Project-Based Learning

100th Day Of School Project Ideas

The 100th day of school is a significant milestone for students and educators, offering a unique opportunity to celebrate progress, reflect on what has been learned, and engage in fun, educational activities. Here are some creative ways to mark this special occasion with projects that students can enjoy.

1. 100-Day Collections: Encourage students to bring in 100 of an item to share with the class. This could be anything from 100 paper clips to 100 seashells. Display these collections and discuss their significance or the process of collecting them.

2. “When I am 100” Portraits: A whimsical art project where students draw or craft images of what they think they will look like when they are 100 years old. They can incorporate stories or essays to accompany their artwork.

3. 100 Words Story: Challenge students to write a story that contains exactly 100 words—no more, no less. This task not only sparks creativity but also hones writing and editing skills.

4. Counting to 100: A math-focused activity where younger students can practice counting to 100 using various objects such as beads, beans, or stickers.

5. Time Capsule: Create a class time capsule containing letters, pictures, or small mementos that symbolize their school year so far. Plan to open it at the end of the school year or even further in the future.

6. Fitness Challenge: Promote wellness with a fitness challenge in which students complete 10 sets of 10 different exercises throughout the day for a total of 100 reps.

7. Random Acts of Kindness: Inspire kindness by assigning each student to perform a random act of kindness for every day they’ve been in school until they reach 100 acts.

8. Centenarian Interviews: Connect history with reality by having students interview people who are close to or have reached 100 years old. Document these interviews with videos or written transcripts.

9. Building With 100 Blocks: Let imagination soar by giving children building blocks (Legos, magnetic tiles, etc.) and challenging them to create something using exactly 100 blocks.

10. Snack-tacular Array: Combine snack time with learning by arranging 10 types of snacks in groups of 10 for a collective display (and tasting!) of 100 treats.

These project ideas can be adapted for different age groups and can serve as an educational yet festive way to commemorate the journey through the academic year. Happy celebrating!

How to Prioritise Your Tasks When Everything is a Priority

In a world where the pace of work is constantly accelerating, feeling overwhelmed with tasks is all too common. But not all tasks are created equal; learning to prioritize can be your lifesaver. Here’s how to trim down that to-do list when everything seems like a priority:

1. Identify Your Ultimate Goals: Begin by understanding your ultimate objectives. Ask yourself what outcomes are most important to your success, whether that’s in your personal life or in your work career. This will help you recognize which tasks align with those goals.

2. Assign Urgency and Importance: Categorize tasks using the Eisenhower Box, dividing them into four quadrants: urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. Tackle tasks in the ‘urgent and important’ box first.

3. Apply the 80/20 Rule: The Pareto Principle suggests that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. Identify tasks that will have the most significant impact and allocate your time accordingly.

4. Break Down Large Projects: Divide larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. This helps in understanding which parts of the project need immediate attention and which can wait.

5. Set Boundaries: Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day, and don’t be afraid to say no or delegate tasks that others can handle just as well or better.

6. Use Tools and Resources: Implement task management tools and apps which can help organize your lists based on different priority levels you assign.

7. Reassess Regularly: Priorities can change rapidly; regularly review your list to adjust priorities as necessary.

8. Limit Multitasking: Focus on one task at a time for more effectiveness; juggling multiple tasks often leads to reduced productivity and quality of work.

9. Know Your Productive Times: Identify when you are most productive during the day and schedule high-priority tasks during these times for maximum efficiency.

10. Maintain Flexibility: Be prepared to shift gears when unexpected high-priority tasks arise; agility in reprioritizing is crucial.

Implementing these strategies will transform an overwhelming list into an actionable plan, allowing you to attack each day with confidence and clarity regarding what should be tackled first.

Play Based Learning Ideas for the Curriculum Aligned Classroom

Play-based learning is an educational approach that uses play as the primary mode of learning for children. This method allows children to explore, discover, and engage with the world around them in a way that is natural and enjoyable, which can enhance their cognitive, social, and emotional development. In curriculum-aligned classrooms, play-based learning ideas can be integrated to align with educational standards while still providing a child-centric learning environment.

