
16 Teacher Problems as Told by “Will & Grace” GIFs


Being a teacher is no easy task. With the ever-growing classroom size, pressure for students to perform well, and navigating the minefield of social interactions, it can be an emotional roller coaster. And what better way to express that roller coaster than through “Will & Grace” GIFs? Here are 16 relatable teacher problems as told by our favorite sitcom characters.

1. When you try to start class promptly, but your students keep trickling in late.

[Insert Will’s eye roll GIF]

2. The struggle of trying to keep a straight face while dealing with a student’s absurd excuse for not turning in their homework.

[Insert Grace’s laugh/smile control GIF]

3. That moment when you walk into the teacher’s lounge and find that someone anonymously left a box of donuts.

[Insert Jack’s celebratory dance GIF]

4. Keeping your cool during parent-teacher conferences when a parent tries to blame you for their child’s bad grade.

[Insert Karen’s dismissive eye roll GIF]

5. When you plan an amazing lesson, only to have a fire drill interrupt it halfway through.

[Insert Will’s frustrated head shake GIF]

6. When your more technologically savvy student shows you a quicker way to complete a task on your computer.

[Insert Grace’s surprise and embarrassment GIF]

7. The joyful wave of relief when the annual standardized testing week is finally over.

[Insert Jack’s happy jump GIF]

8. Trying not to look too excited when a student brings up a topic from the latest episode of your favorite TV show during class discussion.

[Insert Karen’s mischievous grin GIF]

9. Consoling yourself with chocolate after a particularly rough day of grading essays riddled with grammar errors.

[Insert Will eating ice cream GIF]

10. That feeling when you finally see a student who struggled grasp the concept you’ve been teaching.

[Insert Grace’s ecstatic applause GIF]

11. The dread that sets in as you realize summer break is over and it’s time to set up your classroom for a new school year.

[Insert Jack’s slow-motion “No” GIF]

12. Attempting to hear yourself think during indoor recess on a rainy day.

[Insert Karen with headphones GIF]

13. When you accidentally let out an unpopular opinion during a heated staff meeting.

[Insert Will’s “Oops” face GIF]

14. The pure joy of leaving work on the last day before Spring Break.

[Insert Grace’s victory dance GIF]

15. Trying to look engaged during yet another mandatory professional development seminar.

[Insert Jack’s fake enthusiasm GIF]

16. When a student gives you an unexpectedly heartfelt thank you at the end of the year, reminding you that it’s all worth it.

[Insert Karen wiping away a tear GIF]


Being a teacher may have its challenges, but it also has its rewarding moments. These 16 teacher problems perfectly captured by “Will & Grace” GIFs remind us of the hilarity and heart that come with this noble profession. And if laughter truly is the best medicine, then these relatable moments can help soothe even the most overwhelmed teacher’s soul.

Teachers Share the Kindest Thing a Coworker Has Ever Done for Them


The teaching profession can be both rewarding and challenging. In tough times, the kindness and support from coworkers proves to be invaluable. Here are heartfelt stories shared by teachers about the kindest acts their colleagues have done for them.

1. Covering Classes During a Family Emergency

When Julie received a call that her father had been hospitalized, she was understandably distraught. Her coworker, Laura, stepped in without hesitation to cover Julie’s classes for the rest of the day, allowing her to rush to her father’s side without having to worry about work as well.

2. Providing Encouragement on Difficult Days

As a first-year teacher, Emily struggled with self-doubt and stress, often questioning whether she had made the right career choice. Her fellow teacher, Tom, provided her with ongoing support and encouragement, cheering her up on difficult days by leaving kind notes in her mailbox or offering to chat over coffee.

3. Lending a Hand When Dealing with Personal Loss

When Sarah lost her mother unexpectedly, she was touched by the compassion shown by her coworkers. They rallied around her, providing comfort, pitching in by marking papers and coordinating lesson plans in her absence, as well as setting up a meal train for her family when they returned home from mourning.

