Social Foundations of Education

Win a Cozy Collection of SEL Books for Your Classroom Library


The importance of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the educational environment has been widely recognized by educators worldwide. Developing students’ emotional intelligence and promoting a sense of community in the classroom is vital to their overall growth. To support teachers in this endeavor, we are excited to announce an amazing opportunity to win a cozy collection of SEL books for your classroom library!

Why you need SEL Books in your classroom:

SEL books are crucial for developing self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making among students. These books often feature relatable stories, colorful illustrations, and engaging content that helps children understand complex emotions and develop empathy towards others. A well-rounded collection of SEL books complements your curriculum and aids in fostering a positive learning environment.

How to enter the contest:

It’s easy to participate! Here’s what you need to do:

1. Visit our contest webpage (insert link) and fill out the registration form with your contact information, school name, and grade level.

2. Share with us your most innovative method(s) of incorporating SEL into your classroom routine or teaching methods.

3. Additionally, provide a brief description of how you plan to use the cozy collection of SEL books in your classroom library.

Contest rules and eligibility:

– The contest is open to all educators teaching preschool through 8th grade.

– Entries must be submitted before [submission deadline date].

– One entry per teacher; multiple entries shall be disqualified.

– Winners will be chosen based on the creativity and practicality of their SEL incorporation methods.

– Three winners will be selected, each receiving a cozy collection of 20 hand-picked SEL books for their classroom library.

Announcing winners:

The lucky winners will be notified via email by [winner announcement date]. The names of the winners will also be announced on our website (insert link) and our social media channels.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to enhance your classroom library with an inspiring collection of SEL books. Participate in the contest now and contribute to the emotional wellbeing of your students!

The SEL Program That Made Me and My School Happier and Kinder

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it is easy for young individuals to become overwhelmed by the pressures of school and life. A hectic environment can lead to increased stress levels resulting in negative behavior among students. But what if there was a way to counteract this growing trend? Enter SEL (Social Emotional Learning) programs, which have been proven to have a positive impact on students’ happiness, kindness, and overall well-being. In this article, I’ll share my personal experience with the SEL program that transformed not just me but also my school for the better.

SEL programs aim to improve students’ social-emotional skills while cultivating a positive learning environment. These programs tackle essential topics such as self-awareness, responsible decision-making, empathy, relationship-building, and effective communication skills. Our school adopted a comprehensive SEL program two years ago after witnessing an increase in bullying incidents and declining mental health among students.

At first, I was skeptical about the effectiveness of such a program. However, upon participating in the very first session of our school’s SEL initiative – focused on self-awareness – I began noticing some changes within myself. We were encouraged to express our feelings with more clarity and explore ways to understand our emotions better.

Throughout the course of the program, we continued working on essential skills such as empathy and relationship-building, which had an immense impact on the way we interacted with one another. Instances of bullying started declining steadily as understanding bloomed between those who were once at odds.

Our teachers were trained by professionals on how to integrate and adapt SEL strategies into their everyday lessons and activities as well. This approach allowed us to see significant improvement not just in our social-emotional well-being but also academically. Our teachers reported an increased level of classroom engagement after incorporating various SEL techniques.

One particularly memorable activity that helped foster empathy within our school community was the “Walk in My Shoes” project. Students were paired with a classmate who had a different background or faced unique challenges to experience a day in their shoes…quite literally. This groundbreaking activity paved the way for deep, sincere friendships that may have otherwise never blossomed.

I found that cultivating my emotional intelligence and strengthening my social skills through the SEL program positively influenced the relationships with my friends, family, and schoolmates. As a result, our school environment became more welcoming and supportive.

Noticing the tremendous changes within our school as a whole, not just at an individual level, demonstrated the transformative power of SEL programs. Our school had become kinder, happier, and more connected as everyone embraced the principles imparted by the program.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that adopting SEL programs can have positive rippling effects on students’ personal growth and well-being while significantly improving the atmosphere in schools. They help reinforce crucial values such as empathy, kindness, self-reflection – and encourage a culture of understanding that lasts well beyond classroom walls.

Empowering Students to Respond to #DeviousLicks


The social media trend known as #DeviousLicks has infiltrated schools, prompting students to engage in acts of vandalism and theft. While some view this phenomenon as a harmless prank, the resulting damages can have severe consequences for students, schools, and communities. Empowering students to counteract this trend is crucial for maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment.

1. Generating Awareness

First and foremost, students need to be educated about the potential consequences of participating in #DeviousLicks. Teachers, administrators, and parents can develop informative presentations about the legal repercussions of vandalism and theft. Besides targeting potential participants, such information should also reach their peers who may influence these individuals or report any suspicious activity.

