Higher Education

How Schools Can Avoid Failed College Presidencies

A successful college presidency is crucial for the growth and development of any institution. A strong leader can inspire change, drive strategic initiatives, and foster a positive campus culture. However, a failed college presidency can have disastrous consequences for both the institution and the individuals involved. In this article, we will explore some of the key strategies that schools can employ to avoid a failed college presidency before it even begins.

1. Define Expectations Clearly

One of the primary reasons for failed college presidencies is a lack of clarity around expectations. Before a presidential search begins, it’s essential for the Board of Trustees or Governors and other key stakeholders to establish a clear and comprehensive profile of the ideal candidate. This should include professional experience, educational qualifications, leadership qualities, and specific goals to be achieved during their tenure.

2. Engage in a Comprehensive Search Process

The search committee should engage in a thorough search process that thoroughly evaluates potential candidates. This may involve several stages, such as reviewing CVs and cover letters, conducting interviews, checking references, and soliciting input from campus constituents. The more thorough the search process is, the more likely it is to identify and vet candidates who are well-suited for the position.

3. Prioritize Cultural Fit

While qualifications and experience are essential, it’s equally important to consider how well a prospective president will fit into the institutional culture. Personality traits such as communication style, conflict resolution skills, and adaptability can be significant predictors of presidential success or failure. Ensuring that a candidate’s values align with those of the institution can also help prevent friction down the line.

4. Establish Strong Lines of Communication

One of the primary factors leading to failed presidencies is poor communication between administration leaders and other campus stakeholders. To avoid this pitfall, institutions can emphasize transparency and create channels allowing for dialogue between all parties involved throughout the selection process and during the president’s tenure. This may include holding town hall meetings, sending out regular updates, and inviting input from various parties on important decisions.

5. Consider a Structured Onboarding Process

Transitioning into the role of college president can be a difficult and overwhelming task. Implementing a structured onboarding process can help ease this transition and set new presidents up for success from day one. This may involve assigning an experienced mentor, providing training on institutional policies and procedures, and scheduling regular check-ins between the new president and key stakeholders.

6. Implement Regular Performance Reviews

Finally, it’s essential to evaluate the performance of college presidents regularly. This holds them accountable for meeting established goals, but it also provides an opportunity for constructive feedback, development, and support. Ensuring that presidents are performing effectively in their roles can help prevent frustrations or misunderstandings from escalating into full-blown crises.


By putting these strategies into practice, colleges and universities can significantly reduce the risk of failed presidencies, improve campus morale, and foster stable leadership. It’s essential for schools to invest time and resources in selecting the right candidate for this crucial role while maintaining open lines of communication with campus stakeholders throughout their tenure. With effective planning and foresight, institutions can ensure that their next college president is well-prepared to lead them into a successful future.

Why the Accreditation Monopoly Needs to End


The accreditation system for higher education institutions has played a pivotal role in maintaining the quality and standards of education. However, as time goes on, the monopoly-like nature of accreditation raises serious concerns regarding its efficacy and accessibility. This article will discuss why the accreditation monopoly needs to end and suggest possible alternatives for creating a more equitable and diverse landscape of higher education.

The Disadvantages of Accreditation Monopoly

1. Barriers to Entry: The current accreditation system raises barriers to entry for new institutions, stifling competition, and innovation within the higher education sector. For educational institutions – especially those focused on non-traditional learning models – navigating regional, national, and programmatic accreditors can be overwhelming. These barriers perpetuate an unequal system, discouraging potential innovators from entering the market.

2. High Costs: Achieving and maintaining accreditation is an expensive feat. Joining fees, recurrent dues, evaluation costs, and other expenses related to requirements laid down by accrediting bodies deprive less affluent institutions of resources required for development and limit students’ choices—gradually concentrating power in wealthy establishments capable of sustaining these financial burdens.

