Secondary Education

Helping Secondary G&T Students Aim High


In today’s competitive academic environment, it’s essential for educators to support the unique needs of gifted and talented (G&T) students. Secondary G&T learners possess remarkable potential but often face unique challenges when navigating the educational landscape. Nurturing excellence in these students requires an intentional approach, tailored to their specific needs and aspirations. This article will explore strategies to help secondary G&T students aim high and achieve their fullest potential.

1. Recognize and Support Individual Learning Profiles

Gifted and talented students have diverse strengths, interests, and learning preferences. Teachers should identify each student’s unique learning profile and provide customized instruction to maximize individual strengths. By tailoring curriculum and instruction to meet the needs of G&T learners, educators can ensure intellectual development and maintain enthusiasm for learning.

2. Create a Challenging Learning Environment

G&T students thrive in learning environments that offer complex tasks, autonomy, open-ended questioning, and opportunities for collaboration. Educators should provide challenging curricula and foster critical thinking skills by engaging students in rich discussions, problem-solving activities, and project-based learning experiences.

3. Encourage a Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset is imperative for success among G&T students. Educators should help students embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, learn from criticism, and find inspiration in the success of others. By nurturing a growth mindset in secondary G&T learners, teachers can provide long-lasting motivation for personal improvement.

4. Foster Emotional Intelligence

Giftedness often brings heightened emotional sensitivity. It’s crucial for educators to recognize this aspect of G&T learners’ abilities by helping them develop self-awareness, empathy, adaptability, and effective communication skills. Encourage social-emotional growth by providing opportunities for students to express emotions productively and navigate complex relationships.

5. Implement Flexible Academic Pathways

Gifted students often require opportunities to accelerate learning, bypass content, or move at an individual pace. To allow for this, educators can implement a flexible curriculum with compacted and differentiated learning pathways. This flexibility may include allowing students to work on more challenging projects or even complete coursework through open-educational resources.

6. Cultivate Leadership Skills

Secondary G&T students often have natural abilities that make them well-suited for leadership roles. Educators can provide these learners with experiences that develop leadership skills, such as mentoring younger students, organizing school events, or participating in extracurricular activities that foster teamwork and collaboration.

7. Maintain Open Communication

Maintain an open dialogue with G&T students and their families regarding potential challenges they may face throughout their education. Keep them informed of available resources, such as summer programs, internships, or scholarships. Providing clear expectations and a continuous feedback loop enables families to remain actively involved and motivated in supporting their child’s academic journey.


Educators play a pivotal role in helping secondary G&T students aim high and reach their full potential. By understanding the unique needs of these learners and implementing strategies for success in the classroom, teachers can equip gifted students with the tools they need to excel now, and foster a lifelong love for learning that will undoubtedly benefit them in the long run.

Secondary Assembly: The Forth Bridge – Doing the Job Properly


The Forth Bridge, an iconic symbol of Scotland and an engineering marvel, still stands strong over 130 years since its completion in 1890. As a testimony to its construction quality and innovative design, the bridge serves as a valuable case study of secondary assembly, demonstrating the importance of doing the job properly.

The Forth Bridge’s Construction Challenges

The construction of the Forth Bridge required overcoming numerous challenges. Designers Sir John Fowler and Sir Benjamin Baker faced harsh environmental conditions, such as strong winds, tidal currents, and corrosive effects on the ironwork. Additionally, they needed to devise a design that could bear heavy weights to support trains and maintain stability over long spans.

Innovative Design Solutions

Fowler and Baker developed a unique cantilever design that met these challenges head-on. The innovative use of steel beams arranged in triangular trusses allowed the structure to provide a strong foundation while distributing weight effectively. Each cantilevered section of the bridge connected by central spans provided flexibility to withstand environmental pressures.

Quality in Secondary Assembly

During the bridge’s construction, secondary assembly played a vital role in ensuring its longevity. Skilled workers assembled smaller supporting components such as cross members and bracing with precision and accuracy. Accidents during construction led to improvements in safety measures for workers.

Each component had to be carefully manufactured and inspected before installation, ensuring alignment with design specifications. Supervisors verified every aspect of assembly in multiple stages while preserving safety standards for future train travel.

Resulting Successes

By prioritizing quality secondary assembly practices throughout the Forth Bridge’s construction, project leaders ensured its ongoing success:

1. Longevity: Over 130 years later, the Forth Bridge remains in regular use without major structural failures or lasting issues.

