Teacher and Education Administrator Licensure

New to Teaching? Get Our Tips for Financial Success

As a new teacher, you are entering an exciting and rewarding profession. Although teaching is fulfilling in many ways, it’s essential to keep your financial health in mind. To help you achieve financial success as a teacher, we’ve compiled a list of helpful tips. Let’s dive right in!

1. Create a Budget

A crucial first step towards financial success is crafting a realistic and comprehensive budget. Identify and document your monthly expenses, including rent or mortgage, utilities, transportation, groceries, insurance, and saving goals. This spending plan will help you keep track of your finances and identify areas where you can cut back.

2. Develop an Emergency Fund

Unexpected expenses can arise at any time; having an emergency fund can provide a safety net to cover these costs without going into debt. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in a high-interest savings account.

3. Understand Student Loan Forgiveness

As an educator, you might qualify for federal student loan forgiveness programs like the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) or the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program (TLFP). Familiarize yourself with these opportunities and see if you qualify.

4. Save For Retirement Early

Even though retirement may seem far off, it’s never too early to start saving. Contribute regularly to your retirement plans, such as 401(k), 403(b), or pension plans offered by your employer. You can also set up an IRA for additional savings.

5. Take Advantage of Professional Development Opportunities

Investing in your professional growth will not only make you a more effective teacher but also increase your earning potential over time. Seek out conferences, workshops, and additional certifications for better-paying positions and career advancement.

6. Explore Additional Income Opportunities

Consider supplementing your income by teaching summer school or offering after-school programs in your area of expertise – such as tutoring, coaching, leading clubs, or teaching online classes. This diversification can help you reach your financial goals faster.

7. Stick to the 50/30/20 Rule

To maintain a balanced approach to your finances, consider following the 50/30/20 rule. Allocate 50% of your income to essential needs (housing, food, transportation), 30% to lifestyle choices, and put 20% towards savings and financial goals.

8. Regularly Review Your Finances

Periodically review your budget and financial plans to ensure that you’re always moving towards your desired financial future. Keep track of your spending and saving habits, and make adjustments as necessary.

9. Get Help from Experts

Don’t hesitate to consult a financial advisor or planner for assistance in managing your finances. They can provide valuable insights and guidance on your journey towards financial success as a teacher.

In conclusion, entering the teaching profession as a new educator is an exciting and rewarding opportunity. To achieve long-term financial success, carefully following these tips will help you establish a solid monetary foundation for yourself and your loved ones. Stay disciplined, capitalize on growth opportunities, and cultivate a secure future by making informed financial decisions throughout your career.

5 Things One Foster Youth Wants All Teachers and Educators To Know


The journey of a foster youth can be a challenging and complicated one. Often, these children navigate through a myriad of schools, homes, and experiences that can leave lasting impacts on their lives. As teachers and educators, it is necessary to understand and empathize with the unique perspectives of these students for them to thrive in educational settings. One foster youth has shared the following insights that he wants all teachers and educators to consider.

1. Foster Youth Have Unique Challenges:

Each foster youth’s experience is different, but many face unique challenges such as adjusting to new environments, being separated from siblings, dealing with trauma, and coping with feelings of instability. It is crucial for teachers and educators to recognize these challenges and provide a compassionate, nurturing learning atmosphere where they can focus on their education.

2. Building Trust Takes Time:

Foster children may have difficulty trusting adults due to past experiences with broken relationships or unstable environments. Teachers and educators should be patient when establishing rapport with a foster child. Providing consistency, support, and a non-judgmental space can help a foster youth feel more comfortable opening up over time.

3. Show Genuine Interest in Their Lives:

When a foster child perceives that a teacher genuinely cares for their well-being, they are more likely to invest emotionally in their education. Simple acts like asking about their day or what they enjoy doing outside of school can make a positive difference in fostering this connection.

4. Be Sensitive About Their Background:

Foster youth may be reluctant to discuss their personal situations or feel singled-out due to the stigma surrounding foster care. Teachers should be mindful about not divulging sensitive information without permission or making assumptions about a student’s background in discussions with other staff or students.

5. Encourage Peer Connections:

Forming friendships can be difficult for foster children who often change schools frequently. Educators should facilitate peer connections, as having friends in school can help improve a foster child’s academic success and overall well-being. An inclusive classroom that promotes teamwork and peer support can encourage these meaningful connections to flourish.


Foster children face unique challenges and often have the odds stacked against them. By listening to their voices and being mindful of their experiences, teachers and educators can make a significant difference in each foster child’s life. Remembering these five insights, educators can foster an environment that goes beyond just academic success and helps cultivate resilience and emotional well-being for all students, including those in the foster care system.

27 #TeacherTruths Only Classroom Vets Will Understand


A teaching career comes with many ups and downs, but the rewards are immeasurable. As experienced classroom veterans, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to navigate the wonderful world of teaching. Here are 27 #TeacherTruths that only classroom veterans will truly understand and appreciate.

