EdTech & Innovation

10 Exciting QR Code Activity Ideas for Classroom

Incorporating technology in the classroom is an effective way to engage students and enhance learning. One such technology that’s easy to use and versatile are QR codes. Here are ten exciting QR code activities that can add a new dimension to your classroom:

1.Scavenger Hunts: Create a scavenger hunt by placing QR codes around the classroom or school. Each code can lead to a question or clue, challenging students to solve puzzles or find certain locations.

2.Interactive Posters: Make posters interactive by adding QR codes that link to related videos, articles, or audio recordings. This allows students to explore topics in-depth and at their own pace.

3.Station-Based Learning: Set up various stations with QR codes linked to different educational resources or tasks. Students can rotate through the stations, engaging with diverse content and formats.

4.Exit Tickets: Use QR codes as digital exit tickets where students scan and fill out a form on their device to summarize what they’ve learned, provide feedback, or ask questions.

5.Augmented Reality Experiences: Use QR codes to give students augmented reality experiences related to your subject matter, whether it’s 3D models of molecules in science class or historical sites during history lessons.

6.Virtual Field Trips: Create or find QR codes that take students on virtual field trips to museums, zoos, or geographical wonders around the world.

7.Peer Reviews and Collaborations: Have students create work and attach a QR code that peers can scan to access and review documents, videos, slide shows, etc., facilitating collaborative learning.

8.Reading Enhancements: In language arts classes, link QR codes in books or reading materials to related content such as author biographies, historical context information, or book reviews.

9.Interactive Notebooks: Transform traditional notebooks into interactive ones by including QR codes linking to supplementary content like simulations, online quizzes, or extension activities.

10.Homework Help Videos: If students are struggling with homework concepts, teachers can provide QR codes linked to tutorial videos for additional assistance at home.

How to Create a Bump It Up Wall | Ninja Style

In the educational arena, Bump It Up walls have become a popular visual and interactive tool for helping students assess their work against a success criteria and aim for improvement. But what if we take this concept and infuse it with a bit of martial arts mystique? Here’s how you can create a Bump It Up Wall with a ninja twist, fostering students’ skills and motivation to advance in their learning journey.

Step 1: Define the Success Criteria

Firstly, you need clear, concise, and attainable success criteria. This might be based on curriculum standards or specific skills you want the students to develop.

Step 2: Prepare the Levels

Traditionally, Bump It Up Walls have different levels (typically 1-4). For a ninja twist, assign each level a different ninja belt color – white for beginners, yellow for novices, green for intermediates, blue for advanced learners, and black for experts.

Step 3: Create Student Avatars

Have your students create ninja avatars of themselves. They might draw these by hand or use online tools to make avatars that fit the ninja theme.

Step 4: Display Work Examples

For each belt level (or learning stage), display anonymous work samples that show what is expected at that particular level. Teachers should provide feedback on why an example is at a certain level and what could be done to improve it.

Step 5: Make the Wall Interactive

Each student’s avatar starts at the white belt level. After assessing where their current work falls on the wall, they’ll set goals on how to advance to the next belt level. Provide them with sticky notes so they can write down their goals or strategies and stick them next to their avatar on the wall.

Step 6: Reflection and Goal Setting

Encourage regular reflection and goal setting. Hold discussions on what ninja moves (skills) might help them progress to each new stage of their learning journey.

Step 7: Celebrate Progress

As students reach new levels of proficiency, celebrate! A fun way might be learning an actual ninja move – like a stealthy roll or safe throwing techniques using soft objects – that adds kinesthetic learning and fun.

Step 8: Continuous Update

Keep updating the wall with new examples as students provide higher quality work. This keeps the wall fresh and challenging.

Remember that the primary aim is continuous improvement through self-assessment – turning each student into a motivated ‘learning ninja’ who knows what quality work looks like and how to strive towards producing it. With this creative “Ninja Style” Bump It Up Wall, your classroom will not only foster academic growth but also keep engagement high with its novel theme.

Decision Making Skills Teaching Resources

Decision making is a critical life skill that allows individuals to navigate the complexities of everyday life. For young learners, developing this skill is imperative for personal growth, academic success, and future career achievement. As educators, it falls upon us to equip students with the necessary tools to make informed decisions. This article explores resources that can help teachers incorporate decision-making skills into their curriculum effectively.

