Higher Education

Could This Be the End of Standardized Testing as We Know It

The world of education has been a constant process of evolution, adapting to the needs and demands of an ever-changing society. In recent years, standardized testing has been a hot topic for educators, students, and parents alike, with concerns regarding its effectiveness and impact on student achievement. As we continue to explore new methodologies and approaches to learning, one question remains; could this be the end of standardized testing as we know it?

For decades, standardized testing has played a significant role in measuring student performance, determining admission into colleges, and distributing funding to schools. However, the current educational climate has prompted experts and educators to reevaluate the validity of these tests in assessing the capabilities and potential of tomorrow’s leaders. The shift in focus from test scores to a more holistic view of student development may pave the way to a new era where standardized tests become obsolete.

One factor contributing to this potential change is the growing support for personalized learning. The concept focuses on individual growth, tailored instructions, and diverse assessment tools that seek to nurture each student’s unique skills and talents. Unlike standardized testing, personalized learning recognizes that each learner has

different strengths and weaknesses which cannot be accurately measured through a one-size-fits-all approach.

Another catalyst driving the possibility of eliminating standardized testing is the increased awareness around mental health in students. High-stakes examinations have long been associated with heightened stress levels among students, potentially leading to anxiety disorders and other mental health issues. By eliminating these exams and implementing alternative evaluation methods, educators can create a more supportive environment for students to thrive academically and emotionally.

A significant development that highlights this change in outlook is the growing number of colleges and universities choosing to adopt test-optional admission policies. These institutions no longer require students to submit an SAT or ACT score when applying for admission – instead evaluating applicants based on factors such as grades,

class rank, personal essays, and extracurricular involvement. This shift is a significant example of the move towards a more comprehensive understanding of student potential rather than relying solely on test scores.

The adoption of technology has also played a crucial role in questioning the future of standardized testing. With advancements in artificial intelligence, adaptive learning, and various online platforms, tech-driven innovations have transformed how students learn and engage with educational material. These modern tools present opportunities to develop assessments that cater to individual needs while providing educators with real-time insights into each student’s progress.

In conclusion, the end of standardized testing as we know it may be more plausible than ever before. As educators and institutions continue to prioritize personalized learning experiences, mental well-being, and alternative evaluation methods enhanced by technology, our reliance on standardized tests may eventually fade. However, for now, it remains an ongoing debate as we collectively seek to transform education for the better.

These Women of Color Belong on Your High School Reading List


The world of literature is vast and full of talent. However, it is crucial to recognize and support authors from diverse backgrounds in order to create an environment that not only educates but also empowers young minds. The following is a list of accomplished women of color whose work should be included in your high school reading list.

1. Zora Neale Hurston

Zora Neale Hurston was a pioneer in African-American literature. Her masterpiece, “Their Eyes Were Watching God,” tells the story of Janie Crawford, a young woman navigating love, independence, and self-discovery in the racially-divided American South.

2. Amy Tan

Amy Tan’s novel “The Joy Luck Club” explores the intricate relationships between Chinese-American mothers and their daughters, delving into themes of assimilation, immigration, identity and generational misunderstandings.

3. Maya Angelou

A celebrated poet and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou’s work touches on themes of race, identity, trauma and resilience. “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings,” her groundbreaking autobiography, speaks to her experiences growing up as a Black girl in the Jim Crow-era South.

4. Sandra Cisneros

Sandra Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street” is a coming-of-age story centered around Esperanza Cordero, a Latina girl growing up in Chicago. The book features interconnected vignettes highlighting themes of class, gender roles, racism, and dreams deferred.

5. Jhumpa Lahiri

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Interpreter of Maladies” is a collection of short stories featuring Indian characters and their immersion into new cultures while dealing with issues of loneliness, isolation and longing for home.

6. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “Americanah” discusses themes of race, culture, and identity as protagonist Ifemelu moves from Nigeria to the United States to attend university. As Ifemelu navigates a new world, she examines issues of immigration, love, and the concept of belonging in both her homeland and her new community.