1. No two days are ever the same, and that’s what keeps it interesting.

2. Your students can impress you with their creativity when you least expect it.

3. The joy of watching a struggling student finally “get it” is indescribable.

4. Classroom management is an art form, honed over many years of experience.

5. The difference between a good teacher and a great teacher is empathy.

6. Don’t sweat the small stuff; focus on the big picture instead.

7. Intuition and experience often trump lesson plans and textbooks.

8. A sense of humor is essential to keeping your sanity intact.

9. Parent-teacher conferences can be trying but also oddly fulfilling.

10. Over time, you become proficient at managing multiple tasks at once.

11. Teaching is far more than just imparting knowledge; it’s nurturing future generations.

12. Sometimes students teach you as much as you teach them.

13. Your favorite part of the day will usually involve little victories in the classroom.

14. Collaboration with other teachers is beneficial for both you and your students.

15. It’s impossible to please everyone, so focus on making a difference for those who appreciate it.

16. No one will ever fully grasp the amount of effort required behind-the-scenes work

17. Balancing work-life plays an important role in preventing burnout

18. Building trust with your students takes work but leads to better learning outcomes

19. The value of professional development should never be underestimated

20. Being flexible and adaptable are essential skills in this profession

21. The impact you have on your students’ lives goes far beyond the classroom walls

22. Grades aren’t the sole indicator of a student’s potential or success

23. Tackling the endless paperwork is a necessary evil – but it comes with the territory

24. A supportive school community makes all the difference for teacher morale

25. Great teaching isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about knowing how to facilitate learning

26. You’ll know you’ve been teaching for a long time when you finally start using – and understanding – technology like your students do.

27. Teaching has its share of difficult moments, but those challenges make the victories even sweeter.


These 27 #TeacherTruths only scratch the surface of what it takes to be an experienced educator, but they offer insight to those veterans who’ve spent countless hours in the classroom and impacted countless lives. Embrace these truths, and may they inspire you to continue making a difference in the world through teaching.

9 Ways Teachers are Superheroes Like Wonder Woman

In a world where superheroes dominate our screens and imaginations, there is one group of heroes that often go unacknowledged – teachers. Like the powerful Wonder Woman, teachers possess numerous qualities that make them stand out in their own heroic ways. In this article, we explore nine ways teachers are superheroes just like Wonder Woman.

1. Strength

Teachers, like Wonder Woman, possess incredible strength. They often work long hours, tirelessly dedicating themselves to educating future generations. Whether they are facing challenging classroom situations or standing up against educational inequalities, teachers find the inner power to persevere.

2. Wisdom

Just as Wonder Woman is endowed with the wisdom of Athena, teachers are knowledgeable in their respective fields. They constantly seek to expand their knowledge base to provide accurate and engaging lessons for their students.

3. Empathy

A crucial aspect of being a superhero is understanding and relating to others’ emotions. Teachers have a unique ability to empathize with their students and recognize their struggles.

4. Mentorship

Wonder Woman is known for her nurturing and mentoring abilities, guiding younger heroes to develop their skills. Similarly, a teacher’s primary role is to mentor and support students as they grow academically and personally.

5. Adaptability

Both superheroes and teachers must be adaptable to face changing circumstances effectively. Whether dealing with new curriculum standards or navigating an ever-changing world filled with technology and distractions, educators learn to adapt and overcome challenges in order to succeed.

6. Protectiveness

Like any superhero, teachers take on the responsibility of protecting their students from harm – both physically and emotionally. By creating a safe learning environment, they ensure that students can reach their full potential without fear or barriers.

7. Sense of Justice

Both Wonder Woman and teachers possess an innate sense of justice: a drive to create a fairer world around them. For educators, this means advocating for equal access to education and opportunities for all students.

8. Dedication

Superheroes commit themselves to their cause with unwavering dedication, and so do teachers. Despite long hours and difficult workloads, they consistently devote time outside the classroom to prepare quality lessons, grade assignments, and support their students.

9. Role Models

Last but not least, teachers and Wonder Woman alike serve as positive role models for others. By embodying these heroic traits, they inspire the next generation to be caring, knowledgeable, dedicated individuals.

In conclusion, teachers share much in common with the iconic superhero Wonder Woman. Armed with strength, wisdom, compassion, and dedication, these unsung heroes educate future generations and shape a better world for us all. Let’s honor and celebrate our teacher superheroes today!

Dear First-Year Teacher: A Love Letter

Dear First-Year Teacher,

As your adventure in the world of education begins, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations and share some words of wisdom, reflection, and love. As for myself, I have walked the path you are about to embark on – a path filled with challenges, triumphs, and passionate dedication to molding young minds.

The first thing you need to know is that you are not alone. Amidst the sea of lesson planning, grading papers, and meeting Standards of Learning, there will be moments when frustration or doubt may set in. But remember this – within the walls of your school are countless individuals who share your passion for teaching and are willing to lend a helping hand.

Do not hesitate to reach out to your colleagues for guidance and support. Their experiences will undoubtedly contribute to your growth and success as an educator. Collaborate with them, share ideas and resources, and take advantage of opportunities for professional development. Together, you can navigate the rocky waters of education more effectively.

