Parent & Family Tech

For Our Teacher Moms: Get $100 Off a Willow Breast Pump!

As a teacher, you are entrusted with the vital job of nurturing and educating the nation’s future generations. You work tirelessly to ensure your students have a bright future ahead of them. Simultaneously, you are also a mom, doing your best to balance your professional and personal commitments. This special offer is dedicated to all the teacher moms out there!

For a limited time, we’re offering an exclusive discount of $100 off on Willow Breast Pumps for teacher moms who are nursing their little ones while taking care of their students.

The Willow Breast Pump is a powerful and intuitive tool designed to make pumping breastmilk as comfortable and easy as possible. With its streamlined design, convenience features, and the ability to pump directly into specialized attachments, this innovative breast pump is changing the game for nursing moms everywhere.

Here are some key features you’ll love:

1. Cordless, Hands-Free Pumping: The Willow is designed to give you complete freedom with cordless, hands-free operation. You can continue working or multitasking without worrying about cords or setting up a dedicated space for pumping.

2. Wearable Design: The smart in-bra feature allows you to deeply conceal the pump under your clothing, giving you the ability to pump in public discreetly without drawing attention.

3. No Spill Technology: Thanks to its unique no-spill technology, the Willow Breast Pump guarantees leak-free pumping sessions even when lying down or bending over.

4. Quiet Operation: The Willow operates at an impressively low noise level compared to conventional breast pumps, ensuring discretion even if you need to pump at work or in communal spaces.

5. Smart Tracking: With the accompanying app available for iOS and Android, stay updated with your pumping progress through real-time tracking of milk volume and session history.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! To get your $100 discount on a Willow Breast Pump, simply verify your teaching credentials through the dedicated portal on our website, and you’ll receive a unique discount code to use at checkout. Show yourself and your baby some love while ensuring your students receive the education they deserve. This offer is just our way of acknowledging and appreciating the valuable work you do as a teacher mom. Hurry, the offer ends soon!

Help! My Co-Worker is My Kid’s Teacher, and She’s Awful


Navigating the professional world can be challenging, especially when you are faced with a situation where your colleague takes on an unexpected role—your child’s teacher. You might feel torn between supporting and respecting your colleague and looking out for your child’s best interests. In this article, we will discuss strategies for addressing this dilemma and fostering a healthier relationship between all parties involved.

1. Communicate your concerns with your co-worker

One of the first steps to addressing this issue is having an open conversation with your colleague about your concerns. Choose a non-confrontational approach, and frame the discussion in a way that optimizes their receptiveness; for example, emphasize that you both have a shared responsibility to ensure the best outcomes for your child. Seek to understand their perspective, and try to work towards finding common ground.

2. Talk to other parents and collect feedback

Before raising any issues, it is important to get a broader understanding of how other parents feel about the teacher. Connect with parents of other children in the same class, asking them if they share similar concerns or if they have any advice regarding the situation. Avoid gossiping or creating tension within your parent community; rather, gather reliable insights to identify concerns that require attention.

3. Do not play favorites at work

Make an effort to treat all coworkers equally at the office—even if one of them is teaching your child poorly. This may be challenging when emotions are running high, but it is crucial to separate personal concerns from professional responsibilities. Avoid bringing up controversial topics during work hours or discussing your dissatisfaction with others at the office.

4. Speak with the school administration

If informal discussions with your co-worker/teacher fail to resolve the issue, consider raising concerns through appropriate channels at school. Arrange a meeting with relevant members of staff such as the principal, counselor, or head of department. Show respect and professionalism during the meeting, providing examples that demonstrate your concerns to establish a credible case for change.

5. Support your child through the experience

While addressing your concerns, it’s important not to forget about supporting your child throughout this difficult time. Encourage open communication with them, listening to their thoughts and feelings about the situation. Reinforce values like empathy and resilience when discussing the teacher or class dynamics. Additionally, advocate for resources like tutoring or supplementary resources if needed.


It’s natural to feel overwhelmed when faced with a scenario where your co-worker is your kid’s underperforming teacher. However, by opening communication channels, identifying key issues, and knowing when to involve school administration, you can help create an environment that benefits both your child’s education and your professional relationship with the teacher in question. Remember always to prioritize the best interests of all parties and handle the situation professionally and respectfully.

Tips For Taking Your Back to School Welcome Letter from Meh to Wow!

As the new school year approaches, teachers and school administrators often send out welcome letters to parents and students. These letters can provide important information and set the tone for the upcoming school year. However, many such letters are ordinary and forgettable, leaving families with the impression that the school experience will be just as unremarkable. But, fear not! With these simple tips, you can transform your back-to-school welcome letter from “meh” to “wow!”