7. Maxine Hong Kingston

“The Woman Warrior” by Maxine Hong Kingston blends autobiography and Chinese folklore to explore themes of ethnicity, gender and family legacy. Powerful and poetic, this book is a must-read for those seeking to understand the experiences of Asian-American women.

8. Toni Morrison

A central figure in American literature, Toni Morrison is best known for her novels exploring the experiences of African Americans. Her novel “Beloved,” based on a true story, examines the haunting legacy of slavery through a mother’s devastating choice.


In order to foster an environment that promotes open-mindedness and empathy, it is essential for students to read the works of authors from varied backgrounds. By including these talented women of color on your high school reading list, you create a more inclusive and diverse literary experience for young minds.

10 Slam-Dunk Argumentative Writing Prompts for High School English

Are you searching for engaging argumentative writing prompts for your high school English students? Look no further! Here are 10 slam-dunk argumentative prompts that will get the creative juices flowing and elevate your students’ writing skills.

1. Should Standardized Testing Be Abolished in High Schools?

Explore the pros and cons of standardized testing, weighing the usefulness of these tests in measuring student performance versus their potential to negatively impact teaching and learning.

2. Are School Uniforms Beneficial or Detrimental?

Examine whether school uniforms promote a sense of unity among students or if they stifle individual self-expression and creativity. Consider the social, educational, and financial implications of implementing or eliminating uniform requirements.

3. Is Online Learning as Effective as Traditional Classroom Learning?

Investigate how classroom learning compares to e-learning in terms of engagement, collaboration, and academic achievement. Discuss whether online learning should be integrated into traditional high school curricula or remain an alternative option.

4. Should Schools Implement Later Start Times to Improve Student Performance?

Debate the idea of pushing back school start times to align with teens’ natural sleep cycles, in order to boost their concentration, productivity, and overall health. Consider the potential logistical challenges and benefits this change may bring.

5. Do Competitive Sports Have a Place in High School Education?

Argue for or against the inclusion of competitive sports in high school curricula. Explore their potential to teach teamwork and discipline outside the classroom while factoring in potential health risks and academic priorities.

6. Should Social Media Use Be Monitored by School Administrators?

Delve into the responsibilities and boundaries of schools when it comes to monitoring social media use among students. Assess the ethical considerations behind policing online behaviour while also protecting against cyberbullying and other harmful consequences.

7. Should Community Service Be a Graduation Requirement?

Consider whether community service should be a mandatory aspect of high school education. Evaluate the potential benefits of instilling civic responsibility, broadening worldviews, and fostering empathy, while factoring in concerns about coercion and workload.

8. Are Caps on College Tuition Fees Necessary for Promoting Access to Higher Education?

Discuss whether government-regulated tuition caps are essential to ensuring equal access to higher education, or if they have unintended consequences, such as reduced funding for university programs and services.

9. Should Junk Food Be Banned in Schools?

Evaluate the merits of banning unhealthy food options in school cafeterias as a means of promoting a healthier lifestyle among students. Explore the role schools should play in teaching responsible eating habits and combating childhood obesity.

10. Are Single-Gender Classrooms Beneficial for Academic Performance?

Explore the advantages and disadvantages of single-gender classrooms, assessing their impact on academic performance, emotional development, and social dynamics among high school students.

With these 10 captivating argumentative writing prompts, your high school English students will have ample opportunity to sharpen their critical thinking, research, and persuasive writing skills while engaging in passionate debates about relevant issues.

5 Common Mistakes Every Nursing Student Makes

Taking a nursing course is hard enough. From having to keep up with study tools and techniques to achieving the perfect life balance, it is inevitable that you will make some mistakes given the pressure and stress that comes with nursing school. Nevertheless, there’s no need for shame and despair when errors occur, as making mistakes is a universal aspect of the learning process.

As a nursing student, you may not possess the extensive experience and expertise required to adeptly navigate the medical landscape, necessitating a learn-as-you-go approach. Familiarizing yourself with prevalent mistakes made by nursing students can provide valuable insights on what to steer clear of. For those currently enrolled in nursing school, here are five common mistakes to avoid for a successful journey.