2. Recognition: In 2015, UNESCO designated it as a World Heritage Site, acknowledging its architectural achievements and global significance.

3. Impact on engineering: The bridge set a precedent for future large-scale projects that depend on proper secondary assembly and construction quality, as it is essential to overall structural integrity.


The Forth Bridge’s exceptional craftsmanship, innovative design, and attention to detail during secondary assembly illustrate the importance of doing the job properly. As an engineering marvel, the bridge serves as a valuable lesson in the benefits of prioritizing quality construction processes in every project, big or small.

Raising Aspirations in Year 9

Introduction: The Importance of Year 9

Year 9 is a pivotal time in a student’s academic journey. It marks the transition from middle school to high school, where they will begin to make choices that shape their future education and career paths. During this critical period, raising aspirations becomes all the more important for students as they prepare to enter the competitive world of higher education and the workforce.

The Role of Educators in Fostering Aspirations

Educators play an influential role in cultivating aspirations and instilling a love for learning in students. They are able to inspire students with their passion for teaching, nurturing a growth mindset within the classroom. Encouraging curiosity, open-mindedness, and resilience plays a significant part in helping students develop a solid foundation for academic success.

Teachers need to provide personalized support and guidance for each pupil. They should work closely with students to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and passions, allowing them to match their skills and interests with their future study choices.

Engaging Students through Activities and Collaborative Learning Environments

One effective way to raise aspirations is by incorporating engaging activities into the curriculum that pique students’ interest. These can include hands-on projects, group assignments, thought-provoking discussions, presentations, and role-plays.

Collaborative learning environments can also be conducive to fostering aspirations. By working together with their peers on challenging tasks or navigating difficult concepts, students gain exposure to diverse perspectives while honing important life skills such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and problem-solving.

Involving Parents in their Children’s Education

Parents play an indispensable role in raising aspirations among their children. When parents are actively involved in their child’s education journey – supporting them both at home and through school events – children are more likely to feel encouraged. This partnership between parents and schools is critical in promoting a supportive environment for the student to thrive.

By engaging parents through regular communication, parent-teacher conferences, and workshops on nurturing aspirations, schools can effectively create a positive and proactive support system for their students.

Extracurricular Activities: Cultivating Skills and Interests

Encouraging involvement in extracurricular activities helps broaden students’ horizons and develops transferable skills that can boost their self-esteem. These activities provide opportunities for students to explore potential career paths, develop leadership abilities, and gain real-world experience through work placements or community service projects.

Offering a diverse range of clubs, societies, and teams allows students to delve into their passions, grow their skills, and find likeminded peers who share similar interests.

Organizing Career Days and Mentorship Programs

Exposing students to different career pathways is vital for raising aspirations. Schools can organize career days where professionals from various backgrounds address the students about their professions, academic requirements, and the realities of working in those fields.

Mentorship programs involving local professionals or connecting with alumni can further inspire today’s youth. By sharing their personal experiences, mentors can offer valuable insights into overcoming obstacles while providing indispensable guidance on achieving success in both education and career.


In conclusion, raising aspirations in Year 9 students is an important undertaking that involves educators, parents, the wider community, and the students themselves. By creating nurturing learning environments that encourage discovery, development of individual passions and growth mindset – alongside providing accessible extracurricular opportunities – we as a community can support these young minds to reach their full potential and unlock a future brimming with possibilities.

Secondary Assembly: Words as Weapons


Words are a fundamental aspect of human communication and expression. They have the power to connect, educate, inspire, and so much more. However, words can also be wielded as weapons, causing harm to individuals and society as a whole. This article explores the dark side of language—the often-overlooked reality of how words can be deployed as destructive tools, sowing discord, fear, and prejudice.

The Power of Words:

From ancient orators to modern politicians, individuals have harnessed the persuasive power of words. These figures have utilized language to convey their ideas, achieve their objectives, and shape societal norms. Eloquence and rhetoric can indeed be admired for their ability to stir emotions and provoke critical thought.

However, just as words can be employed to elevate and persuade, they can also inflict hurt or manipulate others. When used with malicious intent or insensitivity, words can oppress, deceive, and alienate.

