Teaching Students About Blake Jenner

Teaching students about Blake Jenner, an actor and singer known for his roles in Glee, The Edge of Seventeen, and Everybody Wants Some!!, can be a fun and fascinating way to inspire young people to appreciate the arts. By exploring his career and achievements, students can learn valuable lessons in perseverance, dedication, teamwork, and self-expression. This article offers tips on successfully incorporating Blake Jenner into your curriculum.

1. Introduce Blake Jenner’s Background:

Begin by providing students with a brief background on Blake Jenner’s life and career. Discuss his upbringing in Miami, Florida, his early aspirations for a career in entertainment, and how his dedication led him to audition for the reality television series The Glee Project. Share how he eventually won the competition and landed a role on Glee as Ryder Lynn, which kick-started his acting career.

2. Study His Performances:

To help students understand Blake’s acting ability and versatility, incorporate clips from various performances during class discussions or multimedia presentations. Include scenes from Glee that demonstrate his vocal talents and instances where he effectively portrays a range of emotions. Discussing these moments will help students better understand the intricacies of acting and singing in an ensemble cast.

3. Analyze Themes from His Work:

The Edge of Seventeen is a coming-of-age story that deals with themes such as peer pressure, family relationships, mental health issues, and self-acceptance. Encourage students to analyze these topics in the context of the film and compare them to their own experiences or other coming-of-age stories they’ve encountered. This activity fosters critical thinking skills while connecting the content to everyday life.

4. Encourage Creativity and Self-Expression:

Inspire your students to explore their own creative interests by assigning various projects related to acting or music performance based on what they’ve learned from studying Blake Jenner’s work. For instance, students can form their own glee club, write a one-act play or short film script, or even create a musical performance that showcases their individual talents.

5. Invite Guest Speakers:

If possible, invite guest speakers who have worked in the entertainment industry to discuss their experiences or share advice on pursuing a career in the arts. This exposure to real-life examples can motivate students to take their passions seriously and consider the opportunities available to them in the future.

6. Organize a Field Trip:

Arrange a class field trip to watch a live theater production or musical performance, or perhaps even visit a television or film set if it’s feasible. These experiences will help students form a deeper appreciation for the hard work and dedication required in the arts by witnessing professionals in action.

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