Learning Centers

Create learning centers in the classroom that focus on different subjects such as math, science, literacy, and art. Each center can include games and activities that relate to the core curriculum. For example, a math center might have puzzles involving shapes and numbers, whereas a science center could have simple experiments or nature exploration kits.

Thematic Units

Design thematic units that incorporate play into various subjects. If the unit is focused on ‘Under the Sea’, include activities such as creating fish out of clay for art, sorting sea creature toys by different categories in math, and reading books about ocean life in literacy. The key is to ensure these activities are hands-on and interactive.

Role-Playing and Dramatic Play

Encourage role-playing where children can act out different scenarios or professions such as running a post office or managing a grocery store. Provide props and costumes to facilitate imaginative play aligned with themes being covered in the curriculum.

Outdoor Play

Integrate outdoor play into subjects. Physical education can be combined with mathematical exercises like hopscotch with numbered squares to jump in sequences, or natural sciences lessons could involve a scavenger hunt for types of leaves or insects.

Storytelling and Puppetry

Use storytelling and puppetry to address literacy goals. Have students create their puppets and then write and perform puppet shows based on stories they are reading in class.

Board Games and Puzzles

Implement educational board games and puzzles that focus on curriculum content. Games like Scrabble can reinforce vocabulary skills, while puzzles can be tailored to represent maps for geography lessons or sequences of events for history topics.

Art Projects

Art projects can also serve many areas of learning: painting numbers for math, creating collages from old magazines for media studies, or illustrating scenes from historic events or scientific concepts being studied.

Technology Integration

Incorporate technology meaningfully by using educational apps focused on coding through play or virtual field trips that align with geography or history lessons.

Sensory Bins

Create sensory bins filled with materials like rice, beans, or water beads to enhance tactile experiences while also teaching lessons in science (states of matter), math (counting objects hidden within the bin), or language (identifying textures using descriptive words).

When implementing play-based learning ideas in a classroom aligned with the curriculum requirements, it’s important to make sure each activity has clear learning goals but also allows room for creativity and child-led exploration. Balancing structured activities with open-ended play opportunities ensures children remain engaged and motivated while receiving an education that meets academic standards.

Project Management Group – Reflection from Oxfam


Project management is an essential aspect of organizational success, and it is particularly crucial for large non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like Oxfam. With numerous ongoing projects and initiatives worldwide, efficient project management ensures that their resources are effectively allocated to achieve the desired outcomes for the communities they support. This article aims to reflect on the practices of Oxfam’s project management group and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Overview of Oxfam’s Project Management Group

Oxfam’s project management group is recognized for its expertise in managing complex multi-stakeholder projects across various sectors, including disaster response, poverty alleviation, education, and gender equality. The group focuses on collaborating closely with local communities to find sustainable solutions tailored to their needs. Consistent monitoring and evaluation practices are employed to ensure that the projects remain on track, meet deadlines, and maximize the impact on targeted beneficiaries.

Challenges Faced by Oxfam’s Project Management Group

Like any global organization, Oxfam’s project management group faces several challenges that can impede the success of their projects. These challenges include:

1.Resource allocation: Limited resources often pose a significant challenge in ensuring that adequate financial, human, and technical resources are available for each project.

2.Collaboration with local partners: Working with multiple stakeholders requires effective communication channels and understanding of diverse cultural contexts.

3.Complex project environments: Projects in volatile regions or sectors often face escalated risks like political instability or extreme weather events affecting implementation timelines or creating unforeseen obstacles.

4.Managing change: Adapting to changes in scope or requirements while keeping projects on track requires a high degree of flexibility as well as risk management strategies.

Reflections and Recommendations

In light of these challenges, some recommendations for Oxfam’s project management group include:

  1. Streamline resource allocation processes to ensure that all projects receive adequate support. Tools such as project portfolio management can aid in prioritizing and selecting projects based on their alignment with the organization’s goals and resource availability.
  2. Strengthen collaboration with local partners by investing in building relationships, setting clear expectations, and implementing feedback channels. Additionally, cultural sensitivity training for project managers can create better understanding across teams.
  3. Conduct thorough risk assessments for projects operating in complex environments and develop mitigation plans to address potential challenges proactively. Incorporating contingencies into project plans can help manage unexpected changes.
  4. Embrace agile methodologies that promote iterative planning processes and encourage adaptability to change rather than adhering to rigid project plans. This will enable the project management group to respond effectively to evolving circumstances while still achieving success.


