Learning Strategies, Tactics, and Methods

This New Guide Has Everything You Need To Support Remote Assessments on i-Ready


In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, educators and school administrators are faced with the challenge of meeting the needs of increasingly diverse student populations. With remote learning becoming more prominent, it is essential to have the right tools to ensure accurate assessment and progress monitoring. The recently released guide for supporting remote assessments on i-Ready is here to save the day!

What is i-Ready?

i-Ready is an innovative online program that provides a comprehensive diagnostic tool and instructional platform for students in K-12 education. It offers adaptive learning experiences to address gaps in student knowledge through engaging lessons that can be accessed both in school and remotely.

The New Guide for Remote Assessments:

This new guide has been carefully crafted to help educators navigate the world of remote assessments on i-Ready. It includes step-by-step instructions on setting up assessments and valuable tips for success. Some key features of this guide include:

1. Clear objectives: The guide outlines specific goals for successful implementation of remote assessments, making it easy for educators to understand the expectations.

2. Step-by-step instructions: Detailed instructions walk users through each stage of setting up and administering remote assessments, ensuring accuracy and ease.

3. Troubleshooting tips: As with any technology, there may be unexpected challenges. This guide provides simple solutions to common issues that may arise during the assessment process.

4. Best practices: Learn from experienced educators who have successfully implemented remote i-Ready assessments with their students.

5. Strategies for student engagement: The guide provides creative strategies for maintaining student engagement during remote assessment sessions, leading to better results.

6. Resources: Access additional support materials like videos, webinars, and more, all designed to help educators succeed with remote assessments on i-Ready.

The Importance of Accurate Assessment:

Monitoring student progress and adjusting instruction based on individual needs is paramount to success in education. The new guide to support remote assessments on i-Ready empowers educators to accurately evaluate their students’ progress from afar, ensuring that learning gaps are identified and addressed, no matter the distance.

i-Ready provides adaptive, engaging online instruction that caters to each student’s unique needs. By embracing this new guide and utilizing i-Ready’s remote assessment tools, teachers can provide targeted support to their students, even when they are not physically present in the classroom.


As remote learning continues to play a vital role in education worldwide, it has never been more important to accurately assess and address individual student needs. The new guide for supporting remote assessments on i-Ready is a must-have resource for educators seeking ways of efficiently implementing online assessments while maintaining high levels of student engagement. With this extensive guide at your disposal, you’ll be well-equipped to support your students on their path towards academic success, whether they’re learning in person or remotely.

Learning to Love a Student Who Is Hard to Like


In the world of education, teachers encounter students with various backgrounds, personalities, and character traits. Sometimes we come across a student who is hard to like. Although it is challenging, learning to love and understand such a student is essential for both personal and professional development.

1. Importance of Empathy:

One of the critical steps in learning to love a student who is hard to like is exercising empathy. Understanding their emotions, the reasons behind their behavior and trying to see the situation from their perspective can help build a strong connection.

2. Setting Boundaries and Expectations:

Having clear boundaries and expectations can prevent misunderstandings and help maintain a healthy student-teacher relationship. While setting these rules, it is crucial that teachers remain fair and consistent.

3. Focus on Positives:

Focusing on such a student’s strengths and achievements rather than dwelling on their adverse characteristics or actions will create an environment based on appreciation rather than negativity.

4. Time and Patience:

It may take time for both teacher and student to develop trust in each other. This trusting relationship requires patience, understanding, and determination; eventually, it can lead to transforming the student’s attitude toward themselves, school, and peers.

5. Encourage Growth:

Acknowledging small improvements in their behavior or skillset is a great way of building a positive relationship with challenging students. Encouraging self-reflection while setting attainable goals for them will promote growth by fostering accountability.

6. Develop a Support System:

Engage parents or guardians in discussions about their child’s progress and involve them in finding solutions together; this allows for collaboration between the most important influences in the child’s life.

7. Prioritize Self-Care:

Working with difficult students can be emotionally draining for teachers. It’s crucial to recognize this impact on well-being while ensuring strategies are implemented to manage stress effectively.