1. Classroom Activities and Games:

Interactive activities are a valuable way to teach decision making. Games like “Choose Your Own Adventure” or role-playing scenarios enable students to practice making choices and seeing their consequences in a safe environment.

– Resource Highlight: One excellent resource is the “Decisions for Kids” series, which presents various dilemmas in workbook format, allowing children to contemplate different outcomes.

2. Decision Making Models:

Teaching students about different models can help them structure their thinking. Whether it’s a simple pro-con list or using the DECIDE model (Define, Explore, Consider, Identify, Do, Evaluate), having a framework supports critical thinking.

– Resource Highlight: The ‘Critical Thinking Workbook’ offers an assortment of exercises that guide students through various decision-making models.

3. Digital Learning Tools:

In today’s digital age, online platforms and apps present innovative ways to teach decision making. These can range from interactive storybooks for younger students to complex simulations for older ones.

– Resource Highlight: ‘MindTools’ is an online platform that provides resources on decision-making skills suited for high school students and above.

4. Books and Literature:

Incorporating literature into lessons can prompt discussions on choice and consequence. Analyzing characters in stories helps students understand the complexity behind decisions.

– Resource Highlight: “What Do You Do With a Chance?” by Kobi Yamada is an inspirational children’s book that encourages taking risks and facing decisions courageously.

5. Lesson Plans and Curriculum Guides:

Ready-made lesson plans provide a structured approach for educators to teach decision-making skills.

– Resource Highlight: ‘Teach-nology’ offers downloadable lesson plans focused on decision-making strategies across various grade levels.

6. Professional Development Workshops:

Teachers can benefit from attending workshops that focus on how to teach decision making effectively in the classroom.

– Resource Highlight: The ‘Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)’ regularly holds workshops and webinars aimed at improving teaching strategies, including those related to decision making.

By integrating these resources into educational settings, educators can foster an environment where students are continuously practicing and refining their ability to make thoughtful choices. Not only does this prepare them for academic challenges but also lays groundwork for responsible citizenship and personal fulfillment in adulthood. It’s never too early to start teaching decision making, and with the right resources at hand, educators are well-equipped to guide their students towards becoming adept decision-makers.

Flipped Learning in Primary Classrooms

Flipped Learning, also known as the flipped classroom, is an instructional strategy that is becoming increasingly popular in primary education. This innovative approach involves reversing the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom.

The concept of Flipped Learning was initially popularized by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, two high school science teachers who discovered that by recording their lectures, students could learn at their own pace. Since then, the model has captured the attention of educators around the world and has been adapted successfully to younger students in primary schools.

In primary classrooms, Flipped Learning has demonstrated numerous benefits. It allows for individualized instruction, as students can watch or listen to the pre-recorded lessons as many times as necessary to understand the material, pause or rewind to review difficult concepts and proceed when ready. As a result, class time can be used for more interactive activities such as hands-on experiments, collaborative projects, and group discussions. This practice promotes active learning and keeps young learners engaged.

Moreover, Flipped Learning fosters a learning environment where students can receive immediate feedback during class activities. With teachers freed from delivering standard lectures during class time, they can circulate among students to provide targeted assistance and address specific needs. This one-on-one attention helps to build a stronger teacher-student relationship and personalizes the learning experience.

For young learners who are often more receptive to technological engagement than traditional textbook methods, Flipped Learning integrates seamlessly with their interests. Many primary classrooms use educational apps and games as part of their flipped curriculum which encourages a playful approach to education without diminishing the rigour or content standards.

Perhaps most importantly though is that Flipped Learning cultivates autonomous learning habits from an early age. By placing much of the responsibility for initial content engagement on the student outside of formal class time, students learn to manage their time effectively and take ownership of their learning.

However, accurate implementation is essential for success with Flipped Learning in primary classrooms. Educators must ensure that online materials are easily accessible and developmentally appropriate. Family involvement becomes important too because parents need to understand and support this model so they can assist their children in adapting to this form of learning.

While there are challenges such as ensuring all students have access to technology outside of school hours and some parents’ unfamiliarity with the concept (which may necessitate additional guidance), these obstacles can be overcome with careful planning and communication.