4. Offering Emotional Support

Having faced an unpleasant confrontation with an irate parent, Olivia was left feeling shaken and upset. Her coworker Norma sensed her distress and invited Olivia into her classroom where they sat together in prayer and reflection – an act of kindness that provided much-needed solace.

5. Celebrating Professional Milestones

After several years of juggling work and studies, John finally earned his Master’s degree in Education. His coworkers surprised him with a lovingly decorated classroom filled with balloons and congratulatory messages. They also gifted him with a custom-made personal planner, acknowledging his hard work and dedication.

6. Providing a Safe Space to Vent

Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is simply listen. When Melissa faced difficulties at home and she became overwhelmed, her coworker Karen offered her an empathetic ear and a judgment-free space to let off steam.

7. Assisting Newcomers in Transition

Starting at a new school can be challenging. When Mark transferred to a new district, he was touched by the warm welcome he received from his coworker Carla, who not only helped him get acquainted with the school and its procedures but also connected him with fellow teachers in his subject area.


These stories of kindness reflect on the positive impact that compassion and empathy can have on our lives. As educators in particular, it’s essential for teachers to support one another through both professional and personal struggles – demonstrating how such acts of kindness can enrich each other’s lives as well as create a sense of unity within the workplace.

Which Teacher Supplies Are Worth the Splurge?

Every educator knows the importance of having a well-stocked classroom, but with tight budgets and endless supplies to choose from, it’s essential to prioritize. Here are the top six teacher supplies worth splurging on to create a comfortable and effective learning environment for your students.

1. Quality Seating

A comfortable chair goes a long way, especially when you’re spending countless hours in it each day. Investing in an ergonomic chair with proper lumbar support is essential to protecting your posture and maintaining comfort throughout the school day.

2. Heavy-Duty Stapler

A heavy-duty stapler is a gamechanger for teachers who often need to bind large stacks of paper, such as assignments, tests, or lesson plans. It may be more expensive than a regular stapler, but its durability, ease of use, and capacity for heavier-duty tasks make it well worth the price.

3. Reliable Laminator

Laminating classroom materials not only protects your resources from wear and tear but also adds a professional touch to your students’ work. A reliable laminator can help you preserve your teaching aids, posters, flashcards, and other essential documents—saving you money in the long run.

4. High-Quality Printer

As technology advances at lightning speed, having a high-quality printer in your classroom means you can print out resources on demand without sacrificing quality or time. Investing in a printer that can handle multiple functions like scanning and copying will save you trips to the main office and make life easier.

5. Portable Whiteboard Easel

If your room doesn’t come equipped with a permanent whiteboard or you teach across multiple classrooms, splurging on a portable easel can give your lessons an extra dimension of flexibility. They don’t take up much space when not in use and usually come equipped with magnets and markers that make setting up class discussions or group work much easier.

6. Document Camera

A document camera can revolutionize your teaching practice by allowing you to display documents, texts, or even objects on a projector or TV screen in real-time. This technology allows students to follow along with your lesson more easily, making the need for copies less necessary and increasing student engagement.

Every educator’s budget is unique, but these six teacher supplies can provide value that outweighs their costs. Investing in this premium equipment will not only encourage classroom efficiency but will also contribute to a more comfortable learning environment for both you and your students.

The Perfect Pooch for Busy Teachers: Finding the Right Furry Friend

As a passionate educator, you work long hours but still desire the companionship of a furry friend. Choosing the right dog to suit your busy lifestyle as a teacher can be challenging, but with some research and consideration, it’s possible to find the perfect breed.

When searching for your ideal canine companion, here are some key factors to think about:

1. Breed Characteristics

Some dog breeds are more suitable for individuals who work long hours. The following characteristics will help you identify the kind of dog which will cope well with your schedule:

– Low energy levels

– Independent nature

– Low maintenance requirements

Breeds like Greyhounds, Chihuahuas, and Basenjis possess these qualities and can adjust better to a teacher’s schedule.

