Teaching & Learning Theories

Show and Tell | Graduate Teacher Network

The tradition of “Show and Tell” is not just a fond memory from our elementary school days; it’s also a powerful tool in professional development networks, particularly for graduate teachers. Within the Graduate Teacher Network—a vibrant community of educators in the midst of mastering their craft—the principles of “Show and Tell” have taken on a new, transformative role.

Just as young students proudly display their treasured items or share exciting stories with their peers, graduate teachers in these networks exhibit and discuss their innovative teaching practices, insightful experiences, or resourceful materials they’ve created. This exchange has proven to be invaluable for personal and professional growth. Through this collaborative environment, graduate teachers develop a supportive space to reflect on their practices, obtain feedback from fellow educators, and foster continuous learning.

This modern adaptation of “Show and Tell” in the Graduate Teacher Network is not just about displaying what’s working; it’s a holistic approach that encourages vulnerability and the sharing of challenges faced in the classroom. This is where its true power lies—in the honest exchange that leads to collective problem-solving and advancement.

The practice encourages graduate teachers to stay updated with current educational trends, integrate research-based strategies into their teaching, and modify methodologies to suit diverse student needs. In doing so, it solidifies the connection between theory learned through their graduate studies and the practicalities of daily teaching tasks.

Moreover, “Show and Tell” sessions within these networks often ignite creativity, inspire new projects, and lead to mentorship opportunities. Veteran educators often step into guiding roles, offering insights gained through years of teaching experience.

Ultimately, this exchange catalyzes a crucial shift from isolated classroom practices to a community-centered approach where knowledge is shared freely—an essential move for those shaping the future of education. The Graduate Teacher Network’s take on “Show and Tell” goes beyond sharing—it’s about building a collective wisdom that not only nurtures teacher development but also enriches the educational journey for students across the globe.

Sound Energy Teaching Resources

Sound energy is a fascinating topic within the field of physics, often explored in school curriculums to teach students about the nature of sound, how it travels, and its different applications. As educators seek innovative ways to engage students in this concept, various teaching resources have become available to assist in delivering comprehensive and interactive lessons.

 Interactive Websites

Interactive websites like PHET Interactive Simulations from the University of Colorado Boulder offer simulations that allow students to visualize sound waves and observe how they travel through different mediums. Students can manipulate variables such as frequency and amplitude to see how these factors affect sound.

 Videos and Documentaries

YouTube channels like Khan Academy and CrashCourse provide a plethora of educational videos that delve into the science of sound. These resources are excellent for visual learners who benefit from animated explanations accompanied by expert narration.

 Lesson Plans and Activity Guides

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) provides lesson plans that align with educational standards, ensuring that activities meet curriculum goals while being engaging. These plans often include hands-on experiments such as creating simple instruments or using tuning forks to demonstrate vibration.

 Apps and Software

Applications like GarageBand and Audacity not only teach students about sound mixing but also introduce them to the physical properties of sound energy by enabling them to record and manipulate audio files.

 Classroom Experiments

Instructables or Steve Spangler Science have numerous DIY experiments that can be conducted in the classroom, such as creating whispering galleries or visualizing sound waves through oscilloscopes or smartphone apps.

 Books and Textbooks

Publishers like Scholastic offer books geared towards younger audiences with vivid illustrations and simple explanations, while textbooks designed for older students dive deeper into acoustics theory and mathematical descriptions of sound.

 Professional Development Workshops for Teachers

Organizations like NSTA also host workshops and professional development conferences where teachers can learn new strategies for teaching about sound energy, often including practical demonstrations that they can recreate in the classroom.

By leveraging an array of sound energy teaching resources, educators can craft an immersive learning experience that captivates students’ interest and fosters a deeper understanding of this core scientific principle.

Winter Holidays Teaching Resources

Winter holidays provide a golden opportunity to incorporate festive cheer into the classroom while educating students about cultural traditions and customs. Teaching resources tailored towards this chilly and cheerful time can enhance students’ learning experience and offer them a broader understanding of global celebrations.

One effective resource is the creation and use of thematic lesson plans which integrate subjects like history, geography, and art through the lens of winter holidays. For instance, historical lessons can focus on the origin of holidays such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Diwali, depending on their seasonal timing. This is also an opportune moment to teach about the winter solstice and its significance in different cultures.