1. Personalize it: A generic letter may not make an impact on parents or students. Stand out by addressing recipients by name and sharing anecdotes or insights that add a personal touch.

2. Get creative with formatting: A visually boring letter is less likely to be read carefully. Experiment with fonts, colors, and images to engage readers visually. Just be mindful of accessibility; avoid using tiny print and overly busy backgrounds.

3. Keep it concise: No one wants to read a lengthy epistle packed with unnecessary information. Keep your letter brief, focusing on essential points such as important dates, school policies, supply lists, or teacher contact information.

4. Write in a friendly tone: Let your personality shine through your writing style by expressing genuine excitement for the upcoming school year. Use conversational language that parents and students can understand easily.

5. Include a hook: Start your letter with an attention-grabbing introduction that entices parents and students to read on. Share something exciting about the new school year or an interesting story about yourself.

6. Showcase what makes your school unique: Mention special programs, extracurricular activities or even successful alumni stories that demonstrate the unique qualities of your educational institution.

7. Incorporate multimedia: In today’s digital age, considering sending out a multimedia e-mail instead of just a plain old letter will surely bring that wow factor! Include videos, slideshows or interactive presentations to deliver your message.

8. Give a sneak peek into the curriculum: Briefly discuss interesting topics or fun learning experiences that students can look forward to during the school year.

9. Provide opportunities for engagement: Invite parents to participate in school events or volunteer in their child’s classroom. For students, encourage them to join clubs, participate in sports or engage with classmates through online platforms.

10. End on an inspirational note: Close your letter with some inspiring words that leave your readers feeling excited about the upcoming school year and optimistic about their child’s educational journey.

By implementing these tips, your back-to-school welcome letter will go from merely blending in with the crowd to setting a positive and memorable tone for the entire school year. Happy writing!

12 Ways to Teach Problem Solving to the Helicopter Parent Generation


Helicopter parenting, a term coined in the early 1990s, refers to parents who are extremely involved in their children’s lives, often attempting to make decisions for them and shielding them from challenges. As a result, children of helicopter parents may struggle with problem-solving skills as they have not been given the opportunity to face obstacles and learn from their experiences. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to understand how they can teach problem-solving skills without hovering over their children’s lives. Here are 12 ways by which you can achieve this:

1. Encourage Independent Play:

Give your child some time each day for unstructured play without parental guidance. This allows them to explore their imagination, make decisions on their own, and develop critical thinking skills.

2. Introduce Problem-Solving Games:

Incorporate educational games or puzzles that require critical thinking and strategizing. This will help sharpen their problem-solving skills in a fun and interactive way.

3. Foster Open Communication:

Establish open communication with your child by asking open-ended questions about their feelings, ideas, or experiences.

4. Teach Collaborative Problem Solving:

Help your child understand the importance of working together with others to solve problems. Engage them in group activities where they must cooperate with peers or siblings to complete a task or resolve a conflict.

5. Discuss Real-Life Scenarios:

Use real-life examples of problems faced by people or characters in stories; ask your child how they would go about finding solutions.

6. Model Problem Solving Skills:

Let your child see you tackling problems by brainstorming ideas, weighing pros and cons, and making decisions based on rational thinking.

7. Offer Choices:

Encourage decision-making by offering them choices within boundaries. This gives them a sense of autonomy while still maintaining parental control over important life decisions.

8. Allow Mistakes:

Don’t be afraid to let your child make mistakes. They learn from experiencing failure, and it helps build resilience and problem-solving skills.

9. Develop Emotional Intelligence:

Teach your child to recognize and manage their emotions as it will help them understand how their feelings can influence their decision-making.

10. Encourage Goal Setting:

Guide your child to set achievable goals and help them to identify the steps required to achieve those goals.

11. Focus on Process, Not Results:

Emphasize the importance of trying new things, learning from mistakes, and improving their skills, rather than just focusing on the outcome.

12. Seek Professional Assistance if Necessary:

If you’re struggling to teach problem-solving skills or notice that your child is not developing these abilities, consider seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist specializing in child development and parenting.


Teaching problem-solving skills to children of helicopter parents is essential for their success in academics, social life, and future careers. By incorporating the strategies mentioned above into your parenting style, you can help your children become more independent and capable problem solvers without compromising on the support they need from you as a parent.

16 Clean Up Songs That Will Get Your Kids Excited To Do the Work!

It can be challenging to get your kids excited about cleaning up their messes. But incorporating fun and catchy clean up songs into the mix can be an excellent way to motivate them. Here is a list of 16 clean up songs that will get your children excited about doing the work!