Instances of Words Used as Weapons:

1. Hate Speech: Hate speech is one of the most prominent examples of using words as weapons. Intentionally disseminating dehumanizing language against certain individuals or groups on the basis of their race, religion, ethnicity or other attributes is deeply damaging both psychologically and emotionally. Such speech may also incite violence or discrimination against the targeted group.

2. Cyberbullying: The advent of digital technology has exacerbated word-based attacks by enabling cyberbullying – harassing others online through messages filled with name-calling and insults. Victims often suffer emotional distress as a result.

3. Propaganda: Throughout history, propaganda has been exploited by oppressive regimes to manipulate public opinion and exert control over their populace. Propagandists utilize misleading or manipulative words that distort facts in order to further their agendas.

4. Gaslighting: This psychological manipulation tactic involves undermining someone’s reality by persistently questioning their memories or perceptions. The aggressor uses words to sow self-doubt in their target, causing them to question their own sanity.

Combatting the Destructive Potential of Words:

Recognizing and addressing the pernicious impact of harmful language is essential for fostering inclusive, respectful communities. Here are a few ways to counteract words used as weapons:

1. Promote empathy: Emphasizing empathy and understanding across different cultures and perspectives can foster environments where harmful language is less likely to take root.

2. Educate: Providing education on the consequences of hate speech, cyberbullying, and other abusive language can help individuals become more mindful of the impact their words may have on others.

3. Encourage open dialogues: Cultivating spaces for open, respectful conversations can enable individuals with differing views to engage without resorting to hostility or hateful expressions.

4. Hold accountable: Setting clear standards against the use of destructive language, both in person and online, is essential. Accountability measures can include consequences for violating these standards.


Words wield immense power – both for good and ill – when used intentionally or carelessly. It falls upon societies, institutions,and individuals to ensure that language is employed constructively and responsibly. By recognizing the destructive potential of using words as weapons and committing to combating it, we can work together towards a world where communication builds connections, understanding, and compassion rather than fostering harm and division.

Making Secondary SEAL Work


Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) is a comprehensive, evidence-based approach that aims to support the development of social, emotional, and relationship skills in young people. This framework has gained growing recognition for its effectiveness in fostering positive behaviors, preventing misconduct, and promoting mental health among students. To expand on these benefits at a secondary level, it is crucial to understand the unique challenges faced by high schools and implement strategies for integrating SEAL into age-appropriate formats.

Challenges in Making Secondary SEAL Work

High school students often face complex social and emotional challenges which differ significantly from the challenges faced by younger children. They may face academic pressures, increasing personal responsibilities, peer group dynamics, as well as the stresses brought on by growing up and discovering their sense of self. Given these particular circumstances, implementing a successful SEAL program requires tailoring it to the needs of adolescents while taking a holistic approach involving both educators and families.

Strategies for Effective Implementation of Secondary SEAL

1. Early Identification and Support: Early identification of students with social, emotional or behavioral challenges can help provide individualized support for those who need it most. Educators should be trained to recognize signs of distress or disengagement among students to take swift action when intervention is required.

2. Continuous Training: Teachers play an essential role in promoting positive behavior among students. They are not only responsible for delivering academic content but also nurturing a productive learning environment that supports emotional well-being. Therefore, it is crucial to invest in continuous professional development opportunities for educators to improve their understanding of social-emotional skills and develop relevant teaching techniques.

3. Age-Appropriate Curriculum: The secondary SEAL program should maintain a strong focus on refining social-emotional competencies while addressing age-specific concerns such as peer pressure and substance abuse. This way, students will be more inclined to participate actively in discussions and activities if they perceive the curriculum to be relevant to their lives.

4. Involvement of Parents and Guardians: Parents and guardians play a crucial role in a child’s social and emotional development. Engaging them in school-based SEL initiatives can provide valuable insights into a student’s needs, allowing educators to tailor their support effectively. In addition, parent involvement in the school community fosters stronger collaboration between families and staff members.

5. Peer-to-Peer Support: Developing a peer support program can facilitate deeper connections among high school students. By nurturing empathetic relationships between peers, they gain valuable communication skills and develop the ability to offer emotional support for one another.

6. Infuse SEAL Principles Across All Aspects of School Life: A successful secondary SEAL program needs to be integrated across all aspects of school life, from academic instruction to extracurricular activities. This systematic approach will create an environment that promotes positive mental health, fosters resilience, improves academic outcomes, reduces anti-social behaviors, and enhances personal well-being.


