Teaching Students About Free Masons

Freemasonry, a centuries-old fraternal organization with roots in medieval craft guilds, is often shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories. Despite its secretive nature, it is essential to educate students about the factual aspects of Freemasonry and its role in shaping various aspects of Western culture and society. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide for educators on how to teach students about the world of Freemasonry.

Historical Background:

Begin by introducing students to the history of Freemasonry. Highlight its origins in medieval stonemason guilds, which later evolved into fraternal organizations. Discuss the formation of the first Grand Lodge in London, England, in 1717, and the spread of Freemasonry across Europe and North America during the Age of Enlightenment.

Teach students about famous historical figures who were members of the Freemasons or were influenced by their principles, such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Mark Twain. Reinforce these connections by showing how Masonic ideas have left lasting impacts on art, science, politics, and society.

Symbols and Rituals:

Explain that much of the mystique surrounding Freemasonry comes from its use of symbols and rituals to communicate ideas and moral lessons. Teach students about well-known Masonic symbols like the square and compasses (a signifier for moral rectitude) and explain their meanings within the larger context of Freemasonry’s core values. Introduce students to other significant symbols such as the all-seeing eye, the level and gavel, ashlar stones.

Let your students investigate some controversial conspiracy theories surrounding Freemasonry involving claims about secret control over global events or influential institutions. Encourage students to differentiate between fact and fiction while respectfully examining these theories.

Freemasonry Today:

Discuss contemporary aspects of Freemasonry by enlightening your students about its current objectives and missions within society. Explain that modern Freemasonry focuses on charitable giving, community service, and the spiritual development of its members. Address any misconceptions or stereotypes about the organization and emphasize the importance of not judging groups solely based on the actions or beliefs of a few individuals.

Classroom Activities:

1. Research Project: Assign students to research famous Freemasons throughout history and investigate their contributions to their respective fields. Encourage students to present their findings visually with posters or PowerPoint presentations.

2. Symbol Exploration: Allocate class time for students to study Masonic symbols and create a piece of artwork incorporating those symbols into a larger design. Students can then present their artwork to the class and explain their interpretation of the symbolism.

3. Debate: Organize a classroom debate about the role of secret societies like Freemasons in modern society and whether they are necessary, beneficial, or problematic.


Incorporating lessons about Freemasonry into your curriculum allows students to explore this enigmatic organization’s complexities without falling victim to misinformation or bias. By emphasizing the historical, cultural, and philanthropic contributions of Freemasons while debunking myths and conspiracy theories, educators can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for this globally influential group.

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