require one to two years of full-time study or two to four years of part-time study. Some common M-level degree programs for teachers include Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.), and Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.).

Benefits of M-level degrees for teachers

1. Improved teaching competence: An M-level degree enables teachers to develop a deeper understanding of their content area, pedagogical strategies, and educational theories. As a result, they can create more effective lesson plans, better evaluate student performance, and implement advanced classroom strategies that improve student learning outcomes.

2. Career advancement: Achieving an M-level degree often opens doors to new roles and promotions within the education system. With advanced qualifications, teachers can pursue positions such as instructional coordinators, school administrators, curriculum developers, or department heads.

3. Higher salary: In many school districts, completing an M-level degree allows teachers to qualify for salary increases or step advancements on the salary schedule.

4. Personal satisfaction: Pursuing an M-level degree provides teachers with a sense of accomplishment and personal fulfillment as they grow professionally.

5. Networking opportunities: Enrolling in a Master’s program exposes educators to fellow professionals who share similar interests, providing a valuable network for support, collaboration, and potential job opportunities.

What to expect during an M-level degree program

1. Coursework: M-level degree programs typically involve coursework in areas such as curriculum design, instructional strategies, assessment, diversity in education, and educational leadership. Depending on the specific program, teachers may also study subject-specific pedagogy, such as teaching literacy or mathematics.

2. Research: Many M-level degrees require students to conduct research in their field of study and complete a thesis or capstone project, allowing them to contribute new knowledge to the world of education.

3. Practical experiences: M-level programs often include opportunities for hands-on experience in classrooms or other educational environments. This may involve observing experienced educators, participating in practicum assignments, or interning at a school or educational agency.

4. Professional development: During their studies, teachers will participate in professional development activities that enhance their skills and provide opportunities for collaboration with colleagues and mentors.

5. Time commitment: Teachers should be prepared to dedicate significant time to their M-level program, balancing coursework, research projects, practical experiences, and their current teaching responsibilities.


Pursuing an M-level degree can be an invaluable step in a teacher’s career development. Not only does it equip educators with advanced knowledge and skills to enhance their teaching practices, but it also offers various benefits such as career advancement prospects, higher salaries, personal satisfaction, and networking opportunities. By facing the challenges of an M-level program head-on and committing to personal and professional growth, teachers can make a profound impact on their students’ lives and the education system as a whole.

Finance training


In today’s competitive business environment, having a strong understanding of finance is essential for professionals across all industries. Finance training provides individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to make better financial decisions. This article will discuss the importance of finance training, types of training available, and the benefits it can bring to both individuals and organizations.

Why Finance Training Matters

The world of finance is complex, and navigating its countless aspects can be challenging for those unfamiliar with it. The more proficient one becomes in finance, the more equipped they are to analyze financial statements, manage budgets, assess investment opportunities, and make well-informed choices for personal or organizational growth. Thus, finance training is essential in empowering individuals to make sound financial decisions.

Types of Finance Training

1. Basic Finance Courses: These introductory courses provide a solid foundation in financial concepts such as budgeting, forecasting, financial statement analysis, and investment management. They give individuals a basic understanding of financial principles that apply to both personal and professional situations.

2. Financial Software Training: Proficiency in financial software applications like Excel, QuickBooks, and other accounting programs is crucial for managing finances. Financial software training can help professionals become more efficient in their financial tasks by streamlining their work and improving accuracy.

3. Industry-Specific Finance Training: Different industries have unique financial needs and requirements. Industry-specific finance training helps professionals understand the specific nuances unique to their industry and how to best manage their organization’s finances.

4. Certifications: Pursuing certifications such as Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), or Certified Public Accountant (CPA) demonstrates a high level of proficiency in finance to employers and clients alike. These certifications typically require candidates to complete rigorous coursework and exams that cover advanced knowledge in various areas of finance.

The Value of Finance Training for Individuals

1. Enhanced Career Prospects: Acquiring finance skills opens the door to new career opportunities. Employers recognize the value of individuals who possess strong financial expertise and appreciate the long-term benefits it brings to an organization.

