
Dice Games for Teachers

Dice games can be a fantastic tool for teachers looking to incorporate fun and educational activities into their classrooms. With the simplicity of dice and the vast array of games that can be designed around them, they offer an engaging way to reinforce learning across a variety of subjects.

For mathematics, dice are an excellent resource for teaching probability, addition, subtraction, and even more complex operations like multiplication. One simple game is ‘Roll for the Sum’, where students roll two dice and quickly add up the numbers. Teachers can adapt the complexity by including more dice or changing the mathematical operation. ‘Multiplication Bingo’ can also excite children; each student has a bingo card filled with products and rolls dice to multiply together, marking off resulting numbers on their card.

In language arts, ‘Story Dice’ can help with creative writing. Each side of a die features a different image or word, encouraging students to weave a story based on the rolled results. This stimulates imagination and can be played individually or as a group.

Social studies classes can benefit from ‘Historical Figures Dice.’ Each die represents different aspects like time periods, contributions, or societal impacts. When rolled together, students could make connections between different historical figures or events.

For science instruction, dice games can simulate scientific phenomena or model experimental probability. For instance, a game named ‘Ecosystem Dice’ could help students understand biodiversity; each roll determines which species thrive or face challenges in an ecosystem simulation.

Moreover, dice games promote soft skills such as strategic thinking, collaboration, and sportsmanship. In inclusive classrooms where diverse learning needs are present, dice games provide tactile learning opportunities that aren’t overly reliant on reading or writing skills.

It’s important for teachers to ensure that games align with educational goals and not just serve as entertainment. The simplicity of dice, however, means they can easily be incorporated into lesson plans across the curriculum while maintaining an element of fun that keeps students engaged and eager to learn.

Feeling a Little Flat? Check Out These Desktop Backgrounds for Teachers

In the ever-changing landscape of education, teachers constantly find new ways to bring vibrancy and engagement to their classrooms—even in their virtual spaces. One often-overlooked aspect of a teacher’s online presence is their desktop background. It’s not just a backdrop; it’s a canvas for inspiration and organization, and an opportunity for educators to express themselves.

These curated desktop backgrounds aren’t just colorful and energizing—they’re functional. They can help set the tone for your digital workspace, organize your desktop icons, and even serve as a conversation starter during online classes.

1. Inspirational Quotes: Kickstart your virtual class with a powerful quote on your desktop background. From historical figures to modern-day thought leaders, letting these words take center stage on your screen can motivate both you and your students.

2. Educational Themes: Be it math formulas, historic timelines, or scientific diagrams—subject-themed backgrounds can serve as quick reference tools and also spark student interest.

3. Organizational Grids: Who says you can’t be stylish and organized? Grids or shelf-like backgrounds can help you categorize and align your folders and documents, making your digital desk as tidy as your physical one.

4. Seasonal Designs: Reflect the season’s change or upcoming holidays in your digital space. Not only will this keep things fresh, but it’s also a way to signal transitions between academic terms or units.

5. Interactive Calendars: Having a calendar as part of your wallpaper can keep key dates at the forefront—be it project deadlines, test dates, or school events. A glance at your desktop can keep you well-prepared.

6. Personal Touches: Sometimes, a snippet of personal life brings warmth to the teacher-student relationship—whether that’s a photo from a recent trip, a snapshot of your pet, or artwork from students.

7. Minimalist Designs: If simplicity is key in avoiding distractions, opt for minimalist designs with soft colors that promote calmness during hectic teaching days.

8. Literary Inspirations: Book covers, famous literary scenes, or images of bookshelves can be particularly inspiring in English classes and encourage students to dive into their next reading assignment.

9. Cultural Artifacts: Celebrate diversity by showcasing cultural artiworks or landscapes from around the world—both educational and visually striking.

10. Mindfulness Reminders: Encourage calmness and mindfulness with serene landscapes or images that depict tranquility—important reminders for both teachers and students during busy school days.

Whatever you choose, let these backgrounds refresh not just your screen but also your perspective each day as you navigate the challenges of modern teaching. Keep things personal, functional or simply aesthetically pleasing—the choice is yours!

27 Fun Valentine’s Day Ideas for Teachers That Your Class Will Love

Valentine’s Day isn’t just a time for couples to celebrate – it’s also a perfect opportunity for teachers to incorporate themes of love, kindness, and friendship into their classroom activities. From crafting and learning to playing and partying, here are 27 fun Valentine’s Day ideas that will surely make the day special for your class.