1. Not Creating a Study Plan

You will hardly get anywhere by waking up and studying whatever you come across that day. You need to have a study plan that clearly shows the time you have available and what you need to study. Typically, nursing students tend to sidestep subjects that pose challenges, opting for those that come more easily to them. While this approach might suffice for other courses, nursing involves the responsibility of handling human life, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of every facet of the curriculum.

Ideally, dedicating a minimum of twenty hours per week to study is recommended. When preparing for an upcoming exam, allocating a week to acquaint yourself with the likely test materials is advisable. If you are taking online nursing courses, you can schedule virtual group discussions with your course mates to get a feel of the traditional learning setting. Group study can help you understand concepts better as you get to learn from your peers.

2. Failing to Prepare Before Lectures

Preparing for a lecture is key to a satisfying session. Most lectures in nursing school can last for up to three hours and the last thing you want is spending three hours of your day going over concepts you have no idea about. Allocate a portion of your evening or morning routine to review the upcoming lecture material. If you encounter challenging concepts, jot down a few questions to seek clarification from the lecturer during or after the class. Familiarizing yourself with the content beforehand will facilitate a better understanding of the lecture, making it easier to grasp the concepts being discussed.

3. Not Admitting Your Mistakes

This is more common among students doing their clinical rounds. A healthcare institution is a busy place where mistakes are bound to happen but what matters is how you respond to them. Maybe you shared patient information with the wrong family member. Or you administered the wrong medication or wrong dose to a patient. Whether you’re a nursing student or a licensed nurse, recognizing and acknowledging mistakes is crucial.

Sharing the situation with your supervisor ensures that you receive guidance on the appropriate course of action. This approach is vital for fostering continuous learning and personal development. While it might lead to a moment of embarrassment or concern about potential consequences, in the worst-case scenario, you might face reprimands or stern words. However, this experience will invariably lead to a better understanding of the correct actions, facilitating improvement in your skills and performance.

4. Not Asking for Help

Nursing students often shy away from asking questions because they are worried about the impact it will have on their image. Maybe you are scared of the perceived hierarchy or you feel ashamed that you don’t know something you should know. Whatever the case, you need to know that you will be dealing with very sensitive cases once you start practicing. Making mistakes could have dire consequences and it will be worse if it is something you could have asked for help on. You can find a mentor who can help guide you through nursing school and even the rest of your career once you get a license.

5. Ignoring Self-Care

Nursing school is challenging. There is a lot of coursework to keep up with and you may end up forgetting about your personal life in the process. Stress, and even depression, eventually creeps in making things even harder than they were. Most nursing students who have made mistakes have pointed out that stress is one of the leading causes.

To prevent this, make sure you find a way to take care of yourself and switch off from your program for some time every day. Have a support system composed of your peers. They can help you work through challenging topics and serve as a sounding board when you feel stressed. Stay organized so nothing gets past you. Create a planner or calendar that includes all your classes, cats, and exams. Invest in your physical health by working out and eating a balanced diet.


Nursing school is the one place where you can make mistakes and learn from them without worrying about the severity of the consequences. In such instances, seek out someone to confide in and take lessons from the experience. Each lesson learned serves as a building block for a promising career ahead.

21 Strategies to Help Students Sharpen Their Organizational Skills

Are you looking for strategies to help you sharpen your students organizational skills?  If so, keep reading.