2. Personal Financial Management: Understanding finance allows individuals to manage their personal finances more effectively. It equips them with the knowledge necessary to make smarter investment decisions, plan for retirement, and achieve financial independence.

The Value of Finance Training for Organizations

1. Improved Decision-Making: A well-trained workforce can evaluate financial data more accurately, leading to better decision-making and strategic planning.

2. Increased Revenue Opportunities: Organizations employing financially-savvy professionals are better positioned to identify new revenue streams, analyze investment options, and make informed decisions that contribute to overall growth.

3. Cost Savings and Efficiency: Finance-trained employees can identify areas for cost reduction, streamline financial processes, and improve overall efficiency in an organization.


Finance training is crucial for individuals seeking to improve their professional expertise and personal financial management capabilities. Moreover, organizations can benefit from having a skilled workforce capable of making informed financial decisions that contribute to growth and success. As the world of finance continues to evolve, those who invest in finance training will undoubtedly position themselves for long-term success in today’s ever-changing business landscape.

Higher Level Questioning Skills in Young Children


As children grow and develop, they not only acquire knowledge, but also learn how to ask questions. Higher level questioning skills are essential for children’s cognitive development, as it encourages critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. This article delves into the concept of higher level questioning skills in young children, exploring its importance, examples of higher order questions, and strategies to foster this skill.

The Importance of Higher Level Questioning Skills

Higher level questioning skills enable children to delve deeper into their thoughts and ideas. It is an essential component of their intellectual growth and encourages creativity. These skills allow children to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information, which strengthens their ability to not only retain knowledge but also make connections across various domains.

Examples of Higher Order Questions

Higher order questions engage children’s cognitive processes beyond simple recall of facts. They are categorized into six levels in Bloom’s taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Here are some examples of higher order questions for each level:

1. Knowledge: “What are the three primary colors?”

2. Comprehension: “Can you describe how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly?”

3. Application: “What changes would occur if you moved a polar bear to a hot desert?”

4. Analysis: “Compare and contrast the differences between reptiles and mammals.”

5. Synthesis: “How might you design a robot that helps with everyday household chores?”

6. Evaluation: “Critique the decision people made a century ago to build cities near rivers.”

Strategies for Fostering Higher Level Questioning Skills

Parents and educators play a crucial role in encouraging higher level questioning skills in young children. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Model good questioning: Demonstrate how to ask higher order questions by providing examples in daily conversations.

2. Encourage curiosity: Embrace children’s innate curiosity and allow them the space and time to explore and ask questions about their environment.

3. Teach Bloom’s taxonomy: Teach children about the different levels of questioning so they can identify and classify the types of questions they encounter.

4. Provide open-ended activities: Encourage children to engage in activities that promote critical thinking, such as creating a story together or problem-solving challenges.

5. Scaffold questioning abilities: Give immediate, supportive feedback that guides children towards higher level questions.

6. Praise effort: Recognize and appreciate the efforts made by children to ask deeper questions, regardless of whether they arrive at the correct answer.


Higher level questioning skills in young children are crucial for their cognitive development. By embracing a child’s curiosity, modeling good questioning techniques, and using strategies to encourage deeper thinking, we can help develop critical thinkers equipped with essential problem-solving abilities for their future success.

You Can Now Snag a 50% Discount On a Flexible Master’s Degree Program

Are you considering furthering your education with a master’s degree but worried about balancing work, life, and studies? Well, we have some great news for you! A 50% discount is now available on a flexible master’s degree program specially designed for working professionals like you. Let’s dive in and explore how this incredible opportunity can be beneficial for your career and personal growth.

Program Highlights

The 50% discount applies to a variety of flexible master’s degree programs covering fields such as business administration, computer science, engineering, and more. The primary aim of these programs is to remove traditional barriers by offering convenient scheduling options and online classes that cater to the needs of busy professionals.

Advantages of the Flexible Master’s Degree Program

1. Cost-Effective Education: With a 50% discount on the program’s tuition fees, students can significantly lower their educational expenses while pursuing higher qualifications.

2. Online Learning: By providing distance learning options, students can access lessons and course materials anytime, allowing them to fit their studies around their existing commitments.