1. Craft a Friendship Wreath: Have each student contribute a heart with their name on it to a class wreath.

2. Valentine Card Exchange: Set up a mailbox for students to deliver valentine cards to each other.

3. Historical Valentines: Teach them about the history of Valentine’s Day with a creative storytelling session.

4. Love-Themed Pictionary: Use words related to love and friendship for a game of Pictionary.

5. DIY Heart Bookmarks: Create simple bookmarks that students can personalize and use.

6. Heart-Shaped Snacks: Bake heart-shaped cookies or make sandwiches cut into hearts.

7. Love Note Writing Workshop: Encourage students to write notes of appreciation to friends and family.

8. Balloon Pop Quiz: Put math or vocabulary questions inside balloons – pop to answer.

9. Random Acts of Kindness Challenge: Encourage random acts of kindness in class or around the school.

10. Friendship Salad: Each student brings in a fruit and together, they make a class fruit salad.

11. Valentine’s Day SCOOT: Get kids moving with a game where they answer questions at different stations.

12. Heart Relay Race: A PE activity where students race while balancing paper hearts.

13. Create Valentine Decorations: Use recycled materials to decorate the classroom.

14. ‘Things I Love’ Poster Session: Students create posters showcasing their favorite things.

15. Valentine Bingo: Play bingo with cards featuring Valentine symbols instead of numbers.

16. Gratitude Circle: Share something you appreciate about another person in the class.

17. Love Poems Reading Hour: Read and discuss famous love poems appropriate for their age group.

18. Cupid’s Arrow Toss: A fun throwing game using homemade arrows and targets labeled with points.

19. Partner Art Projects: Pair up students to create collaborative works of art.

20. Heart Health Lesson: Teach the importance of keeping your heart healthy through diet and exercise.

21. Science of Love Activity: Explore pheromones or how feelings affect our bodies scientifically.

22. Romantic Music Analysis: Discuss the feelings conveyed in common romantic tunes, instrumentally and lyrically (age-appropriate).

23. Kindness Role-Playing: Act out scenarios showing kindness in action.

24. Secret Friend Week: Assign secret friends to show kindness anonymously leading up to V-Day.

25. Geography of Love: Identify countries on a map and discuss their Valentine’s Day traditions.

26. Love Around the World Presentation: Students research and present on how love is celebrated globally.

27. Self-Love Yoga Session: Host a calming yoga session focusing on self-love affirmations.

These activities can foster an environment of inclusivity, respect, adoration, and care among your students on Valentine’s Day – not just towards others but towards themselves as well!

Teachers 20 Reasons Why You Are Incredible

Teachers shape the minds of our future and often do not receive the recognition they deserve. Here are 20 reasons why teachers are incredible:

1.Dedication: Teachers dedicate countless hours beyond the school day to craft lessons, grade assignments, and support their students.

2.Patience: They exhibit extraordinary patience while managing diverse classrooms and different learning paces.

3.Creativity: Teachers constantly develop innovative ways to inspire and engage their students in learning.

4.Lifelong Impact: The lessons they teach often extend beyond academics, leaving a lasting impression on students’ lives.

5.Adaptability: Rapidly changing educational landscapes and technologies require teachers to adapt quickly to new ways of teaching.

6.Encouragement: A teacher’s encouragement can be the catalyst for a student’s belief in their potential.

7.Knowledge: Their depth of knowledge in their subject area provides a rich learning experience for students.

8.Guidance: Teachers mentor and guide students through personal, academic, and social challenges.

9.Commitment to Growth: They are committed not only to their students’ growth but also to their professional development.

10.Resourcefulness: Teachers utilize all available resources to enhance the educational experience for everyone in the classroom.

11.Empathy: An understanding of student emotions and struggles helps teachers connect and communicate effectively with their pupils.

12.Advocate: Teachers often advocate for students’ needs within the educational system and beyond.

13.Psychological Insight: They understand child development and tailor their approach accordingly.

14.Discipline Maintenance: Effective classroom management requires maintaining discipline while fostering a supportive environment.

15.Cultural Awareness: Teachers appreciate diverse backgrounds and integrate this understanding into their teachings.

16.Multitasking Skills: Juggling administrative duties, lesson planning, and interactive teaching all at once is no small feat.

17.Lifelong Learning Ambassadors: Teachers instill the importance of continuous learning throughout life.

18.Inspirational Role Models: Many students look up to teachers as role models who inspire them to achieve greatness.

19.Passionate about Change: Educators push for changes that can improve academic environments and learning outcomes.