2. Open Communication

Creating an open communication environment in school is essential for countering the #DeviousLicks trend. Students should feel comfortable discussing issues related to peer pressure and social media challenges with their teachers and classmates. Incorporating conversations about responsible social media use into classroom discussions can help normalize appropriate behavior online.

3. Establishing a Supportive School Community

Fostering a sense of belonging and community among students will ensure that they feel supported by their peers rather than compelled to impress them through destructive pranks. Encourage student organizations to develop campaigns or programs that promote positive values, like respect for school property and empathy towards staff members who must deal with the aftermath of vandalism.

4. Encouraging Positive Role Models

Highlighting positive role models within the student body can influence others to act responsibly. Recognize outstanding students for their achievements in academics, athletics, or citizenship, reinforcing that positive behaviors lead to success and admiration from their peers.

5. Channeling Creativity Constructively

Adolescents are often drawn to exciting challenges or stunts that test their boundaries. Providing them with safe outlets to express their creativity is crucial for minimizing destructive impulses. Organize school-wide events such as talent shows, art contests, or group projects to give students opportunities to showcase their skills and passions in a positive manner.

6. Promoting Accountability

To truly empower students to stand up against #DeviousLicks, they should be aware of the consequences for participating in these acts. Schools must enforce clear and consistent policies regarding vandalism and theft and emphasize that all students have a responsibility to maintain a respectful learning environment.


The #DeviousLicks trend poses a genuine challenge for schools, educators, and students. Empowering students to counteract this phenomenon involves fostering a sense of community, promoting open communication, and providing creative outlets for self-expression. By actively engaging with these challenges, schools can help build environments where destructive impulses are replaced with positive behaviors that encourage learning, respect, and growth.

Ultimately, peer influence will play the most significant role in discouraging participation in trends like #DeviousLicks. When students collectively promote respect for school property and support one another in making responsible choices, destructive forces like the #DeviousLicks trend can be dismantled from within.

Help! Can a Student Really Refuse To Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?


In a world where freedom of expression and individuality are highly valued, a common question arises: Can a student really refuse to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance? The answer to this question largely depends on legal precedents and personal beliefs. In this article, we will explore the history of the Pledge, the legal rights of students, and some examples of how schools have grappled with this question.

The History of the Pledge of Allegiance:

The Pledge of Allegiance was first introduced in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister and Christian socialist. Over the years, several amendments have been made to its wording, most notably in 1954 when “under God” was added. In its current form, it reads: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Legal Rights:

In 1943, a Supreme Court case (West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette) set a crucial precedent regarding students’ rights concerning the Pledge. The Court ruled that students cannot be compelled to recite or stand for the Pledge based on protections provided by their First Amendment rights. Since then, courts have generally upheld this ruling, asserting that schools cannot punish students who choose not to participate in reciting or standing for the Pledge.

Challenges and Notable Cases:

Although legal precedents support a student’s right not to stand or recite the Pledge, some schools continue to struggle with implementing and enforcing these policies. There have been numerous instances where students faced disciplinary action for exercising their right to abstain from participating in the Pledge.

For example, in 2017 an 11-year-old student named India Landry was expelled from her Texas school for refusing to stand during the Pledge. After a lengthy legal battle, the student’s family reached a settlement with the school district. Their case gained national attention and ignited conversations about patriotism, freedom of speech, and civil rights.


The answer to whether a student can refuse to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance lies in the United States Constitution and subsequent legal rulings stating that schools cannot force students to participate in such practices. However, as we’ve seen through various cases, the enforcement of this right can be challenging for both students and schools alike. To truly respect and uphold a student’s rights, it is essential for schools to create an environment that fosters open communication, understanding, and respect for differing opinions and beliefs.

10 Things Not to Say at Your School Staff Holiday Party

As school staff, we work diligently throughout the year and look forward to holiday parties as a time to unwind and relax with our colleagues. While these events can be a source of bonding and camaraderie, it’s essential to know where to draw the line in what we say and discuss. In the spirit of festivity, here’s a list of 10 things you should avoid mentioning at your school staff holiday party:

1. Complaining about your salary: Although we all know that teachers could be paid more for their hard work, a holiday party is not the place to air your grievances about salaries. Keep the conversation light-hearted and focus on the positive aspects of the profession.

2. Comparing the quality of two coworkers: Even if you’re just trying to be funny, comparing coworkers can lead to hurt feelings or hostility in the workplace. Avoid making comparisons and focus on building each other up instead.