2. Size Matters

Smaller breeds often adapt better to apartment living and require less space than larger breeds. They can also be easier to manage after a long day at work. Consider breeds such as Boston Terriers, Pugs, or French Bulldogs.

3. Adopting an Older Dog

Older dogs typically have lower energy levels than puppies and are more likely to be house-trained already. Adopting an older dog from a shelter is not only rewarding but may fit better into your routine as a teacher.

4. Professional Help

If your heart is set on a specific breed that may require extra attention or exercise, consider hiring a professional dog walker or enlisting the help of neighbors or friends to take care of your pup while you’re at work.

5. Managing Your Free Time

As with any pet owner, allocating quality time for your furry friend when you’re not working is essential for building trust and maintaining their wellbeing. Always strive to set aside   dedicated time for walks, playtime, grooming, and training; even if it means adjusting your weekend schedules or morning routines.

6. Doggy Daycare Options

Look into local doggy daycare services in your area. These establishments provide supervised environments for your pup to play and socialize with other dogs while you’re at work.

7. Building a Support Network

Your friends, neighbors, and family members can be invaluable resources when it comes to caring for your dog when you’re at work. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them and develop a plan to share the responsibility of taking care of your pet.

In conclusion, owning a dog as a busy teacher is not impossible if you have realistic expectations, make responsible choices, and use available resources wisely. By factoring in breed characteristics, size, age, and seeking help from your community, you can make the dream of having a furry companion a reality despite your long hours as an educator.

Should Schools Hire Parents to Fill in During the Sub Shortage?


The ongoing substitute teacher shortage has created significant challenges for schools worldwide. With a constant need for educators to ensure that every student gets the necessary education they deserve, an innovative approach should be considered. One potential solution is hiring parents within the school community to fill in during the substitute teacher crisis. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of such an idea.

The Advantages of Hiring Parents

1. Familiarity with students: Parents are already a part of the school community, and they understand its culture and have likely met many students, making them more approachable than unfamiliar substitute teachers.

2. Investment in success: As stakeholders in their own children’s education, parents will be invested in ensuring that the students’ learning experience is successful and meaningful.

3. Cost-effectiveness: By offering temporary job opportunities to parents, schools could save substantial resources on paying for outside substitute teacher agencies.

4. Building community connections: Fostering relationships among educators, parents, and students can have a positive impact on the overall school environment and create a stronger sense of collaboration.

5. Rapid response times: Since parents are generally part of the local community, they might be able to respond faster to teacher absences than distant substitutes.

The Disadvantages of Hiring Parents

1. Lack of qualifications: Most parents aren’t certified teachers and might not possess formal knowledge or experience in teaching methods or curriculum management which can lead to compromised educational quality.

2. Difficulties maintaining boundaries: Parents who work as substitutes may face difficulty separating their roles as educators and parents while interacting with their own children or other students in the school.

3. Potential for favoritism: The prospect of hiring parents increases chances of showing favoritism towards particular students, thereby harming impartiality needed in a classroom setting.

4. Limited availability: Some parents may not be available during school hours due to their career commitments or other responsibilities, making it challenging to rely on them as substitutes.


While hiring parents as substitute teachers during the current shortage presents certain advantages such as familiarity with students, investment in success, and strengthening community connections; it also poses considerable challenges like lack of qualifications, difficulties in maintaining boundaries, and potential for favoritism.

The decision to implement such an approach should be thoroughly considered and balanced against these factors. Schools could potentially explore hybrid solutions by offering training programs for interested parents to improve their teaching skills and setting up clear guidelines and expectations to ensure that standards are met and maintained. Ultimately, the goal is to provide quality education for every student despite the substitute teacher shortage.