Learning to love students who are hard to like is achievable with the right mindset and compassionate approach. Implementing the techniques discussed in this article will not only build better student-teacher relationships but also improve the overall quality of education by fostering a respectful, supportive learning environment.

Halloween Learning & Fun: A Spooky Educational Adventure


Halloween is a much-awaited festival that brings excitement and fun to kids and adults alike. Jack-o’-lanterns, spooky costumes, and delicious treats are some of the highlights of this celebration. But, did you know that Halloween can also be a fantastic opportunity for learning? This article will explore how combining Halloween themes with educational activities can enhance youngsters’ excitement and make learning enjoyable.

1) Halloween-themed arts and crafts

Arts and crafts are great for stimulating creativity, improving motor skills, and allowing kids to express themselves. To add a twist to typical art projects, introduce Halloween-themed options like making paper plate ghosts, pumpkin carving, or creating their very own spooky mask. These activities not only entertain but also educate children about the history and significance of Halloween symbols.

2) Spooky story writing

Encourage children to write fictional stories around the theme of Halloween. Give them a spooky word bank or brainstorm scary ideas together and let their imagination run wild! This activity improves their vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and storytelling skills while keeping them engaged with the holiday theme.

3) Math games with a Halloween touch

Number concepts can be quite daunting for children. Why not incorporate some fun by adding Halloween elements to math problems? Create math puzzles like adding candy corns or counting the number of pumpkins per household. This will help kids practice their math skills in a fun way that relates to the festive season.

4) Science experiments with a creepy twist

Conducting science experiments can be both thrilling and educative. By incorporating Halloween elements such as slime-making, creating glow-in-the-dark jars or ghost rockets from baking soda and vinegar, children will have increased interest in learning scientific concepts while enjoying a good scare.

5) Reading spine-chilling stories aloud

Reading out loud to kids has numerous benefits including improving listening skills, enhancing vocabulary, fostering a love for books, and understanding various literary genres. Share fun and spooky stories with them during the Halloween season. This activity not only entertains but also helps develop their reading skills.


Halloween offers endless possibilities for incorporating learning along with fun activities. By intertwining the two, parents and educators can indulge children in exciting and educational projects that celebrate the spooky holiday while ensuring valuable skills are developed. So, go ahead and let your little ghouls and goblins enjoy Halloween Learning & Fun, making every moment an unforgettable learning experience!

What Can Research Tell Us About Distance Learning


Distance learning, also known as online or e-learning, has gained significant traction in recent years. The current global situation has further propelled the adoption of distance learning across the world. As a result, educational institutions, policymakers, and learners are all keen to understand the potential benefits and challenges of distance learning. In this article, we explore what research tells us about this fast-growing educational model.

Benefits of Distance Learning:

1. Accessibility: One of the most significant advantages of distance learning is improved access to education for people who may face geographic, financial, or personal barriers. Students can access course materials from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection.

2. Flexibility: Distance learning allows students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. This enables them to better balance their personal and professional commitments.

3. Personalization: Online education platforms can use AI and data analytics to create personalized learning experiences tailored to each individual’s needs, strengths, and weaknesses.

4. Cost-efficiency: Distance learning often eliminates expenses associated with traditional classroom settings such as commuting costs and physical infrastructure maintenance.

Challenges of Distance Learning:

1. Digital divide: Not all students have equal access to technology required for effective distance learning, which may exacerbate existing educational inequalities.

2. Quality concerns: Ensuring consistent quality across various online courses can be difficult. Instructors need to adapt their teaching styles effectively for online delivery, especially when it comes to assessments and feedback.

3. Lack of personal interaction: Some students struggle with the lack of face-to-face interaction in an online environment, which can lead to feelings of isolation or disengagement.

4. Technical difficulties: Technical issues can disrupt the learning experience for both students and instructors if not managed properly.

Research Findings on Distance Learning Effectiveness:

1. Student performance: According to a study by the U.S. Department of Education, online learners performed modestly better than their counterparts in traditional classroom settings. The study also found that blended learning, which combines both online and in-person instruction, proved even more effective.

