Spotlight On Black History: 21 George Washington Carver Activities


George Washington Carver was an African American scientist, inventor, and agricultural pioneer whose work has left an indelible mark on our world. As a prominent figure in black history, it’s essential to celebrate his life and achievements by engaging in experiential learning activities. This article highlights 21 fun and educational activities that will help people from all walks of life appreciate the importance of George Washington Carver’s contributions.

1.Visit the George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy Center to gain a deeper understanding of his life and achievements.

2.Create a botanical art piece inspired by Carver’s botanical illustrations.

3.Explore the many uses of peanuts by trying out various peanut recipes that George Washington Carver developed.

4.Read a biography of George Washington Carver, such as “A Weed is a Flower,” to learn more about his fascinating life story.

5.Plant a “Carver-inspired” garden featuring plants associated with his agricultural innovations like peanuts, sweet potatoes, and cotton.

6.Organize a field trip to the George Washington Carver National Monument in Diamond, Missouri.

7.Watch documentaries or historical films about Carver’s life and accomplishments, like “Inventor of Dreams” or “Struggle & Triumph: The Legacy of George Washington Carver.”

8.Host a science fair with projects inspired by Carver’s inventions and experiments.

9.Create your own art materials using natural pigments derived from plants like those used by Carver.

10.Design a lesson plan on sustainable agriculture inspired by George Washington Carver’s techniques and principles.

11.Reenact scenes from Carver’s life in a skit or play format to teach others about his work as an agricultural scientist.

12.Participate in peanut-inspired competitions, such as creating sculptures from peanuts or hosting a peanut butter taste test.

13.Craft a timeline of significant events in George Washington Carver’s life and examine their historical context.

14.Write a persuasive essay on the importance of George Washington Carver’s contributions to the fields of agriculture, science, and technology.

15.Create a crossword puzzle using essential vocabulary words related to George Washington Carver and his work.

16.Research other African American inventors and scientists who share the same values and principles as Carver, creating a poster presentation that highlights their achievements.

17.Develop a family tree or ancestry map for George Washington Carver to explore his unique roots and heritage.

18.Conduct a hands-on experiment emulating one of Carver’s innovative processes, such as developing a simple bleaching solution or making paper from plant fibers.

19.Learn about crop rotation, an essential agricultural technique promoted by George Washington Carver, and discuss its importance in maintaining soil health.

20.Create a tribute sculpture or art installation honoring George Washington Carver’s impact on agriculture, science, and education.

21.Share your newfound knowledge about George Washington Carver with others by creating an informative blog post or hosting a public presentation.


These 21 activities offer individuals the opportunity to delve deeper into the life and work of George Washington Carver. By engaging in these enriching experiences, you will gain an appreciation for the importance of black history and the advancement of knowledge through scientific inquiry and innovation. With these engaging activities at hand, everyone can celebrate the legacy of one of America’s most influential agricultural pioneers.

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