1. “Clean Up Time” by The Wiggles: This classic song is perfect for introducing clean up time to young children with its playful melody and cheerful lyrics.

2. “Whistle While You Work” from Snow White: An all-time favorite, this Disney tune puts a positive spin on doing chores, making it enjoyable for kids of all ages.

3. “Clean It Up” by Laurie Berkner: This upbeat and catchy song lets children know they can have a great time while cleaning up their toys.

4. “The Clean Up Song” by Barney & Friends: With its easy-to-remember lyrics, this tune has been a staple in classrooms and households for years.

5. “Pick It Up” by Ella Jenkins: Known as the “First Lady of Children’s Music,” Jenkins delivers a sweet, lighthearted song that encourages children to pick up after themselves.

6. “Cleanup Crew” by Little Sesame Street: This three-minute bop is a great way to get preschoolers moving and cleaning their play space.

7. “The Cleanup Game” by Yo Gabba Gabba!: Encourage teamwork with this interactive song that promotes cooperative cleaning.

8. “Splash’N Boots – The Cleanup Song”: Assemble your tiny team with this sweet melody that makes cleaning enjoyable for everyone involved.

9. “Cleaning My Room” by Aaron Nigel Smith: Empower your kids to take ownership of their space with this groovy number about keeping things neat and tidy.

10. “Don’t It Make You Want To Go Home” by Joe South: This irresistible tune can provide some nostalgia and make tidying more enjoyable for both you and your little ones.

11. “Clean It Up! Clean It Out!” by The Imagination Movers: Infused with rock rhythms, this song will encourage your kids to dance their way through the cleaning process.

12. “The Cleanup Bossa” by Dora the Explorer: Incorporate some Latin flair with this bossa nova-inspired cleanup anthem from everyone’s favorite explorer.

13. “A Spoonful of Sugar” from Mary Poppins: Although not explicitly about cleaning up, the magical nanny’s gentle reminder that there’s fun to be found in every job makes it a classic choice.

14. “Cleaning Your Room” by Tom Chapin: This clean up song comes with simple lyrics and an upbeat tune, making it perfect for cleaning times in the afternoons or evenings.

15. “Pick up Your Toys Now” by Hap Palmer: Ideal for teaching kids responsibility, the lyrics focus on putting toys in their proper places step by step.

16. “Do Some Cleaning Today!” by Pinkfong: The creators of the famous ‘Baby Shark’ also have a catchy cleaning time song for little ones that will leave them smiling and contentedly tidying up.

Make cleaning an enjoyable experience for your children with these catchy clean up songs. Sing along, dance together, and watch as chores transform into moments of joy shared between you and your kids!

How to Start a Family Book Club (Plus 11 Great Reads to Try)


A family book club is a fun and engaging way to promote reading and bond with your loved ones. Whether you’re an avid reader or just in need of a new activity, starting a family book club can help you discover new stories, learn more about your family members, and create lasting memories. Here’s how to start a family book club and 11 great reads to try.

Step 1: Gather Your Members

First, determine who will participate in your family book club – this can involve immediate family members, extended relatives or even close friends. Explain the idea and gauge their interest to ensure everyone is enthusiastic and committed.

Step 2: Schedule Meetings

Create a regular meeting schedule that works for everyone. You may choose to meet once a month or every other week, depending on the age of the readers and the length of the books. Choose a specific day of the week or weekend that works for all members and stick to it as much as possible.

Step 3: Plan the Format

Decide on whether your meetings will be casual or structured. Will you follow discussion questions or let the conversation flow naturally? Encourage all age groups within your club to participate and share their ideas openly.

Step 4: Select Books

Choose books that appeal to various age groups and interests within your group. You may want to mix fiction with non-fiction, incorporate different genres or rotate through each member’s favorite books.

Great Reads to Try:

1. “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L’Engle

2. “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio

3. “The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe” by C.S Lewis

4. “Because of Winn-Dixie” by Kate DiCamillo

5. “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry

6. “Bridge to Terabithia” by Katherine Paterson

7. “The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien

8. “Holes” by Louis Sachar

9. “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White

10. “The Giver” by Lois Lowry

11. “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling

Step 5: Facilitate the Discussions

Appoint a discussion leader for each meeting so that conversations are balanced and constructive. The leader can introduce the book, direct discussion, and ensure everyone gets a chance to share their thoughts.

Step 6: Encourage Creativity

Integrate creative activities into your meetings, such as acting out scenes from the book, creating artwork inspired by the story, or even hosting themed events based on the chosen book.


