Parent & Family Tech

11 Teacher-Tested Ways to Make Your Classroom Parents Adore You

As a teacher, building positive relationships with the parents of your students is essential for fostering effective communication and creating a supportive classroom environment. In this article, we’ll explore 11 tried-and-true strategies that can make parents truly adore you as an educator.

1. Communicate Regularly: Keep parents in the loop about what’s happening in the classroom. Send home newsletters, emails, or text messages with updates on projects, events, and assignments. Being proactive in sharing information demonstrates your commitment to their child’s education.

2. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Prioritize face-to-face meetings with parents during parent-teacher conferences. Show genuine interest in their insights and concerns, and discuss strategies to address any challenges together.

3. Be Approachable: Welcome parents into your classroom and make yourself available for individual conversations before or after school hours. Create a warm and inviting atmosphere that fosters open communication.

4. Host Classroom Celebrations: Invite families to celebrate achievements and milestones together by organizing events where they can get involved in their child’s education while also bonding with other parents.

5. Share Student Progress: Keep parents informed about their child’s progress academically, socially, and emotionally. Highlight successes as well as areas for improvement.

6. Encourage Parent Participation: Offer opportunities for parents to help out in the classroom – from assisting with projects to offering expertise on a subject matter. Parents appreciate being included and this collaborative approach will strengthen their connection to the school community.

7. Establish Clear Expectations: Clearly outline academic expectations at the beginning of the year so parents know what’s required for their child to succeed. Be consistent in enforcing these expectations throughout the year.

8. Address Concerns Promptly: Respond in a timely manner when concerns are raised by a parent, be it academic or behavioral issues. Showing them that you genuinely care about finding a solution is key to building trust.

9. Offer Support and Resources: Share resources (such as websites, articles, or workshops) that may be helpful to parents in supporting their child’s learning, development, and overall well-being.10. Express Appreciation: Acknowledge and thank parents for their involvement, whether it’s providing classroom materials, volunteering their time or supporting their child’s learning at home. A simple thank-you note can go a long way in showing them that they are valued partners in their child’s educational journey.

11. Show You Care: Demonstrate genuine care and concern for the wellbeing and success of each student in your classroom. When parents believe that you truly care about their child, they are more likely to trust and respect you as an educator.

By implementing these 11 strategies, you can strengthen your relationships with parents and create an environment where they feel engaged, supported, and valued. This positive collaboration will ultimately benefit both students and teachers alike as children flourish in a well-connected classroom community.

61 Corny Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids


Thanksgiving is a time for family, feasting, and lots of laughter. As we gather around the table this holiday season, let’s engage in some light-hearted humor and keep everyone in high spirits. We have collected 61 corny Thanksgiving jokes perfect for kids – watch their faces light up with joy as they share these jokes with friends and family!

1. Why did the turkey cross the road twice?

Because it wanted to prove it wasn’t chicken!

2. What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus?

Eight drumsticks for Thanksgiving dinner!

3. Why was the math book sad at the Thanksgiving feast?

It had too many problems.

4. How did the Mayflower show it loved the ocean?

It hugged the shore.

5. What do you call a running turkey?

Fast food!

6. What’s a turkey’s favorite musical instrument?

The drumstick!

7. Why don’t turkeys like to play soccer?

Because they always end up kicking themselves!

8. What key has legs but cannot open locks?

A turkey!

9. What happened when the turkey got into a fight?

He got stuffed!

10. Why do turkeys gobble?

Because they never learned table manners!

11. What did the hat say to the scarf at Thanksgiving dinner?

You hang around, I’ll go on ahead.

12. Why was the turkey at the Thanksgiving table so proud?

Because it was stuffed!

13.How can you tell if a pilgrim is mad at you?

They give you the cold “gobbler!”

14. What kind of music did pilgrims listen to at their Thanksgiving feast?

Plymouth Rock!

15. What do you call a turkey after Thanksgiving?


16. Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk?

Because it wanted to hatchet!

17. What do you call a turkey on Thanksgiving?


18. What happened when the turkey got into a fight?

It got gobbled up!