2. Retention rates: Research has shown mixed results for retention rates in distance learning courses compared to traditional classes. Some studies suggest that online learners tend to drop out more often, while others indicate similar or even slightly better completion rates for distance learning students.

3. Satisfaction levels: Studies have revealed diverse satisfaction levels among distance learners. Factors such as the quality of course materials, access to support services, and overall engagement can significantly influence student satisfaction.

4. Skill development: Research suggests that online learners may develop a unique set of skills different from those in a traditional setting. These include time management, self-discipline, and effective communication in digital environments.


Distance learning has certainly made significant strides in transforming the education landscape. Research shows promising results regarding student performance and skill development; however, challenges and limitations still exist. Ensuring equitable access to technology and addressing areas such as quality, personal interaction, and satisfaction levels can help optimize the potential of distance learning for students worldwide.

7 Ideas That Make Service Learning Fun for Kids

Service learning is a teaching method that combines community service with educational goals. It is an effective way to engage children in meaningful activities that promote personal growth and contribute to their communities. Here are seven fun ideas to incorporate service learning into your kid’s life, fostering empathy, teamwork, and responsibility.

1. Community Garden: A vibrant community garden comes with numerous benefits – from providing fresh produce for the neighborhood to promoting sustainable living practices. Gather a group of kids and organize a community garden project where they will plant, nurture, and harvest veggies and fruits. This collaborative effort will teach children about healthy eating habits, the importance of local food production, and teamwork.

2. Animal Shelter Support: Partner with a local animal shelter and coordinate fun activities in which kids can participate, such as dog walking or assisting with daily chores. By interacting with animals who need love and care, children learn the value of compassion while gaining an understanding of responsible pet ownership.

3. Neighborhood Clean-up: Starting a neighborhood clean-up initiative is an excellent way to raise environmentally conscious kids. Equip children with gloves, bags, and pickers and head out on a walk through the neighborhood for trash collection. Besides contributing to a cleaner community, this activity instills respect for shared spaces and solidifies eco-conscious attitudes.

4. Book Drive: Encourage reading by organizing a book drive with local schools or libraries. Kids can collect gently used books from friends, family members, and neighbors to donate to those without easy access to reading materials. This service-learning activity fosters literacy awareness and teaches children about community outreach.

5. Intergenerational Programs: Arrange opportunities for children to spend time learning from older adults at a senior center or retirement home – playing games, crafting together, or simply sharing stories. These interactions enrich both generations’ lives while promoting understanding between age groups.

6. Fundraising for a Cause: Let children choose a cause that resonates with them and work together to raise funds. Kids can brainstorm creative ways to solicit donations, such as hosting bake sales or car washes. This collaborative effort teaches goal-setting, financial planning, and advocacy while serving their chosen cause.

7. Cultural Exchange: Encourage your child’s school to establish a cultural exchange program with an international school, or consider hosting an exchange student yourself. As children interact with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds, they develop empathy, broaden their perspectives, and learn about the interconnectedness of our world.

Incorporating these seven ideas into children’s educational curriculums will not only make service-learning fun but also help build character, teach essential life skills, and instill values that promote kindness and empathy.

How to Make Service Learning Part of Your School Curriculum


Service learning is a unique teaching method that combines classroom instruction with meaningful community service. It provides students with opportunities to develop leadership skills and enhance their understanding of social issues, empower them to take part in positive change and foster a sense of responsibility and commitment to their community. Integrating service learning into your school curriculum can make a lasting impact on students, the school, and the wider community. Here’s how you can make service learning part of your school curriculum.

1. Develop a clear vision and goals

Start by defining the purpose and objectives of incorporating service learning into your curriculum. Consider how it aligns with your school’s mission, vision, and core values. Once you have a clear vision, set specific, measurable goals for the program – such as improving academic performance, increasing civic participation, or fostering personal growth.