20.Selflessness: Finally, the willingness of teachers to put their students’ needs above their own showcases an incredible level of selflessness.

Teachers are the unspoken heroes of society, nurturing generations with unwavering commitment and passion for teaching and learning.

Teacher Life Hacks Tips for Stress-Free Mornings


Mornings can be a hectic time for teachers, with last-minute lesson preparations, completing paperwork, and getting ready for the school day. However, by implementing some simple life hacks, teachers can create a stress-free morning routine that sets them up for a successful day ahead. In this article, we will explore some practical tips and strategies to help teachers start their mornings off on the right foot.

1. Prepare the Night Before:

One of the best ways to ensure a stress-free morning is by preparing ahead of time. The night before, take a few minutes to gather and organize all the necessary teaching materials, paperwork, and personal items that you’ll need for the next day. This will save you valuable time and prevent a frantic search for missing items in the morning.

2. Create a Morning Routine:

Establishing a consistent morning routine can help teachers get into a positive mindset and set the tone for the rest of the day. Whether it’s enjoying a cup of coffee, practicing mindfulness exercises, or engaging in light physical activity, find activities that make you feel energized and prepared for the day ahead.

3. Streamline Getting Ready:

To avoid feeling rushed in the morning, streamline your getting ready routine. Lay out your clothes, pack your bag, and ensure that everything you need is easily accessible. This will minimize the time spent scrambling for items and help you feel more organized and in control.

4. Optimize Breakfast:

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, and as a teacher, you need to fuel your body and mind adequately. Consider meal prepping or preparing simple, nutritious breakfast options that you can grab on busy mornings. Smoothies, overnight oats, or a protein-rich snack can be quick and hassle-free choices.

5. Utilize Technology:

Take advantage of technology to make your mornings more efficient. Use apps or digital tools to set reminders, create to-do lists, or automate certain tasks. For example, scheduling emails or lesson plans in advance can save you time and mental energy in the morning.

6. Delegate Responsibilities:

As a teacher, you don’t have to carry the entire burden of morning tasks alone. If possible, delegate responsibilities to family members, students, or colleagues. This could include tasks like setting up the classroom, organizing materials, or distributing assignments. Sharing the load can alleviate stress and create a more collaborative and supportive environment.


By implementing these teacher life hacks, you can transform your mornings from chaotic to stress-free. Remember to prepare the night before, establish a morning routine, streamline your getting ready process, optimize breakfast, utilize technology, and delegate responsibilities. These simple strategies will not only save you time and energy but also contribute to a positive and productive start to your day as an educator.

Meet Our Teacher – Stephanie Mulrooney

In the heart of our educational community, where the spirit of learning flourishes, we find dedicated educators who become the unsung heroes of intellectual and personal development. One such educator, whom we have the pleasure to introduce today, is Ms. Stephanie Mulrooney. Embarking upon her journey as a teacher over a decade ago, Stephanie has since transformed countless lives through her commitment to education and her students.

Stephanie Mulrooney is not just a teacher; she is a mentor, a guide, and an inspiration to all those who have walked through her classroom doors. With her Masters in Education from Newington University, she specializes in English Literature—fostering a deep appreciation for both the classics and contemporary works among her pupils.

Teaching 11th and 12th-grade students at Carlton High School, Ms. Mulrooney’s approach is one that combines rigor with passion. She believes in challenging her students not merely to excel academically but to engage critically with texts, exploring the various ways literature reflects and shapes our world. It’s this philosophy that has earned her the respect and admiration of both students and faculty alike.

But what truly distinguishes Stephanie is her ability to connect with students on an individual level. Testimonials from her pupils are telling: they describe her classes as transformative experiences where each student felt seen, understood, and encouraged to reach their fullest potential.

Moreover, Ms. Mulrooney’s impact transcends the classroom; she is actively involved in after-school programs including the Young Writers’ Workshop and the annual school play, where she serves as a director. Her dedication to extracurricular activities provides students with avenues to explore their talents and interests further.

The adage “to teach is to touch a life forever” rings true when it comes to Stephanie Mulrooney’s teaching career. Her unwavering dedication to the craft of teaching has illuminated countless minds—equipping them with knowledge, fostering critical thinking skills, and nurturing a lifelong love for learning.

Carlton High School counts itself fortunate to have Stephanie Mulrooney as part of its faculty – a teacher whose legacy flourishes in every student she teaches. It is educators like Ms. Mulrooney who remind us of the profound influence a passionate teacher can have on shaping future generations.

