
Kindergarten Graduation Ideas

Kindergarten graduation is a milestone that marks the beginning of a child’s formal education journey. It’s an event full of excitement and pride for both the little graduates and their families. Here are some creative and memorable kindergarten graduation ideas to celebrate this special day.
Adorable Caps and Gowns:
One timeless tradition is dressing up the little ones in caps and gowns. This makes them feel special and gives parents the perfect photo opportunity. Make the gowns more fun by choosing bright colors or having them designed with the kindergarten’s mascot or emblem.
Creative Invitations:
Kick off the celebration with unique invitations. They could be shaped like little diplomas, school buses, or even incorporate a photo of the class. Personalize them with fun facts about what the children have learned throughout the year.
Ceremony Decor:
Transform your venue into an enchanting space with decorations that inspire and celebrate learning. Use ABCs and 123s, storybook characters, or a rainbow of colors for your decor theme. Don’t forget to set up a backdrop for parents to take photos.
Graduation Songs:
Have the children sing a few cheerful songs during the ceremony. Choose tunes that they’ve learned throughout the year, making it easier for them to remember the words. Songs about moving forward or growing up can be especially touching.
Certificates and Awards:
Design customized certificates or diplomas to award each graduate. You could also include superlative awards like ‘Most Improved Reader’ or ‘Super Sharer’, which highlight each child’s unique abilities and growth throughout their kindergarten year.
Memory Booklets:
Create small booklets filled with memories from throughout the year. These could include pictures, quotes from students, drawings, and highlights of their experiences. It’s a keepsake that students and parents will cherish.
Gifts for Graduates:
Send each graduate home with a small gift to commemorate their achievement. This could be a book to encourage summer reading, school supplies for first grade, or a simple toy or trinket that reflects something they enjoyed learning about in kindergarten.
Themed Refreshments:
After the formalities, serve themed refreshments such as alphabet-shaped cookies, ‘diploma’ rolled sandwiches, and ‘cap’ cupcakes topped with miniature mortarboard designs.
Fun Activities:
Organize activities that are not only fun but also foster the skills they’ve learned in kindergarten. From simple science experiments to storytelling corners, keep it related to educational themes to reflect on their year of learning.
By incorporating some of these ideas into your kindergarten graduation event, you will create a day that is filled with joy and memories which children, teachers, and families will look back on fondly for years to come.

Here is How I Would Prevent School Shootings

Preventing school shootings is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive strategy encompassing various aspects of education, school security, community involvement, mental health support, and responsible gun ownership. Here are several measures that I would implement to address the problem:

1. Enhance School Security: Increase the presence of trained security personnel and install security systems such as surveillance cameras and controlled access points at school entries. Conduct regular safety assessments to identify and remediate potential security vulnerabilities.

2. Implement Mental Health Programs: Schools should have robust mental health services in place with qualified counselors available for students. These programs should focus on early identification of emotional distress and providing appropriate interventions.

3. Foster a Supportive School Environment: Build an inclusive school culture that actively combats bullying and encourages students to report unusual behavior or threats. Establish programs that promote social-emotional learning and conflict resolution skills among students.

4. Promote Safe Firearm Storage: Educate parents about the importance of safely storing firearms and encourage the use of gun safes and trigger locks. Advocate for policies that hold gun owners accountable for securing their weapons to prevent unauthorized access by children or at-risk individuals.

5. Early Intervention Programs: Develop programs that identify at-risk youth early on, through coordination between schools, families, and law enforcement, offering support before problems escalate to violence.

6. Restricting Access to Firearms for High-Risk Individuals: Advocate for stricter background checks for firearm purchases, including closing loopholes in existing laws. Support red flag laws that allow temporary confiscation of firearms from individuals who present a risk to themselves or others.

7. Collaboration with Law Enforcement: Strengthen partnerships with local law enforcement agencies to develop effective response plans for active shooter scenarios, including regular drills for students and staff members on how to react during such events.

8. Community Engagement: Involve parents, caregivers, non-profits, and other community stakeholders in creating a network of support for young people, emphasizing the need for responsible behavior both online and offline.

These steps represent just some aspects of what is undoubtedly a larger solution set required to prevent school shootings effectively. No single approach will suffice; instead, we must commit to ongoing efforts at all levels of society to nurture safe educational spaces for our children.

25 Fun Name-Related Activities For Pre-schoolers

1. Alphabet Soup – Provide kids with letter-shaped noodles and challenge them to form their names in soup bowls.

2. Name Collage – Create a collage using materials like magazine cut-outs, glitter, and stickers to spell out their names.

