Teaching Students About Iblis: An Insight into Islamic Beliefs


In the realm of religious education, it is important to offer students a diverse and comprehensive understanding of various beliefs practiced around the world. One such topic worthy of exploration is the Islamic perspective on Iblis, commonly known as Satan in Christianity and Judaism. This article delves into the significance of teaching students about Iblis and highlights key aspects from an Islamic point of view.

Understanding the Concept of Iblis in Islam

In Islamic tradition, Iblis is a malevolent supernatural entity who opposes Allah’s will and tempts humans to stray from the righteous path. Known as a jinn rather than an angel, Iblis was created from smokeless fire and possesses free will, which sets him apart from angels that are created from light and only obey Allah’s commands.

The Fall of Iblis

The story of Iblis’s fall from grace begins when Allah creates Adam, the first human. When Allah orders all beings to bow before Adam in recognition of his superiority, Iblis refuses out of pride. He claims that he is superior to Adam due to his creation from fire rather than clay, which he sees as a lesser material. As punishment for his defiance, Allah expels him from Paradise and grants him respite until the Day of Judgment. At this point, Iblis vows to mislead humanity away from Allah’s guidance.

Teaching Students About Iblis

In order to foster a comprehensive understanding of this significant figure in Islam, educators should focus on key aspects such as:

1. Historical and literary context: Students should learn about the origins of Iblis in pre-Islamic Arabian mythology as well as his role in Quranic scripture. Relating this figure’s development over time will provide a sense of how different cultures have shaped Islam’s unique perspective.

2. Theological implications: Teachers must emphasize Islam’s belief in Iblis as a jinn with free will and his defiance against Allah’s command. In doing so, students can better grasp the concepts of choice and personal responsibility in Islamic belief.

3. Ethics and morality: Discussing how Iblis’s actions affect humanity, teachers can help students understand the nature of temptation, disobedience, and the importance of choosing good over evil.

4. Comparison with other religious traditions: By comparing and contrasting the Islamic concept of Iblis with Satan in Christianity and Judaism, students can gain a broader understanding of religious differences and similarities.


Incorporating lessons about Iblis into a religious education curriculum offers students unique insight into Islamic faith, theology, and culture. By exploring key aspects like historical origins, morality, personal responsibility, and comparisons with other belief systems, teachers can ultimately enrich the ongoing conversation on religious diversity and foster understanding among future generations.

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