2. Obtain support from stakeholders

Engage with teachers, administrators, students, parents, and community members to gather support for incorporating service learning in your curriculum. Share your vision and goals with them and explain how their involvement can contribute to the program’s success. Collect feedback from stakeholders to identify potential challenges and solutions while exploring resources available within the community.

3. Identify appropriate courses or subject areas

Examine your existing curriculum to identify subjects or courses where service learning projects could be integrated seamlessly without disrupting educational objectives. For instance, social studies courses could include a project related to local history or geography; science courses could involve environmental or conservation efforts; language arts could incorporate initiatives that promote literacy.

4. Plan and design projects collaboratively

Involve teachers, students, and community partners in designing service learning projects that address real-world needs while also meeting academic standards. Encourage teamwork among participants in order to utilize different perspectives and skills while developing meaningful projects. Ensure that each project incorporates critical thinking, problem-solving, reflection, and authentic assessment.

5. Ensure ongoing evaluation and improvement

Set up a system for evaluating the effectiveness of your service learning program. Regularly assess and modify projects based on feedback from students, educators, and community partners. Evaluate outcomes regarding student learning, academic performance, personal development, civic consciousness, and community impact. Use these findings to continuously refine your approach and ensure that service learning remains a valuable component of your school curriculum.

6. Provide professional development opportunities

Offer professional development workshops and resources for educators to help them integrate service learning into their teaching practices effectively. Encourage teachers to collaborate with one another to share ideas, discuss challenges, and celebrate successes in implementing service learning projects.

7. Celebrate success and showcase student work

Recognize the accomplishments of students engaged in service learning by celebrating their achievements through activities like award ceremonies, exhibitions of student work, or coverage in local media. This will not only motivate students but also raise awareness about the program’s impact on the school and the community.


Incorporating service learning into your school curriculum can create a transformative educational experience for students while positively impacting the surrounding community. By setting clear objectives, engaging stakeholders, designing impactful projects, and continuously evaluating the program’s effectiveness, you can successfully make service learning an integral part of your school’s educational experience.

20 Asynchronous Activities to Optimize Learning and Engagement


Asynchronous learning is a valuable tool for educators, as it encourages independent learning, enables students to learn at their own pace, and can be accessed anytime and from anywhere. To maximize the benefits of asynchronous learning, it’s essential to incorporate engaging and effective activities. Here are 20 asynchronous activities that can help optimize learning and engagement in your online classroom.

1. Discussion boards: Utilize discussion boards for independent research and reflection, where students can post their insights and ideas to share with the class.

2. Interactive multimedia: Incorporate engaging multimedia like videos, podcasts, interactive diagrams, or virtual tours to make the content more appealing.

3. Online games/quizzes: This makes for an entertaining way to test a student’s knowledge about a subject in a less intimidating environment.

4. Self-paced learning modules: Create self-paced modules that enable learners to work through content at their own pace with periodic assessments along the way.

5. Blogging: Encourage students to create blogs on course topics, fostering creativity and personal expression.

6. Jigsaw activities: Divide a topic into smaller sections and assign each student a portion to research independently. Later, the class collaborates to complete the full picture.

7. Group projects: Have students collaborate on presentations or reports via cloud-based tools like Google Docs or Slides.

8. Mind mapping: Utilizing mind mapping software, learners can visually represent complex concepts making them easier to understand.

9. Webinars/expert talks: Host webinars or expert talks by industry professionals that students can view later at their convenience.

10. Peer reviewing/critiquing: Assign peer reviews for written work or presentations, fostering collaboration while improving critical thinking skills.

11. Reflection journals: Students maintain personal reflection journals on their experiences and insights throughout the course.

12. Wikis/collaborative writing: Encourage collaboration among learners to build a repository of knowledge on course topics.

13. Scavenger hunts: Create virtual scavenger hunts related to various learning modules, with students seeking out information through online research.

14. Digital storytelling: Allow students to create narrative stories related to course content using digital formats like podcasts or videos.

15. Case studies: Share real-world examples with detailed analysis and ask learners to apply their knowledge to solve similar problems.