In conclusion, when thoughtfully implemented, Flipped Learning can transform primary education in powerful ways by promoting deeper understanding and inspiring a genuine love for learning in young children. It represents an evolution in education that aligns well with today’s digital natives — encouraging a blend of direct instruction with constructive learning activities that leverage technology’s best educational capabilities.

Interactive Easter 2024 Teaching Resources

As we approach Easter 2024, educators around the globe are searching for innovative ways to teach and engage with their students about this festive holiday. Interactive teaching resources have become an essential tool in the world of education, offering a blend of fun and learning that enhances the overall educational experience. For those looking to integrate interactive resources into their Easter lessons, there are numerous options to consider, from interactive whiteboard activities to virtual reality experiences.

One creative option is interactive storytelling apps tailored for the Easter theme. These applications allow students to follow a narrative that explores Easter traditions and beliefs, all while allowing for interactive engagement through quizzes, decision-making opportunities, or problem-solving tasks embedded in the story.

Augmented reality (AR) coloring pages bring a modern twist to the traditional coloring activity. By using AR-enabled devices, students can color an image and then watch it come to life through their screens. This not only stimulates their imagination but also provides an engaging way to learn about Easter symbols and their meanings.

For a more in-depth learning experience, virtual reality (VR) can transport students to different scenarios related to Easter. Imagine a VR trip through historical Jerusalem during the time of Jesus’ resurrection or a virtual egg hunt that teaches students about cultural variations of Easter around the world. These immersive experiences are not only captivating but also provide rich educational content.

Interactive quizzes and games can be played as a class or individually. Teachers can create or source online quizzes on the history and traditions of Easter, ensuring that learning objectives are met while maintaining a playful environment. Gamification elements like points and badges make these quizzes even more appealing for students.

Teachers should not overlook the value of crafting interactive bulletin boards where students can contribute with their own creations related to Easter – from puzzle pieces forming an Easter mural to pop-up bunnies with facts about the holidays written on them.

Lastly, collaboration platforms specifically designed for classrooms can encourage discussions and collaborative projects focused on Easter topics. Through such platforms, students can share research projects, artwork, or even digital presentations that creatively illustrate different aspects of this springtime festival.

In conclusion, with an ever-growing range of interactive teaching tools at your disposal, educators can look forward to creating an enriching educational experience around Easter 2024. Engaging students with these resources will not only enliven your teaching approach but will also foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for this venerable holiday among your pupils.

What Teachers Should Know about the Show Squid Game

With its gripping story and critical acclaim, “Squid Game,” a South Korean survival drama, quickly became a global phenomenon after its release on Netflix. The show involves contestants who are deeply in debt playing children’s games with deadly twists for the chance to win a massive cash prize. Its popularity among audiences, including students, necessitates that teachers understand its content and themes as they may surface in discussions or influence student behavior. Here are key points educators should be aware of:
1. Violence and Mature Themes: “Squid Game” is known for its graphic violence and mature themes. Teachers should be aware that the show is rated TV-MA (for mature audiences) and includes scenes of death, brutality, and emotional distress. While it could serve as a basis for discussions about media impact and desensitization to violence, educators must be mindful of students’ varying levels of exposure and sensitivity to such content.
2. Cultural Relevance: The series offers insights into South Korean culture and socio-economic issues which can be an excellent opportunity for cross-cultural learning and discussions about the universal themes of inequality, capitalism, and competition.
3. Psychological Impact: Teachers should be aware of the psychological effects intense shows like “Squid Game” can have on young viewers. Some may experience anxiety, fear, or stress from viewing or discussing the series at school.
4. Peer Pressure: The popularity of “Squid Game” could lead to instances of peer pressure with students feeling compelled to watch the show in order to fit in with their friends. Educators can play a role by fostering an inclusive environment where students feel accepted regardless of their viewing choices.
5. Mimicking Behavior: Some schools have reported incidents where children recreate games from the show, sometimes resulting in harmful behavior. Teachers should be vigilant for any signs of such reenactments which might endanger students.
6. Teachable Moments: Despite its tough exterior, “Squid Game” can present teachable moments regarding ethics, morality, human behavior under extreme conditions, and economic struggles. It opens avenues for deep philosophical questions suitable for older student discussions.
7. Parental Engagement: Engaging with parents about their children’s media consumption can help create a more cohesive approach to navigating such topics outside school hours.
Teachers are not just purveyors of academic knowledge but also guides in helping students navigate the complexities of their social world which increasingly includes digital media phenomena like “Squid Game.” Regardless of whether they choose to use it as an educational tool or not, awareness and readiness to address its impact are crucial elements of today’s teaching landscape.