Making secondary SEAL work is both challenging and rewarding. Achieving success relies on understanding the nuances of adolescent experiences and shaping SEL initiatives accordingly while adopting tactics that seamlessly integrate social-emotional learning throughout the school culture. By employing strategies like early identification, continuous training, age-appropriate curriculum development, engaging parents, encouraging peer support systems, and embracing holistic principles, high schools can capitalize on SEAL programs’ potential benefits for students’ overall development.

20 Transition to Secondary School Activities


Transitioning to secondary school can be a challenging and exciting time for both students and their parents. It represents a major milestone as children enter a new stage in their academic journey. To make this transition smoother, we have compiled a list of 20 activities that can help students build new friendships, develop independence, and feel confident as they enter secondary school.

1. Self-introduction activities: Encourage students to share their hobbies, interests, and family backgrounds with each other. This enables them to connect with like-minded peers and fosters a sense of belonging.

2. Group presentations: Assign small groups to research and present information about different aspects of secondary school life, ranging from clubs and sports teams to academic expectations.

3. School tours: Organized tours help students familiarize themselves with the new environment, classrooms, and facilities.

4. Scavenger hunts: Arrange engaging scavenger hunts within the school grounds to build teamwork skills while making the space more familiar.

5. Time management workshops: Teach students essential organizational skills to ensure a smooth learning experience in secondary school.

6. Academic goal-setting sessions: Guide students in setting realistic academic goals that can be monitored throughout the year.

7. Extracurricular showcase: Invite representatives from various clubs and sports teams to present information on how new students can participate in these activities.

8. Icebreakers and team-building games: Organize fun group activities that support collaboration and inclusivity.

9. Parent-teacher meet-and-greet events: Facilitate meetings between parents and teachers allowing them to discuss expectations and offer support during this transitional period.

10. Peer mentoring programs: Pair new students with older, experienced peers who can offer guidance during the transition process.

11. Study skills workshops: Provide sessions on note-taking, exam preparation, and time-management techniques that enhance academic success.

12. Growth mindset seminars: Teach students about the importance of resilience, adaptability, and embracing challenges in their academic journey.

13. Social skills workshops: Develop strong communication and interpersonal skills that support relationship-building with peers and teachers.

14. Class debates: Organize debates on current topics to sharpen students’ critical thinking and analytical skills.

15. Talent shows: Host talent shows that allow students to showcase their abilities and celebrate their diversity.

16. Creative writing projects: Assign collaborative writing assignments that encourage teamwork, creativity, and self-expression.

17. Bullying prevention training: Offer programs that educate students about the dangers of bullying and promote a supportive school environment.

18. Student council elections: Encourage democratic participation by holding elections for student council positions, allowing students to take on responsibility and leadership roles.

19. Reading clubs: Foster a love for literacy by establishing reading groups and organizing book-themed activities.

20. Community involvement initiatives: Organize volunteer opportunities that encourage students to contribute to their local community while learning the value of social responsibility.


Transitioning to secondary school is both an exciting and daunting experience for many students. By offering these 20 activities, schools can ensure a smoother adjustment period, helping students feel confident, capable, and supported as they take on new academic challenges and create lasting memories during this essential phase in their education journey.

Secondary Assembly: Rights not Wrongs


As we gather today for the secondary assembly, let us focus on a topic that is close to our hearts – the importance of standing up for our rights and the rights of others. In today’s world, it has become increasingly important to be aware of our rights and to address wrongs when they occur. This assembly aims to inspire and educate us on the significance of rights, not wrongs, in shaping a better future.

The Concept of Rights

Rights are fundamentally the basic freedoms and protections to which every person is entitled. They exist to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, with respect, and with dignity. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights highlights various rights that everyone should have access to, such as the right to life, liberty, education, and more.

The Importance of Knowing Your Rights

Knowing your rights is not just an act of self-empowerment; it is also a critical step towards building a more just society. Being aware of your rights allows you to challenge unfair treatment and seek justice when wronged. Moreover, understanding your rights helps you identify when others are being mistreated – enabling you to act as an ally and support those who cannot stand up for themselves.

Rights vs. Wrongs: Rectifying Injustices

In some cases, individuals may feel powerless in the face of injustice. However, by equipping ourselves with knowledge about our rights and pursuing them relentlessly, we can bring about change. Whether it involves racial or gender-based discrimination or environmental injustice, action is needed from each of us to create a more equitable world.

