Teaching Strategies, Tactics, and Methods

Teaching 101 the Dos and Donts of Changing Schools

Teaching is a vocation that demands adaptability and resilience, especially when transitioning to a new school. To ensure a smooth changeover and maintain the focus on student achievement, educators should take heed of several do’s and don’ts.


1. Research Your New Environment: Before stepping foot in your new school, do some homework. Understand the community, the school’s culture, student demographics, and educational philosophy. This knowledge will help you to connect with your new students more quickly.

2. Reach Out to Colleagues: Building relationships early on with other teachers and staff can provide you with a support network. They can offer inside knowledge and tips specific to your new environment that can be invaluable.

3. Be Open to New Methods: Each school might have its unique approach or methods. Be open-minded and willing to adapt your teaching style to meet the needs of your new students while staying true to effective pedagogical principles.

4. Maintain Clear Communication: Clearly communicate with parents and guardians from the start. Establishing trust and transparency can go a long way in transitioning smoothly into a new school community.

5. Stay Organized: Keep yourself organized as you adjust to the new curriculum, schedules, and administrative duties. This will help reduce stress and increase your effectiveness in the classroom.

6. Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from peers, mentors, or even students regarding how well you’re fitting in or what could be improved in your teaching methods within the new settings.


1. Don’t Assume a ‘One Size Fits All’ Approach Will Work: Just because certain strategies worked at your previous school doesn’t mean they’ll be successful here. Be prepared to tailor your teaching methods to address the needs of your diverse learners.

2. Don’t Criticize Previous Teachers or Systems: Avoid comparing your old school with the new negatively in front of colleagues or students. It’s crucial not be seen as dismissive of the existing ways before understanding them fully.

3. Don’t Overcommit: In an eagerness to make an impact, sometimes teachers take on too many responsibilities at once which can lead to burnout.

4. Don’t Neglect Self-Care: Amidst the challenges of moving and adjusting to a new milieu, don’t forget to care for yourself both mentally and physically.

5. Don’t Isolate Yourself: It may feel overwhelming at first, but don’t isolate yourself from the school community; be visible and available.

6. Don’t Ignore School Policies: Each school has its own set of policies and procedures; it’s important not to overlook these, assuming they are similar everywhere.

By following these do’s and don’ts, teachers changing schools can ensure they make positive contributions right from the start while also fostering their own professional growth in their new setting.

The Student Portfolio | Hints and Tips for Teacher Handover

Passing a student’s educational torch from one teacher to the next is an essential yet intricate part of the academic journey. To ensure a seamless transition, a well-structured student portfolio is invaluable. Customarily, it showcases the student’s progress, highlights achievements, and features areas that need continued support. Teacher handovers are significantly more effective when portfolios are employed wisely. Here are essential hints and tips to harness the full potential of student portfolios during teacher handovers.
Conciseness is key: Teachers have limited time during transitions; thus, portfolios should be succinct. Include summaries of evaluations, notable work samples, and quick reference sheets for learning styles and needs.
Standardize formats: By adopting a standardized format across grades or subjects, educators can quickly locate information without sifting through unfamiliar layouts.
Celebrate successes: A portfolio should not only be a collection of academic highs but also a reflection of personal growth and overcoming challenges. Document milestones and breakthroughs to provide a full picture of the student’s development.
Track progress towards goals: Clearly outline academic goals set at the beginning of the year and track advancements towards meeting them. This will help the new teacher understand where on their educational path the student currently stands.
Use evidence-based reflections: Including reflections on assessments or projects provides insights into a student’s thought processes. These reflections can be incredibly revealing for incoming educators who want to connect with their new students on a deeper level.
Highlight extracurricular activities: To aid in holistic teaching approaches, make note of students’ extracurricular interests and talents. This helps teachers to form stronger bonds with their students by recognizing them as individuals beyond their academic life.
Incorporate peer and self-assessments: It’s vital to involve the students in their own learning process. Encourage them to reflect on their performance with guided peer reviews and self-assessment prompts that can be passed along to the next teacher.
Digital portfolios: Where possible, use digital platforms for creating portfolios. They offer ease of transfer, multimedia integration (such as video presentations or audio recordings), and collaborative features that allow continuous updates.
Implementing these strategies will not only ease the transition for incoming teachers but will also empower students by honoring their journey with respect and continuity from year to year. Demonstrate this value by crafting a portfolio that tells each student’s unique story – academically, personally, and socially – giving their future teachers a strong foundation upon which to build a successful year ahead.