Teachers: The Best Netflix Series to Binge (Holiday Edition)

As the holiday season approaches, educators across the globe look for ways to unwind and recharge before heading back into the classroom. The festive break allows teachers to indulge in some much-needed downtime, and what better way to spend it than by binge-watching some of the best series Netflix has to offer?

Netflix has a vast library that caters to every taste, so whether you’re a teacher looking for relatable content or just love education-themed series that are heartwarming, hilarious, or thought-provoking, there’s something for everyone. Here’s a list of series that are perfect for teachers during the holiday season.

1. The Magic School Bus Rides Again – For those who loved the original, this reboot will take you on a nostalgic trip while also providing educational content that’s both fun and informative. It’s perfect for teachers with young children or any educator wanting to reignite their passion for teaching through playful curiosity.

2. Rita – This Danish series follows a fiercely independent and unorthodox teacher who is beloved by her students but often clashes with the adults around her. “Rita” is great for educators interested in exploring different educational systems and the challenges faced within them.

3. The Crown – While not directly about teaching, “The Crown” is ideal for history teachers or anyone with an interest in modern British history. It offers a dramatized glimpse into the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, an excellent conversation starter for history classes after the break.

4. Abstract: The Art of Design- This docu-series is inspiring for art teachers or creative minds as it explores the artistic genius behind various forms of design and innovation. Each episode focuses on a different designer from various disciplines, providing insightful perspectives on embracing creativity.

5. Call the Midwife – Although set in the past and centered around midwives in London’s East End during the 50s and 60s, this show touches on many socio-economic issues still prevalent today. It’s a touching series that values compassion and resilience — traits every teacher can appreciate.

6. Anne with an E- Based on Lucy Maud Montgomery’s classic novel “Anne of Green Gables,” this enthralling adaptation celebrates themes of identity, love, and belonging; it’s suitable for English teachers or anyone with a love for literature.

7. Explained – For those who aim to never stop learning, “Explained” provides short documentaries on various topics that can enhance general knowledge and provoke thought — ideal fuel for sparking classroom discussions.

Binge-watching these shows could provide much-needed laughter, tears, inspiration, or simply a good story during your time off from teaching. Remember to grab some cocoa, cozy up under your favorite blanket, and let yourself get lost in these compelling series tailored just for you this holiday season. Enjoy your binge-watching marathon!

Games for Teachers

Teachers are always on the lookout for innovative ways to engage their students and enhance the educational experience within the classroom. Games have emerged as an effective tool for capturing students’ interest and making learning fun. Incorporating games into lesson plans can help students grasp complex concepts, encourage teamwork, and improve motivation.

Educational games can range from simple paper-and-pencil games to sophisticated digital platforms that provide interactive learning experiences. For instance, math teachers might use games to teach arithmetic operations, geometry, or algebraic thinking by challenging students to solve puzzles or compete in math races. Language arts teachers may use word games or storytelling activities that encourage creative thinking and improve vocabulary.

Technology has expanded the opportunities for game-based learning with educational software, apps, and online resources that are designed to align with curricular goals and standards. Platforms like Kahoot! and Quizizz have gained popularity for their user-friendly interface and ability to create custom quizzes that make assessment engaging. Furthermore, simulation games can transport students to different historical periods or scientific environments, allowing them to experience scenarios firsthand.

While digital games provide various benefits, traditional non-digital games shouldn’t be disregarded. Simple board games can teach strategic thinking and collaboration; role-playing can help in understanding historical events or literary characters; and even physical games in PE lessons promote teamwork and fair play.

However, the effectiveness of games in education largely depends on their proper integration into the curriculum. Teachers must ensure that these interactive activities serve as complements to traditional teaching methods rather than replacements. Careful selection of games that align with educational outcomes is crucial.

Moreover, it’s essential for teachers to facilitate these gaming experiences effectively by setting clear objectives, explaining rules thoroughly, and debriefing with students post-gameplay to reinforce learning points.

In conclusion, when integrated thoughtfully into lesson planning, games for teachers offer a dynamic way to enrich classroom instruction and student engagement. The key lies in selecting the right game for the educational goal at hand and ensuring it enhances rather than distracts from the learning process.

A Day in the Life of a Teacher (Schitt’s Creek Edition)

The sun peeks over the horizon in Schitt’s Creek, casting a warm glow over the small town that has become synonymous with laughter, heart, and unexpected transformations. As the town awakens, so does its modest high school, nestled in the heart of Schitt’s Creek. Here, teachers like Mr. David Rose begin their day much earlier than most.