16. Role-playing/simulations: Have students engage in role-playing activities or simulations designed to reflect real-world scenarios relevant to the course.

17. Surveys/polls: Collect student opinions through anonymous polls or surveys, promoting inclusivity and engagement.

18. Social media learning events: Organize live social media events focused on course topics, where learners can interact with each other and ask content-related questions.

19. Annotated bibliographies: Assign students the task of researching and creating annotated bibliographies for assigned readings or topics, promoting deeper understanding and critical analysis.

20. Online galleries: Showcase unique student-created visual artifacts like artwork, infographics, or design prototypes related to course material in a virtual gallery format.


These 20 asynchronous activities are designed to promote active engagement and optimal learning experiences for your online students. By incorporating a variety of these methods in your curriculum, you can enhance interactivity, foster collaboration, and provide opportunities for self-paced learning – all essential elements for a successful asynchronous learning environment.

Listen up: hearing what students have to say about learning

Education has evolved tremendously over the years, with teaching methodologies and learning environments constantly changing. While countless factors contribute to the success of a school or institution, the backbone of any effective learning environment remains the students. Their voices, opinions, and experiences provide invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of an educational system. It’s time we listen up – let’s hear what students have to say about learning.

Active Listening – The Key to Improving Learning Experiences

The tendency for many educators is to take charge of their classrooms, often failing to consider feedback from students that hold the key to improved learning experiences. Active listening practices can lead to deeper understanding between educators and students alike. By opening a dialogue and showing genuine interest in their thoughts, teachers have an opportunity to make well-informed decisions about changes in lesson content, teaching styles or even approaches to classroom management.

Student-Teacher Collaboration as a Catalyst for Change

Collaboration between teachers and students on education reforms should not be underestimated. Students possess rich perspectives on their own experiences, which can offer unique understandings into classroom dynamics and educational systems. Treating students as partners in forming educational policies encourages them to become more proactive in their own learning experiences while fostering a sense of community and openness.

How Can We Listen Better?

The process begins by creating opportunities for open discussions. This could mean integrating regular classroom interactions wherein students feel comfortable expressing their opinions on different aspects of learning without fear of backlash or consequences.

Surveys remain one of the most effective means of soliciting feedback from a large number of students, providing quantitative data that can be used as evidence for proposed reforms. Focus groups or interviews are also useful in obtaining qualitative data on student opinions and experiences. These methods foster in-depth conversations that empower students to vocalize their perspectives openly.

Social media channels also offer platforms for schools and institutions to reach out to both current and past students and gain valuable insights. Utilizing these avenues responsibly and effectively can be a powerful addition to traditional feedback methods.

The Value of Listening

Ultimately, listening to students allows educators to continually refine learning environments, improving the overall quality of education in the long run. It’s an investment in improved academic achievements and the well-being of students. By involving our greatest educational resources – the students themselves – we foster positive change and drive lasting impacts on future generations.

In conclusion, incorporating student voices into educational decision-making processes not only demonstrates respect for their opinions but also fosters a collaborative spirit that benefits students, teachers, and institutions alike. By opening lines of communication and enabling students to actively engage in shaping their learning experiences, we create more meaningful, learner-centered environments that inspire growth, innovation, and success for all involved. So listen up – it’s time to hear what students have to say about learning!

Learning Detectives: The Art of Learning to Learn


The process of learning is an ever-evolving journey. It’s not only about gaining knowledge but also about developing skills that enable us to adapt and grow in our personal and professional lives. While numerous resources make it easier than ever to access information, there is still an essential skill that eludes a lot of people – learning to learn. This article will delve into the concept of ‘learning detectives’ and the importance of cultivating our ability to learn.

Learning Detectives: What Are They?

The term “learning detectives” refers to individuals who take an active approach in understanding their unique learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. These individuals are constantly evolving their strategies and supplementing their toolkit with techniques that maximize their learning potential.

Core Characteristics of Learning Detectives:

1. Self-awareness: A quintessential trait of a learning detective is self-awareness. To improve one’s learning style, it is crucial first to understand how they learn best.