Beginning Teaching: Beyond That First, Single-Term Contract

Starting a career in teaching can be both exciting and overwhelming. While the initial focus may be on securing that first, single-term contract, it is essential for new teachers to look beyond this milestone and consider the long-term aspects of their profession. Building a successful teaching career requires ongoing growth, dedication, and a commitment to continuous learning.

1. Cultivating a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is vital for educators, especially those in the early stages of their careers. Embracing a belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and perseverance lays a strong foundation for professional growth. It is crucial to be open-minded, embrace challenges, seek feedback, and learn from mistakes.

2. Seeking Professional Development Opportunities: As a beginning teacher, it is important to invest time and energy into professional development. Attend workshops, conferences, and seminars related to your subject area or pedagogical strategies. Engage in online courses and join professional organizations to stay updated with current trends and research in education. Developing a network of colleagues and mentors can also provide valuable guidance and support.

3. Reflecting and Refining Practice: Regular self-reflection allows teachers to evaluate their teaching methods and identify areas for improvement. Set aside time to reflect on each lesson, identify strengths, and areas that need further development. Seeking feedback from colleagues, mentors, and students can provide valuable insights. It is essential to be open to constructive feedback and take steps to refine teaching practice continuously.

4. Building Relationships: Building positive relationships with students, colleagues, parents, and the wider community is crucial. Make an effort to develop strong rapport and trust with students, promoting a positive learning environment. Collaborate with colleagues to share ideas, resources, and best practices. Engage parents in their child’s education through regular communication and involvement in school activities.

5. Embracing Technology: In today’s digital age, integrating technology into teaching practices is essential. Embrace tools and platforms that enhance student engagement, provide personalized learning experiences, and facilitate effective communication. Stay updated with advancements in educational technology and incorporate them into your teaching practice.

6. Prioritizing Self-Care: Teaching is a demanding profession, and it is vital to prioritize self-care. Maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting boundaries and allocating time for personal interests, hobbies, and relaxation. Practice self-care activities like exercise, mindfulness, and seeking support when needed. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being ensures you can sustain your teaching career and be an effective educator.

As a beginning teacher, the journey extends far beyond that initial contract. By embracing a growth mindset, investing in professional development, reflecting on practice, building relationships, leveraging technology, and prioritizing self-care, you can not only navigate through the challenges but also thrive as an educator. Remember, teaching is a lifelong learning process, and the experiences gained throughout your career will shape you into an impactful and influential educator.

Life and Wellbeing Teaching Resources

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, the importance of incorporating lessons on life skills and wellbeing into the curriculum cannot be overstated. Educators are increasingly seeking out resources that can aid in teaching students not only about academic subjects but also about managing their mental health, understanding emotions, building resilience, and navigating the complexities of social interactions.

One critical resource for teaching life skills and wellbeing is a comprehensive curriculum that includes lesson plans, interactive activities, and reflective exercises designed to engage students of different ages. These resources should be age-appropriate and adaptable to cater to individual classroom needs.

For example, younger students may benefit from picture books and storytelling that introduce concepts of empathy, mindfulness, and kindness. Activities such as role-playing or group discussions can help solidify these concepts. For older students, more complex topics such as stress management, self-care strategies, and relationship building might be introduced through workshops or multimedia presentations.

Another valuable resource is access to professionals who specialize in child and adolescent psychology. Schools can arrange guest lectures or workshops where these experts share their insights with both students and staff. This fosters a shared vocabulary around wellbeing and equips everyone with the same foundational understanding.

Digital resources have also become increasingly important. Apps that facilitate mindfulness or emotional regulation exercises can be effective tools in engaging tech-savvy learners. In addition, online platforms where students can anonymously ask questions or seek advice about mental health matters offer a safe space for those who might not be comfortable speaking out in public.

