Decision Making Skills Teaching Resources

Decision making is a critical life skill that allows individuals to navigate the complexities of everyday life. For young learners, developing this skill is imperative for personal growth, academic success, and future career achievement. As educators, it falls upon us to equip students with the necessary tools to make informed decisions. This article explores resources that can help teachers incorporate decision-making skills into their curriculum effectively.

1. Classroom Activities and Games:

Interactive activities are a valuable way to teach decision making. Games like “Choose Your Own Adventure” or role-playing scenarios enable students to practice making choices and seeing their consequences in a safe environment.

– Resource Highlight: One excellent resource is the “Decisions for Kids” series, which presents various dilemmas in workbook format, allowing children to contemplate different outcomes.

2. Decision Making Models:

Teaching students about different models can help them structure their thinking. Whether it’s a simple pro-con list or using the DECIDE model (Define, Explore, Consider, Identify, Do, Evaluate), having a framework supports critical thinking.

– Resource Highlight: The ‘Critical Thinking Workbook’ offers an assortment of exercises that guide students through various decision-making models.

3. Digital Learning Tools:

In today’s digital age, online platforms and apps present innovative ways to teach decision making. These can range from interactive storybooks for younger students to complex simulations for older ones.

– Resource Highlight: ‘MindTools’ is an online platform that provides resources on decision-making skills suited for high school students and above.

4. Books and Literature:

Incorporating literature into lessons can prompt discussions on choice and consequence. Analyzing characters in stories helps students understand the complexity behind decisions.

– Resource Highlight: “What Do You Do With a Chance?” by Kobi Yamada is an inspirational children’s book that encourages taking risks and facing decisions courageously.

5. Lesson Plans and Curriculum Guides:

Ready-made lesson plans provide a structured approach for educators to teach decision-making skills.

– Resource Highlight: ‘Teach-nology’ offers downloadable lesson plans focused on decision-making strategies across various grade levels.

6. Professional Development Workshops:

Teachers can benefit from attending workshops that focus on how to teach decision making effectively in the classroom.

– Resource Highlight: The ‘Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)’ regularly holds workshops and webinars aimed at improving teaching strategies, including those related to decision making.

By integrating these resources into educational settings, educators can foster an environment where students are continuously practicing and refining their ability to make thoughtful choices. Not only does this prepare them for academic challenges but also lays groundwork for responsible citizenship and personal fulfillment in adulthood. It’s never too early to start teaching decision making, and with the right resources at hand, educators are well-equipped to guide their students towards becoming adept decision-makers.

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