Embrace the challenge of building strong relationships with your students. Develop a classroom culture where respect and empathy reign supreme. As you journey through the year together, foster a love of learning in each student by engaging their curiosity and encouraging kindness and acceptance.

Teaching is more than just facilitating knowledge transfer; it’s also about instilling self-love in our students as they navigate their own lives outside the classroom. Be patient with each student – for some will struggle more than others – while maintaining high expectations for their achievement.

Celebrate their successes as if they were your own because, in many ways, they are. Your influence on students does not end when the school bell rings or even on graduation day; it continues throughout their lives as they recall lessons learned both inside and outside the confines of your classroom.

Recognize that every day is an opportunity for growth – both professionally and personally. Some days may feel like setbacks or overwhelming hurdles, but find solace in the knowledge that with each challenge comes learning and reflection. Embrace the fact that you, too, are still learning, for the most inspiring educator is one who never stops seeking knowledge and improvement.

Take time to practice self-care and discover the balance between your personal life and your devotion to teaching. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup – it is vital to recharge, refresh, and reignite your passion for education by nurturing yourself.

Finally, know that you are loved – by your students, colleagues, and community. You have chosen a profession that possesses the power to change lives at their very core. Your dedication to building a brighter future for our children is admired and appreciated more than words could ever express.

So here’s my heartwarming wish for you on this incredible journey ahead: may you find joy in your students’ laughter, triumph in their growth, self-compassion amidst setbacks, and everlasting inspiration as an educator.

With love,

A Fellow Teacher

How Do I Check the Status of an Education Administration License?

If you are an education administrator, it is vital to keep track of your license status. Education administration licenses ensure that individuals have the necessary qualifications and experience to lead schools and other educational institutions effectively. Checking the status of your education administration license can help you maintain compliance with state and federal regulations, which can affect your ability to be employed in the field. Here are some steps to follow when checking your education administration license status:

1. Visit the website of the licensing agency: Look up the website of the licensing agency that issued your education administration license. Each US state has its licensing agency, so ensure that you visit the website specific to your location. Once you have access to the licensing website, find the section on license verification.

2. Provide the necessary information: You’ll need to provide some personal information to check your education administration license status. More often than not, the licensing agency requires your full name, license number, and date of birth. Ensure that you enter the information accurately, or else the license verification process might not be successful.

3. Follow the instructions of the licensing agency: The verification process will vary depending on the licensing agency you use; be sure to follow the steps provided by the agency appropriately. Some licensing agencies might require additional information, while others may require fees for the process. Pay the required fee if there is one and submit the documentation that’s relevant to your application.

4. Check the status of your license: After submitting your information, the licensing agency should provide you with your education administration license status. Some agencies will issue a certificate that confirms your license status, while others will issue a detailed report on your license. It’s essential to ensure that the license is valid and active as required by state law.

5. Renew your education administration license regularly: Education administration licenses can expire, and you must renew them from time to time. It’s best to keep track of your license’s expiration date and renew it before the date passes. This will avoid issues with your employment and ensure that you have the necessary qualifications to work in education administration.

In conclusion, checking the status of your education administration license is essential to remain compliant with state laws and regulations. The steps outlined above provide you with the necessary guidance to check your license status. However, and it’s crucial to renew your license regularly to remain qualified and employed in the field.  

How to Look Up the Background of Teachers in Every State

As a parent or student, it is important to know about the background of teachers before enrolling in a school or college. Every state in the USA has a different process for finding out the background of teachers. However, the procedure followed by every state is relatively easy and can be accessed online.

Here are some general guidelines that can assist you in looking up the background of teachers in every state:

1. Visit the State Education Agency Website

Every state in the USA has a State Education Agency (SEA), which serves as a central department to regulate public schools. You can visit the state education agency website, where they mention details about accredited schools and teachers. The website will provide you with a list of schools and teachers in the state. You can find the details of the teacher by searching for their name or school name.

In some states, the SEA website will also carry the background check details of the teacher. The background check details may include criminal records, education history, and employment history.

2. Teacher Certification Database

In every state, teacher certification is done through the state education department or board. The state education board maintains a database of all certified teachers in the state. The database can be accessed online by anyone. You can search for a teacher using their name or certification number.

The database not only provides information on certification status but also provides information on disciplinary actions, teaching experience, and educational background.

3. Criminal Record Check

In every state, a criminal record check is essential for teachers. The criminal background check verifies that the teacher has no criminal record and is safe to work in a school. In most states, the criminal record check is done through the State Police Department or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

In addition to the State Police Department or the FBI, some states also provide information about sex offenders in schools.

4. Teacher Evaluation Reports

Every state conducts a teacher evaluation process, which assesses the teacher’s performance in schools. The teacher evaluation reports are maintained by the state board of education which can be accessed online.

The teacher evaluation report includes details about the teacher’s classroom performance, including teaching skills, lesson planning, and student feedback.

In conclusion, it is necessary to know about a teacher’s background before enrolling in a school or college. Every state has a different process of finding out the background of teachers, but it can be accessed online. The best way to get a detailed background check of a teacher is by checking the State Education Agency website, teacher certification database, criminal record check, and teacher evaluation reports.