Examples of Taking Action

There are numerous examples worldwide where individuals have taken action in defense of their rights or human rights in general. From Malala Yousafzai’s fight for girls’ education in Pakistan to Greta Thunberg’s climate activism—these brave individuals stood up for what they believed in and brought about significant change.

How Can We Contribute?

You don’t have to be a famous activist or an influential person to stand up for your rights, and the rights of others. Each one of us has the power to contribute to this global movement by:

1. Educating ourselves and others about our rights and responsibilities.

2. Identifying when our rights or those of others are being violated and speaking up against such injustices.

3. Participating in community initiatives, fundraising events, and awareness campaigns that promote human rights.

4. Using our voices on social media platforms to share perspectives and information on human rights issues.


In conclusion, as we go back to our classrooms today, let us reflect on our power as individuals and understand that by asserting our rights and standing up against wrongs, we make a real difference in creating a more just society. Remember that the path to change often begins with a single voice refusing to remain silent in the face of injustice. Let that voice be yours!


Secondary Assembly: Looking at the Man in the Mirror


Our perception of ourselves, both physically and mentally, plays a significant role in shaping our lives. The way we perceive ourselves affects our self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being. In this article, we explore the importance of self-awareness and how secondary assembly acts as a tool for introspection while promoting personal development.

The Importance of Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is a powerful tool that allows us to evaluate our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It enables us to recognize patterns and habits that might be holding us back from achieving success or happiness. By looking at the man in the mirror, we challenge our self-concept and confront our strengths and weaknesses.

Secondary assembly is an excellent platform for students to practice this vital skill. By participating in activities designed to promote self-awareness, young people become better equipped to understand themselves and make informed decisions about their future.

The Role of Secondary Assembly

Secondary assembly often includes small group discussions or larger assemblies where students come together under a common theme. These sessions provide the perfect opportunity for students to:

1.Share their experiences: By discussing their unique perspectives and life lessons, students gain valuable insights into themselves and others.

2.Develop self-awareness: Through activities such as role play, students learn about their own thought processes and emotional responses.

3.Engage in open dialogue: Constructive conversations enable students to question their beliefs and assumptions, leading to personal growth.

4.Develop empathy: Understanding the thoughts, feelings, and concerns of others strengthens students’ ability to empathize with different perspectives.

5.Build confidence: By speaking publicly or sharing opinions with peers, students develop the self-assurance necessary to navigate future challenges.

Benefits of Secondary Assembly

By engaging in secondary assembly focused on introspection and personal development, students can expect to reap numerous benefits, including:

1.Improved self-esteem: A better understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses promotes a sense of self-worth.

2.Enhanced decision-making: Increased self-awareness allows individuals to make more informed choices based on personal values and goals.

3.Greater resilience: The ability to adapt to change or adversity stems from a strong sense of self.

4.Better conflict resolution: Understanding the roots of personal reactions leads to more effective communication during disagreements.

5.Increased emotional intelligence: Recognizing and managing emotions contributes to interpersonal success.


Secondary assembly plays a vital role in fostering self-awareness, which impacts an individual’s overall well-being and success. By dedicating time to introspection and discussing experiences with peers, students gain valuable insights into their thoughts, emotions, and actions. As they develop this skill, young people are better equipped to navigate life’s challenges and make informed decisions that align with their values. By looking at the man in the mirror, we take crucial steps toward understanding ourselves and realizing our full potential.

Providing ‘Value for Money’ Secondary Education


In a world where education has become a fundamental right for everyone, providing ‘value for money’ secondary education is crucial. This refers to affordable yet high-quality education that prepares students for the challenges of the future and ensures they develop holistically. This article will explore the importance of providing ‘value for money’ secondary education, highlighting its benefits and the role of stakeholders in achieving this objective.

The Need for ‘Value for Money’ Secondary Education:

The rapid increase in global population has resulted in a burgeoning demand for quality education. As parents and students alike seek high-quality yet affordable secondary education options, educational institutions must strive to offer an excellent balance between pricing and educational standards. Achieving ‘value for money’ in secondary education not only alleviates financial burdens on families but also invigorates society by producing well-rounded and knowledgeable individuals.

Benefits of ‘Value for Money’ Secondary Education:

1.Accessibility: By providing affordable educational opportunities, more students can access quality secondary education that leads to higher chances of success in their careers and life.