3. Discussing religion or politics: These topics can spark fierce debates, which is not what you want at a fun festive gathering. Respect everyone’s opinions by keeping these conversations off-limits.

4. Gossiping about students: It’s not professional or appropriate to discuss your students’ personal lives with colleagues during a social event. Keep any discussions about students focused on academics and their achievements.

5. Offensive or inappropriate jokes: You never know how someone might interpret a joke or comment; what’s funny to you could be offensive to others. Stick with family-friendly humor that everyone can appreciate.

6. Critiquing management decisions: Expressing your feelings about recent decisions made by school administrators is not suited for a holiday party environment. If you have concerns or suggestions, bring them up with the appropriate personnel through official channels.

7. Commenting on coworkers’ appearances: Refrain from making unwanted comments about someone else’s appearance as it may lead to discomfort or awkwardness. Compliments on their festive attire are more suitable conversation starters.

8. Bragging about personal achievements: While it’s great to share your accomplishments with your colleagues, avoid boasting excessively, as this can come across as self-centered and egotistical.

9. Bringing up coworkers’ performance at work: Mentioning your colleague’s performance or review at a social event may cause embarrassment and hurt feelings. Keep work-related matters firmly in the workplace and enjoy the party atmosphere.

10. Inviting non-staff members without permission: A school staff holiday party is a chance for colleagues to relax and unwind together; inviting outsiders without first asking the organizer could potentially change the dynamic of the event. Always check before extending an invitation to anyone who isn’t on the school staff roster.

By avoiding these conversation topics, you’ll help create a positive environment and ensure that everyone has a great time during your school staff holiday party. So raise a glass, make a toast, and have a fantastic night with your fellow educators!

The Latest Dangerous TikTok Challenge Aimed Directly at Schools

TikTok, the wildly popular short-video sharing platform, has become a hub for various trends and challenges. Among these trends are some dangerous challenges that have led to unfortunate accidents and severe consequences. The most recent hazardous trend making waves is targeted directly at schools, putting students and school staff in harm’s way.

The challenge dubbed “Devious Licks” involves students stealing or vandalizing school property, recording the act, and then posting it on TikTok to gain likes, shares, and notoriety. This risky trend first emerged in September 2021 and rapidly gained momentum, with numerous videos featuring stolen items such as soap dispensers, fire extinguishers, and even classroom equipment.

Schools across the nation are dealing with the fallout from this dangerous challenge, as essential safety equipment is removed from hallways and classrooms. Additionally, schools face financial strain as they are forced to replace the stolen or damaged equipment while attempting to track down the culprits.

Administrators and educators are understandably concerned about this latest trend and are taking steps to curb its spread. Some schools have resorted to restricting access to certain areas or locking up valuable items during school hours. Meanwhile, others have implemented stricter supervision measures in an attempt to catch perpetrators in the act.

One of the more significant aspects of this challenge is its viral nature. As more students share their acts of vandalism or theft on TikTok, more followers feel compelled to participate in the trend. This creates a snowball effect that shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

This alarming situation has also caught the attention of local law enforcement agencies who now collaborate with schools to combat this dangerous trend. Authorities warn that anyone found guilty of theft or vandalism could potentially face criminal charges and punishment both inside and outside their academic circles.

Parents also play a crucial role in addressing this problem. It’s essential for them to have open conversations with their children about the severity and potential consequences of participating in such challenges. By emphasizing the importance of respectful behavior and teaching kids about the repercussions of their actions, parents can help mitigate the effects of this and other dangerous TikTok trends.

In conclusion, the latest dangerous TikTok challenge aimed at schools has had serious consequences, impacting students, educators, and administrative staff. It’s vital for everyone involved – students, parents, school administrators, and law enforcement – to come together to put an end to these reckless challenges. Acting as a unified front can deter others from joining in on “Devious Licks” and similar trends that promote destructive behavior, making schools a safer place for all.

Why Social-Emotional Learning Matters

In our ever-evolving world, we continue to grapple with various challenges—be it climate change, political upheaval, or new technological advancements—that leave an indelible mark on human lives. While academic and technical skills remain essential, social-emotional learning (SEL) has never been more critical. In this article, we explore why social-emotional learning matters and how it contributes to the comprehensive development of an individual.

Social-emotional learning is a process through which individuals acquire the necessary skills to understand and manage their emotions, show empathy, develop and maintain healthy relationships, make responsible decisions, and achieve various goals. SEL instills five core competencies in an individual: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Why is Social-Emotional Learning Important?

1. Mental Health: SEL enhances mental health by providing individuals with the ability to understand their emotions and manage stress more effectively. Programs focused on SEL help reduce the risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.