Oxfam’s project management group plays a critical role in ensuring that the organization’s programs are executed efficiently and successfully impact the communities they serve. By reflecting on their practices and incorporating improvements such as streamlining resource allocation processes, strengthening relationships with local partners, conducting comprehensive risk assessments, and embracing agile methodologies, Oxfam will continue to enhance its impact worldwide.

20 Intriguing Problem-Based Learning Activities for Kids

1. Mystery Bag: Give each child a bag filled with random objects and have them create a story involving all of the objects inside.

2. Bridge Building: Provide children with a variety of materials and ask them to build a bridge strong enough to hold a specific weight.

3. Escape Room: Design an escape room with age-appropriate puzzles that challenges kids to find their way out by solving each problem.

4. Crime Scene Investigation: Create a mock crime scene and have the children analyze it, gather evidence, and solve the mystery.

5. Egg Drop Challenge: Kids must design and build a contraption that will protect an egg when dropped from various heights.

6. The Great Debate: Divide your group into two teams and have them choose opposing sides on important topics to teach critical thinking and persuasive communication skills.

7. The Marble Run: Have kids create a marble run using household items, ensuring that the marble makes it from start to finish without stopping.

8. Math Treasure Hunt: Hide math problems around your space, requiring kids to solve each problem before moving on to the next clue.

9. Community Action Project: Encourage children to identify an issue in their community and develop a plan to address it.

10. Eco-Friendly Invention: Task children with inventing a new product that helps reduce waste or solve an environmental issue.

11. Monster Factory: Using clay or other art materials, invite kids to create their own monsters while learning about different emotions.

12. DIY Weather Station: Have kids build simple weather instruments, such as an anemometer or rain gauge, and then track local weather patterns over time.

13. Inventor’s Workshop: Supply kids with various materials and ask them to invent something that solves a common problem, like carrying groceries up stairs or keeping ice cream cold on hot days.

14. Write Your Own Cookbook: Encourage children to create healthy recipes and compile them into a cookbook, allowing them to explore nutrition and creativity.

15. Build a Better Mousetrap: Challenge children to build a mousetrap-inspired device that catches (or creatively dispenses with) a ping pong ball.

16. Recyclable Sculptures: Ask kids to create unique sculptures using only recyclable materials they’ve collected from home.

17. The Playground Redesign: Give young learners the opportunity to re-design their school’s playground by engaging in critical thinking and collaboration.

18. Ancient Artifacts: Invite children to research ancient artifacts, and then have them create their own using materials they think would have been used in the past.

19. Robot Wars: Divide kids into teams and supply each team with materials to design, build, and test a simple robot capable of performing a set task.

20. The Newspaper Tower: Challenge kids to construct the tallest tower possible using only newspapers and tape, while considering the impact of height, weight distribution, and stability on their design.

These problem-based learning activities encourage teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills in children. By integrating these activities into your program or classroom, you can see firsthand the power of problem-based learning for kids.

6 School Playground Projects That Brought Communities Together

1. The Resilient Spirit Playground (Littleton, CO)

In the wake of tragedy, the Resilient Spirit Playground project emerged as a beacon of hope for the community of Littleton, Colorado. Parents, teachers, and local businesses came together to design and build a playground that promoted inclusivity and creative play. The project succeeded in transforming a school space into an inviting, engaging environment for children and families to reconnect.

2. United PlaySpace (Atlanta, GA)

In Atlanta, Georgia, the United PlaySpace initiative tapped into the power of unity to revitalize a local school playground. With the support of community leaders and volunteers, this grassroots effort brought people from all walks of life together to fundraise and create a space where children could play without boundaries. The project’s success had a lasting impact on unity and engagement within the community.

