Teaching Students About Age of Consent in Florida

The age of consent, defined as the legal age when an individual can agree to consensual sexual relationships, differs from state to state across the United States. In this article, educators and guardians will find valuable information on how to approach the topic of the age of consent in Florida, thereby equipping their students with essential knowledge and fostering healthy decision-making.

The Age of Consent in Florida

Florida’s age of consent is 18 years old. However, state laws have “close-in-age exemptions,” sometimes known as Romeo and Juliet laws, which are provisions designed to protect minors engaged in consensual sexual activities with someone close to their own age. In Florida, minors who are at least 16 years old can legally engage in sexual activities with someone who is no more than 23 years old.

Addressing the Age of Consent in the Classroom

1. Incorporate age-appropriate discussions: It is essential that educators only discuss age-appropriate information based on the developmental level of their students. For younger children, focus on the concepts of consent and personal boundaries without delving into explicit sexual content. Older students can engage in more detailed discussions regarding state laws and potential legal consequences.

2. Use relatable examples: To aid understanding for teenagers, use real-life examples from news stories or scenarios from popular media that depict relationships between characters with varying ages.

3. Promote open communication: Encourage students to openly ask questions about consent-related topics, creating a safe environment where all issues are respectfully addressed.

4. Discuss potential consequences: Draw attention to both legal and emotional consequences involved with engaging in sexual activities before reaching the age of consent. Remind them that while Florida law provides some exemptions based on age difference, there still might be long-lasting effects.

5. Engage parents and guardians: Keep parents informed about class discussions surrounding the age of consent. Provide them with resources and strategies to continue the conversation at home, helping students gain a comprehensive understanding.

6. Highlight the importance of consent: Reinforce the concept of consent not only when talking about age but also in relation to personal boundaries, respect, and communication between individuals in a relationship.


Teaching students about the age of consent provides them with critical knowledge that can inform their decisions and empower them to navigate their relationships appropriately and safely. As educators, it is essential to create open discussions on this important topic and promote an environment that allows for honest dialogue and growth.

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