19. How do you keep Thanksgiving dinner interesting?

With a gobble of fun new recipes!

20. What sound does a turkey’s phone make?

Wing! Wing!

21. What did the baby corn say to the mommy corn?

Where’s popcorn?

22. How do you invite a dinosaur to Thanksgiving dinner?

Tea-Rex anyone?

23. What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus?

A lot of drumsticks for dinner!

24. How do two turkeys communicate on social media?

By sending gobbler-messages!

25. Why did the cranberry sauce turn red?

Because it caught sight of the turkey dressing!

26. Who isn’t hungry at Thanksgiving dinner?

The turkey because it’s already stuffed!

27. Why was the math book sad during Thanksgiving break?

Too many problems to come back home to.

28. What type of music did Pilgrims listen to at the first Thanksgiving feast?

Plymouth Rock.

29. Why do turkeys always say “gobble gobble”?

Because they never learned proper table manners.

30. Why did Mr Potato Head host Thanksgiving dinner this year?

Mashed potatoes are his specialty!

31. What’s the key to making a perfect Thanksgiving pumpkin pie?

The pumpkin “pi” formula.

32. Why was the turkey at the Thanksgiving table so proud?

It’s stuffed with accomplishments.

33. What do you call a turkey that’s a ghost?

A poultry-geist!

34. Why do turkeys love Thanksgiving Day parades?

They love watching floats with fellow birds.

35. Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?

The outside!

36. How do Pilgrims call for help during Thanksgiving dinner preparation?

By dialing SOS (Save Our Stuffing).

37. Why couldn’t the turkey bake properly in the oven?

It lost its tempura!

38.Which famous band would cook their meals on Thanksgiving day?

The Beetles.

39. Why did the turkey cross the road twice during Thanksgiving season?

To prove it wasn’t chicken-hearted.

40. What did the sweet potato say to his mom on Thanksgiving?

Yum, I think I’m going to melt butter tonight!

41. Why did the turkey cross the road?

To prove it wasn’t chicken!

42. What do you call a running turkey?

Fast food.

43. Why do turkeys always get stuffed on Thanksgiving?

They just can’t help it!

44. What sound does a turkey’s cell phone make?

Wing, wing!

45. What do you call a turkey with an attitude?

A jerky turkey.

46. Why did the cranberries turn red?

They saw the Turkey dressing!

47. What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?

Peach gobbler.

48. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?


49. Who doesn’t eat on Thanksgiving Day?

The turkey – it’s already stuffed!

50. Why didn’t the turkey eat anything at dinner?

He was already stuffed!

51. What do Pirates like to eat on their Thanksgiving feast?

Yarrrrrnished potatoes!

52. What’s a turkey’s favorite dance move?

The wobble.

53. How do you keep Thanksgiving dinner warm at a feast?

Use Plymouth Rocks!

54. Why was the pumpkin embarrassed he couldn’t pay his bill at Thanksgiving dinner?

He had no pumpkin pie dough!

55. Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?

The outside!

56. How can you tell when a turkey is ready to be served at Thanksgiving dinner?

It sticks its drumsticks up in the air.

57. How do you make a turkey float at Thanksgiving dinner?

Two scoops of ice cream, some root beer, and a whole lot of turkey!

58. What do you get when you mix together a turkey and a ghost?

A poultry-geist!

59. Why couldn’t the turkey finish his dessert on Thanksgiving Day?

He was too stuffed!

60. What do you call a fussy eater on Thanksgiving Day?

A yam and stutterer.

61. What do turkeys use to fix things that are broken during Thanksgiving dinner?

Gobble glue.


These 61 corny Thanksgiving jokes are sure to keep kids and adults alike in fits of laughter, making for a memorable holiday celebration. Gather the family around and let the fun begin – Thanksgiving has never been this hilarious!

10 Classroom Parents Every Teacher Will Recognize


Every teacher comes across a diverse group of parents during their teaching career, each having their unique quirks and characteristics. Understanding different parent personalities can help establish better communication between teachers, parents, and students. Here, we’ll explore 10 types of classroom parents that every teacher will encounter.