2. Adaptability: Learning detectives adapt to various situations, effectively switching between different learning methods as needed.

3. Problem-solving: They focus on understanding the underlying concepts rather than memorizing facts. This mindset enables them to approach problems from different angles and find creative solutions.

4. Reflection: Learning detectives continuously evaluate and reflect on their progress, identifying areas for improvement.

5. Curiosity: A strong sense of curiosity drives these individuals, making them eager to explore new subjects and ask challenging questions.

6. Collaboration: Learning detectives recognize the value of working together with others, as it promotes the exchange of ideas and exposes them to different perspectives.

Steps to Becoming a Learning Detective:

1. Assess your current learning style: Begin by understanding your individual preferences when it comes to acquiring new knowledge or skills. This may include techniques such as visualization, hands-on practice or reading aloud.

2. Develop your metacognitive skills: Metacognition refers to thinking about your thought processes and learning methods. Enhancing metacognitive skills enables you to make more informed decisions during the learning process.

3. Set SMART goals: Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that will help you monitor your progress and stay motivated.

4. Experiment with different learning techniques: This will help you identify which methods are most effective for you.

5. Reflect on your progress: Regularly evaluate your improvement and adjust your strategy as necessary.

6. Seek guidance from experts or mentors: They can provide valuable insights and shortcuts based on their extensive knowledge and experience.

7. Connect with a community of learners: Engaging with other learners can help fuel motivation and provide valuable support.


Becoming a learning detective leads to a deeper understanding of oneself and ultimately enhances the ability to navigate life’s complexities. By developing self-awareness, experimenting with different techniques, reflecting on progress, and leveraging the power of collaboration, we can unlock endless potential within ourselves. Embrace the art of learning to learn, become a learning detective today!

Strategies for Learning: Maximizing Your Potential


In a fast-paced world dominated by ever-changing technology, it has become essential to engage in effective and efficient learning. Whether you’re a student, professional, or lifelong learner, mastering strategies for learning can help you maximize your potential and achieve success. In this article, we will explore various proven strategies to enhance your learning capabilities and transform the way you approach new information.

1. Setting SMART Goals

The first step in any learning endeavor is setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Having clear objectives provides a sense of direction and motivation, enabling you to allocate time and effort more effectively towards achieving those goals.

2. Developing a Growth Mindset

Cultivating a growth mindset involves embracing challenges and recognizing that effort is the path to mastery. Individuals with a growth mindset see failures as opportunities for learning and improvement rather than an indication of lack of talent or skill.

3. Active Learning

Active learning involves actively engaging with the material instead of passively consuming it. This can be done through asking questions, discussing concepts with peers, teaching others, or applying new knowledge to real-life situations. Active learning has been proven to enhance comprehension and retention.

4. Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is a technique where new information is reviewed at increasing intervals over time which helps improve long-term memory retention. By spacing out your review sessions using flashcards or other methods of revisiting content periodically helps reinforce information in your memory.

5. Elaborative Interrogation

This strategy involves posing “why” questions about concepts you are trying to learn in order to strengthen connections between new knowledge and existing knowledge. It requires generating reasons behind various relationships instead of merely accepting them as given facts.

6. Taking Breaks – The Pomodoro Technique

To maintain focus and avoid burnout, try the Pomodoro Technique—breaking up learning sessions into 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between. After every fourth interval, take a longer break to recharge.

7. Visual Aids

Using visual aids such as mind maps, diagrams, and flowcharts can help clarify complex ideas and make concepts more memorable, thus enhancing learning effectiveness.

8. Testing as Learning – The Testing Effect

Testing yourself not only measures what you have learned but also helps solidify information by forcing retrieval from memory. The process of recalling information strengthens neural connections, making it easier to retrieve the same information in the future.


Implementing these strategies can significantly improve your learning process and maximize your potential for success in any academic or professional setting. Remember that everyone has a unique learning style; experiment with various techniques to find which combination works best for you. Be patient and persistent—with the right approach and mindset, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.