Starting a family book club is a rewarding experience that can help foster a passion for reading and build stronger connections within your family. By selecting diverse books, creating an inclusive environment, and adding some creativity to your discussions, you’ll create memories that last a lifetime. Happy reading!

10 Pandemic Parent Problems and How to Handle Them

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a unique set of challenges for parents, who must now juggle full-time jobs with their children’s education in a world filled with anxiety and uncertainty. The following list outlines ten common pandemic parent problems and offers practical solutions for overcoming each one.

1. Juggling Work and Homeschooling

Problem: With schools closed, parents may struggle to balance their careers and homeschooling duties.

Solution: Establish a routine that designates set working hours for parents and learning hours for children. Divide childcare responsibilities between both partners and communicate openly about your expectations.

2. Keeping Kids Entertained

Problem: Being cooped up at home can lead to boredom for children.

Solution: Cultivate new hobbies, encourage creativity, and make time for physical activities. Incorporate educational games that stimulate their minds while also keeping them entertained.

3. Managing Screen Time

Problem: Too much screen time can negatively impact children’s development.

Solution: Set boundaries for screen time based on age level, implement scheduled “tech-free” times, and engage in alternative activities like reading or art projects.

4. Dealing with Anxiety

Problem: Living through the pandemic can induce anxiety in both parents and children.

Solution: Validate your child’s feelings, discuss coping techniques, and promote open communication. Seek professional help if necessary.

5. Handling Sibling Arguments

Problem: Forced togetherness can lead to increased sibling disputes.

Solution: Help siblings build problem-solving skills together, reinforce positive behavior, and encourage communication among family members to create harmony in the home.

6. Navigating Social Distancing

Problem: Children might feel isolated from friends as a result of social distancing efforts.

Solution: Encourage virtual playdates through screen sharing games or video calls to maintain connections with peers while keeping everyone safe.

7. Ensuring Quality Sleep

Problem: Anxiety combined with disrupted routines can affect children’s sleep habits.

Solution: Create a calming bedtime routine, maintain consistent sleep schedules, and create a comfortable sleep environment for your child.

8. Supporting Children with Special Needs

Problem: Pandemic-related disruptions can be particularly challenging for children with special needs and their families.

Solution: Communicate frequently with teachers and therapists, establish clear routines, invest time in nurturing their emotional well-being, and seek out community support.

9. Balancing Housework Responsibilities

Problem: Managing both parenting and household chores can feel overwhelming during the pandemic.

Solution: Divide responsibilities equitably among family members, establish a cleaning schedule, and accept that there might be days when the house doesn’t look perfect.

10. Staying Connected with Extended Family

Problem: Pandemic precautions may keep children from visiting grandparents or other extended family members.

Solution: Arrange for video calls, send regular updates via text or email, or create meaningful art projects to help maintain connections during this challenging time.

By acknowledging these pandemic parent problems and implementing the suggested solutions, you can create a more stable and supportive environment for your family during this tumultuous period.

Teachers: Download Our Free Parent Guide: “How to Help Your Child Succeed at School”


Parents are often seeking ways to best support their child’s educational journey. With the increasing complexity of modern day education, it can be challenging for parents to navigate the various resources and tools available to help their child succeed. That’s where our free parent guide comes in! We have compiled a comprehensive resource, “How to Help Your Child Succeed at School,” designed specifically for parents who want to help their children achieve academic excellence.

Key Features of the Parent Guide:

1. Understanding Learning Styles: Students learn in various ways, and it is essential for parents to understand how their child processes information best. Our guide offers insights into recognizing and accommodating different learning styles to enhance academic performance.

2. Study Strategies: Developing effective study habits is crucial for academic success. Our guide provides tried and tested techniques that parents can introduce to their children to improve focus, concentration, and memory retention.

3. Time Management Tips: Balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and free time can be overwhelming for students. Our guide offers strategies for helping children manage their schedules efficiently and productively.

4. Nurturing a Growth Mindset: Encouraging a growth mindset in children can lead to increased self-confidence, resilience, and motivation in the face of challenges. Our parent guide delves into ways parents can model and cultivate this positive attitude in their children.

5. Building Strong Parent-Teacher Relationships: Effective communication between parents and teachers is essential for supporting students’ academic progress. The guide highlights the importance of open lines of communication and offers practical tips for fostering productive conversations with educators.

6. Incorporating Technology: With countless educational apps and online resources available, it’s important for parents to know how best to incorporate technology into their child’s learning experience. Our guide recommends both reputable platforms and practical strategies for using technology effectively.