3. Limited Flexibility: In a rapidly changing world where adaptability is crucial, the traditional approach offered by accreditation monopolies inhibits a nimble response to newer educational needs and delivery methods like vocational programs or online learning systems that might better serve prospective students. The lack of flexibility restricts academic institutions from experimenting with alternative teaching methodologies that could usher in necessary improvements within higher education systems.

4. Bureaucratic Inefficiencies: The complex bureaucracy associated with accreditation often hinders institutions from implementing changes expeditiously, negatively affecting students’ experiences. Schools are expected to continuously meet changing standards set by accrediting agencies rather than focus on developing solutions based on their unique set of resources and student demographics.

Alternatives and Solutions for the Accreditation Monopoly

1. Decentralization: Decentralizing the accreditation system would foster competition, driving innovation, diversifying educational offerings, and empowering institutions to adopt methodologies that best serve their students. Providing institutions with more control would help them respond to industry demands and evolving societal needs independently.

2. Utilization of Technology: An updated accreditation model utilizing technology could create an agile and cost-effective way to monitor educational standards. This would enable broader access to education for new institutions while reducing costs associated with compliance, all while lowering barriers to entry for innovators.

3. Focus on Outcomes: By shifting the focus from bureaucratic measures to outcome-based evaluation, students and employers will be empowered to make more informed decisions regarding education programs. A performance-based approach would incentivize institutions to prioritize student outcomes like actual learning gains or employability, resulting in overall improved quality of higher education.

4. Increased Transparency: Making accreditation information publicly available will provide insights into educational quality and institutional practices, while fostering informed choices for future students – which in turn fuels innovation in teaching practices and academic delivery methods.


The existing accreditation monopoly within higher education stifles much-needed improvement, preventing innovative approaches driven by creative and diverse institutions from entering the market. Transitioning to a decentralized, transparent, results-driven approach using today’s innovative technology will ensure a progressive landscape that is adaptable to current and future educational challenges. Ending the accreditation monopoly will pave the way for a brighter academic tomorrow—the time for change is now.

How America Pays for College 2023

The landscape of higher education in the United States is ever-evolving, with changes in tuition, funding, and financial aid options directly impacting how Americans pay for college. As we enter 2023, there have been significant shifts in the ways families finance their children’s post-secondary education. This article delves into the various methods Americans are currently using to fund their college education and highlights some up-and-coming trends to look out for.

Federal and State Financial Aid:

1. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid): As the primary source of financial assistance for college students, FAFSA provides access to federal grants, loans, and work-study programs. Each year, students and their families must reapply to be considered for aid based on financial need. The application process opens on October 1st of each year.

2. State Grants: In addition to federal funds, many states offer grants to residents attending colleges within their boundaries. Some examples include the Cal Grant (California), the Texas Grant (Texas), and the HOPE Scholarship (Georgia).


Unlike loans, scholarships are sources of funds that do not need to be repaid. Many organizations and institutions provide scholarship opportunities based on a diverse range of factors such as academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, community service, or specific talents. Students should start searching and applying for scholarships well before their expected college enrollment.

529 College Savings Plans:

These savings plans offer a tax-advantaged way for families to save money for a qualified beneficiary’s higher education expenses over time. Named after section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, these plans encourage long-term savings by offering federal and often state tax benefits upon withdrawal.

Private Loans:

When other methods aren’t enough to cover tuition costs, some parents and students may seek assistance through private loans from banks or other lenders. However, these loans often come with higher interest rates and less favorable repayment options compared to federal loans. It’s essential to compare various loans and choose the one that best fits an individual’s financial needs.

Trends in College Funding:

1. Employer-Sponsored Education Assistance: Many companies now offer tuition reimbursement programs or partnerships with universities to help their employees pay for college. For example, Starbucks has a partnership with Arizona State University called the Starbucks College Achievement Plan (SCAP), which provides full tuition coverage for eligible employees.