1. The Helicopter Parent

This parent hovers around their child’s education with an overwhelming presence. They’re known for being overprotective and are always eager to intervene in even the smallest matters.

2. The Ghost Parent

On the other end of the spectrum is the ghost parent – they’re rarely seen or heard from. Teachers may only interact with them through occasional emails or phone calls, making it difficult to work together for the student’s benefit.

3. The Overachiever Parent

This ambitious parent is never short on goals and expectations for their child, pushing them to excel at everything they do. They often engage the teacher in conversations about challenging assignments and extra-curricular activities.

4. The PTA Superstar

The PTA Superstar dedicates significant time and energy to school events and meetings. They’re often a go-to resource for teachers when coordinating events or fundraisers.

5. The Excuse-Maker

The excuse-maker parent often reaches out to justify their child’s performance or absence with elaborate stories about illnesses, emergencies, or conflicts beyond their control. Teachers must remind this type of parent about the importance of accountability.

6. The Long-Winded Talker

Whether it’s during drop-off, pick-up, or a scheduled conference, this friendly parent is always down for an extended chat about their child’s academic progress, weekend plans, or anything else they have on their mind.

7. The Comparison Shopper

This parent compares their child’s performance with that of other students in order to gauge whether they are ahead or behind in their development. While they may simply want the best for their children, this approach can create undue pressure.

8. The Strict Disciplinarian

This parent believes in a “tough love” approach to education and expects the same strict discipline from teachers. They often insist upon high standards of behavior and academic performance.

9. The Homeschool Dropout

Due to the pandemic, more parents have experienced homeschooling firsthand. As a result, some exhibit heightened appreciation for teachers and are less likely to question their methods or decisions.

10. The Dream Team Parent

The dream team parent successfully forms a supportive partnership between parent, teacher, and student. They take an active, positive role in their child’s education by staying informed and offering reinforcement at home.


Parents play a crucial role in the educational process. As a teacher, engaging with different types of parents requires patience, understanding, and flexibility. Although each parent may have their distinct quirks and challenges, remember that they are all motivated by the same ultimate goal – ensuring their child’s happiness and success in school.

12 Ways to Thank Classroom Volunteers


Classroom volunteers are unsung heroes who play a vital role in enriching students’ learning experiences. They dedicate their time and energy to help teachers maintain a supportive and engaging environment. In recognition of their invaluable contributions, it’s essential to show our gratitude and make them feel appreciated. Here are 12 thoughtful ways to thank classroom volunteers for their hard work.

1. Handwritten thank-you notes: A personal note expressing your appreciation can mean a lot to a volunteer. Encourage students and teachers to write individual messages highlighting the volunteer’s impact on the class.

2. Host a volunteer appreciation luncheon: Organize an event where staff, students, and parents can gather to acknowledge the volunteers’ efforts over a communal meal. This is a great opportunity for the entire school community to come together in celebration.

3. Create a gratitude wall: Reserve a space in your school where students, teachers, and parents can post messages of appreciation and photographs of volunteers in action.

4. Social media shoutouts: Share stories and photos of your volunteers on your school’s social media channels, tagging them if possible. This public recognition will make them feel valued and seen.

5. Gift cards or vouchers: Offer small tokens of appreciation, such as gift cards or vouchers for local businesses and services that tie into their interests.

6. Small keepsakes with personal touch: Create unique mementos using children’s artwork or group photos taken throughout the year, giving something tangible for volunteers to treasure.

7. Plaques or certificates: Presenting volunteers with plaques or certificates acknowledging their service is an excellent way to formally recognize their dedication and commitment.

8. Acknowledgement during school events: Take time during school assemblies or performances to recognize volunteers by announcing their names or inviting them on stage with a round of applause from the audience.

9. Enlist local businesses for support: Partner with nearby businesses to sponsor small gifts, discounts, or special offers for your volunteers as a way to show community-wide gratitude.