With the help of our comprehensive “How to Help Your Child Succeed at School” parent guide, parents can become more proficient at understanding and supporting their child’s educational needs. Download the free guide today and take an active role in your child’s academic success. Empower yourself with the tools and strategies needed to foster a love for learning, inspiring achievement beyond the classroom.

Help! My Parents Keep Asking Why I’m “Just” a Teacher


Teaching is a noble and rewarding profession. However, not everyone views it as such. Often, teachers may find themselves defending their career choices to friends, family, and even strangers. In particular, parents may question why their child has chosen to become “just” a teacher. This article aims to address these concerns and discusses the misconceptions surrounding the teaching profession.

Addressing common misconceptions:

1. Teachers don’t make enough money: While it’s true that teaching doesn’t necessarily come with the hefty paychecks found in other professions, income from teaching goes beyond just a paycheck. The intrinsic rewards for teachers stem from the ability to make a difference in young people’s lives and shape future generations. Moreover, teachers can often access numerous benefits and grants, as well as loan forgiveness programs for educators.

2. Teachers have too much free time: Many people assume that because teachers work only during school hours and have summers off, they have a surplus of time on their hands. However, this is far from true. Teachers dedicate countless hours outside of school planning lessons, grading papers, attending conferences and undergoing professional development. Teaching is an all-encompassing career that requires a significant amount of dedication and commitment.

3. Teaching is an easy career path: Another common misconception about the profession is that anyone can teach and do it without much effort. In reality, teaching requires immense knowledge, skills, patience, and emotional intelligence. Educators also need to stay updated on educational policies as well as be knowledgeable about various learning styles and techniques to adapt their teaching methods accordingly.

Why teaching is a valuable profession:

1. Impact on students: Teachers play an unparalleled role in shaping the minds of our future leaders. They are responsible for not only imparting knowledge but also fostering passion for learning and developing critical thinking skills among students. Simply put, teachers help mold successful, responsible, and well-rounded citizens.

2. Job security: The demand for qualified teachers is on the rise and is expected to continue growing in the coming years. This makes teaching a stable profession, providing job security and opportunities for advancement.

3. Opportunities to make a difference: Teachers can make a meaningful impact on their community through their work. Teaching goes beyond the classroom; educators can take on leadership roles within schools, contribute to education policy-making, or even mentor new and upcoming teachers.


It’s essential to recognize that being a teacher is not “just” a job – it’s a commitment to shaping the future and unlocking the potential in our youth. The teaching profession should be celebrated, valued, and supported just like any other esteemed career path. By addressing misconceptions and emphasizing the importance of teaching, we can help change societal attitudes towards education and its long-lasting impact on students’ lives.

27 of Our Favorite Mother’s Day Books for Kids


Mother’s Day is a special occasion for celebrating the incredible role mothers play in our lives. What better way to spend time together on this day than by cuddling up and reading a heartwarming book with your little ones? We have compiled a list of 27 of our favorite Mother’s Day books for kids, perfect for sharing the love and bonding with your child during this special time.

  1. The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
  2. Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
  3. I’ll Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
  4. Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson
  5. Mama, Do You Love Me? by Barbara M. Joosse
  6. Good Night, Sleep Tight by Mem Fox
  7. Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman
  8. My Monster Mama Loves Me So by Laura Leuck
  9. Is Your Mama a Llama? by Deborah Guarino
  10. I Love My Mommy Because…by Laurel Porter-Gaylord
  11. Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
  12. Mommy Hugs by Anne Gutman
  13. No Matter What by Debi Gliori
  14. If I Could Keep You Little…by Marianne Richmond
  15. Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You by Nancy Tillman
  16. A Mama for Owen by Marion Dane Bauer
  17. The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown
  18. Your Birthday Was the BEST! By Maggie Testa
  19. Apart of Me by Jean Diskerud and Sue Ramaekers
  20. Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and Patrick Benson
  21. Mommy, Mama, and Me! By Lesléa Newman
  22. Mother and Baby Zoo – Jujja Wieslander and Ilon Wikland
  23. The Mummy Who Swallowed A Fly By Lucinda Gifford
  24. Happily Everafter: A Collection of Bedtime Stories By Tony Bradman
  25. The Mother’s Day Present By Hoefler Leroy
  26. I Love My Mom by Anna Walker
  27. Hush Little Baby – by Caroline Blish


This Mother’s Day, create memories that will last a lifetime by reading these heartwarming stories with your child. Choosing from our list of 27 favorite books ensures that you’ll discover stories that suit both your tastes and interests, making the day even more special. Happy reading and Happy Mother’s Day!