Visual aids such as posters, PowerPoint presentations, and videos can bring to life the various traditions and celebrations associated with these holidays. For younger children, storybooks with winter holiday themes can be particularly engaging. These resources not only support literacy development but also cultural awareness.

Interactive activities are another valuable resource for educators. These might include crafting holiday decorations which require following instructions and using fine motor skills or perhaps cooking simple recipes that introduce students to traditional foods from different cultures. Meanwhile, organizing class projects such as a multicultural holiday fair can be both educational and fun—an event that encourages students to research and present on different winter holidays around the world.

Printable worksheets can consolidate students’ knowledge through crosswords, word searches, and quizzes related to winter holidays and their significance. These worksheets can be customized for different age groups and learning levels.

Technology integration is key in today’s classrooms; therefore, educational software and online games themed around winter holidays offer an engaging platform for reinforcing concepts learned in class. They also cater to varying learning styles and foster digital literacy skills.

Lastly, incorporating music into the curriculum by teaching holiday-themed songs or exploring holiday-related musical traditions from various cultures contributes to audio learning experiences that supplement more visual or kinesthetic activities.

By incorporating an array of winter holidays teaching resources into classroom activities educators can provide comprehensive educational experiences that are both informative and festive for their students. These resources should ideally promote inclusivity by recognizing a range of cultural traditions, thereby engendering a sense of respect and curiosity among pupils towards global diversity during the winter holiday season.

About Teach Starter Teaching Resources

Education is a crucial part of a child’s development, and teachers play a vital role in this process. However, creating engaging and comprehensive lesson plans day after day is no small feat. This is where Teach Starter comes in – an innovative platform dedicated to supporting educators with a wide array of teaching resources that cater to the diverse needs of their classrooms.

Teach Starter was founded with the mission to make every classroom buzz with excitement and learning. It understands that educators need more than just textbooks and standard materials to captivate the modern student. Therefore, Teach Starter offers an extensive collection of resources that include worksheets, activities, games, powerpoints, and various other multimedia materials suitable for all primary grade levels and subjects.

The resources provided by Teach Starter are not only designed to align with educational standards but also seek to inspire creativity both in teachers and their students. The platform acknowledges that education should be fun and engaging, ensuring that students stay motivated and eager to learn. By offering materials across subjects like Mathematics, English, Science, History, Geography and more, it allows educators to have an all-encompassing source for their planning needs.

One of the key aspects of Teach Starter is its community-driven approach. Educators from around the globe contribute their expertise and real classroom experiences to the platform, cultivating a vibrant network of ideas and best practices. This exchange enables continuous growth of quality resources that are tested and recommended by fellow teachers.

In addition to ready-to-use teaching materials, Teach Starter provides tools for customizing content to meet specific educational needs or personal preferences. Whether it is adapting a worksheet for different skill levels or creating tailor-made visual aids for classroom decoration, these resources are easily customizable which adds another layer of convenience for teachers.

With its user-friendly website and versatile resources, Teach Starter has become a go-to hub for thousands of teachers looking for innovative educational materials. It’s not just about lesson plans; it’s about sparking joy in learning and teaching alike – helping educators save time while delivering unforgettable lessons that drive student success.

In conclusion, Teach Starter Teaching Resources stand as a beacon to educators worldwide who strive for excellence in teaching while making the learning journey an enjoyable experience for their students. By providing easy access to high-quality educational tools, it empowers teachers to focus on what they do best – inspiring young minds.

Meet Our Teacher, Janeen Holzberger — Teach Starter

When it comes to dedication and creativity in teaching, Janeen Holzberger shines as a remarkable example. A seasoned educator with over 25 years of experience, Janeen’s passion for teaching is evident in her commitment to inspiring her students.

Teach Starter, a platform dedicated to providing educational resources, showcases the unique and inspirational journey of teachers like Janeen. Through a candid blog post on their website, they introduce us to Janeen Holzberger, allowing us to delve into her experiences and teaching philosophy.

