Teaching Students About the God, Apollo

Diving into the world of Greek mythology can be a fascinating experience for students. As they learn about various gods and goddesses, they come to understand the role these deities played in ancient Greek society. One captivating figure from Greek mythology is Apollo, the god of music, poetry, light, prophecy, healing, and more. Here are some ideas to help educators teach their students about this multi-talented deity.

The Birth and Family of Apollo

Begin by introducing students to the background and family of Apollo. He was the son of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Leto, a Titaness. Apollo had a twin sister named Artemis, who was the goddess of hunting and wild animals. Their family tree can be a useful tool for demonstrating how interconnected the deities were in ancient Greek myths.

Apollo’s Multifaceted Roles

Discuss the different roles that Apollo plays in Greek mythology. As mentioned earlier, he is associated with a variety of domains such as music, poetry, light, prophecy, healing, and more:

1. Music: Apollo was considered to be an exceptional musician who played the lyre flawlessly.

2. Poetry: Ancient Greeks believed that Apollo inspired creative individuals like poets.

3. Light: As the god of light, Apollo was associated with providing sunlight and clarity.

4. Prophecy: People would travel to his sacred site at Delphi to seek counsel from his oracle.

5. Healing: Apollo was also considered a healer and could either bring illness or restore good health.

Apollo’s Influence on Art

Explore how the influence of Apollo can be found throughout art history. From statues depicting him holding a lyre to paintings illustrating scenes from his myths; students will quickly realize that Apollo has remained an important cultural symbol throughout time.

The Pythian Games & Connection with Olympic Games

Introduce students to the Pythian Games, a major sporting and cultural event dedicated to Apollo. Held every four years at Delphi, these games featured music, poetry, and athletic competitions as a tribute to the god. In comparison with the Olympic Games – also held every four years – students can examine how events like these celebrated and honored the powerful influence of deities in ancient Greek society.


When teaching students about Apollo, there are numerous aspects of the god’s story that can be explored. By studying his origins, roles, and impact on ancient Greek society, students will gain a deeper appreciation for this complex deity as well as an understanding of how mythology was intertwined with daily life in ancient Greece.

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