Rising before dawn, David takes a moment to choose his meticulously curated ‘teacher outfit’ for the day. As a fashion connoisseur turned educator, he crafts each ensemble with purpose and flair, blending his unique style with the practicality required for a day spent inspiring young minds.

With coffee in hand – an absolute must for David – he reviews the lesson plans carefully laid out on his dining room table. Today’s focus is on art history coupled with a hands-on project that channels students’ creativity into textile design. He punctuates his plans with real-world applications and references to his former life in New York City’s fashion scene.

Once at school, he makes his way to his classroom and tidies up the space – aligning chairs, organizing supplies, and setting a welcoming tone with some light music in the background. His students trickle in with varying degrees of enthusiasm; morning greetings range from sleepy nods to bright smiles.

David starts class by reviewing yesterday’s lesson before delving into today’s material. Adopting an interactive approach, he encourages questions and sparks discussions that often deviate into life lessons that are just as important as academic ones — a blend of scholastics and life skills that would surely make his mother, Moira Rose, proud.

Lunchtime serves as more than just a break for sustenance; it’s an informal staff meeting where teachers like Bob Currie share local news or gossip while sitting on folding chairs in the break room. The camaraderie amongst faculty often leads to collaborative ideas for school events or fundraisers.

Afternoons are filled with more teaching sessions intermingled with one-on-one time assisting struggling students or those brimming with advanced creative ideas. There’s always grading to be done or parents to call but David finds energy in seeing potential flourish within his students.

The final bell rings, signaling the end of another day packed with learning and growth – both for the students and David himself. As David collects assignments and files away paperwork, he reflects on how his own narrative has become intertwined with this tiny community schoolhouse.

Post-school hours might find him planning future lessons or attending extracurricular activities supporting his students at their sports games or art exhibits. Eventually, he’ll wind down discussing educational strategies over dinner at Café Tropical with fellow teacher Stevie Budd or perhaps participating in town events like an open mic at Rose Apothecary.

As night falls over Schitt’s Creek High School, David locks up his classroom and heads home. Despite bouts of exhaustion and challenges that teaching brings, he carries a sense of fulfillment knowing that every day offers new opportunities to impact young lives in positive ways – each lesson bringing color not just into their world but also into his own.

Against the backdrop of Schitt’s Creek’s tight-knit community, being an educator extends far beyond just imparting knowledge; it’s about being part of something greater than yourself – shaping futures one student at a time amidst shared small-town love and levity. And so ends another day in the life of a teacher – Schitt’s Creek edition.

Opinion Time: Should Parents Parent and Teachers Teach?

In the world of education, lines can sometimes blur between the roles of parents and teachers. This has given rise to a significant question: Should parents just parent and teachers just teach? The debate is a perennial one, with valid arguments on both sides.

Those who advocate for a clear boundary between parenting and teaching argue that educators are trained professionals who understand how to convey knowledge and facilitate learning in a way that parents may not. They emphasize that teachers have the expertise to assess educational needs, individualize instruction, and manage classroom dynamics effectively. This perspective suggests that parents should trust educators to do their jobs while focusing on providing emotional support, instilling good values, and nurturing their children’s well-being at home.

On the other hand, proponents of a more integrated approach believe that education is not confined to the classroom’s four walls. Learning is a continuous process that happens everywhere, and parental involvement can enhance it. By being partners in their children’s education, parents can reinforce what is taught in school, provide contextual family knowledge which could aid teaching strategies, and actively engage in school-based decisions. Students often benefit when there is consistency between home and school expectations.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that over-involvement of parents can lead to issues such as undermining teachers’ authority or contributing to increased stress for children if expectations are misaligned between educators and parents.

Ultimately, finding the golden mean where both parties work collaboratively toward the best interest of the child seems to be the most beneficial approach. Regular communication between teachers and parents, mutual respect for each other’s roles, and a shared commitment to fostering an environment conducive to learning are key components of this partnership.

The conversation about whether parents should strictly parent while teachers exclusively teach remains open-ended. It touches upon cultural values regarding education, individual beliefs about child-rearing, and systemic structures in place within educational institutions. What remains clear is that both parenting and teaching are invaluable tasks which profoundly influence a child’s development. Bridging them in an effective partnership could very well be the answer to creating holistic learning environments tailored to prepare students not only for academic success but also life beyond school.

While every family and teacher will navigate this relationship differently based on their unique circumstances, striking a balance that respects both roles while keeping the child’s best interest front and center is fundamental in this ongoing discussion.