Sharing good teaching practice


In the ever-evolving educational landscape, teachers must constantly adapt their methods and techniques to stay current with the changing demands of their students. One of the best ways to ensure their pedagogical approach stays effective is by sharing good teaching practices with fellow educators. In this article, we will explore the benefits of sharing good teaching practices, identify some of the best channels for sharing, and offer suggestions on how to foster a sharing culture among educators.

The Benefits of Sharing Good Teaching Practices

1. Enhanced student learning outcomes: When teachers collectively share their expertise and knowledge, it results in improved teaching methodologies that can lead to better student performance and outcomes.

2. Professional growth: Sharing teaching practices enables a space for reflection, self-evaluation, and receiving feedback from colleagues. This collaborative endeavor contributes to professional growth and development for all involved.

3. Stronger school community: Schools that prioritize good teaching practice sharing create an environment of trust, collaboration, and support among staff members. This sense of unity promotes a positive school culture that benefits both teachers and students alike.

Channels for Sharing Good Teaching Practices

1. Professional learning communities (PLCs): PLCs are gatherings or networks of educators who share a common goal – improving student learning outcomes by sharing teaching practices. Through structured activities like regular meetings, lesson observations, and discussions, teachers exchange ideas that help boost their professional growth while positively impacting student success.

2. Workshops & conferences: Attending teacher workshops or conferences provides an invaluable opportunity to learn new instructional strategies and engage with other educators from diverse backgrounds. These events are specifically tailored to connect those interested in exploring innovative pedagogy.

3. Online platforms & social media: Teachers today can share their experiences through online platforms like blogs or educational forums like Edutopia, TeachThought, or The Educator’s Room. Social media platforms such as Twitter users can participate in conversations around good teaching practice using hashtags like #edchat or #ntchat.

Fostering a Culture of Sharing Good Teaching Practices

1. Encourage open communication: A supportive environment is essential for sharing good teaching practices. Administrators should establish an atmosphere that values open communication, where teachers feel comfortable discussing both their successes and challenges without fear of judgement.

2. Provide structured opportunities: Incorporate sharing sessions as part of professional development days or staff meetings, where teachers can share best practices, learning strategies, and classroom experiences.

3. Recognize and reward excellent teaching: By acknowledging the outstanding work of those sharing great teaching practices, schools can encourage others to do the same. Establishing an annual award or recognition for innovative approaches to teaching can be an excellent way to motivate educators to share their insights.


Sharing good teaching practices is an indispensable part of overall educational development and advancement. By cultivating a collaborative environment for educators, both the teachers and students will benefit from improved instructional techniques that lead to better academic outcomes. With proper planning and commitment from all parties involved, schools can create a strong culture of sharing that ultimately paves the way for excellence in education.

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