10. Personalized video messages: Record brief video clips from students and staff expressing their appreciation for a volunteer’s work. Compile these into a heartfelt montage that can be easily shared.

11. Spotlight in the school newsletter: Dedicate a section of your school newsletter to highlight the contributions of classroom volunteers, giving a glimpse into the positive effects they’ve had within the classrooms.

12. Encourage active participation in future events: Invite volunteers to be involved in upcoming school activities or events, making them feel like valued members of ongoing school efforts.


Volunteers play a crucial role in supporting our schools, teachers, and students. By taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate their dedication, we not only strengthen our relationships with them but also inspire others to join in on volunteering efforts. The above 12 ways offer an excellent starting point for showing gratitude towards these selfless individuals and ensuring their continued support in the future.

Parents, Sign Up for Our Weekly Learning at Home Newsletter


As parents, we understand the importance of providing our children with a quality education and fostering their growth as lifelong learners. That’s why we are excited to announce our Weekly Learning at Home Newsletter! This digital resource aims to provide a wealth of information, tips, and inspiration for parents who support their children’s education from home.

Why You Should Sign Up

Our newsletter will offer many benefits, including:

1. Resource Curation: We spend countless hours researching and compiling the best educational resources available. With our newsletter, you get access to these expertly chosen materials that cater to different age groups and subject areas.

2. Parenting Tips: As parents, we constantly seek ways to enhance our children’s learning experiences. Our newsletter aims to share valuable insights and tips from seasoned parents who have already gone through similar experiences.

3. Exclusive Content: By signing up for our newsletter, you will also gain access to exclusive content not available elsewhere. These include interviews with industry experts, in-depth articles exploring various educational topics, and much more.

4. Community Building: Join the ranks of like-minded parents supporting their children’s education from home. Our newsletter connects you to a community where knowledge sharing and collaboration are valued and highly encouraged.

How to Sign Up

Subscribing to our Weekly Learning at Home Newsletter couldn’t be simpler:

1. Visit our website at [Website URL].

2. Enter your name and email address in the sign-up form.

3. Click on the “Sign Up” button.

It’s that easy! Upon registration, you’ll start receiving your weekly dose of educational resources tailored specifically for parents supporting learning at home endeavors.

Don’t Miss Out!

When it comes to your child’s education, every little bit helps. By signing up for our Weekly Learning at Home Newsletter, you’ll gain access to the invaluable resources necessary for nurturing your child’s academic growth and success. Sign up today and unlock a wealth of knowledge to help your children reach their full potential.

6 Things Teachers Should Never Do in a Parent Meeting

Parent-teacher meetings play a vital role in building a strong connection between the two most influential figures in a child’s education. While these meetings can be informative and productive, there are certain things teachers should never do during discussions with parents. Avoiding these pitfalls can help ensure that both parties feel heard and respected. Here are six things teachers should never do in a parent meeting.

1. Disrespect the Parent

It is important for teachers to always treat parents with respect and dignity throughout the meeting, regardless of differing opinions or any personal issues that may exist. Disrespecting or being dismissive of parents’ concerns can damage not only the parent-teacher relationship but also impact the child’s education and well-being.

2. Be Unprepared

In order to make the most effective use of time during parent meetings, teachers should come prepared with an agenda, student performance data, and specific examples. Being unprepared not only reflects poorly on the teacher, but it can also set the stage for an unproductive discussion.

3. Focus on Negatives

While it’s necessary to address areas where students are struggling or may need improvement, it’s also essential to recognize strengths and achievements during a parent meeting. Focusing solely on negatives can create tension and make it difficult for parents to become active partners in promoting their child’s education.

4. Become Defensive

Teachers should remain open-minded and receptive to feedback from parents, without feeling the need to become defensive or argumentative. Responding defensively to criticism can derail the conversation from its original focus on supporting student progress.

5. Talk More Than Listen

In a parent-teacher meeting, communication must be two-way. While it is important for teachers to share their observations and insights concerning a child’s progress, they should also listen attentively to parents’ perspectives and concerns. By inviting open dialogue, trust can be built between the teacher and parent, leading to more effective collaboration.