2. Income Share Agreements (ISAs): Some colleges have piloted ISAs as alternative financing options for students. Instead of taking out loans, students commit to paying a fixed percentage of their income post-graduation for a determined period, with payments adjusted according to income fluctuations.

3. Expanding Online Education: As online education platforms continue to grow in popularity and quality, they offer more accessible and affordable options for students seeking higher education.


The ways in which America pays for college are diverse, ranging from government aid and loans to private investments like savings plans. As we move into 2023, it is crucial for families and students to thoroughly research all available financial assistance options and consider the long-term implications of their chosen methods. By doing so, they can work towards minimizing the burden of educational expenses and maximizing the value of their investment in higher education.

Beyoncé & Tiffany Partner to Support HBCUs

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, one of the most beloved and talented global icons, is set to build upon her well-established legacy of empowering others through a new, groundbreaking partnership with the luxury jewelry brand Tiffany & Co. to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This bold collaboration displays a united effort to fuel change and generate opportunities for underrepresented communities.

The partnership between Beyoncé and Tiffany & Co. is rooted in their shared belief that the power of education can uplift individuals and transform society. As part of their joint venture, they aim to provide funding for scholarship programs, mentorship initiatives, and various resources catering specifically to HBCUs across the United States. The goal is to cultivate a vibrant academic environment for students while empowering them with tools to succeed beyond college.

Beyoncé’s dedication to supporting HBCUs is nothing new – she has been a long-time advocate for these academic institutions. During her groundbreaking Coachella performance in 2018, Beyoncé paid homage to HBCU culture by incorporating it throughout her show. This performance led to her establishing the Homecoming Scholars Award Program, which provided scholarships to students attending HBCUs.

Tiffany & Co., too, has shown a commitment to philanthropy through their own Tiffany Foundation. Established in 2000, the foundation focuses on preserving natural resources and promoting responsible stewardship of our planet. With this partnership, they are expanding their mission to include supporting higher education within underserved communities.

Tiffany & Co.’s involvement in this partnership becomes even more significant as it marks its commitment toward supporting racial equity and promoting inclusivity in the world of jewelry and luxury fashion. Through this collaborative project with Beyoncé, they plan to highlight the importance of diversity within the luxury industry.

The partnership is set to benefit students from various HBCUs such as Howard University, Spelman College, Morehouse College, and many more. By joining forces, Beyoncé and Tiffany & Co. are building bridges of opportunity that will ultimately foster a more inclusive academic landscape and contribute to the vitality of our society.

This remarkable alliance between Beyoncé and Tiffany & Co. in support of HBCUs demonstrates the power that can be harnessed when influential figures and luxury brands collaborate to drive positive change. As the partnership begins to unfold, it is clear that their combined efforts will make a lasting impact on the lives of HBCU students and strengthen the importance of education within our communities.

With this new initiative taking off, a brighter future lies ahead for countless deserving students who will undoubtedly go on to make a difference in the world, thanks to the unwavering support they receive from Beyoncé and Tiffany & Co. in their pursuit of excellence.

Biden administration announces $39 billion in student debt relief

In a groundbreaking move, the Biden administration has announced $39 billion in student debt relief, easing the financial burden on millions of Americans grappling with student loans. This massive investment comes after years of growing national concern over the debt crisis faced by college and university graduates.

The new plan, unveiled by President Joe Biden and his administration, aims to provide immediate relief and help reduce the wealth gap by lifting the burden of student loan debt. This unprecedented step acknowledges the long-term economic challenges that result from carrying significant student loan balances.

Under the new plan, specific categories of borrowers will qualify for relief, including those with permanent disabilities or those subjected to fraudulent practices by private educational institutions. The administration is also expected to extend temporary relief for federal student loan borrowers amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

These measures are designed to reduce inequality, as well as encourage more Americans to pursue higher education by alleviating some of the main barriers faced by prospective students. The $39 billion investment represents a significant commitment on behalf of the Biden administration towards securing a brighter and more equitable future for the nation’s students.

