Help! How Do I Make Sure My Students Have Access to Period Products?


As an educator, ensuring that all students have their needs met is a top priority. One particularly important need for female students is access to period products such as sanitary pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. Period poverty, where girls or women are unable to afford essential sanitary products, is a significant issue globally, and lack of access to these products can lead to absenteeism and lower self-esteem. This article explores how educators can help make sure that their students have access to period products.

1. Create awareness:

The first step in addressing the issue of period product accessibility is to create awareness among fellow staff members, students, parents, and the school community. Educate others about the importance of period product availability in schools and provide information about period poverty and its impact on students’ well-being. Ideally, this should involve comprehensive sex education programs that cover puberty, menstruation, and reproductive health.

2. Approach school administration:

Present the issue of accessibility to period products at staff meetings or through written communications to the school administration. Educators should discuss the need for an adequate supply of sanitary products in restrooms or other accessible locations in school buildings. By bringing this topic into focus, staff members can collaborate on finding solutions to ensure availability.

3. Collaborate with local organizations:

Connect with local organizations that focus on ending period poverty or advocating for menstrual equity. Non-profit organizations and charities often have resources available for donation; accept donations from these groups if possible or ask them for advice on obtaining affordable menstrual products for your school.

4. Seek financial support:

Consider requesting funding from the school budget or partnering with local businesses or community organizations for financial assistance in purchasing menstrual hygiene products for students who need them.

5. Establish discreet distribution points:

Periods can be an uncomfortable subject for many young people, so it’s essential to provide easy access to period products while ensuring confidentiality. Set up discreet distribution points within restrooms or other designated locations where students can access the products they need without fear of embarrassment or stigma.

6. Encourage open conversations:

Periods should not be a taboo or something to be ashamed of, yet many young people still feel awkward discussing them. Foster an inclusive and supportive environment in the classroom to break down barriers and encourage open conversations about menstruation and period products, ensuring students are well informed about their options.

7. Engage school clubs or student organizations:

School-based clubs or student organizations can lend a hand by organizing donation drives for menstrual hygiene products or fundraise for purchasing supplies. This can also serve as an opportunity for students to learn more about period poverty and how it affects their peers positively.


Ensuring that students have access to period products can significantly impact their educational experience and overall well-being. By advocating for accessibility, collaborating with local organizations, establishing discreet distribution points, and fostering open conversations, educators can help empower their students and create a more inclusive and supportive school environment. Every student deserves the opportunity to feel comfortable and confident in their learning environment—access to period products is a crucial aspect of achieving that goal.

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