Teach Starter Google Chrome Web Store

The realm of education is constantly evolving, and with the integration of technology into classrooms, the landscape has changed significantly. Among the myriad of resources available for teachers, Teach Starter has stood out as a beacon of assistance, providing invaluable help to educators in designing and organizing their curriculum. Now, this indispensable tool has become even more accessible to teachers in the United States through its presence on the Google Chrome Web Store.

Teach Starter, an interactive platform brimming with educational resources and tools, was designed with the teacher’s needs at its core. It offers a vast array of classroom materials that range from lesson plans to educational games, worksheets to interactive activities – all crafted to enhance the learning experience and make teaching more efficient.

By making its way to the Google Chrome Web Store, Teach Starter has opened doors for an enhanced user experience, allowing seamless integration into a teacher’s daily workflow. Teachers can now add Teach Starter to their browser as an extension or app, which paves the way for quick access and utilization during lesson planning or within classroom activities. This easy-to-install addition brings Teach Starter’s rich resource library right into the browser’s ecosystem – just a click away.

One of the significant advantages of using Teach Starter via the Chrome Web Store is that it synchronizes seamlessly with Google’s suite of educational tools such as Google Classroom and Google Drive. This means that teachers can easily share materials with their students or colleagues, directly save resources to their Drive for offline access, and even collaborate on lesson planning.

Apart from its extensive resource pool, another feature that sets Teach Starter apart is its dedication to catering content specific to the educational standards in the US. The platform takes care not only to align with common core standards but also provides customization options that allow teachers to tailor content according to different states’ curriculum requirements.

Furthermore, Teach Starter understands that teaching isn’t just about delivering content; it’s about engaging students and fostering an interactive learning environment. As such, many of its resources are designed not only to be informative but also fun and engaging for students across various grade levels.

As we continue to navigate an educational landscape where digital tools play a crucial role, platforms like Teach Starter are proving essential. The availability of Teach Starter on the Google Chrome Web Store means that US educators have immediate access at their fingertips – promising a future where teaching is made simpler and learning becomes more impactful.

15 Inventive Desk Name Plate Ideas

As a teacher, you want your classroom to be a warm and welcoming place for your students. One way to add a personal touch is through inventive desk name plates. Not only do they help with names at the start of the year, but they also give students a sense of belonging. Here are 15 creative ideas inspired by Teach Starter that you can use in your classroom.

1. Themed Name Tags: Select a theme for your classroom and create name tags that match it, whether it’s outer space, under the sea, or jungle animals.

2. DIY Chalkboard Plates: Use chalkboard paint on small pieces of wood or sturdy cardstock. Students can personalize their name plates and change them whenever they like.

3. Personalized Puzzles: Create puzzle pieces with each student’s name on them. This is perfect for teaching problem-solving and as an icebreaker activity.

4. Name Crowns: Give each student a crown-shaped name plate that they can decorate with jewels, stickers, and glitter. It’s perfect for making every student feel like royalty.

5. Scrabble Names: Use scrabble tiles glued to a board to spell out each child’s name for a fun literary twist.

6. Nature-Inspired Plates: Incorporate natural elements like leaves or sticks into the design of your desk name plates for an earthy vibe.

7. Origami Name Holders: Teach your class how to fold paper into origami shapes to support their name cards.

8. Interactive Spinners: Create a spinner attached to each desk with different subjects or activities listed around the student’s name—it’s an engaging way for decision-making.

9. Learning Tool Plates: Each plate can have a mini whiteboard, number line, or alphabet letters as resources right at the students’ fingertips.

10. Seasonal Change-Ups: Have different templates ready for holidays and seasons so that students can update their desk plates throughout the year.

11. 3D Printed Names: If you have access to a 3D printer, print out students’ names in fun fonts and colors.