  1. Demonstrate organization and appropriate use of learning materials (e.g., putting learning materials away before retrieving others, having a space for all learning materials, keeping an organized desk area, following the daily schedule, etc.).
  2. Let logical consequences happen (e.g., work not done during work time must be made up during leisure time, learning materials not maintained will be lost) because of the learner’s failure to organize or use learning materials appropriately.
  3. Let the student finish a learning experience unless it is troublesome to the schedule.
  4. Assess the clarity and quality of directions, explanations, and instructions given to the learner.
  5. Designate a peer to work with the learner on specific learning activities to make sure the learner has the learning materials appropriate to do the learning experience.
  6. Urge the learner to create a routine (schedule) of asking themselves, “Do I have everything?” before leaving home each morning.
  7. Get the learner to leave the appropriate learning materials at specific learning experience areas.
  8. Support the learner in discovering a system of organization that works best for them (e.g., subject folders, tabbed binder, checklist, etc.).
  9. Connect with parents to disseminate information about the learner’s progress. The parents may reinforce the learner at home for being prepared/organized for specific learning activities at school.
  10. Create monthly calendars to keep track of essential activities, due dates, tasks, etc.
  11. Do not accept excuses. The learner must know that, regardless of the reasons, it is appropriate that they take responsibility for not turning in a math assignment, losing pencils, etc.
  12. Get the learner to record the number of times they are prepared/organized for specific learning activities.
  13. Urge the learner to gain an understanding of themselves and their surroundings. Train the learner to periodically step back and ask themselves, “What learning materials do I need to finish this task?” “Did I put my task in the correct folder?”
  14. Get the learner to list five attributes of an organized person. Get the learner to select one of those attributes to work on each week for five weeks.
  15. Urge the learner to keep the appropriate learning materials for specific learning activities together (e.g., gym clothes in a gym bag in the car, backpack with all school-related learning materials by the door, etc.).
  16. Minimize distracting stimuli (e.g., place the learner on the front row, give the learner a table or quiet space away from distractions, etc.). This is used as a way to get rid of distracting stimuli, not as a punishment.
  17. Urge the learner to manage their everyday lives as if they were self-employed. This should increase their motivation to be organized and fulfill their duties.
  18. Urge the learner to put objects that should be taken to school in a designated space (e.g., by the door, at the bottom of the stairs, etc.).
  19. Select various people (e.g., counselor, paraprofessional, peer, etc.) to help the learner keep the organization of tasks, learning materials,  etc., at school.
  20. Give the learner an appropriate space to store/secure personal items (e.g., desk, locker, closet, etc.). Make the learner put away all items when not in use.
  21. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

Free Student Laptop Programs: Bridging the Digital Divide

In today’s technology-driven world, having access to a computer, specifically a laptop, has become essential for students of all ages. From completing homework assignments to researching and consuming educational content, laptops play a crucial role in enhancing the learning experience. However, not every family can afford to purchase a laptop for their children. This is where Free Student Laptop Programs step in, bridging the digital divide and providing equal opportunities for all students.

Overview of Free Student Laptop Programs

Free Student Laptop Programs aim to provide laptops for students who cannot afford them. These programs are often run by non-profit organizations, educational institutions, or government agencies that recognize the importance of digital literacy and equal access to technology.

Benefits of Free Student Laptop Programs

1. Enhanced Learning Experience: A laptop provides access to a wealth of resources that can help students learn at their own pace. Interactive educational software and online courses enable learners to absorb information in a more engaging way.

2. Access to Resources: Students can use their laptops to access online libraries and databases, which consist of a massive collection of scholarly articles, research papers, ebooks, and multimedia content.

3. Improved Research Skills: With the help of laptops and the internet, students can easily conduct research on various subjects and keep up-to-date on current affairs.

4. Encourages Collaboration: With technological tools like cloud storage and collaborative
platforms on hand, students can easily share files and work together on projects regardless of their location.

5. Increases Computer Literacy: Regular use of laptops under these programs also helps improve computer literacy among students, thereby preparing them for future jobs in an increasingly digital world.

Examples of Free Student Laptop Programs

1. One Laptop per Child (OLPC): A global non-profit organization that distributes low-cost laptops designed specifically for educational purposes in developing countries.

2. Computers for Learning (CFL): A United States federal government program that donates excess computer equipment to schools and non-profit organizations to help bridge the digital divide.

3. ConnectED Initiative: Launched in 2013, this U.S.-based initiative aimed to provide laptops, high-speed internet, and digital learning resources to 99% of American students by 2018.