Many activists have been advocating for widespread student debt forgiveness, and while this recent announcement does not fulfill that particular objective entirely, it marks progress on an issue that impacts millions of Americans. Critics argue that student debt forgiveness does not address the root causes of high tuition costs at colleges and universities.

In conclusion, this $39 billion student debt relief announcement by the Biden administration symbolizes a substantial investment in American higher education and offers tangible support to millions of borrowers. It remains important to continue examining the broader challenges of student debt and developing comprehensive solutions to address this persistent issue.

There Aren’t Enough Black Firefighters. Here is How HBCUs Can Help

The firefighting profession is one of the most critical and respected services in any community. However, diversity within the ranks remains an ongoing challenge, with Black firefighters significantly underrepresented in fire departments across the nation. This article will explore the reasons behind this disparity and discuss how Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) can contribute to promoting a more inclusive atmosphere in firefighting.

The Problem:

Despite efforts to improve diversity, the number of Black firefighters has remained disproportionately low. According to the National Fire Protection Association, only 8.4% of firefighters in the United States are Black. In major cities like New York City, statistics are even more alarming – out of 11,000 firefighters, only about 500 are Black.

Factors Contributing to the Disparity:

There are several factors that contribute to this underrepresentation, including:

1. Lack of Awareness: Many minorities may not be aware of career opportunities available in firefighting or do not consider it while making their career choices.
2. Unconscious Biases: Racial biases within some fire departments may create a hostile environment for potential candidates or dissuade them from pursuing these opportunities.
3. Insufficient Outreach and Recruitment: Fire departments may not actively promote their vacancies or target minority communities during recruitment, leading to limited awareness about these roles among underrepresented groups.

How HBCUs Can Help:

Historically Black Colleges and Universities have a long history of promoting access and equality within the higher education sector. They can use their influence and resources to help bridge the racial gap within firefighting:

1. Awareness Campaigns: HBCUs can partner with local fire departments and media outlets to advertise firefighting vacancies on campus and within their communities. By raising awareness about these opportunities, more Black students may be encouraged to pursue a career in this field.

2. Inclusion and Diversity Training: HBCUs can work with fire departments to develop and implement diversity training programs that challenge unconscious biases and foster a culture of inclusion and respect within the firefighting service.

3. Partnerships for Recruitment: HBCUs can actively collaborate with fire departments in recruitment initiatives, targeting their alumni networks and student populations with relevant firefighting job opportunities.

4. Fire Science Programs: HBCUs can establish or expand fire science programs within their institutions, equipping their students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the firefighting profession.


The lack of Black representation within firefighting is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently. HBCUs have a unique opportunity to play a significant role in promoting diversity and inclusivity within this critical profession. By fostering relationships with fire departments, increasing awareness, and offering specialized education programs, HBCUs can contribute to more equitable representation of Black firefighters in our communities.

Big data could help mitigate the affirmative action ban

The affirmative action ban has sparked heated debates across the United States, as it seeks to eliminate race-conscious policies in colleges and universities. Proponents argue that such a ban would lead to a truly merit-based admissions process, while opponents claim that it is detrimental to marginalized communities and could exacerbate existing inequalities. As the ban rolls out, there is an urgent need for innovative solutions to counterbalance its potential effects. One possible answer could lie in the use of big data – analyzing vast amounts of information – to level the playing field for all applicants and help schools make more informed decisions regarding admissions.

The Power of Big Data:

Big data refers to large volumes of structured and unstructured data that can be analyzed using advanced algorithms to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships. It has revolutionized industries ranging from marketing to healthcare by allowing organizations to make better-informed decisions. In higher education, using big data effectively could revolutionize how schools approach student admissions.