2.Equity: Ensuring that students from all socio-economic backgrounds have access to excellent secondary education promotes social equity by bridging the inequality gap within the society.

3.Financial Relief: Reducing the overall cost of secondary education enables families to invest in other aspects of their children’s development and improve their overall quality of life.

4. Quality Assurance: Focusing on value-driven educational models allows schools to concentrate on enhancing academic outcomes by employing skilled teachers, adopting innovative teaching methodologies, and providing adequate resources for students.

5.Long-term Benefits: By preparing students effectively for their future, communities can benefit from an educated workforce that contributes positively to national development and economic growth.

The Role of Stakeholders:

Various stakeholders have critical roles to play in ensuring ‘value for money’ secondary education is available to all students.

1.Government: Governments should allocate sufficient funding for secondary education and implement policies that encourage affordability and enforce high educational standards.

2.Educators: Teachers must be committed to providing quality education, adopting innovative teaching methods, and engaging in continuous professional development to ensure students receive the best education possible.

3.Parents: By advocating for affordable, high-quality education options and actively participating in their child’s education, parents contribute to the overall drive towards value-driven secondary education.

4.Educational Institutions: Schools must strive to maximize resource usage efficiently and effectively while maintaining a commitment to providing an excellent standard of education for their students.

5.Civil Society Organizations: NGOs, advocacy groups, and communities can raise awareness about the importance of ‘value for money’ secondary education and work towards creating accessible educational opportunities for all.


In summary, providing ‘value for money’ secondary education is crucial in ensuring that students of all backgrounds have access to quality learning experiences that prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow. The collaboration between stakeholders, including governments, educators, institutions, parents, and civil society organizations, is essential to achieve this goal. By focusing on accessibility and quality equally, we can create educational models that help develop well-rounded citizens who contribute positively to the growth of our society.

Secondary Assembly: ‘Not Angles, but Angels’


The phrase “Not Angles, but angels” is a classic saying that has its origins in the Christian church. In this article, we will explore the historical background of this phrase, its significance in today’s world, and how it can be applied to secondary assembly.

Historical Background

In the year 597 AD, Pope Gregory the Great noticed some fair-haired Anglo-Saxon slaves at a Roman slave market. Struck by their angelic appearance, he asked about their origin. When told that they were Angles from England, he famously replied with a play on words: “Not Angles, but angels.” This remark led to Pope Gregory sending a missionary team, including St. Augustine of Canterbury, to convert the people of Britain to Christianity.

Significance in Today’s World

The phrase “Not Angles, but angels” serves as a powerful reminder that every individual has innate goodness and potential for greatness. By focusing on these positive qualities rather than our differences, we can create an inclusive and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected.

In modern society, it is essential to promote unity and cooperation among people from various backgrounds. By emphasizing this message during secondary assemblies, we instill in students essential values such as empathy, acceptance, and the importance of seeing beyond someone’s cultural or religious background.

Application to Secondary Assembly

When incorporating the theme of “Not Angles, but angels” into secondary assembly activities and discussions, consider following these steps:

1) Introduce the Historical Background:

Begin by sharing the story behind Pope Gregory’s iconic statement and its impact on British history. This will provide context for the importance of treating one another with kindness and respect.

2) Discuss its Contemporary Significance:

Highlight how this phrase resonates in modern society as a call for unity and acceptance of diversity. Encourage discussions on what it means to look beyond superficial differences and appreciate the inherent goodness in every person.

3) Reflective Activities:

Organize interactive group exercises that encourage students to share their thoughts and feelings about their experiences of inclusion and diversity. For example, create a human Bingo that showcases various positive qualities in each student, or engage in storytelling or role-playing exercises that tackle challenging topics such as discrimination and prejudice.

4) Encourage Action:

Inspire students to put these ideas into practice. Challenging them to become ambassadors for unity and acceptance within their school and community will provide real-life application of the theme while raising awareness of its importance.


Emphasizing the message of “Not Angles, but angels” in secondary assembly is an opportunity to inspire young people to embrace diversity and cultivate a culture of respect, empathy, and understanding. By sharing the story behind Pope Gregory’s iconic statement and exploring its implications in today’s world, we can empower students to create a future where all individuals are valued for their inherent goodness rather than judged by their differences.