3. Customizable Schedule: Flexible master’s degree programs often let students choose the pace at which they wish to complete the program, ensuring convenience and less stress while juggling work and personal life.

4. Networking Opportunities: By enrolling in the program, students also join an extensive professional network that connects them to valuable resources and potential job opportunities.

5. Enhanced Career Prospects: A flexible master’s degree can give individuals a competitive edge in their field without having to sacrifice years of work experience or career advancement.

Enrollment Process

To avail this fantastic 50% discount offer on flexible master’s degree programs:

1. Visit the official website of the educational institution offering the discount.

2. Browse through their list of eligible master’s degrees.

3. Review admission requirements and deadlines.

4. Begin the online application process and indicate your interest in the 50% discount offer.

Hurry up and take advantage of this limited-time offer to upgrade your skills, knowledge, and career with a flexible master’s degree program. Don’t let anything stand between you and your dream of higher education – enroll now!

Free College Tutoring Package for 30 Students | And Enter to Win $1,000

Are you struggling with challenging college courses or simply looking for a way to improve your grades? We have great news for you! Our organization is launching a Free College Tutoring Package for 30 lucky students, and you could be one of them. Not only will this opportunity help you excel academically, but you’ll also have the chance to enter a drawing to win $1,000.

As part of our ongoing commitment to support and enhance student success in higher education, we are offering comprehensive tutoring services that cater to a wide range of subjects and academic levels. Our team of experienced tutors is well-equipped to address your unique needs by offering personalized study plans, helping with assignments, and preparing you for exams.

Entering the Free College Tutoring Package giveaway is simple. Just follow these three easy steps:

1. Register on our website: Create an account with your name, email address, and college information to participate in the program.

2. Submit an essay: Write a brief essay (500-800 words) detailing why you should be selected as one of the 30 students to receive this free tutoring package. Focus on your academic aspirations, areas where you seek improvement, and how this opportunity will contribute to your success in college.

3. Share your story: Help us spread the word by sharing your participation in the program on social media using our official hashtag #FreeTutoringFor30.

Once the submission deadline has passed, our panel of judges will review all entries and select 30 deserving students to receive free tutoring for an entire semester. Additionally, those who share their stories on social media will be automatically entered into a random drawing for a chance to win $1,000 cash prize.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to unlock academic potential and strengthen your educational foundation. Register now and submit your essay to grab this life-changing chance to excel in college and qualify for the $1,000 giveaway. Achieve your dreams with the help of our dedicated tutors today!

How To Get a Full Ride Scholarship

Introduction: Securing the Bright Future You Deserve

A full ride scholarship can be a life-changing opportunity for many students. It not only covers tuition fees but also includes other expenses such as room and board, books, and other fees. However, securing a full ride scholarship can be challenging due to the competitive nature of applicants. This article aims to guide you through the essential steps to boost your chances of getting a full ride scholarship.

1. Research and Identify Appropriate Scholarships

The first and most crucial step is identifying scholarships that align with your interests, qualifications, and academic accomplishments. Begin by looking for scholarships offered by universities, community foundations, private organizations, and government agencies. Make a list of prospective scholarships and check their eligibility criteria.

2. Maintain an Impressive Academic Record

Full ride scholarships are typically awarded to students with exceptional academic achievements. As such, good grades and high test scores are crucial factors in increasing your chances of obtaining these competitive scholarships. Stay focused and maintain a strong performance throughout your high school years.

3. Excel in Extracurricular Activities

Scholarship committees often look for well-rounded individuals who are not only academically inclined but are also committed to making meaningful contributions in their communities or fields of interest. Participate in extracurricular activities that can showcase your leadership abilities, problem-solving skills, teamwork capabilities, or other qualities that demonstrate your potential for success.

4. Pursue Community Service

Community involvement enriches your profile by demonstrating empathy, commitment to social change, and strong character values. Engaging in volunteer work demonstrates dedication to causes that matter and can make you stand out from other applicants.

5. Start Preparing Early

Preparing early is essential when it comes to applying for full ride scholarships. Give yourself ample time to gather information about the application requirements, steps involved in completing the process, and deadlines. Make sure to create a schedule to help you stay on track.