Print This Free Kindness Activity Guide for Your Classroom


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to foster a culture of kindness in our classrooms. Teaching kindness can improve a student’s social skills, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being. To help educators introduce this crucial life skill into their curriculum, we’re providing a free, printable kindness activity guide for your classroom.

The Importance of Kindness:

Kindness is a quintessential trait that goes beyond mere politeness or good manners. It is an essential aspect of empathy and compassion—an understanding of other people’s feelings and perspectives. It nurtures relationships, creates a positive environment, and strengthens the emotional well-being of both the giver and the receiver.

Including kindness as part of your classroom curriculum will lead to better peer interactions, increased teamwork, and reduced bullying incidents. Furthermore, it will encourage students to practice gratitude and other positive habits that contribute to their emotional growth.

Free Kindness Activity Guide:

To make it easier for teachers to embrace kindness in their classrooms, we’ve compiled a list of activities in the free printable guide. These activities are easy to implement within existing lesson plans while still being fun and engaging for students.

1. Random Acts of Kindness Jar: Create a classroom jar where students write down anonymous random acts of kindness they have seen or experienced throughout their day. This encourages students to be more observant of acts of kindness around them.

2. Gratitude Journaling: Have each student keep a gratitude journal where they write down things they’re grateful for every day. This practice fosters a heart of gratitude and appreciation for others’ acts of kindness toward them.

3. Compliment Letters: Encourage students to write personalized compliment letters or cards for their classmates or teachers, highlighting specific positive traits or actions they’ve observed over time.

4. Class Service Projects: Organize class service projects where students work together to show kindness and care to others within their school or community. This not only promotes teamwork but also allows them to see the impact of their collective kindness.

5. Kindness Reflection Activities: Utilize guided discussions and story-sharing activities where students reflect on moments when they have acted kindly or received kindness from others. This can help students understand the importance of kindness in real-life situations.


Implementing a kindness curriculum is an invaluable tool for shaping young minds, instilling values of empathy, and creating a supportive classroom environment. By using the free printable kindness activity guide, teachers can seamlessly incorporate these activities into their existing lesson plans and achieve long-lasting benefits for students’ emotional growth, building strong foundations for healthy relationships moving forward.

Download your free printable kindness activity guide today and begin transforming your classroom into a haven of kindness and empathy.

Teacher Summer Photo Contest: A Fun and Exciting Event by We Are Teachers


The excitement is palpable as We Are Teachers, an organization focused on supporting and empowering educators, announces the launch of its annual Teacher Summer Photo Contest. This engaging event is designed to bring teachers together from around the world, encouraging them to share their favorite summer memories and create connections among fellow educators.

How the Contest Works

The Teacher Summer Photo Contest asks educators to submit their best summer photographs, capturing their unique holiday moments and cherished memories. Participants can enter various categories such as Travel, Hobbies, Family & Friends, Pets, or a category of their choice.

To participate in the contest, teachers need to follow a few simple steps:

1. Visit the official contest webpage hosted by We Are Teachers.

2. Register using a valid email address.

3. Choose a category for the photo submission.

4. Upload the picture with a caption that explains the significance of the moment.

Once submitted, entries will be reviewed by a panel of judges who will select finalists for each category. Fans will then have an opportunity to vote for their favorite photos in each category. The winning photographs will be announced at the end of the contest period.

Exciting Prizes Up for Grabs

The Teacher Summer Photo Contest offers incredible prizes for the winners. Prizes include gift cards, educational resources, tech gadgets, and other attractive offerings designed to enhance educators’ personal and professional lives.

More than the prizes though, participating in this contest provides teachers with an opportunity to creatively express themselves through photography and share their passion with others in their profession.

Creating Connections Through Shared Experiences

The Teacher Summer Photo Contest offers more than just a chance to win prizes; it is an opportunity for educators worldwide to come together by sharing glimpses of their summer vacations with one another. These shared experiences create stronger bonds between teachers as they celebrate together during their well-deserved break from the classroom.