3. Playdough Names – Roll out playdough and have kids shape it into the letters of their names.

4. Lego Letters – Build each letter of their names using Lego blocks.

5. Name Puzzles – Use cardboard or foam to create name puzzles for children to assemble.

6. Rainbow Names – Have kids write their names using different colored markers for each letter.

7. Musical Names – Assign a musical note to each letter of the alphabet and have children sing their names.

8. Name Yoga – Incorporate kids’ names into yoga poses by having them pose in the shape of each letter.

9. Name Charades – Act out the letters of their names in a game of charades.

10. Fingerpaint Names – Allow kids to finger paint their names on large sheets of paper.

11. Alphabet Stamping – Use rubber letter stamps for children to stamp out their names on paper or fabric.

12. Letter Hopscotch – Set up hopscotch squares with the letters of their names, and have them jump from one letter to another in order.

13. Name Banners – Create and decorate banners displaying each child’s name to hang in the classroom or playroom.

14. Letter Scavenger Hunt – Hide objects representing each letter of their names around the room for them to find.

15. Paint Chip Names – Tape various paint chip samples together and have kids match colors with the letters of their names.

16. Cookie Cutter Letters – Bake cookies shaped like the letters of children’s names, and decorate them together.

17. Clothespin Names – Attach letters on clothespins and let children arrange them to spell their names on a string.

18. Shaving Cream Names – Write names in shaving cream for a sensory experience.

19. Pipe Cleaner Letters – Form pipe cleaners into the shape of each letter of their names.

20. Alphabet Rock Painting – Paint rocks with the letters of their names and create rock gardens or displays.

21. Name Bracelets – Have kids craft bracelets with letter beads representing their names.

22. Sticker Stories- Provide children with stickers and paper, and encourage them to create stories around their names.

23. Name Snowflakes – Cut out snowflake patterns incorporating the letters of kids’ names.

24. Alphabet Hide-and-Seek – Hide foam letter toys around the room and have kids search for the letters in their names.

25. Chalk Art Names – Use sidewalk chalk to write their names outdoors, allowing them to decorate them however they’d like.

These 25 name-related activities are sure to provide hours of fun and learning, helping pre-schoolers develop essential literacy skills while engaging with their surroundings and classmates.

25 Johnny Appleseed Preschool Activities

1. Apple Stamping: Use apples as stamps to create fun art projects.

2. Apple Tree Craft: Make a tree using craft paper, and glue or tape apples onto the branches.

3. Apple Scented Playdough: Create apple-scented playdough for sensory play.

4. Apple Seed Counting: Use real or fake apple seeds to practice counting skills.

5. Johnny Appleseed Storytime: Read stories about the iconic character to the class.

6. Apple Taste Test: Try different types of apples and vote on the class favorite.

7. Apple Volcano Science Experiment: Combine baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring inside an apple for a colorful eruption.

8. Apple Picking Field Trip: Visit a local orchard for a hands-on learning experience.

9. Johnny Appleseed Puppet Show: Create and perform a puppet show based on his life and adventures.

10. Apple Themed Circle Time Songs: Introduce new songs and rhymes about apples.

11. A is for Apple Alphabet Practice: Reinforce letter recognition with apple-themed activities.

12. Wormy Apples Fine Motor Play: Use tweezers to remove small worms (pipe cleaners) from apple cutouts or plastic apples.

13. Life Cycle of an Apple Tree Worksheet: Teach the life cycle of an apple tree and complete accompanying worksheets.

14. Story Sequence Activity with “The Legend of Johnny Appleseed”: Discuss and arrange events in sequence after reading the story.

15. DIY Paper Plate Apples: Have children paint paper plates red, green, or yellow, then add stem and leaf cutouts.

16. Anatomical Study of an Apple: Dissect an apple to identify its parts – skin, flesh, core, and seeds

17. Ten Apples Up On Top Relay Race: Conduct a relay race where kids balance apples on their heads while racing to the finish line.

18. Apple Sink or Float Experiment: Predict and observe if apples sink or float in water.

19. Apple-themed Movement Activities: Host a Johnny Appleseed exercise class with the preschoolers, including apple tossing and balancing games.

20. Johnny Appleseed Dress-up Day: Encourage children to dress as Johnny Appleseed for a day of themed activities.

21. Apple Seed Mosaic Art: Use apple seeds to create beautiful mosaic art pieces.

22. Bobbing for Apples: Play this classic game that is both fun and promotes good dental hygiene.

23. Class-made Apple Cookbook: Compile student-contributed apple recipes into a class cookbook.

24. Grow Your Own Apple Tree: Plant apple seeds in pots or an outdoor garden and observe their growth throughout the school year.