3. Tree House Tributes (Portland, OR)

At a small school in Portland, Oregon, students and teachers came together to turn an underutilized corner of their playground into an inspiring tribute to nature. The Tree House Tributes project included three tree houses connected by rope bridges and surrounded by lush landscaping that provided spaces for quiet reflection or group activities. Vanquishing barriers between age groups and abilities, this project fostered collaboration within the community.

4. Harmony Park (Detroit, MI)

Embracing diversity through play was the key objective for Harmony Park in Detroit, Michigan. Local organizations and businesses partnered with residents and educational leaders to refurbish an old playground at a public school in one of the city’s most diverse neighborhoods. With specially designed inclusive play equipment and vibrant murals painted by local artists, Harmony Park stands today as a powerful symbol of unity in their community.

5. Imagination Emporium (Austin, TX)

In Austin Texas, the Imagination Emporium took root as more than just a playground but as an environment that fostered the imagination of children and bridged generational gaps. With each component of the playground built, painted, and dedicated by community members, the culmination represented an incredible group effort and brought the neighborhood closer together through joint collaboration.

6. Learning & Fun Oasis (Providence, RI)

Aiming to revolutionize how children learn through play, communities in Providence, Rhode Island, collaborated on a project to create an integrated outdoor educational space within a school’s existing playground. Volunteers installed interactive nature stations featuring topics such as ecology and math and designed an accessible labyrinth for mindfulness practice. Providing unique opportunities to explore in an engaging setting, the Learning & Fun Oasis project successfully knit communities together in support of imaginative learning experiences.

These six projects showcase the transformative potential of collaborative endeavors. By engaging a diverse array of community members in creative and meaningful ways, each playground has become not only a welcoming space for play but also a vital hub for connection and unity among neighbors.

7 Reasons Why Project Based Learning is NOT a Fad


Project Based Learning (PBL) has gained a significant amount of attention in recent years as an effective teaching strategy employed in educational institutions worldwide. Despite its growing popularity, some critics argue that PBL is just another educational fad that will fade away eventually. However, here are seven reasons why PBL is here to stay and not just a passing trend.

1. Enhances Student Engagement:

Students are more likely to be engaged in learning when they have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to a real-life situation. PBL promotes student engagement through hands-on activities and meaningful projects that help them understand the relevance of their learning.

2. Fosters Collaboration and Cooperation:

PBL encourages teamwork, communication, and collaboration among students as they work together to complete projects. These vital skills are necessary for success in the 21st-century workplace, making PBL an indispensable tool for preparing students for the future.

3. Encourages Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:

Instead of relying on memorization and recall, students must analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information while working on projects in PBL environments. This emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving helps them become better learners and more capable individuals.

4. Develops Project Management Skills:

As students manage their projects from concept to completion, they learn essential project management skills such as prioritizing tasks, allocating resources effectively, meeting deadlines, and organizing workload. These skills prepare them for real-world challenges both academically and professionally.

5. Offers Opportunities for Differentiated Instruction:

PBL allows teachers to meet the diverse needs of students by offering opportunities for differentiated instruction. Students can work at their pace through customized learning experiences tailored to their strengths and interests which helps improve overall academic performance and motivation.

6. Provides Authentic Assessment Opportunities:

Traditional assessments usually evaluate how well a student can memorize information or perform on tests with less context. PBL, on the other hand, allows for authentic assessments where students’ performances and understanding are gauged through their project work, showcasing their true capabilities.

7. Aligns with Future Workforce Demands:

As industries shift towards more collaborative and creative problem-solving environments, PBL serves as an essential tool to equip students with the skills required to meet the demands of the future workforce. PBL helps bridge the gap between education and employment by providing students with an authentic learning experience that mirrors real-world scenarios.


Project Based Learning has proven to be a powerful teaching tool that transcends passing trends or fads in education. With its focus on engaging students, fostering collaboration, promoting critical thinking, and preparing them for future challenges, it’s safe to say that PBL will continue to make a lasting impact on education for years to come.