Using Big Data in Admissions:

Colleges and universities can use big data analysis to identify factors besides race that may be affecting a student’s application success rate. Some of these factors include socioeconomic status, geographic location, access to quality education, and extracurricular achievements. By analyzing a wide array of variables, schools can create more holistic applicant profiles and ensure fair evaluations.

Recognizing Potential:

Another benefit of utilizing big data in admissions is its ability to recognize potential in more subtle ways than traditional standardized testing methods. For example, the analysis can reveal how an applicant’s individual challenges might have influenced their academic performance or identify specific areas where they outperformed their peers despite facing obstacles. This information could then be used by colleges and universities to make fairer assessments of an applicant’s potential for success in their academic programs.

Promoting Diversity:

Though race-conscious policies may be restricted due to the affirmative action ban, the application of big data could still help maintain diversity on college campuses. By considering factors beyond just GPA and test scores, schools can better assess an applicant’s potential and likely contributions to their campus community. This will inherently promote a diverse range of viewpoints and experiences – essential ingredients for an enriched learning environment.

Challenges and Concerns:

However, using big data in the admissions process is not without challenges. There are privacy concerns and the potential for biased algorithms which may inadvertently replicate existing disparities. Addressing these issues will be crucial to ensuring that big data analysis leads to a fairer admissions process that benefits all students.


While the affirmative action ban may have placed restrictions on race-conscious admission policies, it has also encouraged institutions to explore new methods such as big data analysis to maintain a fairly holistic admissions process. By identifying overlooked factors and hidden potential in applicants, higher education institutions can create more inclusive learning environments while adhering to the new affirmative action policy framework. The key lies in addressing potential challenges to ensure an unbiased application of this transformative technology in shaping the future of higher education.

Online learning still in high demand at community colleges

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning saw a significant surge across various educational institutions. As the world adapted to new ways of life, community colleges were no exception. Though we are slowly but surely recovering from the pandemic, online learning seems to have solidified its place at community colleges due to its high demand and array of benefits.

Many students enrolled in community college pursue their education around a set schedule, balancing work, family commitments, and other personal responsibilities. Online learning presents an excellent opportunity for such individuals as it offers flexibility and accessibility. They can attend courses and study material at their own pace without worrying about commuting to campus.

In addition, online courses make it easy for students with distinct learning styles to receive a tailored educational experience. Online classes often incorporate various teaching methodologies such as videos, quizzes, interactive discussions, and forums that cater to a diverse range of student needs.

Various community colleges have prioritized enhancing their remote offerings in the wake of this increased demand for online education. By improving course delivery, ensuring quality teaching practices and providing comprehensive support services to students, community colleges are focusing on making remote education a genuine competitive advantage.

The professional development aspect has also contributed significantly to the growing demand for online education in community colleges. Many working professionals enroll in continuing education programs to advance their careers or update their skill sets. The convenience of remote learning becomes incredibly appealing to this demographic as they can gain new qualifications or hone existing skills without sacrificing their professional life.

Moreover, with the cost of higher education continually increasing, students are recognizing community colleges’ value proposition when it comes to affordability and quality. This realization has sparked considerable interest in these institutions’ expansive array of online options.

Lastly, with technological advances becoming an integral part of daily life, online learning is expected only to grow further as time goes on. From artificial intelligence-enhanced personalization to virtual reality simulations, the potential for online education is limitless.

In summary, online learning at community colleges continues to thrive due to its numerous advantages, evolving technology, and accessibility to diverse learning needs. As educators and students alike embrace this mode of instruction, we can expect community colleges to remain at the forefront of delivering quality online education.

Is using AI cheating? The question is dividing the world of higher education’

Artificial intelligence has rapidly evolved across multiple sectors of life, including education. As AI becomes more accessible to students, the question of whether using AI is cheating has become a growing debate in higher education. Opinions vary widely, with some educators arguing it supports efficiency and others claiming it undermines academic integrity.