Indeed, the event serves as a fantastic medium for fostering friendships and forging connections that last far beyond the contest.


The Teacher Summer Photo Contest by We Are Teachers is a fantastic initiative that encourages educators to celebrate their summer moments while forging connections with their peers. With the excitement of captivating photographs, amazing prizes, and the promise of new friendships, this contest is truly a remarkable event.

23 Teachers Share the Surprising Classroom Items That Keep Them Sane


Teaching is a rewarding profession, but it can also be nerve-wracking and challenging. When faced with long days of grading, planning new lessons, and disruptive students, teachers still find ways to stay sane while managing their classrooms. They often turn to unconventional classroom items that make a significant impact on their classroom dynamics and overall sanity. Here are 23 surprising classroom items shared by teachers that help them maintain their sanity in this demanding profession.

1. Noise-cancelling headphones: These help teachers concentrate when grading assignments or preparing lessons during lunch breaks or other quiet times.

2. Essential oil diffuser: A natural way to enhance the atmosphere of the classroom and reduce stress for both the teacher and students.

3. Fidget toys: Teachers use these to alleviate anxiety and stress during particularly tough days.

4. Stress balls: A classic tool for relieving tension and anxiety, helpful for both teacher and student.

5. Mini trampoline: Some teachers bounce on it during breaks to release pent-up energy and clear their minds.

6. Desk plants: Greenery can liven up the classroom environment and provide a calming presence.

7. Dark chocolate stash: Tasty treats can offer momentary relief in difficult situations.

8. Weighted blanket: Ideal for teachers who need a little extra comfort, especially those working with younger students during nap times.

9. Yoga ball chair: A healthy alternative to traditional chairs that promotes better posture and supports mental focus.

10. Arm roller massager: Perfect for relieving muscle tension caused by long hours of standing or sitting at a desk.

11. White noise machine: Helps create a calm environment, minimizing distractions in the classroom.

12. Electric tea kettle: A warm cup of tea is perfect for finding solace in hectic days.

13. Personal fan or space heater: Comfortable temperatures can help maintain a teacher’s patience and focus.

14. Himalayan salt lamp: Known for its calming effects, it creates a peaceful ambiance in the classroom.

15. A stash of good books: Teachers need a mental escape now and then, and reading can provide that.

16. Inspirational quotes: Motivational messages displayed around the room to help maintain a positive attitude.

17. Reusable water bottle: Staying hydrated is essential in maintaining a healthy mind and energy levels.

18. Meditation apps: Teachers can take advantage of short meditation breaks to stay zen throughout the day.

19. Puzzle or brain-teaser: Engaging in brief moments of mental stimulation separate from teaching duties can provide much-needed stress relief.

20. Under-desk elliptical machine: Staying active, even while seated, with low-impact exercise can help reduce stress and increase alertness.

21. Mini Zen garden or sand tray: Raking patterns in the sand can have remarkable calming effects on teachers.

22. Comfortable shoes or slippers: A comfortable teacher is more likely to remain calm and composed during the school day.

23. Healthy snacks: Nourishment is key to maintaining patience and energy, making it easier for teachers to get through long days of work.


These 23 surprising classroom items prove that teachers are resourceful when finding ways to stay sane during their demanding days. From using noise-canceling headphones to setting up mini Zen gardens, educators know what they need to maintain their well-being and continue inspiring their students every day.

Win a Set of Classic Books for Your Classroom Library

A well-stocked classroom library is an essential resource for educators striving to provide a comprehensive and immersive learning environment for their students. Classic books, in particular, offer timeless lessons, thought-provoking themes, and unforgettable characters that help young minds grow and expand their horizons. With this in mind, we are excited to announce an incredible opportunity for teachers to win a set of classic books for their classroom library!