4. E-Learning Foundation: A UK-based charity that works with schools, businesses, and other organizations to raise funds for providing laptops and tablets to low-income students.

5. TechSoup: This global non-profit organization offers a variety of technology resources, including refurbished laptops, to eligible non-profits, libraries, and educational institutions worldwide.

In conclusion, Free Student Laptop Programs have proved instrumental in reducing the digital divide among students and promote a more inclusive learning environment. By continuing to expand and support these initiatives globally, we can ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to develop their full potential through access to essential digital tools and resources.

20 Most Educated Cities in America

Education plays a vital role in shaping the future of a city. In this article, we will explore the 20 most educated cities in America based on various educational factors. From the number of college graduates to the availability of educational resources, these cities showcase a commitment to education and intellectual growth.

1. Boston, Massachusetts: Known for its prestigious universities, including Harvard and MIT, Boston holds the top spot for the most educated city in America. With a high number of college graduates and a rich academic environment, it’s no surprise that Boston attracts scholars from all over the world.

2. San Francisco, California: Home to several top-tier universities and innovative tech companies, San Francisco secures its place as one of the most educated cities in the nation. The city’s emphasis on technology and research makes it a hub for intellectual exploration.

3. Washington, D.C.: As the capital of the United States, Washington, D.C., boasts a high concentration of educated individuals. The city is home to renowned universities, think tanks, and governmental institutions, making it a center for education and policy.

4. Seattle, Washington: Seattle’s thriving education sector, including the University of Washington and other esteemed institutions, contributes to its position on this list. The city’s dedication to research and innovation fosters a culture of learning.

5. Minneapolis, Minnesota: With a strong focus on education and a well-regarded public school system, Minneapolis ranks among the most educated cities in America. The city’s commitment to providing quality education for its residents has earned it recognition.

6. Raleigh, North Carolina: Known as the “Research Triangle,” Raleigh stands out for its concentration of universities, research institutions, and highly educated professionals. This city offers a thriving academic community and opportunities for intellectual pursuits.

7. San Jose, California: San Jose’s educational landscape benefits from its proximity to the renowned universities of the Bay Area. The city boasts a high number of college graduates and has a thriving tech industry that supports continuous learning.

8. Austin, Texas: Home to the University of Texas and a vibrant creative and tech scene, Austin emerges as one of the most educated cities in America. The city’s inclusive educational opportunities and strong job market attract scholars and professionals alike.

9. Madison, Wisconsin: Madison’s reputation as a college town, with the presence of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, contributes to its recognition as an educated city. The city’s commitment to research and learning is evident in its innovative initiatives.

10. Denver, Colorado: Denver’s education system, including esteemed universities and strong public schools, places it among the most educated cities in America. The city’s commitment to lifelong learning and professional development adds to its academic atmosphere.

These 10 most educated cities in America represent intellectual hubs where learning, innovation, and academic growth flourish. From Boston’s prestigious universities to the thriving tech industries in San Francisco and Seattle, these cities exemplify the importance of education in shaping a brighter future.

Note: The ranking order presented above is based on multiple educational factors and may vary depending on different sources and methodologies.

20 Most Educated States in America

The United States is known for its vibrant cities, each with its own unique culture and attractions. In this article, we will explore the 20 most populous cities in America.

1. New York City, New York: With a population of over 8.4 million, New York City is the most populous city in the country. It is famous for its iconic landmarks such as Times Square, Statue of Liberty, and Central Park.

2. Los Angeles, California: Known as the entertainment capital of the world, Los Angeles is home to Hollywood and boasts a population of around 4 million. It offers a vibrant arts scene and beautiful beaches.

3. Chicago, Illinois: The Windy City is the third-largest city in America with a population of approximately 2.7 million. It is famous for its stunning architecture, deep-dish pizza, and vibrant music scene.

4. Houston, Texas: Houston is the fourth-most populous city, with a population of about 2.3 million. It is a major hub for the energy industry and is known for its diverse culinary scene.