Furthermore, educators themselves need support to effectively teach about life and wellbeing. Professional development opportunities focused on the latest research in psychology, pedagogy around emotional intelligence, and effective communication methods are invaluable for teachers’ own growth.

Community partnerships can further enhance life skills education by providing real-world contexts for learning. Collaborations with local health services, non-profit organizations focusing on youth development, or corporate social responsibility initiatives expand learning beyond the classroom walls.

Measurement tools such as surveys or reflection journals help track student progress in life skills and wellbeing education. These assessments should aim to understand not only cognitive understanding but also emotional development and behavioural changes.

In conclusion, a multifaceted approach to life and wellbeing education is essential. By equipping educators with versatile teaching resources—ranging from lesson plans to digital tools—it’s possible to meet the diverse needs of students today. Nurturing their emotional intelligence alongside their intellect promises a more holistic development of our future generations.

7 Tips for Teaching Curiosity in the Classroom

Curiosity is the engine of intellectual achievement—it’s what drives us to keep learning, exploring, and pushing boundaries. In a world where information is abundant and easily accessible, it is more important than ever for students to develop a strong sense of curiosity that propels them towards continual learning. Here are seven tips for fostering an environment that encourages curiosity in the classroom:

1. Embrace the Unknown

Encourage students to embrace uncertainty. Let them know that it’s okay not to have all the answers and to view this as an opportunity for discovery rather than a sign of weakness.

2. Encourage Questioning

Create an atmosphere where questioning is the norm. Allow students to ask questions during lessons and dedicate time to explore these inquiries further, even if they deviate slightly from the lesson plan.

3. Foster Exploration

Offer opportunities for students to explore subjects further through projects, experiments, or independent research that sparks their interest beyond the curriculum.

4. Utilize Inquiry-Based Learning

Adopt teaching strategies that prioritize asking questions over rote memorization. Employ methods like problem-based learning where students learn by working through complex scenarios rather than straightforward lectures.

5. Integrate Diverse Resources

Utilize a mix of educational resources such as books, videos, guest speakers, and field trips to introduce new concepts and perspectives that encourage students to delve deeper into topics.

6. Recognize Student Interests

Pay attention to what each student is excited about. Tailor lessons when possible to include elements that align with different students’ interests or introduce extracurricular clubs or activities that align with their passions.

7. Model Curiosity

Be a curious role model yourself. Show your own willingness to learn and discover new information right alongside your students; your enthusiasm can be contagious!

By applying these tips in the classroom, educators can create a dynamic learning environment where curiosity thrives and students are motivated to learn not just for grades, but for the joy of discovery itself.

Differentiated Teaching Strategies

Differentiated teaching strategies are essential in today’s classrooms to ensure all students are able to learn and succeed. In this article, we will explore different strategies that teachers can implement to meet the diverse needs of their students.

1. Assessment for Learning:

One effective strategy is to use ongoing assessment to understand students’ strengths and areas for growth. This allows teachers to tailor their instruction and provide targeted support to students who need it most.

2. Flexible Grouping:

Flexible grouping is another valuable strategy that allows students to work in different groups based on their learning needs. Teachers can form groups based on ability, interest, or learning style, allowing students to collaborate and learn from one another.

3. Tiered Assignments:

Tiered assignments involve providing different levels of complexity or depth in assignments based on students’ abilities. This ensures that every student is challenged appropriately and able to make progress at their own pace.

4. Multiple Intelligences:

Recognizing and catering to different intelligences can greatly benefit student learning. By providing activities and resources that tap into various intelligences (such as verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, or visual-spatial), teachers can engage all students and make learning more meaningful.

5. Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

The UDL approach emphasizes designing instructional materials and activities that are accessible to all students. By incorporating multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression, teachers can create a more inclusive learning environment.

6. Individual Learning Plans:

Developing individual learning plans for students with specific educational needs can ensure that they receive the necessary support and accommodations. These plans outline goals, strategies, and resources tailored to each student’s unique requirements.

