How To Do a Video Call with Your Partner Classroom

In today’s digital age, video calls have become an integral part of education, particularly for remote learning and collaboration between classrooms. Connecting your classroom with a partner classroom through video calls can create a unique learning experience for your students, promoting cultural exchange, peer-to-peer learning, and global awareness. In this article, we will explore the steps to set up and conduct a video call successfully with your partner classroom.

1. Choose a suitable video conferencing platform: There are several video conferencing platforms available, each with its features and capabilities. Some popular platforms include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Skype. Ensure that both classrooms have access to the chosen platform and that it supports the desired number of participants.

2. Schedule the video call: Communicate with the partner classroom teacher to decide on a date and time suitable for both parties. Consider factors such as time zones, class schedules, and availability of technical support if needed.

3. Plan your agenda: Discuss the goals and objectives of the video call with your partner teacher. Determine if there will be presentations from both classrooms or if it will be a more interactive session with Q&A or group activities.

4. Prepare your students: Introduce the idea of a video call with your students before the scheduled date. Encourage them to research their partner classroom’s country or region to develop an understanding of their culture, language, and customs.

5. Set up your equipment: Test your camera, microphone, internet connection, and speakers before the day of the call to avoid any technical difficulties. Choose a quiet location with good lighting so that both classrooms can see and hear each other clearly.

6. Teach digital etiquette: Remind your students to speak clearly into their microphones when talking, wait for their turn to speak without interrupting others, and use respectful language during interactions.

7. Get creative with activities: Plan engaging activities to make the video call more interactive, such as quizzes, storytelling sessions, or cultural presentations.

8. Monitor call-time: Keep track of the time to ensure the call does not run too long or affect other scheduled lessons. Designate a set amount of time for each activity or discussion topic.

9. Record the session: With permission from your partner classroom, consider recording the video call for future reference or to share with other teachers and students who could not join live.

10. Follow up after the call: Share your experience with your colleagues, seek feedback from your students, and analyze what worked best and what could be improved to optimize future video call sessions.

In conclusion, effectively executing a video call with a partner classroom requires careful planning, preparation, and collaboration between teachers. By following these steps, you can create an enriching learning experience that transcends geographical barriers and brings students together from around the world.

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