
Teaching students about Allah in the English language can provide a unique perspective and deeper understanding of Islamic theology and practices. Educators who want to teach students about Allah must do so respectfully and sensitively, ensuring that they are knowledgeable and accurate in their representation. This article will guide English educators on how to introduce the topic of Allah to their students, various educational resources, and ways to encourage class discussions.

Understanding Allah: The Basics

Before delving into teaching about Allah, it’s essential to understand the basic tenets. Allah is the Arabic term for God, which Muslims use universally. In Islam, Allah is considered the one and only deity, and Muslims believe that there is no partner or equal to Him. The Quran is the holy book for Muslims, considered as the direct word of Allah, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by the Angel Gabriel.

Introducing the 99 Names of Allah

An engaging way to begin teaching students about Allah is by introducing them to the 99 names of Allah, referred to as ‘Asma-ul-Husna’ in Arabic. These names highlight various divine attributes of Allah, such as Ar-Rahman (The Merciful), Ar-Razzaq (The Sustainer), and Al-Wadud (The Loving). By familiarizing students with these names, educators can provide a comprehensive understanding of the nature of Allah.

Utilizing Educational Resources

1. Books: A variety of books is available to teach students about Islam and Allah. Select age-appropriate books such as “My First Book About Allah” by Sara Khan for young learners or “Allah: A Christian Response” by Miroslav Volf for older audiences.

2. Videos: Utilize documentaries or short educational videos accessible online covering various aspects related to Allah – history, beliefs, practices – which are suitable for classroom viewing.

3. Guest speakers: Invite local Islamic scholars or community leaders to speak about Allah in age-appropriate language to provide students with firsthand insight into the Islamic faith and practices.

Encouraging Class Discussions

Creating a safe and open environment is crucial to fostering discussions about religion and spirituality. Encourage students to share their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs while maintaining a respectful attitude throughout the conversation. This can be done by setting ground rules for discussions where no question is considered foolish, and all participants are expected to treat one another with dignity and respect.

Some possible discussion topics could include:

1. The nature of God in different religions

2. The commonalities between the understanding of Allah in Islam and God in Christianity or Judaism

3. The importance of ethical conduct in religious teachings


Teaching English students about Allah requires an open-minded approach, understanding of Islamic theology, and access to accurate resources. Educators should strive to create a secure environment for discussion that encourages students to explore their understanding of religion respectfully. By doing so, educators can foster greater religious tolerance, understanding, and dialogue amongst their students.

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