7. Assistive Technology:

Integrating assistive technology tools and resources can support students with disabilities or learning difficulties. From text-to-speech software to graphic organizers, technology can enhance accessibility and facilitate learning for all students.

Remember, differentiated teaching strategies require careful planning, ongoing assessment, and flexibility. By implementing these strategies, teachers can create a classroom environment where every student can thrive and reach their full potential.

I’m done! Now What? | Purposeful Fast Finisher Activities

As educators, we know that not all students work at the same pace. Some students finish their assignments with time to spare. These fast finishers are often a challenge in the classroom setting—how do we keep them engaged and learning without disrupting others or moving ahead too quickly? Purposeful fast finisher activities come into play here. They provide meaningful, self-directed tasks that allow for enrichment and challenge.

One key to successful fast finisher activities is to make sure they are purposeful and align with the learning objectives of the classroom. Activities such as reading a book, writing in a journal, or working on a passion project are great ways to keep students learning. Another fantastic option is to have a range of brain teasers or logic puzzles available which can cater to different levels of ability and interest.

Additionally, technology offers numerous possibilities for self-paced learning; educational apps and websites can adapt to the individual level of each student and present material that is suitably challenging. This personalized approach ensures each student is engaged in meaningful learning even after they have completed their assigned work.

Creating opportunities for peer tutoring can also be beneficial. Fast finishers can reinforce their understanding by helping classmates, which promotes a community of learning within the classroom and is valuable for both parties involved.

Ultimately, it’s vital that these activities aren’t busy work but provide value to students’ education. Project-based tasks that connect with broader themes or upcoming units can be effective. This not only fosters deeper understanding but also keeps students excited about what’s next in their educational journey.

In conclusion, proper planning for purposeful fast finisher activities can significantly enhance the learning experience. It requires thoughtful setup and occasional monitoring, but it’s worth it when all students are engaged productively at their own pace, making every moment in the classroom count toward meaningful education.

Icebreakers Teaching Resources

Teachers often face the challenge of creating an engaging and interactive classroom environment, especially at the beginning of a school year, semester, or after a lengthy break. This is where icebreakers come in as invaluable teaching resources. They are activities designed to ease students into the learning process, encourage collaboration, and foster a sense of community.

Icebreaker activities are varied and can be tailored to fit different age groups and subject matter. For younger students, games that involve movement and simple questions can help burn off some of their natural energy, while also allowing them to learn something about their peers. An example could be “Find Someone Who,” where children must locate a classmate who has done something mentioned on a list provided by the teacher.

With older students or adults, icebreakers can be more discussion-based. These might include “Two Truths and a Lie,” where each person says two true statements about themselves and one falsehood while others guess the lie. This activity not only breaks the ice but also sharpens critical thinking as participants learn to discern truth from fabrication.

Icebreakers can also be academic in nature, serving as a bridge into the lesson’s content. For instance, if a history class is about to start a unit on ancient civilizations, the teacher might begin with a trivia game related to that topic. In this way, students are simultaneously tested on prior knowledge while getting excited about what’s to come.

Effective use of icebreakers can transform classroom dynamics. Students become more comfortable speaking up, participating in discussions becomes natural instead of forced, and an overall sense of camaraderie develops that cultivates a productive learning environment.

Incorporating these activities isn’t just beneficial for students; it can make teaching easier and more enjoyable. As students warm up to their peers and engage with the material in fun ways, they become more receptive learners.

Access to a variety of icebreaker resources is crucial for teachers looking to freshen up their toolkit. Numerous websites and books are dedicated to providing educators with creative ideas for their classrooms. Some platforms even allow community members to share and rate different strategies that worked for them, enabling teachers to choose tried-and-true methods.

In conclusion, icebreaker teaching resources are an essential component in the creation of vibrant classrooms where learning thrives. By kicking off sessions with these engaging activities, educators can set a positive tone for the rest of their lesson plans, helping students feel welcomed and eager to learn from day one.

Fresh Phonics Teaching Strategies: Tips + Resources for the Classroom

In today’s classroom, literacy is paramount, and phonics serves as the foundation upon which reading skills are developed. As educators, it’s important to keep phonics instruction engaging, effective, and research-backed. Let’s explore some contemporary phonics teaching strategies along with useful tips and resources to enrich your classroom experiences.