Win a Blue Apple Project with Everything You’ll Need for Project-Based Learning


Project-Based Learning (PBL) has been transforming education around the world, offering students a more engaging, hands-on approach to learning. The Blue Apple Project is at the forefront of this educational revolution, awarding grants and resources to educators who are eager to adopt PBL in their classrooms. This article will explore the benefits of PBL and introduce you to the Blue Apple Project’s exciting grant competitions that can help propel your classroom into 21st century learning.

Benefits of Project-Based Learning

1. Fosters Student Engagement: PBL allows students to work on real-world problems and projects that they find genuinely interesting, thus increasing student engagement.

2. Promotes Critical Thinking: Through active problem-solving and inquiry-based learning, PBL encourages students to think critically about issues before arriving at conclusions.

3. Collaboration and Communication Skills: PBL fosters productive teamwork among students while also reinforcing effective communication skills that are essential in today’s work environment.

4. Encourages Creativity: Students have more opportunities to express their creativity by collaborating on projects and suggesting alternative solutions.

5. Enhances Leadership Skills: PBL allows students to take on leadership roles within their groups, which can inspire confidence and develop strong leaders for the future.

The Blue Apple Project: Your Ticket to Transformative PBL

The Blue Apple Project is an initiative dedicated to enhancing education through PBL. They believe every student deserves an opportunity to experience hands-on learning that echoes real-world challenges and scenarios. To support this mission, the Blue Apple Project offers annual grant competitions that provide educators with resources, materials, and financial assistance for implementing PBL in their classrooms.

Winning a Blue Apple Project grant unlocks an array of benefits:

1. Comprehensive Lesson Plans: Grantees receive access to in-depth lesson plans designed by expert educators who specialize in project-based learning.

2. Mentorship and Professional Development: Grant winners gain exclusive access to a community of fellow educators who share their passion for PBL and valuable insights on best practices.

3. Access to Materials and Resources: The Blue Apple Project provides grantees with the necessary materials, resources, and technology needed to implement their planned projects effectively.

4. Classroom Implementation Support: Grantees receive ongoing support throughout the project’s implementation, ensuring a smooth transition into PBL for both educators and students.

5. Student Engagement and Success: When students engage in the Blue Apple Project-supported initiatives, they form a deeper understanding of content material, develop essential skills for future success, and derive satisfaction from their educational journey.


The Blue Apple Project is an exceptional opportunity for educators who dream of incorporating project-based learning in their classrooms. It not only provides essential resources but also forms a supportive community of like-minded professionals all focused on using PBL to enhance the learning experience for students worldwide. If you’re passionate about equipping students with the necessary tools for today’s challenges, it’s time to embrace the Blue Apple Project and transform your classroom into a hub of innovation, creativity, and lifelong learning.

Why Aren’t More Schools Doing PBL?

Project-Based Learning (PBL) has been gaining significant attention in recent years as a teaching method that promises numerous benefits for students. By providing practical, hands-on learning experiences, PBL can help learners develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, foster collaboration, and increase engagement. Despite these potential advantages, many schools have been slow to adopt PBL as a primary teaching method. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons for this reluctance to embrace PBL and discuss ways to overcome these barriers.

1. Traditional Mindset and Resistance to Change

One of the main reasons why schools might not adopt PBL is the reluctance to shift from traditional teaching approaches that have been used for decades. Teachers and administrators may be hesitant to try something new and fear that it may disrupt their established routines or negatively impact student performance. In addition, parents may also resist change, believing that conventional methods are proven and effective.

To address this issue, schools can provide professional development opportunities for teachers to learn about PBL and its benefits. This will enable them to integrate project-based learning in their lessons more effectively. Engaging parents through workshops or information sessions can also help build their understanding of PBL and its potential advantages for their children’s education.

2. Lack of Resources and Proper Training

Implementing PBL successfully requires appropriate resources, such as technology tools, materials, and time allotted for planning and conducting projects. Many schools may not have access to adequate resources or face budget constraints that limit their ability to provide these necessities.

Moreover, teachers must possess the necessary skills and knowledge to design meaningful projects that align with curriculum goals and facilitate effective collaboration among students. It is crucial for educators to receive proper training in PBL practices and methodologies.