Raised in rural Pennsylvania, Janeen was inspired by her fourth-grade teacher’s impact on her life. This early influence sowed the seeds for her future career in education. She became a teacher herself and now works in an elementary school where she pours her heart into creating an engaging learning environment for her young learners.

Janeen believes in the transformative power of education and emphasizes the importance of building a strong classroom community. Her methods go beyond traditional lectures; they embody interactive learning experiences that encourage students to become active participants in their education. She strives to teach them not only academic skills but also life lessons that they will carry with them long after they leave her classroom.

In her interview with Teach Starter, Janeen shares valuable insights into effective teaching strategies and offers advice for new teachers entering the profession. With her infectious enthusiasm and wealth of knowledge, she serves as an inspiration for veteran educators as well as those just starting out.

Her story is just one among many featured on Teach Starter’s blog that illuminate the lives of educators and their profound impact on shaping future generations. By spotlighting teachers like Janeen Holzberger, Teach Starter emphasizes the importance of recognizing and supporting those at the heart of education — our teachers.

The Human Body Teaching Resources

The human body is a fascinating and complex subject that offers an abundance of teaching opportunities across various educational levels and disciplines. From the microscopic building blocks of life to the intricate systems that keep us functioning, studying the human body not only provides insight into our own biology but also teaches us about the interconnectedness of life.

Teaching resources for the human body are diverse, incorporating interactive activities, detailed anatomical models, innovative digital apps, and comprehensive curricula that cater to different learning styles and preferences. These resources have been meticulously developed to engage students, support educators, and demystify the wonders of human anatomy and physiology.

One of the most popular teaching tools is the use of anatomical models. Life-sized skeletons and organs provide hands-on learning opportunities and allow students to visualize and understand the spatial relationships between different structures. For younger learners, soft plush models of organs with accompanying storybooks combine education with play, making learning both fun and memorable.

Digital resources have also transformed the way anatomy is taught. There are now numerous applications that offer 3D modeling of the human body, allowing students to explore layers of anatomy virtually. These apps often include interactive features such as quizzes, animations demonstrating physiological processes, and virtual dissections for a deeper understanding without needing an actual lab setting.

Printables like diagrams and worksheets continue to be invaluable resources for teachers. They offer structured ways for students to learn new vocabulary, understand complex systems, and test their knowledge through activities like labeling exercises or crosswords themed around body parts.

Lesson plans focused on health and nutrition teach students how lifestyle choices affect their bodies. Using engaging demonstrations on topics like the circulatory system or digestion can instill lifelong habits related to exercise, diet, and overall well-being.

Moreover, gamification has found its way into teaching about the human body. Online platforms employ games where students can build their own avatar based on genetic traits or navigate through bodily systems in quest-style formats. These platforms often have tracking capabilities which allow educators to monitor progress and adjust lessons accordingly.

In addition to these tools, professional development workshops for educators offer strategies on how best to deliver content related to human biology. Such sessions provide teachers with updated information, teaching methodologies, and access to wider networks of educational professionals focused on science education.

In conclusion, the array of resources available for teaching about the human body caters to multiple intelligences and teaching methods. By effectively leveraging these resources – from tactile models to cutting-edge digital applications – educators can create enriching experiences that not only impart knowledge but also inspire a sense of wonder about the incredible machinery that is our own bodies.

Our Favorite Thank You Quotes for Teachers


Teachers hold a special place in our hearts – they’re the ones who help shape and mold us into curious, creative, and thoughtful individuals. As such, it’s important to say thank you and show our appreciation for the incredible work they do every day. In this article, we’ll share some of our favorite thank you quotes for teachers that can be used to express gratitude towards these extraordinary individuals.

1. “It takes a big heart to help shape little minds. Thank you for being so committed to your students.”

This quote acknowledges the immense love and dedication a teacher needs to guide young students, making it a heartfelt way to say thank you for their hard work and passion.

2. “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” – Alexandra K.Trenfor

Trenfor’s quote highlights the importance of teachers fostering independent thinking in their students. Thank your teachers by appreciating their guidance in helping you learn how to think critically and creatively.

3. “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Express your appreciation for your teacher’s selflessness and tireless dedication with this beautiful quote by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

4. “Thank you for being a guide, a mentor, and most importantly, a friend.”