One innovative phonics teaching strategy is the integration of technology. Digital tools like educational apps and online games can bring phonics to life. ABCmouse.com and Starfall.com provide interactive learning experiences that are both fun and instructional. These platforms offer a variety of activities designed to reinforce letter recognition, sound association, and word construction.

Multisensory methods have also been growing in popularity. These techniques encompass visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles to enhance memory and understanding. Use colorful posters for visual reinforcement, incorporate songs and chants for auditory stimulation, and introduce letter tiles or sand tracing for tactile exploration.

Another technique is the use of storytelling and context. Rather than teaching in isolation, embed phonics instruction into exciting stories where sounds become part of an adventure. This approach brings relevance to the learning process and enhances students’ engagement.

Furthermore, differentiated instruction is key in a diverse classroom. Tailor your activities to meet individual student needs. Literacy centers or stations can be set up around the classroom, each focusing on different aspects or levels of phonics practice.

In addition to these strategies, here are some must-have resources for every teacher’s phonics toolkit:

1. “Phonics from A to Z” by Wiley Blevins – This book provides practical guidelines for teaching phonics effectively.

2. “AlphaTales” (Scholastic) – A series of books that introduce letter sounds through charming stories.

3. Teachers Pay Teachers – A platform where educators share custom-made lessons and activities.

4. Reading Rockets – A website with a wealth of strategies, lesson plans, and professional development resources.

5. The Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) – Offers research-based practices focused on reading instruction.

By embracing these fresh phonics teaching strategies and resources, you can create an enriching learning environment that fosters the development of critical reading skills in young learners.

Remember to continually assess your methods and refine your approach based on what works best for your students. After all, the ultimate goal is to build confident readers equipped with strong literacy foundations for their future academic pursuits.

Teaching Students About the Tallest Basketball Player: A Lesson in Inspiration

In the world of basketball, height can give a player a considerable advantage. When it comes to inspiring K-12 students, teaching them about the tallest basketball player can foster curiosity and perseverance. This blog post will discuss how the story of the tallest basketball player enables educators to spark excitement and learning among their students.

The tallest basketball player in history, Suleiman Ali Nashnush, measured an incredible 8 feet 0.5 inches tall. Born in Libya in 1943, Nashnush suffered from gigantism and acromegaly, health conditions that contributed to his extraordinary height. Despite facing these physical challenges, he pursued his passion for the sport and joined the Libyan national team.

To engage students with this topic, teachers can utilize various creative methods. Try starting with interactive visuals such as photos or videos of Nashnush or other tall athletes like Gheorghe Mureșan or Yao Ming. Allow students to make comparisons between these players’ heights and objects they are familiar with—for example, Yao Ming would be about as tall as two stacked refrigerators!

Incorporate lessons in history and geography by discussing where Suleiman Ali Nashnush was from and how international players have impacted basketball throughout the years. Additionally, talk about famous games or competitions including tall players to inspire students.

Further captivate students by relating Nashnush’s story to overcoming adversity and following dreams. Encourage open discussions on the challenges he faced both on and off the court due to his exceptional height. This dialogue can pave the way for conversations centered on empathy, perseverance, and resilience.

Connecting this lesson to current events humanizes larger-than-life figures for better understanding and engagement. For instance, explore how high-profile athletes today use their platforms to raise awareness for social issues or champion causes close to their hearts.

Finally, break away from the traditional classroom setting and create a fun, hands-on activity. Encourage students to identify role models in basketball and other sports. They can create their own trading cards featuring interesting facts about their chosen athletes, or even design posters celebrating the accomplishments of these remarkable individuals.

In conclusion, teaching K-12 students about the tallest basketball player can offer them valuable lessons in resilience, determination, and empathy. Use interactive visuals, historical anecdotes, and relevant activities to create an engaging learning environment. As students learn about Suleiman Ali Nashnush’s story, they will be inspired to dream big and overcome their own challenges to achieve greatness.