25. Graphing Favorite Apples: Create a graph representing the class’s favorite apples based on the taste test from Activity 6.

15 of the Best Pre-Writing Activities for Preschoolers

1. Playdough play: Have your child make various shapes and lines using playdough, which helps improve fine motor skills and hand strength needed for writing.

2. Sensory writing: Fill a tray with sand, flour, or shaving cream, and encourage your child to draw letters and shapes using their fingers.

3. Dot painting: Provide your preschooler with dot markers or q-tips dipped in paint to create shapes and patterns on paper, helping develop their hand-eye coordination.

4. Stringing beads: Thread beads onto a string or pipe cleaner to improve fine motor skills while also discussing letter-like shapes.

5. Chalkboard practice: Encourage your child to draw shapes and letters on a chalkboard, which provides easy erasing for multiple attempts at the same writing activity.

6. Handwriting sheets: Printable handwriting sheets can help children trace letters and shapes while learning proper letter formation.

7. Finger puppets: Act out stories using finger puppets to help your child practice storytelling and sentence structure before putting it down in writing.

8. Building blocks: Constructing structures with Lego or other building blocks helps develop spatial awareness and fine motor skills necessary for writing.

9. Coloring books: Coloring within the lines helps preschoolers develop hand control for smoother writing motions later on.

10. Maze games: Guide your child through simple maze games on paper to help them understand beginning-to-end strokes in written letters and numbers.

11. Shape-sorter toys: Practice recognizing and naming basic shapes with shape-sorter toys to strengthen pre-writing abilities.

12. Puppet shows: Encourage your preschooler to write short scripts or descriptions of puppet shows they create themselves, helping them connect written language with oral storytelling.

13. Connect-the-dots drawings: Join numbered dots with lines to complete an image, developing hand-eye coordination along with numeral recognition needed for colored writing.

14. Alphabet puzzles: Assembling alphabet puzzles exposes children to letter shapes and helps them underscore the importance of well-formed letters in writing.

15. Tracing apps: Fun tracing games on tablet devices offer an interactive way for preschoolers to practice letter formation and build muscle memory for future handwriting tasks.

These activities not only help preschoolers develop necessary pre-writing skills, but they also encourage creativity, problem-solving, and strategically breaking down tasks into manageable steps. Providing your child with a variety of opportunities in a fun, engaging format sets them on the right path for academic success later on.

Ways to Teach Kids to Pay it Forward

Teaching children the importance of generosity and compassion can create a positive impact on their lives and the world around them. One effective way to nurture these values in kids is by encouraging them to “pay it forward.” Paying it forward means performing a good deed for someone else without expecting anything in return, simply because someone else has done something kind for you. Here are some ways to teach kids about the concept of paying it forward and help them develop a giving spirit.

1. Lead by example

As parents or guardians, it’s essential to model acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. Children often learn best from observing their elders’ behavior. So, demonstrate your generosity through random acts of kindness, like helping a neighbor, donating items to charity, or offering a listening ear to someone who needs it.

2. Share stories of kindness

Incorporate stories, movies, or books that depict acts of kindness and selflessness into your family entertainment or reading time. By exposing your kids to inspiring tales about people helping others without expecting anything in return, you’ll help cultivate the desire to pay it forward themselves.

3. Encourage empathy

Empathy is crucial for understanding others’ feelings and situations. Develop your child’s empathy by discussing emotions and putting themselves in another person’s shoes. Consistently emphasize how their actions can impact others positively or negatively.

4. Consider age-appropriate activities

Consider activities suitable for your children’s age and interests when introducing the concept of paying it forward. For younger kids, you could start with sharing toys or offering help to friends at school or daycare. For older kids, consider volunteering opportunities at local charities or participating in fundraisers.

5. Create an environment that rewards kindness

Celebrate and reward acts of kindness when your child engages in them. This will reinforce the idea that doing good deeds for others is laudable and memorable. Encourage them to share their experiences with friends and family members to create awareness around the importance of generosity and kindness.

6. Make it a family affair

Remember that paying it forward isn’t just for kids. Involve the entire family in acts of service or charity projects, creating an environment where giving back becomes ingrained in your family culture. Not only will this strengthen family bonds, but it will also instill the value of kindness in everyone.

7. Teach them the power of small acts

Small gestures can make significant differences in someone’s life. Teach your child that even the smallest act of kindness, such as holding the door for someone or offering a compliment, can brighten someone’s day and contribute to a better world overall.

By teaching kids how to pay it forward through acts of kindness and empathy, you’ll cultivate compassionate individuals who contribute positively to their communities. With continued practice, these lessons become ingrained as lifelong habits, creating more caring and considerate adults who strive to make the world a better place for all.

