Know, Want to Know, Learned: G&T Classroom Strategies


Gifted and talented (G&T) students possess unique cognitive abilities, creativity, and motivation that require specialized teaching approaches to help them reach their full potential. One effective method teachers can use in the G&T classroom is the Know, Want to know, Learned (KWL) strategy. This instructional technique encourages students to activate prior knowledge, cultivate curiosity, and reflect on learning outcomes. This article explores the KWL strategy in detail and offers practical steps for implementing it in a G&T classroom setting.

The KWL Strategy Explained

The KWL strategy involves three critical stages:

1. Know: At this stage, students list what they already know about a topic.

2. Want to know: Students then outline what they want to learn or discover about the subject.

3. Learned: After engaging in learning activities and content exploration, students report what they have learned.

The Benefits of the KWL Strategy in G&T Classrooms

KWL offers numerous benefits specifically tailored to G&T students’ needs:

1. Activation of prior knowledge: The Know phase helps students tap into their existing knowledge base, promoting a deeper comprehension of subsequent new material.

2. Fosters curiosity and autonomy: The Want to Know stage nurtures students’ natural curiosity by allowing them to ask questions and set personal learning goals.

3. Encourages metacognition: Throughout the Learned stage, G&T students reflect on their learning process and assess skill development.

Implementing KWL in a G&T Classroom

Here are some practical tips for incorporating the KWL strategy into your gifted and talented classroom:

1. Begin by introducing the concept: Explain the purpose of the KWL strategy and its three stages.

2. Create a collaborative environment: Encourage students to share their thoughts during each phase of the process openly.

3. Use visual aids: Providing graphic organizers or charts will help students visualize their ideas.

4. Encourage deeper exploration: As gifted learners often have a broader knowledge base, ensure questions and objectives are challenging.

5. Promote interdisciplinary learning: Combine various subjects to create more engaging and insightful KWL experiences.


In conclusion, the Know, Want to know, Learned (KWL) strategy is an effective instructional technique for meeting the unique needs of gifted and talented students. By activating prior knowledge, fostering curiosity, and encouraging metacognition, G&T classrooms help children develop vital skills that will serve them well throughout their educational journey. With thoughtful implementation of this strategy, educators can provide an engaging and enriching learning experience for their gifted students.

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