12. Magnetic Board Strips: Create magnetic strips with each student’s name so they can move them around during group activities or class transitions.

13. Lego Name Creations: Let students build their names with Lego bricks and display them on their desks.

14. Fabric Swatch Names: Use fabric swatches secured in embroidery hoops as unique backings for paper name tags—great for art classrooms.

15. Photo Name Plates: Have students bring in or take photos which can be used to design personalized photo frame name plates on their desks

These are just some ideas to get started with making your classroom more dynamic and personal while aiding in everyday classroom management and routines. Incorporating creative desk name plates helps build community within the classroom while also providing a fun project for kids to take part in at the beginning of the year or any time school feels like it needs a refreshing change.

7 Benefits to Blogging in the Classroom

Incorporating blogging into the classroom setting can transform the educational experience for students and teachers alike, offering a dynamic platform for communication, creativity, and collaboration. Below are seven benefits that blogging can bring to the classroom:

1. Enhances Writing Skills: Regular blogging encourages students to write frequently, which in turn improves their writing skills over time. It compels them to think about structure, narrative flow, and the nuances of grammar and punctuation in a practical context.

2. Cultivates Digital Literacy: As students navigate the online space of their blog, they become more digitally literate. They learn about online safety, managing digital footprints, and understanding how to use web tools – valuable skills in an increasingly digital world.

3. Encourages Reflection and Critical Thinking: Blogging requires students to reflect on what they have learned and articulate their thoughts coherently. This process fosters critical thinking as they analyze information, draw connections, and develop opinions.

4. Promotes Creativity: A blog is a blank canvas for students to express their ideas through various multimedia elements such as text, images, videos, and podcasts. This variety allows students with different strengths to showcase their creativity.

5. Improves Communication Skills: Sharing thoughts with a wider audience teaches students to consider their language and communication style. They learn to engage with readers through compelling storytelling and clear articulation of ideas.

6. Builds Confidence: As students receive feedback from teachers and peers on their blog posts, they gain confidence in their ability to express ideas publicly. This self-assurance can translate into improved oral communication and participation in class discussions.

7. Creates Opportunities for Collaboration: Blogging often involves peer-to-peer learning as students read and comment on each other’s posts. This interaction fosters a sense of community within the classroom and encourages collaboration on projects or ideas.

By leveraging these benefits, educators can develop an enriched learning environment that not only highlights the educational process but also prepares students for success beyond the classroom walls. Blogging is more than just a modern approach to education; it is a gateway to developing essential 21st-century skills in young learners.

Random Name Picker


In a world where decision-making can be as daunting as the decisions themselves, tools that simplify and bring fun into the process are more than welcome. This is where a Random Name Picker comes into play, acting as a modern spin on drawing names from a hat. Designed to select names randomly, this digital helper has a variety of uses, from educators picking students for classroom activities to friends deciding who gets to pick the next movie on movie night.

At its core, the Random Name Picker is an incredibly simple concept. Users input a list of names into the tool which then, at the press of a button, randomly selects one name from the list. This removes any bias or influence over the selection process and ensures fairness and impartiality. The underlying algorithms are designed to mimic random selection as closely as possible, ensuring that every name on the list has an equal chance of being picked.

The versatility of Random Name Pickers is one of their most appealing traits. Teachers use them to select students for tasks, ensuring that all children have an equal opportunity to participate. In business meetings, they can decide who presents next, and in social scenarios, they can resolve indecisiveness or distribute tasks evenly amongst a group. The random element introduces excitement and unpredictability into otherwise routine decisions.

Ease of use also defines these tools. Typically accessible online or via apps, Random Name Pickers require minimal setup. Users do not need advanced technical knowledge; they simply enter names and let the tool do its magic. Many versions allow users to eliminate names after selection or keep a running list to avoid repeats.

One might argue about the implications of leaving decisions to chance. However, in contexts where choices have little consequence or where fairness is paramount over preference, Random Name Pickers shine by providing quick solutions free from human biases.

As a wrap-up, Random Name Pickers embody fairness and fun in decision-making in an increasingly digital world. Whether it’s choosing who has next dibs on the gaming console or assigning classroom duties, these tools provide an age-old solution with a 21st-century twist – proving that sometimes, letting fate decide might just be the best decision.