Teaching Students About the Duration of the Battle of Agincourt


Educating students about historical events, particularly those that have shaped the course of history, is crucial to their understanding of the world they live in today. One such historically significant event is the Battle of Agincourt. By teaching students about how long this battle was, we give them a better understanding of how warfare tactics, technology, and strategy have evolved over time. This article offers insights into the duration of the Battle of Agincourt and some innovative ways to teach students about this important conflict.

The Battle of Agincourt

The Battle of Agincourt took place on October 25, 1415, during the Hundred Years’ War between England and France. English forces led by King Henry V were vastly outnumbered but were able to triumph against French forces led by Constable Charles d’Albret due to strategic advantages and superior tactics.

Duration of the Battle

Despite its significance, the Battle of Agincourt was relatively short-lived when compared to other major battles in history. Historical records suggest that the actual fighting lasted for less than a day – somewhere between a few hours to half a day. While there are disputes regarding the precise length, it has been widely agreed that it was not a prolonged encounter.

Teaching Strategies for Educators

To teach students about the duration of the Battle of Agincourt, educators can employ multiple pedagogical approaches:

1. Timeline Activities: Ask students to research and create a timeline illustrating events leading up to the battle as well as those following after it. This will give students context around the battle’s duration in relation to other occurrences in history.

2. Compare and Contrast: Educators may ask students to compare the duration of the Battle of Agincourt with other famous battles in history, such as the Battle of Waterloo or Gettysburg. This aids students in understanding how advancements in warfare technology and tactics have influenced the duration of battles throughout history.

3. Engage in Role-Play: Doing a brief role-play activity can help students visualize the battle’s progression and combatants’ actions. This can enable them to better comprehend the timeline of the battle.

4. Use Multimedia Resources: Leveraging documentaries, films, or even historical video games can provide an engaging and interactive experience for students, helping them visualize the events and better understand the significance of the Battle of Agincourt.

5. Discuss Leadership Strategies: Analyzing King Henry V’s strategies and tactics that led to the victory during such a short battle time can engage students in meaningful discussions about leadership attributes and decision-making processes under pressure.


Though it was relatively brief in duration, the Battle of Agincourt holds significant importance in history. Educators can foster an appreciation for this consequential event by utilizing various teaching methods that allow students to understand its background, timeframe, and broader implications on warfare tactics and leadership strategies. In doing so, they help their students gain a deeper understanding of this critical moment in world history.

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