6. Lack Follow-Up

Finally, teachers should never promise solutions or action items during a parent meeting without the intention to follow through on them. When discussing issues or identifying strategies to support a student’s progress, there should be clear expectations for both parties regarding next steps and follow-up.

In conclusion, parent-teacher meetings are crucial in fostering a supportive and collaborative educational environment for children. By treating parents with respect, being well-prepared, focusing on both strengths and weaknesses, remaining open to feedback, engaging in two-way communication, and following up on agreed-upon actions, teachers can ensure that these meetings are productive and beneficial for all parties involved.

Why Bloomz is the Parent Communication App We Need Right Now

In today’s fast-paced world, where technology plays a vital role in our daily lives, keeping up with our children’s academic progress becomes more critical than ever. We entrust their education to schools and teachers. But maintaining a strong connection between educators and parents can make a significant difference in children’s growth and development.

This is where Bloomz steps in as the ultimate parent communication app that we need right now. By fostering seamless collaboration between teachers, parents, and students, Bloomz paves the way for a better support system leading to successful academic achievements.

Here are several reasons why Bloomz is the ideal choice of a parent-teacher communication app:

1. Easy and Quick Messaging

Bloomz provides an instant messaging system that enables parents to communicate effortlessly with teachers regarding any concerns or updates about their children. It eradicates delays or missed communications that often result from busy schedules, ensuring all parties are informed and engaged.

2. Classroom Updates

Bloomz allows teachers to post updates on classroom events, lessons, assignments, and activities in real-time. This feature facilitates greater transparency of what happens at school, allowing parents to keep track of their children’s learning process and participate in their academic lives.

3. Appointment Scheduling

Scheduling parent-teacher conferences can be a hassle for both parties given each other’s tight schedules. Bloomz simplifies this process by offering an appointment scheduling feature that helps find mutually convenient timings for conferences.

4. Media Sharing

Bloomz lets teachers share photos and videos of classroom activities with parents, providing them with glimpses of their children’s learning moments. This visual connection not only drives engagement but also deepens parents’ understanding of school happenings.

5. Secure Environment

Safety is integral within the digital world today. Bloomz values its users’ privacy and maintains a secure environment wherein all data shared amongst the educators and parents remains confidential, and the platform complies with established privacy standards and guidelines.

6. Customizable Notifications

Bloomz enables users to customize their notification preferences and stay informed at all times. Parents can choose when they want to receive information about specific events or updates, thus ensuring essential notifications aren’t missed in the sea of daily digital messages.

7. Language Support

Bilingual support is a valuable feature offered by Bloomz. In a globally connected world, catering to various languages makes communication easier for both educators and parents coming from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

8. Calendar Integration

Busy parents can easily integrate Bloomz with their existing calendars, ensuring they don’t miss out on important dates or events scheduled by the school or classroom. This seamless time management tool helps maintain organization within the household.

In conclusion, Bloomz serves as an invaluable parent communication app by connecting teachers, students, and parents in real-time. Its easy-to-use interface loaded with valuable features fosters an environment of collaboration and transparency, contributing enormously to children’s overall academic growth and development.

6 Ways to Contact Parents Without Revealing Your Phone Number

In today’s connected world, communication between teachers and parents is more important than ever. However, not all educators feel comfortable sharing their personal phone numbers with parents. Here, we will explore six effective ways for teachers to communicate with parents without revealing their private phone numbers.

1. School Phone System

Many schools have a built-in phone system that allows teachers to make calls directly from their classrooms or offices. These phones usually display the school’s main phone number on the receiver’s caller ID, which keeps the educator’s personal number private.

2. Google Voice

Google Voice is a free service that provides you with a unique phone number to make and receive calls and texts. By using Google Voice, you can keep your personal phone number confidential while still being able to communicate with parents. The service also allows for voicemail transcription and forwarding, making it easy to keep track of messages.