Benefits of AI in Education:

AI has significantly contributed to the educational experience by offering personalized learning environments and assisting educators in various tasks. For students who struggle with complex subjects or require additional support, personalized AI programs can better cater to their needs. Additionally, AI can enhance teaching methodologies by providing valuable insights on students’ performance and areas that require improvement.

Is It Cheating?

There are cases where using AI doesn’t conflict with ethical standards of education. For example, using speech recognition software for better note-taking during lectures or data analysis tools for research assignments are acceptable practices. However, problems arise when students use AI to replace or replicate their abilities instead of supplementing them. Case in point: when an AI-generated essay replaces independent thought and creativity.

Opposing Viewpoints:

Not everyone agrees that utilizing AI is cheating, as some argue that the technology’s primary purpose is to augment human abilities and make processes more efficient. They claim that dismissing such advancements as cheating is a hindrance to embracing new technological opportunities that could improve education.

At the other end of the spectrum are those who firmly believe that leaning on AI compromises academic integrity. When students rely on AI-generated content to complete assignments – such as essays or analyses – they fail to learn crucial skills like critical thinking, resource evaluation and problem-solving.

Finding a Compromise:

Striking a balance between embracing technology and maintaining academic values is essential. Educators must revise academic guidelines to clarify which uses of AI should be restricted and update policies regularly as new applications arise. By doing so, students will better understand the limits of AI use and adapt their approaches to learning accordingly.


The question of whether using AI constitutes cheating is dividing the world of higher education, with some emphasizing efficiency while others prioritize academic integrity above all else. To navigate this complex issue, educators must establish clear guidelines and keep students informed about acceptable uses of AI. Ultimately, finding a compromise is necessary to foster positive growth in both learning and technology.

The Future of Race-Based Scholarships

In recent years, race-based scholarships have played a significant role in addressing educational inequalities and promoting diversity. As our society progresses and conversations surrounding racial disparities continue to evolve, it’s essential to explore the future of race-based scholarships.

**The Current Landscape**

Race-based scholarships were initially designed as a means to level the playing field for underrepresented minority groups. By targeting specific racial and ethnic groups, these scholarships aim to bridge achievement gaps, create a more diverse learning environment, and ultimately contribute to greater social equality.

Many higher education institutions and organizations offer race-based scholarships, particularly to African American, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian American students. These awards not only provide financial assistance but also empower students from minorities who may be lacking representation in their chosen career fields.

**Expanding the Definition of Diversity**

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and diverse, so does our understanding of inclusion. The future of race-based scholarships will likely see an expansion in the criteria that define diversity. This could involve considering factors such as socioeconomic status, geographic location, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Broadening the scope of eligibility would include even more underrepresented demographics in the scholarship programs.

**Increased Call for Merit-Based Scholarships**

While race-based scholarships have made strides in promoting diversity and equal opportunity, there has been a growing call for more merit-based financial aid. Critics argue that awarding funds primarily based on academic performance or personal achievements would create a fairer education system.

That said, merit-based scholarships may not necessarily displace race-based awards. Instead, institutions might find a balance between providing financial aid based on both socio-demographic factors and individual achievements. This blended approach could result in students continuing to receive support due to their racial background whilst also being rewarded for their hard work and accomplishments.

**Legal Challenges Surrounding Race-Based Scholarships**

Over the years, legal challenges against race-conscious education policies have increased, with some arguing that race-based scholarships amount to reverse discrimination. This has even prompted several states to ban these scholarships in public institutions.

Despite the ongoing legal battles, however, race-based financial aid remains an essential tool in addressing systemic inequalities and fostering diversity. It is crucial for proponents of race-based scholarships to continue advocating their importance in pursuing educational equity.


The future of race-based scholarships will be shaped by various factors, such as expanding diversity definitions, striking a balance between merit- and race-based awards, and navigating legal challenges. By finding innovative ways to offer financial assistance and foster diversity, colleges and organizations can help create a more inclusive education system that benefits all students.