2. Academic Success: Studies have shown that students who participate in SEL programs perform significantly better academically than their peers who do not. Developing emotional intelligence leads to increased focus in classrooms, improved critical thinking skills, and stronger problem-solving abilities.

3. Improved Relationships: By emphasizing empathy and effective communication techniques, SEL cultivates stronger relationships with both colleagues and loved ones. Individuals equipped with these skills are less likely to experience conflicts in their personal or professional lives.

4. Responsible Decision-Making: SEL helps people make better decisions by fostering accountability for one’s actions and promoting a thorough understanding of potential consequences regarding others’ feelings or well-being.

5. Career Development: Employers often value professionals who possess strong emotional intelligence and communication skills—the foundations of SEL. By honing these abilities in employees, organizations bolster teamwork, leadership potential, and company culture.

6. Community Building: A community strengthened by SEL promotes inclusivity, tolerance, and understanding. These qualities are integral to overcoming prejudice and fostering social cohesion.

SEL Implementation

Schools, workplaces, and communities must strive to incorporate SEL into their everyday practices. In educational settings, this can be achieved by integrating age-appropriate activities that teach essential emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal skills.

Similarly, organizations can promote workplace well-being by developing specific programs that enable employees to practice emotional intelligence and facilitate a supportive work environment. This fosters better decision-making and collaboration, allowing the company to thrive in an increasingly competitive market.

In conclusion, social-emotional learning plays a crucial role in promoting mental health, academic success, personal growth, and community development. By prioritizing SEL initiatives across all levels of society, we prepare current and future generations for the challenges this complex world presents.

This Life Skills Library-in-a-Box Is the Easiest Way to Work SEL Into Your Curriculum


Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) into educational curriculums has become increasingly important in recent years. With more emphasis on developing well-rounded individuals, educators are looking for effective ways to integrate SEL components in their classrooms. That’s where the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box comes in – providing a simple and effective solution for educators to seamlessly integrate SEL into their teaching.

What is the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box?

The Life Skills Library-in-a-Box is a carefully curated collection of resources designed to help educators effortlessly integrate social and emotional learning concepts into their curriculums. The kit includes books, activities, games, and videos that cover a variety of essential life skills such as empathy, self-awareness, decision-making, and responsible behavior.

Benefits of Incorporating SEL Into Your Curriculum

1. Improved Academic Performance: Research has shown that students who participate in SEL programs often exhibit higher levels of academic achievement. By incorporating SEL concepts into their teachings, educators can help students develop strong social and emotional skills that will boost their learning capabilities.

2. Increased Positive Behavior: SEL programs have been proven to reduce negative behaviors in students while promoting positive ones. Through the use of resources like the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box, educators can instill values like respect, responsibility, and discipline in their students.

3. Better Mental Health: Studies have shown that students who participate in SEL programs show improvements in mental health, including reduced levels of anxiety and depression. With the increased focus on mental wellbeing today, incorporating SEL into your curriculum is now more important than ever.

4. Stronger Relationships: Social and emotional learning helps students build stronger relationships by teaching them how to communicate effectively, listen attentively, and empathize with others. These skills can lead to a more cohesive and supportive learning environment.

Using the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box

The Life Skills Library-in-a-Box is designed to be easily integrated into educators’ existing lesson plans. The comprehensive materials included in the box address various aspects of SEL and can be tailored to suit different age groups, learning styles, and environments. By incorporating these resources into their teachings, educators can effectively instill essential life skills in their students while enhancing their overall education experience.


Integrating social and emotional learning concepts into educational curriculums is crucial for developing well-rounded individuals, not just academically but personally as well. The Life Skills Library-in-a-Box makes this integration seamless for educators by providing a wealth of resources that can be incorporated into various lessons across the school year. By adopting the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box into your teaching practices, you’ll be promoting a more comprehensive, supportive learning environment for your students while also helping them reach their full potential.

19 Activities to Build Kindness Skills for Kids


Kindness is an essential life skill that helps children develop empathy and compassion. It also fosters a positive environment where they can thrive emotionally, socially, and cognitively. Teaching kindness early on helps build a strong foundation for their future relationships and interactions. Here are 19 fun and engaging activities to help children develop kindness skills.

1. Kindness Jar: Create a jar where kids can add notes about acts of kindness they observe or complete. Encourage them to read the notes aloud periodically, promoting reflection and sharing kind experiences with others.

2. Compliment Tag: During this game, each child must give a compliment to another before tagging them as “it.” This encourages positive reinforcement while having fun.

3. Community Service: Encourage kids to volunteer at a local organization, such as a soup kitchen or animal shelter, teaching them the importance of giving back.