3. Remind App

Remind is a popular communication app designed specifically for educators. The app enables teachers to send text messages and emails to parents without revealing their personal contact information. You can also schedule messages in advance and track read receipts for better communication management.

4. ClassDojo

ClassDojo is another well-known communication app for teachers, students, and parents. It offers instant messaging features along with an option to share photos, videos, and announcements. Teachers can create groups to easily communicate with specific classes or all connected parents at once without disclosing their personal phone numbers.

5. Email

Often overlooked, email remains a reliable method of communication that does not reveal your phone number. Many schools provide teachers with official email addresses that parents can use to get in touch with them. Make sure you follow your school’s email policies and maintain professionalism while communicating through this channel.

6. Parent-Teacher Conference Calls

While not suitable for everyday communication, parent-teacher conference calls are ideal for discussing more in-depth topics or addressing specific concerns. Teachers can call parents through the school’s phone system or use a conference call service like Zoom, Teams, or WebEx. These tools enable multiple participants to join a call, making them perfect for group discussions or meetings.

In conclusion, there are several ways to communicate with parents without sharing your personal phone number. By using school-provided resources, communication apps, and modern technology, teachers can maintain their privacy while still providing effective communication to parents. This helps foster trustful relationships and enhances the overall educational experience of students.

Less Jargon, More Grace: Using Language That Parents Understand

Parenting is never easy; finding the right balance between providing clear and concise communication and using language that parents understand can be challenging. However, using less jargon and more grace can go a long way in making parenting easier for both parents and children.

When speaking to children, using clear and concise language is important. For example, instead of saying, “please stop doing that,” try saying, “could you please not do that?” This will help children to better understand what you want them to do and will also help to foster a sense of responsibility and accountability.

It is also important to know how your words may be interpreted. For example, if you say, “you’re a big boy/girl,” do not be surprised if your child assumes that this means they are a bad person. Instead, use words your child will understand, such as “you’re doing a great job” or “you’re doing the best you can.”

Finally, remember that parenting is a process. Being patient and allowing your children to learn and grow is important. Do not get frustrated if things do not always go according to plan; instead, try to calmly and rationally discuss the situation with your child. Parents who use clear and concise communication and words their children will understand are more likely to have successful parenting experiences.

Parents Don’t Understand How Far Behind Their Kids Are in School

It is no secret that education is the foundation of a child’s future. However, parents often miscalculate their children’s academic progress simply because they are not familiar with today’s education system. Sure, they check in with teachers during parent-teacher conferences and see their children’s grades, but they might not necessarily understand the curriculum, pacing, and standards for their child’s grade level.

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing more remote learning, parents have had to take on a more active role in their child’s education. This shift has highlighted the gap between parents’ perceptions of their child’s academic performance and the reality of how far behind their child may be in school.

Parents may notice their child struggling with a particular subject or falling behind in assignments, but they may not realize the magnitude of this academic gap. Teachers design curriculums to build on previous knowledge gained in earlier grades and to prepare students for their next level of education. It is not enough for a student to just pass a class; they must have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to move on to the next level.

Unfortunately, many children have missed significant amounts of education time due to the pandemic. Even with online classes, children have faced distractions, technical difficulties, and the inability to ask for help on the spot. As a result, children are falling behind in their studies, and parents may not fully comprehend the depth of this problem. For instance, a child who misses two months of school may not understand the fundamental concepts that are vital in their education, putting them behind other children their age.

Additionally, teachers often observe and evaluate each child’s level of proficiency. If a child does not meet the standards set for their grade level, teachers usually implement interventions to close the gap. However, with remote learning, teachers cannot closely monitor each student’s performance. This lack of in-person contact often means that significant gaps in learning can go unnoticed.

In conclusion, it is vital for parents to understand the full scope of their child’s education progress. They must realize that catching up their child’s missed education time is essential to their academic future and attempt to provide support. Being aware of the curriculum, standards, and academic expectations set for their child’s grade level can help parents track their child’s progress accurately. Parents must recognize the existing academic gap to ensure their child receives the best chance for future academic success.