20 Engaging Doctor-Themed Activities for Preschoolers


Introduce your preschoolers to the world of healthcare and medicine with these exciting doctor-themed activities! Encourage imaginative play, build essential skills, and create lasting memories as your child explores their interest in science, anatomy, and medical care. Here are twenty engaging activities that will help spark curiosity and learning in your little ones.

1. Doctor Dress-Up

Provide your child with a lab coat, stethoscope, and facemask to encourage pretend play as a doctor.

2. Medical Kit Exploration

Create a pretend medical kit complete with homemade or toy versions of essential instruments like a thermometer, syringe, and tweezers.

3. Teddy Bear Hospital

Set up a teddy bear hospital where your child can care for their stuffed animals using their newfound knowledge of medical tools.

4. Anatomy Art

Help your child create an anatomical body poster with cut-outs of organs and bones to help them understand basic body processes.

5. Band-Aid Letters

Practice fine motor skills by adhering band-aids to pre-drawn block letters, reinforcing letter recognition.

6. DIY X-Rays

Make faux x-rays by cutting out bone shapes from white paper and gluing them onto black cardstock.

7. Prescription Patterning

Use play pill bottles filled with different manipulatives to teach patterns and counting skills.

8. Healthy Food Chart

Encourage healthy eating habits by creating a food chart where children can place pictures of food they’ve eaten throughout the day.

9. Germ Science Experiment

Do a science experiment using glitter as “germs” to show how easily germs spread between surfaces and people.

10. Dental Hygiene Activity

Teach the importance of dental health by having children practice brushing teeth on egg cartons or model teeth.

11. Make Your Own Stethoscope

Craft a stethoscope using cardboard tubes, plastic funnels, and string so children can listen to their own heartbeat.

12. Injury Role-Play

Encourage empathy by having children practice caring for a friend or family member who has a pretend injury.

13. Healthcare Helpers Cards

Create flashcards to teach children about the various roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals.

14. DIY Eye Exam

Conduct a simple eye exam using an eye chart or pictures to identify visual acuity.

15. First Aid Kit Scavenger Hunt

Hide items needed for a first aid kit in your space and have preschoolers search for them while learning about their functions.

16. Medical Memory Game

Create a memory game using images of medical tools, allowing children to practice cognitive skills and familiarize themselves with healthcare instruments.

17. ABC Hospital Book

Encourage literacy by creating a hospital-themed alphabet book using words related to doctor visits, health, and medicine.

18. Healthy Choices Bingo

Compose bingo cards featuring pictures of healthy foods and activities, prompting conversations about wellness choices.

19. Doctor-Themed Storytime

Read children’s books that depict doctor visits or healthcare environments, such as Curious George Goes to the Hospital or Doctor Maisy.

20. Calming Techniques

Teach your child deep breathing or grounding techniques, encouraging self-soothing when they experience pain or illness.


These 20 engaging doctor-themed activities can greatly benefit your preschooler’s development while offering a fun way to explore the world of healthcare. So suit up those little lab coats, grab some medical tools, and go play!

12 Amazing Classroom Resources for PreK-2 From PBS LearningMedia


PBS LearningMedia has been a valuable resource for teachers and parents alike, providing engaging educational content for every age group. For those teaching young children in PreK-2, PBS has curated a stellar collection of classroom resources designed to inspire and educate. In this article, we will highlight 12 amazing resources that cater to the curious minds of our youngest learners.

1. Peg + Cat:

Perfect for practicing early math skills, “Peg + Cat” combines animated storytelling with interactive games for an exciting learning experience. Topics covered include shapes, measurements, and problem-solving.

2. Ready Jet Go!:

Space exploration is made fun with the “Ready Jet Go!” series as it focuses on earth science and astronomy concepts. Interactive games, videos, and lesson plans help develop critical thinking skills in young children.

3. Martha Speaks:

Boost your students’ vocabulary through “Martha Speaks,” a show featuring a talking dog who teaches new words within context. The interactive games reinforce the vocabulary lessons from the episodes.

4. Super Why!:

“Super Why!” aims to improve literacy skills by combining engaging stories with fun games. Students learn to identify story elements, understand sentence structure, and practice their spelling.

5. Sid the Science Kid:

Help young children explore the world of science through “Sid the Science Kid,” complete with hands-on experiments, videos, and printable activities. This resource emphasizes scientific inquiry and observation skills.

6. The Daniel Tiger Collection:

Utilizing “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” episodes along with emotionally responsive songs, this resource helps children develop essential social-emotional skills like empathy and self-regulation.