6. Gather Letters of Recommendation

A significant component of most scholarship applications is letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, or community leaders who know you well. Approach individuals who can attest to your character, achievements, skills, and suitability for the scholarship. Provide them with specific details or accomplishments to use in their letter of recommendation.

7. Write Compelling Essays

Scholarship essays are your chance to highlight your accomplishments and make a solid case for your candidacy. Invest time in brainstorming ideas, drafting an outline, and perfecting the essay before submission. Be honest and genuine while showcasing your strengths and experiences.

8. Network with Other Scholars or Alumni

Connecting with individuals who were successful in their scholarship endeavors can provide invaluable insight into the application process and useful tips on how to improve your chances of receiving a full ride scholarship.

9. Stay Organized and Track Deadlines

Due to the vast number of scholarships available, keeping track of deadlines is critical. Create a calendar or use a task management app to record submission dates and all materials needed for each application.

10. Focus on Your Presentation

The way you present yourself during interviews can be a deciding factor for the scholarship committee members. Dress professionally, maintain appropriate body language, showcase confidence, and demonstrate enthusiasm for the opportunity at hand.

Conclusion: The Power of Persistence

Following these steps can significantly increase your chances of securing a full ride scholarship; however, do not be discouraged if you don’t succeed immediately. Keep refining your approach and continue applying to multiple scholarships – persistence is key in turning your educational dreams into reality.

10 Fictional College Courses That Teachers Wish Were Real


Teachers have the incredible responsibility of shaping young minds and preparing them for the real world. However, there are those who daydream about courses that go beyond the traditional curriculum. Imagine a world where teachers could create their own unique college courses that stretch the limits of imagination and entertain as much as they inform. Here’s a list of 10 fictional college courses that teachers wish were real.

1. Wizarding World Literature:

Explore the literary works from various magical realms, such as Hogwarts, Middle Earth, and Narnia. Analyze texts from magical authors like Newt Scamander, or dive deep into the philosophies of Albus Dumbledore.

2. Time-Traveling History:

In this course, students will “travel” through time to explore crucial historical moments firsthand. Imagine examining ancient civilizations with a holographic projector or directly communicating with famous historical figures like Julius Caesar or Cleopatra!

3. Apocalypse Survival Studies:

Prepare yourself for any potential apocalypse, whether it’s zombies, aliens, or nuclear disasters. Learn essential skills like resource management and basic weaponry to ensure your survival in a post-apocalyptic world.

4. Superhero Ethics:

Discuss moral dilemmas faced by famous superheroes like Batman, Spider-Man, and Wonder Woman throughout their comic book adventures. Explore themes like responsibility, power dynamics, and justice while analyzing the societal expectations placed on these extraordinary beings.

5. Galactic Languages:

Acquire fluency in various languages spoken across galaxies far, far away. Master Dothraki from Game of Thrones, Klingon from Star Trek, or even Elvish from Lord of the Rings!

6. Mythological Monster Biology:

Discover the science behind mythical creatures such as chimeras, dragons, and unicorns. Learn about their anatomy and physiology while debunking common myths about them.

7. Mastering Quidditch:

Indulge your competitive side by learning how to play this exciting sport from the Harry Potter universe. Explore the aerodynamics of broomstick flight, strategize house match tactics, and train as a Chaser, Keeper, Beater, or Seeker!

8. Culinary Magic:

Expand your palate with magical recipes from famous fictional works. Bake treats like Honeydukes’ chocolate frogs or whip up mystical potions that grant temporary abilities.

9. Artificial Intelligence through Sci-Fi:

Study how science fiction has anticipated and shaped modern developments in artificial intelligence. Analyze the ethical implications of creating sentient machines such as HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey or Ava from Ex Machina.

10. The Art of Lightsaber Combat:

Learn practical martial arts skills while refining techniques with one of the galaxy’s most elegant weapons. Emulate Jedi and Sith Masters’ fighting styles while developing your inner discipline and strength.


Though these courses might not be available at your nearest college just yet, they are a reminder that learning can be creative, engaging, and fun! So go ahead and dream big – who knows what the future of education holds?