Some teachers go beyond their professional role and impact us on a deeper level. Recognize these relationships with this heartfelt expression of thanks.

5. “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward

Thank your inspiring teachers for not only teaching lessons, but also igniting a fire within you to learn more and strive for greatness.

6. “To the world, you may be just a teacher, but to your students, you are a hero.”

This quote serves as a reminder that the work of a teacher does not go unnoticed, and they truly make a difference in the lives of their students.

7. “Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. Thank you for helping me build my future.”

Recognize your teacher’s impact on shaping your path and future endeavors with this sincere and humbling statement.

8. “Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students.” – Charles Kuralt

Show your gratitude to those educators who have helped you see and reach your potential with this thoughtful quote.


Teachers play a monumental role in our lives, nurturing us academically, emotionally, and intellectually. It can be challenging to find the right words to express our thankfulness for their guidance and influence. These quotes provide a touching way to say thank you for the invaluable lessons and inspiration they have given us – be it in cards, emails, or face-to-face conversations. As we continue through life’s journey, let’s always remember to be grateful for the teachers who have left an indelible mark on our souls.

20 Sequencing Activities for Middle School Inclusion Teachers

1. Storyboard creation: Have students arrange illustrated or written events in chronological order to form a narrative.

2. Timelines: Teach students how to create timelines of historical events or personal life experiences.

3. Number Sequences: Encourage mathematical thinking with number sequence puzzles, such as finding the next number in a pattern.

4. Sequencing games: Create simple board games that require students to move forward by identifying the correct sequence of events.

5. Picture sequencing: Provide students with images that must be arranged in a logical order to create a coherent story.

6. Match-and-connect activities: Develop matching cards that include sequences and their corresponding explanations to foster understanding.

7. Comic strip creation: Instruct students to design a comic strip, ensuring the panels follow a logical order.

8. Musical patterns: Incorporate sequencing through clapping or playing simple rhythms on percussion instruments, then increasing complexity over time.

9. Coding challenges: Introduce basic programming concepts requiring step-by-step instructions to accomplish specific tasks.

10. Sentence scrambles: Jumble up sentences and have students rearrange them to form coherent paragraphs or stories.

11. Cause-and-effect scenarios: Highlight connections between actions and their consequences through group discussions or written exercises.

12. Science experiments: Assign projects that involve following steps or documenting reactions—such as growing seeds—to illustrate sequential processes.

13. Dance routines: Engage students in learning structured dance sequences, emphasizing the importance of order in choreography.

14. Assembly tasks: Encourage teamwork through activities requiring participants to assemble objects or solve puzzles using only sequential instructions.

15. Nature walks: Explore the life cycles of plants and animals, highlighting various stages and their chronological procession in sequence with student observations.

16. Peer-editing activities: Establish workshops where students review one another’s work for clarity and cohesion, honing their sequencing skills by identifying inconsistencies or gaps in logic.

17. Oral storytelling: Stage performances that require students to recite narratives in chronological order, emphasizing memory and storytelling techniques.

18. Signpost creation: Organize scavenger hunts or map-based quests, where students must decipher clues presented sequentially.

19. Cooking lessons: Integrate simple cooking activities to demonstrate the importance of following recipes and methods step by step.

20. Implementation of daily routines: Structure the classroom time with clear routines that follow a predictable order, highlighting the concept of sequencing throughout the day.

Behind the buzzwords: Learning (how) to learn

In today’s fast-paced world, information is continuously evolving, and staying relevant in your chosen field is crucial. This unprecedented era of technology has given birth to a phenomenon – Buzzwords. Words like ‘agile,’ ‘deep learning,’ ‘blockchain,’ and ‘design thinking’ have pervaded our conversations and workplace culture. But beneath all the buzz, lies an essential skill: learning how to learn.

Learning to learn might seem straight forward, but it’s a multifaceted process that can significantly impact one’s career trajectory and personal growth. It demands the ability to adapt quickly, reflect on progress, and identify new ways of acquiring knowledge. Understanding the process of learning empowers us with valuable tools to foster continuous development.

Effective strategies for learning how to learn:

1. Embrace a growth mindset: Believing in your capacity for change and improvement is essential for successful learning. Embrace your curiosity and believe that you can evolve with changing times.