7. Arthur Family Health:

Teach kids about nutrition, daily habits, and physical activity through the charming characters from Arthur’s world in “Arthur Family Health.” Parent guides are included for extended learning outside the classroom.

8. Full-Time Kid! with Mya:

Encourage creativity and inspiration through simple DIY projects, science-related activities, and life hacks with “Full-Time Kid!” Expertly-designed for early learners, these project-based resources enhance hands-on learning.

9. Between the Lions Early Reading Collection:

“Between the Lions” is another excellent literacy resource featuring interactive games, video clips, and printable activities focused on improving reading and writing skills in early learners.

10. WordWorlds:

Give young learners a head start on their spelling skills through “WordWorlds,” an interactive series that builds words using letter characters. This engaging content boosts their grasp of phonics and word recognition.

11. Pinkalicious & Peterrific:

Infuse your classroom with creativity using “Pinkalicious & Peterrific.” These resources explore problem-solving, creative thinking, and emotional intelligence through a blend of live-action stories and  arts-based videos.

12. Wild Kratts:

Ignite a passion for animals and environmental awareness through “Wild Kratts.” This show combines live-action footage with animation to provide engaging content about creatures from around the world.


PBS LearningMedia is truly a treasure trove of educational content, offering invaluable resources tailored to meet the needs of preK-2 students. These 12 resources represent only a small portion of what PBS has to offer – dive in and explore everything they have to make learning enjoyable for young children!

17 Tricks to Motivate Kids Not to Make Inappropriate Statements or Sounds

Are you looking tricks to motivate students not to make inappropriate statements or sounds? If so, keep reading.

1. Explain to the learner, after telling them to stop talking, the reason why they should not be talking.

2. Create classroom rules: • Complete every assignment. • Complete assignments quietly. • Remain in your seat. • Finish tasks. • Meet task expectations. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules.

3. Teach the learner acceptable ways to express displeasure, anger, frustration, etc.

4. Make the learner aware of the number of times they make unnecessary remarks and noises.

5. Provide visibility to and from the learner to keep their attention when oral questions/ instructions are being delivered. The teacher and the learner should be able to see each other at all times. Make eye contact possible at all times.

6. Attempt to give equal attention to all students in the classroom.

7. Minimize learning activities that might threaten the learner.

8. Make the appropriate adjustments in their surroundings to prevent the learner from experiencing stress, frustration, or anger (e.g., lessen peer pressure, academic failure, teasing, etc.) that may result in unnecessary remarks or noises.

9. Teach the learner to use techniques such as crossing their arms and legs, clinching their fists, and webbing their hands when making noise is unacceptable.

10. Talk regularly with the learner to lessen the need for them to make unacceptable remarks or unnecessary noises.

11. Make sure the learner knows the relationship between their behavior and the consequences that may follow (e.g., failing to listen to instructions and making distracting noises will cause the learner to not understand what to do).

12. Minimize the occurrence of learning activities that you know will encourage the learner to make unnecessary remarks.

13. Teach active listening skills. Listen to what the other person is saying and respond based on information received.

14. Consider using a classroom management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

15. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

16. Consider using Alexa to help the student learn to behave appropriately. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

17. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

What Is an Education Savings Account, and Why Does It Matter?

As parents, you want the best for your child, and that includes giving them a quality education. However, the cost of education is rising every year, and it can be challenging to save enough money to pay for your child’s education. This is where education savings accounts (ESAs) come in.

What Is an Education Savings Account?

An education savings account is a tax-advantaged account that allows you to save money for education expenses, such as tuition, books, and other qualified educational expenses. The funds deposited into an ESA can be used for education expenses at any level, from elementary school to college and beyond.

ESAs were introduced in the United States in 1996 as a way to promote savings for education expenses. There are two types of ESAs: Coverdell ESAs and 529 plans. There are a few differences between the two, but both offer tax advantages for saving money for education expenses.

Why Does It Matter?

Education is an investment in your child’s future, and it is essential to start saving early. The cost of college and other higher education expenses can be staggering, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the school and program.

An ESA can help you save for these expenses and reduce the burden of student loans on your child’s future. With an ESA, you can save money tax-free and withdraw funds tax-free when used for qualifying education expenses. This can help you save thousands of dollars, which can be invested in your child’s education.

In addition to tax advantages, ESAs also offer flexibility in how you save and use the funds. You can choose where to invest the money, and you can change investments as needed. Additionally, you can use the funds at any qualified educational institution in the country.


An education savings account is an investment in your child’s future that offers tax advantages and flexibility in saving and using the funds. With the rising cost of education, an ESA can help you save for your child’s education and reduce the burden of student loans. It is an essential tool for any parent who wants to give their child the best possible education.