Teaching Students About the Film, ‘Click’

The 2006 comedy-drama film, “Click”, starring Adam Sandler may seem like an unlikely choice for a lesson in a classroom setting. However, beneath the humor and special effects, the movie presents valuable messages about time management and prioritizing what truly matters in life. In this article, we discuss how educators can use “Click” as a tool to teach students these important life lessons.

Setting the Stage:

Begin by providing a brief synopsis of the movie while avoiding major spoilers. Explain that “Click” follows the story of Michael Newman, an overworked architect who stumbles upon a magical remote control that allows him to pause, fast-forward, or rewind time. As the story progresses, Michael learns eye-opening lessons about the consequences of placing work ahead of his family and health.

Encourage students to think critically about how they spend their own time, asking questions such as: “Do you prioritize schoolwork over spending time with your family or friends? Is there a balance between pursuing your goals and maintaining connections with loved ones?”

Lesson One: Time Management

In the movie, Michael learns that he has missed out on significant moments with his wife and kids due to his lack of proper time management. Discuss various strategies for managing time effectively, such as setting priorities, creating a schedule or to-do lists, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, and making room for leisure and relaxation.

Ask students to create their own schedules for one week, incorporating their current extracurricular activities, school assignments, and family commitments. Consistently evaluate their realistic planning skills.

Lesson Two: The Importance of Balance

Dive deeper into the themes presented in “Click” by discussing work-life balance—a concept that many adults struggle with well into their careers. Help students understand that success in personal relationships is just as important as academic or professional achievements.

Create a group discussion where students can share their thoughts on maintaining a balance between their academic, family, and social commitments. Encourage them to express their viewpoints and explore different ways to find equilibrium in their everyday lives.

Lesson Three: Living in the Present

“Click” serves as a reminder about the importance of living in the present and cherishing every moment we have with our loved ones. Encourage students to reflect on their own lives—are they taking the time to appreciate the small moments that matter?

Ask students to start a gratitude journal, which will help them focus on the positive things happening around them and encourage mindfulness about daily experiences.


Teaching students about “Click” not only provides an entertaining way to engage them in essential life lessons but also fosters a learning environment that goes beyond academics. It helps them develop important skills like time management and maintaining balance, encouraging them to live more conscious, intentional lives as they grow into adulthood.

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