5. Phoenix, Arizona: With a population of over 1.7 million, Phoenix is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. It offers a warm climate, beautiful desert landscapes, and a thriving economy.

6. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, with a population of around 1.6 million, played a significant role in American history as the birthplace of the nation. It offers a rich cultural heritage and iconic landmarks like Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.

7. San Antonio, Texas: Known for its unique blend of cultures, San Antonio has a population of approximately 1.5 million. It offers attractions like the historic Alamo and the picturesque River Walk.

8. San Diego, California: With its stunning coastline and pleasant climate, San Diego attracts millions of visitors each year. It has a population of over 1.4 million and is renowned for its world-class zoo and Balboa Park.

9. Dallas, Texas: Dallas is the ninth-largest city in America, with a population of around 1.3 million. It is a major economic and cultural hub in Texas, offering attractions like the Sixth Floor Museum and the Dallas Arboretum.

10. San Jose, California: Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, San Jose is home to many technology companies. It has a population of approximately 1 million and offers a high standard of living.

11. Austin, Texas: Known for its live music scene and vibrant cultural events, Austin has a population of around 980,000. It offers a unique blend of southern charm and modern innovation.

12. Jacksonville, Florida: Jacksonville is the largest city area-wise in the United States, and it has a population of approximately 900,000. It offers beautiful beaches, a vibrant downtown, and a variety of outdoor activities.

13. Fort Worth, Texas: With a population of around 900,000, Fort Worth is often overshadowed by its neighbor, Dallas. However, it has a rich western heritage and offers attractions like the Fort Worth Stockyards.

14. Columbus, Ohio: Columbus is the capital of Ohio and has a population of approximately 900,000. It is known for its strong economy, rich arts scene, and renowned zoo.

15. Indianapolis, Indiana: Indianapolis is famous for hosting the Indianapolis 500 race and has a population of around 870,000. It offers attractions like the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Indianapolis Museum of Art.

16. Charlotte, North Carolina: With a population of over 850,000, Charlotte is the largest city in North Carolina. It is a major financial center and offers a mix of urban amenities and natural beauty.

17. Seattle, Washington: Known for its rainy weather and the iconic Space Needle, Seattle has a population of around 750,000. It is a hub for tech companies and offers a thriving cultural scene.

18. Denver, Colorado: Denver, also known as the Mile High City, has a population of approximately 730,000. It is surrounded by beautiful Rocky Mountain views and offers a vibrant outdoor lifestyle.

19. Washington, D.C.: The capital of the United States, Washington, D.C., has a population of around 710,000. It is known for its iconic monuments, museums, and political significance.

20. Boston, Massachusetts: Boston, steeped in history, has a population of around 700,000. It offers a mix of colonial charm and modern innovation, along with world-renowned educational institutions.

These 20 cities showcase the diversity and dynamism of America’s urban landscape. Each city has its own unique charm, history, and attractions, making them worth exploring for both residents and visitors alike.

12 People Who Pursued Higher Education After Fame

It is not uncommon for influential and famous figures to continue pursuing higher education even after achieving remarkable success. In today’s fast-paced world, mastering the art of perpetual learning can significantly contribute to personal growth and enrichment. Here, we celebrate 12 well-known individuals who decided to further their education after finding fame.

1. Emma Watson

gaining global fame as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series, Emma Watson pursued her college degree at Brown University, where she graduated with a bachelor’s in English literature in 2014.

2. Shaquille O’Neal

Basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal earned his undergraduate degree from Louisiana State University during his NBA career. Later, he went on to secure an MBA from the University of Phoenix and a doctoral degree in education from Barry University.

3. Natalie Portman

Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Harvard University. She enrolled at Harvard while still working as an actress and published several research articles during her time at the university.

4. Brian May

Queen guitarist Brian May began working toward his Ph.D. in astrophysics at Imperial College London before the band skyrocketed to stardom. May returned to complete his Ph.D. nearly four decades later, in 2007.