4. Kind Notes: Have children write anonymous notes filled with positive affirmations for other students, family members, or friends.

5. Role-Playing: Use role-playing to teach empathy by having kids act out situations where they need to show kindness and understanding to others.

6. Gratitude Journals: Help kids start a gratitude journal where they can write down things they’re grateful for daily, fostering an appreciation for what they have.

7. Kindness Calendar: Create a monthly calendar with different acts of kindness listed for each day. Encourage kids to complete every task in the month.

8. Pay It Forward Chain: Teach children about paying it forward by completing a random act of kindness without expecting anything in return.

9. Thank You Cards: Encourage kids to create handmade thank you cards for teachers, peers, or family members who have helped them in some way.

10. Storytime: Read books that focus on themes of kindness, empathy, and compassion together as a group or individually.

11. Acts of Kindness Bingo: Create a bingo board filled with acts of kindness tasks. When kids complete a task, they mark the square, aiming for a full row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

12. Kindness Awards: Present awards to children who display exceptional kindness in various situations or towards their peers.

13. Sharing Circle: Teach kids the importance of listening and sharing by organizing a sharing circle where they take turns discussing their feelings and experiences related to kindness.

14. Create a Kind Classroom: Establish rules in the classroom that promote kindness and respect for one another, such as saying “please” and “thank you” and using polite language.

15. Smile Day: Encourage kids to smile at everyone they see throughout the day, spreading positivity and joy.

16. Cooking for Others: Involve children in preparing and cooking meals for others, such as elderly neighbors or friends in need.

17. Planting Trees: Teach kids about environmental stewardship by having them plant trees, demonstrating that kindness extends beyond human interactions.

18. Reverse Bucket List: Help children create a reverse bucket list of kind acts they want to do for others instead of things they want to achieve for themselves.

19. Kindness Week: Dedicate an entire week to practicing various acts of kindness both in the classroom and at home.


Building kindness skills is a vital aspect of developing well-rounded individuals who care about the world around them. These 19 activities will not only help children practice kindness regularly but also instill strong values that will last a lifetime.

Check Out These 33 Empathy Prompts!


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s an essential skill for building strong relationships, fostering collaborations, and creating an inclusive environment. Developing empathy can significantly impact our personal and professional lives. Here are 33 empathy prompts to help you better connect with those around you.

1. How are you feeling today?

2. What made you feel that way?

3. Can you describe a time when you felt similarly?

4. How would you feel if you were in their shoes?

5. Can you relate to their situation or emotions?

6. What do you think is behind their actions or feelings?

7. Have you ever experienced something similar to what they are going through?

8. Can you recall a time when someone showed empathy towards you?

9. How can I support or help you right now?

10. What challenges might they be facing that I’m not aware of?

11. How might their background or experiences influence their perspective or emotions?

12. What’s something positive about this person or situation that I can focus on?

13. Am I making assumptions or judgments? If so, how can I challenge them?

14. How would I want to be treated if I were them?

15. When have I exhibited behavior like theirs, and why did I act that way?

16. Are there any unresolved feelings or needs influencing my reaction to this person or situation?

17. What worries or fears could be affecting them right now?

18. Could there be stressors in their life that may lead them to act in this way?

19. Have I considered all relevant factors before making a judgment about this person or situation?

20. Am I taking the time to genuinely listen to what they have to say?

21. Am I acknowledging their feelings and experiences without minimizing or dismissing them?

22. When has someone in my life shown me empathy, and how did that affect me?

23. Can I encourage a deeper conversation by asking open-ended questions about their thoughts, feelings, or experiences?

24. How might their personal values or beliefs influence their reactions to a situation?

25. What strengths or qualities can I appreciate in this person?

26. Have I considered the possible cultural differences that may be at play?

27. Am I demonstrating patience and compassion when trying to understand their perspective?

28. Can I validate their feelings and opinions even if I don’t agree with them?

29. How can our shared experiences or interests help in building a stronger bond?

30. Might there be any triggers or past traumas contributing to this person’s current emotions or actions?

31. Am I suspending my own opinions and beliefs temporarily to focus on understanding theirs?

32. Are there any external factors affecting this person that might be influencing their behavior or emotions?

33. Can I practice empathy even when it’s challenging, knowing that it will strengthen my relationships in the long run?


Empathy is a crucial skill in creating meaningful connections with others and fostering an inclusive environment. By making a conscious effort to practice empathy, we become better equipped to handle challenging situations, support one another, and lead with compassion. Use these 33 prompts as a starting point for developing greater empathy and improving interpersonal relationships in all aspects of your life.