To overcome resource constraints, schools can seek external funding sources such as grants or partnerships with local businesses that support educational initiatives. Administrators can also look into pooling resources with neighboring schools or exploring cost-effective PBL approaches.

3. Assessment Challenges

Another factor hindering PBL adoption is the challenge of assessing student performance in project-based environments. Traditional assessment methods, such as tests and quizzes, may not be suitable or effective when evaluating students’ progress in a PBL setting.

Schools need to develop alternative assessment strategies that capture students’ skill development and knowledge acquisition throughout the project. These assessments should be aligned with both the learning objectives and students’ individual needs. Examples of alternative assessments include presentations, portfolios, reflection essays, or rubrics for evaluating group work.

4. Time Constraints

The demands of covering extensive curricula within a limited timeframe can make it difficult for teachers to allocate adequate time for PBL activities. The perceived pressure to cover all content before standardized testing can lead to choosing lecture-based instruction over active learning experiences.

To create more room for PBL, schools can consider integrating multiple subjects into one project, thereby providing meaningful connections between various academic disciplines while still meeting curricular requirements. This transdisciplinary approach can help ensure full use of available instructional time while fostering stronger student engagement and understanding.

In conclusion, several factors may contribute to the slow adoption of PBL in schools. However, by understanding and addressing these challenges through professional development, resource provision, alternative assessment strategies, and innovative curriculum design, education stakeholders can open more doors for project-based learning experiences that better prepare students for the 21st-century challenges they will face.

5 Ways Project-Based Learning Creates an Engaging Alternative Education Classroom

In today’s rapidly evolving education landscape, it is more important than ever to find creative methods of teaching to keep students engaged and foster a love for learning. One such approach is project-based learning (PBL), which offers students the opportunity to develop practical skills while exploring real-world problems. In this article, we will explore five ways project-based learning creates an engaging alternative education classroom.

1. Enhances Collaboration and Communication Skills

One of the key aspects of PBL is that it encourages collaboration among students. By working together in small groups or teams, students learn how to effectively communicate with one another, delegate tasks, and develop a sense of ownership over their work. This collaborative approach not only enhances interpersonal skills but also ensures that every student has a voice in the learning process, creating a more inclusive and enriching educational experience.

2. Encourages Problem-Solving and Creativity

Project-based learning challenges students to think critically and creatively by presenting them with complex problems that require innovative solutions. It fosters an environment where students are empowered to take risks, experiment with different ideas, and learn from their failures. As a result, students develop essential problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to think outside the box – both critical attributes for success in today’s competitive job market.

3. Provides Real-World Connections and Relevance

By promoting hands-on application of knowledge, PBL creates strong connections between academic concepts and real-world issues. Students are given opportunities to engage with contemporary challenges – such as environmental sustainability or social justice – which adds relevance to their learning experience and helps them understand the broader implications of their studies. This emphasis on real-world contexts makes PBL inherently more engaging for students, as they can see the tangible benefits and impact their efforts can have.

4. Fosters Self-Directed Learning

In a project-based learning classroom, students take charge of their own education by having the autonomy to choose their projects, set their goals, and identify the resources they need to accomplish those goals. This sense of ownership encourages students to become self-directed learners, boosting motivation and fostering a lifelong love for learning. It also instills important life skills such as time management, organization, and the ability to work independently.

5. Addresses Multiple Learning Styles

PBL classrooms cater to a wide range of learning styles, thus creating an inclusive environment where every student has an opportunity to shine. With activities that include independent research, group discussions, hands-on experiments, and creative presentations, project-based learning offers a variety of approaches that appeal to visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and collaborative learners alike. This diverse range of learning opportunities ensures that no student is left behind and that everyone finds a way to engage with the material in a meaningful way.

In conclusion, project-based learning offers an engaging alternative approach to traditional classroom instruction by promoting collaboration, critical thinking, real-world connections, self-directed learning, and catering to various learning styles. Integrating PBL into education curriculums can help students develop essential skills while fostering a passion for lifelong learning – making it an invaluable addition to any classroom.