5. James Franco

James Franco is known for his constant pursuit of education, having attended several prestigious institutions such as Columbia University, New York University, and Yale University for various degrees spanning fields like creative writing and filmmaking.

6. Jodie Foster

Yale alumna Jodie Foster graduated magna cum laude with a degree in literature in 1985. The accomplished actress continued her career post-graduation while becoming an influential advocate for education and maintaining a personal love for reading and writing.

7. Christy Turlington

Supermodel Christy Turlington holds a master’s degree in public health from Columbia University. Since earning her degree, she has become deeply involved in various global health initiatives and founded the nonprofit organization Every Mother Counts.

8. Ken Jeong

Before finding fame as a comedic actor, Ken Jeong pursued a medical degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and later worked as a physician.

9. Dexter Holland

The Offspring’s frontman Dexter Holland earned his Ph.D. in molecular biology from the University of Southern California. His research includes contributions to understanding HIV and various strands of the virus.

10. Steven Spielberg

Acclaimed film director Steven Spielberg completed his undergraduate degree at California State University, Long Beach, nearly 34 years after he first enrolled. Spielberg received his bachelor’s degree in film and electronic arts in 2002.

11. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey attended Tennessee State University on a full scholarship while working in radio and television broadcasting before rising to stardom. She eventually returned to complete her course requirements and received her degree in communication.

12. Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik, known for her role as Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory, holds a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. With her academic background, she frequently uses her platform to promote education and STEM initiatives.

These 12 influential figures demonstrate that even with great success, one should never stop learning and investing in personal growth through higher education. Their stories inspire others to remain curious and committed to the pursuit of knowledge throughout life’s journey.

Florida’s LGBTQ+ College Students Face a Tough Choice: Stay or Go?


In recent years, the lives and rights of the LGBTQ+ community have taken center stage in America’s political and social landscape. However, this increased visibility does not always equate to increased acceptance. For Florida’s LGBTQ+ college students, this glaring reality translates into a difficult decision: should they stay in their home state or move to a more progressive and accepting environment?

In some cases, staying in Florida means attending college with fewer student groups that cater to LGBTQ+ individuals, decreased access to resources tailored to their needs, and living among hostile social environments. As a result, these brave individuals are often left feeling isolated, unheard, and unsupported amidst the college experience.

On the other hand, more progressive states have colleges with thriving LGBTQ+ communities that promote inclusive cultures and events for these students. Access to mental health services specifically designed for LGBTQ+ students is also higher in such states. This kind of environment undoubtedly fosters a stronger sense of belonging and provides ample opportunities for personal growth and development.

One major factor influencing these students’ decisions hinges on their ability to receive an education while being supported emotionally and mentally. A study conducted by GLAAD found that 42% of LGBTQ+ youth experienced anxiety disorders, while 30% suffered from depression — rates significantly higher than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. These alarming numbers emphasize the importance of having sufficient mental health resources available for LGBTQ+ students on campuses in Florida.

Another aspect challenging Florida’s LGBTQ+ college students is the conflicting political climate within the state. While parts of Florida have enacted local laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, there are still gaps in statewide protection. These inconsistencies can contribute to the unease felt by LGBTQ+ college students as they constantly navigate uncertain grounds regarding support from their schools and fellow students.

Ultimately, each individual’s decision depends on personal preferences, needs, and a host of other factors. For some Florida LGBTQ+ college students, the tenacity to push through adversity and stay in their home state may seem more worthwhile. They may decide to become advocates for change and challenge their universities to be more supportive and inclusive.

For others, the prospect of a healthier college experience elsewhere may significantly outweigh the benefits of staying. In those instances, many students choose to pursue higher education out-of-state, hoping that distance from conservative environments will allow them to flourish academically and mentally.

The choice that Florida’s LGBTQ+ college students face is emblematic of greater issues surrounding acceptance, inclusivity, and support for these individuals across the nation. The hope is that as society progresses towards acknowledging and valuing all people equally, young LGBTQ+ students will no longer face such difficult decisions concerning their pursuit of education.