2. Break down tasks into manageable parts: Make complex ideas more straightforward by breaking them into smaller components—taking on step-by-step challenges prevents overwhelm and promotes better comprehension.

3. Utilize different learning styles: Experiment with various ways of learning— auditory (listening), kinesthetic (practical), and visual (imagery)—to discover which techniques resonate with you most effectively.

4. Find patterns and connections: Connect new concepts with existing knowledge by identifying patterns, analogies, or similarities to encourage a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

5. Ask questions: Promote active engagement by probing further into concepts that aren’t fully clear or understood—asking questions reinforces your commitment to tracking down ambiguities.

6. Teach others: Sharing new-found knowledge helps consolidate your understanding by explaining concepts or processes in relatable terms—an effective way to remember information long-term.

7. Reflect on progress: Regular self-assessment helps monitor progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and maintain focus.

8. Maintain a well-organized learning environment: A clutter-free space boosts focus and enables more efficient retrieval of information.

9. Manage your time effectively: Prioritize tasks, avoid distractions, and allocate specific time slots for deep focused study.

10. Be persistent and resilient: Challenges are inevitable during the learning process. Understanding that setbacks are normal promotes continuous effort and dedication to improvement.

In conclusion, learning how to learn is an indispensable skill in our rapidly evolving world. By understanding its essence and implementing strategies to make the most of it, you can unlock self-growth opportunities that will serve you well throughout your career. Embrace the challenges presented by emerging buzzwords as they signify advancement opportunities—they are invitations to amplify your skillset, problem-solving tactics, and overall adaptability.

The Importance of Subject-Based Teaching

In the world of education, various teaching methods and approaches exist, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Among these methods, subject-based teaching is a prominent approach that aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of specific subjects. This article delves into the importance of subject-based teaching and its benefits for both students and educators.

Subject-based teaching is an effective way to organize learning into a structured format that promotes focused acquisition of knowledge. By concentrating on the material of a particular discipline, this approach allows students and instructors to delve deeper into concepts, refine their skillsets in the subject matter, and achieve mastery. The following are some key reasons why subject-based teaching is crucial for an optimal learning experience.

1. Depth of Knowledge: One main advantage of subject-based teaching is that it encourages learners to explore subjects more thoroughly than they might with an interdisciplinary or project-based approach. By focusing on distinct subject areas, students gain an in-depth understanding of concepts, which can lead to better retention rates and improved academic performance. This depth can also foster a lifelong enthusiasm for subjects that students genuinely enjoy.

2. Development of Critical Thinking Skills: When students engage in subject-specific lessons, they have the opportunity to practice critical thinking by analyzing complex problems through the lens of their chosen discipline. For instance, studying historical events in detail allows learners to better understand cause-and-effect relationships and make connections between ideas. These skills are valuable for future academic endeavors and overall intellectual development.

3. Specialization: In today’s competitive job market, specialization in one or more fields is often crucial for success. Through subject-based learning, students can invest time and effort into developing specialized skills that are beneficial for their future careers. This focused approach helps individuals stand out as experts in their respective niche areas.

4. Addressing Different Learning Styles: Students have varied learning preferences which should be taken into account when designing curricula. Subject-based teaching provides opportunities for incorporating diverse teaching methods and materials, such as lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, and multimedia presentations. As a result, learners with different cognitive styles can benefit from a more diverse and tailored learning experience.

5. Comprehensive Assessment: Subject-based teaching allows for precise evaluation of students’ progress and performance by measuring their knowledge and capabilities within a specific discipline. Teachers can then provide constructive feedback and help develop personalized improvement plans to address areas needing further development.

6. Consistency: Consistently following a subject-based teaching approach provides students with a structured framework that they can rely on throughout their academic journey. This consistency fosters familiarity, comfort, and effective time management as learners know what to expect in each lesson.

In conclusion, subject-based teaching is an integral aspect of a well-rounded educational experience. With the opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding of individual disciplines, develop critical thinking skills, and specialize in desired areas of expertise, subject-based learning is essential in fostering knowledgeable and capable future professionals- Prepared by AI.