New Orleans-Louisiana

New Orleans–Metairie, LA Metro Area: New Orleans Schools Show Steady Academic Growth in Latest Performance Scores

The New Orleans–Metairie area has reason to celebrate as recent performance scores released by the Louisiana Department of Education reveal steady academic growth in local school districts. Orleans Parish and Jefferson Parish were among the most improved districts in the state, with Orleans Parish rising 4.1 points and Jefferson Parish increasing by 3.8 points.

Notable achievements include the improvement of Orleans Parish to its highest score since the current evaluation standards were implemented in 2018. The district saw no schools receiving an F grade this year, and came close to achieving an overall B rating. Jefferson Parish maintained its B rating, with several of its selective enrollment schools ranking among the highest-scoring in the state.

These improvements reflect the dedication of educators, students, and administrators in the face of various challenges, including the lingering effects of the pandemic. The positive trends in academic performance bode well for the future of education in the New Orleans–Metairie area.

Top education news in New Orleans, Louisiana

In New Orleans, the top education news story revolves around the ongoing debate about the city’s charter school system. As the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina approaches, there is a growing call for an educational reset. Critics argue that the 100% charter school model has not delivered on its promises and has exacerbated resource inequities. Community leaders and educators are advocating for more accountability and support for Black educators and schools to address the systemic issues that have persisted since the post-Katrina reforms.