The Importance of Classic Books in Education

Introducing students to classic literature allows them to engage with the rich tapestry of human experience throughout history. These literary works delved into universal themes such as love, friendship, courage, morality, and the complexities of human nature, helping students gain a better understanding of the world around them.

Moreover, studying classic books enables students to develop critical thinking skills and promotes effective communication. As they explore these works’ narrative structures and literary techniques, students can deepen their interpretive skills while fostering a lifelong passion for reading.

How to Enter the Classic Books Giveaway

If you’re an educator looking to enhance your classroom library with a diverse selection of classic books, participating in our giveaway is easy! Simply follow these steps:

1. Submit your entry: Fill out our online entry form with your name, email address, school name and address.

2. Share your story: In 300 words or less, tell us how you think adding this collection of classic books will benefit your students and impact their educational journey.

3. Spread the word: Share the giveaway on social media using the hashtag #ClassicBooksforClassrooms. Engage with fellow educators by sharing ideas on how best to use these timeless works in teaching.

Winners Selection and Prizes

Our esteemed panel of judges will review all submissions based on the creativity and thoughtfulness expressed in submitted stories. Ten lucky winners will be selected and each one will receive a curated set of 25 classic books for their classroom library!

These sets will include literary staples such as “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Pride and Prejudice,” “Moby Dick,” “The Catcher in the Rye,” and many more. These treasures spanning various genres and time periods are sure to inspire, challenge, and captivate your students for years to come.

Don’t miss this chance to win an incredible collection of classic books for your classroom library. Enter today and help foster a lasting love for literature in your students!

When One of Your Best Teachers is Always Late to School


Being a principal comes with an array of responsibilities, one of which is managing an efficient and harmonious school environment. An essential part of this role involves addressing the issue of teacher tardiness. When one of your best teachers is consistently late to school, it can disrupt schedules, impact student learning, and even create tension among staff members.

In this article, we’ll discuss practical ways principals can address teacher tardiness, especially when it involves highly impactful educators.

1. Approach the Situation with Empathy

Before addressing a tardiness issue, it is crucial to remember that everyone has unique situations and challenges in their lives. It’s always helpful to approach the issue with empathy and an open mind. Speak privately with the teacher, inquire if they are encountering any personal or professional difficulties, and listen attentively to their responses.

2. Be Firm yet Understanding

While empathy is essential, it’s also crucial to communicate the importance of punctuality as a professional responsibility. There may be instances where the teacher may not be aware of the negative impacts of their tardiness on students, staff, and school schedules. By providing concrete examples and explaining how their punctuality affects others, you can both open communication channels with the teacher and create an opportunity for improvement.

3. Offer Supportive Solutions

After discussing the issue and understanding the underlying reasons for tardiness, offer potential solutions that show your support as a leader. These might include adjusting work hours or offering remote teaching on specific days (if feasible). This approach demonstrates that you value their contributions as an educator while still seeking solutions that benefit the entire school community.

4. Encourage Accountability

To ensure long-term improvements in punctuality, provide regular feedback and follow-ups about their progress toward eliminating tardiness. Schedule regular check-ins with the teacher and offer specific examples where you’ve noticed improvement or witnessed continued lateness. This ongoing communication will help them understand that punctuality is a vital aspect of their commitment to the school community.

5. Create an Overall Punctuality Culture

It’s essential to remember that it’s not only about the individual teacher but also about fostering a culture of professionalism and punctuality throughout the school. Encourage all staff members, including teachers, administrators, and support staff, to strive for punctuality and hold each other accountable.

This effort can take the form of regular discussions during faculty meetings, implementing incentives or rewards for excellent attendance and punctuality, and highlighting exceptional examples among your staff as role models.


When one of your best teachers is always late to school, it can be a challenging situation for a principal. By approaching the issue with empathy, understanding, supportive solutions, and fostering a long-term sense of accountability and professionalism among all staff members, you can create a path toward consistent punctuality that benefits both the teacher and the entire school community.